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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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20 minutes ago, sara2908 said:

I see it that way too.Shin PD is and writer Lee getting annoyed with all those spoiler leak out. Another scene that come to mind reflecting real life jokes is when Naeul was speculating with his mother about who is the neighbourhood boys that is going out with Bora

NE: Then ....Dong Ryong...no it can't be him

DS Omma: Doesn't he have a girlfriend

NE: Right the tall and young one

Haha since when DR has a girlfriend in the story. They were talking his real life model girlfriend


That was the funniest part of the episode, I laughed so loud that my mum thought I was crazy. :lol:

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@chocolatepizza Hi ^^, it's my first time posting here. Hope you don't mind .

 That's precisely the reason that some of the jh-ds behave the way they are. You keep  your expectation to the minimum and saying repeatly that you are boarding the taectanic, while the jh-ds team are like 100% confidence that jh will be the end game. It hit them hard when think doesn't go as they expect.

As for badly written drama, I quote girlfriday comment :

"I’m convinced that this writer is just sadistic with her love for the guy who doesn’t get the girl. She did it once with Chilbongie, and I thought he couldn’t be topped until Jung-hwan came along. It was probably a trap all along to rely on the fact that he was written in every way to be the typical leading man, but it’s not like anything would’ve stopped me from rooting for him anyway. I was just a goner from the moment he started crushing on her. He made petty, childish first love swoony and the bromance just as heart-wrenching as the romance. I just can’t help feeling like he was written as the lead with the bait-n-switch in mind, which hurts in a whole new way because I feel like I was led down this path so that the heartbreak would land with maximum pain."

That was what make some people think the drama was badly written. Because they didn't see it coming.

To me the writer is a genious and smart manipulator. She deliberately made people believe that JH was the husband with several 'in your face' clues such as the hair style of the husband and jh, the way jh and the husband sit the first time the husband seen at the present scene, the bickering of the husband and ds at the present scene and then turn it around completely by the 18 ep. By that time it's already to late to jump ship because they have fallen so hard for the guy and want the guy to win with whatever it takes.

That's why so many people including me find it hard to move on because the writer accomplished her goal, the heartbreak landed with maximum pain. (I personally avoid seeing movie with sad ending or open ending or horor movie because it haunts me days after I watch it and I don't like that kind of feeling).

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Hi all,

I'm new here. Hope it is not too late to join this thread. Just want to say thank you so much all of you guys. This thread makes me love PBG more and more. And I'm glad I'm with Taek and DS.

Btw,I'm living in Phuket. Anyone knows where all Reply 1988 stay in Phuket? ^   ^

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25 minutes ago, FayeChang said:

Another details I found after re-watch epi. 14. :w00t: 

When JH alluded DS he gave the pink shirt to JB, DS sat down with DR and asked how come no men loved her, DR mentioned (or tricked DS) TK was approaching when he wasn't. Then the last dialogue, DR encouraging DS to be more proactive about finding out the one she really liked, DR this time really pointed to TK (with pizza!!). Ahh show!! Foreshadowing much?


Man, TK owed DR the love of his life and his future. LOL. The only reason JH got to know TK loved DS because DR teased him and DS. If he hadn't teased him, JH's love would've been smooth sailing; him asking DS to Lee Moon Sae concert and all. Because DR ran away, TK & DS got to spend entire day at the beach. It was because DR who kept on insisting JH to confess once in his life that JH got his moment to let all his feelings go.. Not to mention, DR nearly lost his life losing blood where the sun don't shine, just to get TK carry DS bridal style. Dong Ryung-ah, you've worked hard. :D


LOL he really did. I hate you Dong Ryung-ah !!! (You known that I'm kidding right ? ^^)

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2 hours ago, sara2908 said:

I see it that way too.Shin PD is and writer Lee getting annoyed with all those spoiler leak out. Another scene that come to mind reflecting real life jokes is when Naeul was speculating with his mother about who is the neighbourhood boys that is going out with Bora

NE: Then ....Dong Ryong...no it can't be him

DS Omma: Doesn't he have a girlfriend

NE: Right the tall and young one

Haha since when DR has a girlfriend in the story. They were talking his real life model girlfriend

AH! I missed that one! Lol this writer is richard simmons smart. Its so funny when some people is richard simmons low and late to receive the joke! Omg I adore R88. richard simmons detail. Cant move on. How to do with my lfe.

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haha i love how that vid doing slow motion of Bogummy arrival lol

they really show the real star come last XD

and that scary crazy mobbed for Bogum damn im glad the puppy is not hurt in the process of entering the departure lmao and people say he is not popular

lol did Hyeri really wearing that infamous "air force" jacket?lol way to troll until the end


well TK should buy DR a mansion or give half his fortune tbh than man is the truest wing-man and best cupid anyone could ever ask

every ship need a DR to show them the right direction well unfortunate for JH that DR solution for him is to confess and move on but for Taeksun to realize their feeling and grab every opportunity XD


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47 minutes ago, pi2tni4ng said:

And I'm curious to know your take about the wallet. Maybe it was discussed before, but I can't find them ^^. Why did taek refused to acknowledge  that he opened the wallet when jh ask ? What's the motive ? 

May I suggest you re-watch ep. 15 & 16 back to back, just so that you can get your own interpretation? :) Because that's what I like best in this drama, it's open ending and the freedom to construe. 


And now that you mentioned it, ep. 20 scenes between TK and DS in the car, when TK said he didn't wanna lie to their parents because he had been lying for 6 years. Some audience probably assume he meant about the dream, my take: he meant the wallet. Why? Just because it was shown as one of earlier scenes in the episode.  This writer loves to drop clues in the dialogues rather telling the story. I like it! Feel like Sherlock Holmes :) She challenges us to be smarter when we watch her drama. 


I'm still investigating what TK wanted to talk about when he met JH tho. :blink:

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"The heartbreak landed with a maximum pain" hahahaha you make it happen again ShinLee!! Bravo!! I have to give you applause for that.

People said they are tired with husband hunting game (especially the sunken ship) but everytime there is new reply series people will ship again wholeheartedly.

I personally think "husband guessing" is one of their trademark. Reply will loss half of it's uniqueness without husband game.

How about you? Do you prefer reply series with or without husband game?

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9 hours ago, taeksun said:

You ask, and you shall receive @heyyyitsgs20 :) I hope it's at least somewhat similar to what you wanted haha

/Cue totally self-indulgent filler wordspew of the DSxTK moments we didn't get to see in the show/

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It's not until the autumn of 1997 when Taek makes Deoksun cry again.


It's stupid and he's not even there when it happens. She's stuck at home, sick with the flu and he's in Taiwan at a major tournament. He plays a twelve hour match against a rising Korean baduk player and he wins in the end, but his opponent is just happy to have played such an intense match against Choi Taek. She's pretty, with intelligent eyes and a cute bob and she is openly interested in him after the match. Unlike Taek who remains fiercely private, she gives a honest interview about how she actually started playing baduk because of Choi Taek and how she's honoured to play him. She makes no attempt to hide her interest in him in front of the media, who happily eats up the story and speculate over whether they have a new golden couple.


Taek doesn't even interact with her outside of the match, save for a comment about how she's very skilled when prompted by the reporters, but Deoksun feels the sting of hurt. She's already feeling horrible and inadequate watching Taek shining in his element, whilst she's in her pajamas and with tissues in her nose and seeing this girl next to him...


It's not an unfamiliar feeling. She's not blind, she's seen the way other people look at Taek, with awe and respect and desire too. She knows they look at the two of them and they think, it's Choi Taek, it's Master Choi and who is that girl he's with? Why is someone like him with someone like her?


This isn't the first time Taek has been linked to someone in the media, and each time her heart pangs, but something about this girl, a mirror of Taek, an equal, feels extra raw. Deoksun had been the one to ask him to deny their dating rumours and to not tell their parents or the press. Taek had been unhappy and she doesn't know how he can be so calm and bold in wanting to declare his feelings for her and show her off as his girl.


Her parents are watching excitedly and mum says she is happy that maybe Taek finally found someone he likes, someone who is smart and understands his world, what a perfect match-


It's me, she wants to shout and there are tears in her eyes. He's not seeing her, he's with me, we're together, we've been together for years.


But she can't, it's not fair, not when she was the one who made Taek not say anything in the first place. She thinks of all the times they've snuck away for kisses, the way they take walks just to spend more time together, the precious times when they're together overseas and they get to go on dates like normal couples. This was her own doing and she has no right to lash out. She goes to her room and tries not to think about what it might have been like if they had just been open all those years ago, and the tears fall before she can wipe them away.




Of course, they all grill Taek about it over dinner when he gets back. They are all huddled at Taek's place and the parents are eager and unsubtle with their questions and teasing. Taek deflects as best as he can, but they all accuse him of hiding something and when Junghwan's dad ask when he's going to bring this girl home, Taek goes quiet.


He squares his shoulders and lifts his chin in a way that Deoksun knows means he's had enough with the jokes. In her experience, it usually proceeds him getting very serious.


"No, I don't like her."  He meets her eyes across the room and her heart falters when she sees how frustrated and resigned he looks. "I have someone I like."


He stays silent as they bombard him with questions and she takes a deep breath. "He's not seeing her. Or the actress. Or the singer."


Everyone is staring at her like she's just grown an extra head and Taek's gaze burns into her skin, his eyes wide, surprised and painfully hopeful.


It gives her the push to finally says the words. "He's not seeing any of them, because...we're together."


No one reacts, though she notes that Sunwoo and Junghwan both grin knowingly. "Taek and I, we're dating, we've been together for three years," she continues. "We love each other."


There's another long moment then chaos, and her mum and Sunwoo's mum both burst into tears on the spot and Taek's dad is trying to stay stoic, but he can't stop smiling. Junghwan's parents are most excited of all and just congratulating them. Only Deoksun's dad stays silent and his facial expression is unreadable.


Then, slowly, he laughs and shouts at everyone that he's guessed the most important thing right after all, and that breaks the tension completely, and everyone is hugging them and yelling at them for keeping it a secret.




They're both exhausted when they meet up in Tokyo, her on a stopover and he after another international  competition.  They haven't seen each other in over two weeks and she can tell just how gruelling the competition must have been from the way he's slouched against the wall and his eyes are barely open.


She grabs his hand and it still takes her breath away a little to see the way he lights up around her, the way his eyes brighten and he breaks out into a wide smile. The way he pulls her into his arms and kisses her. They stay like that, holding each other and making up for lost time. She shivers and it has nothing to do with the winter air.


They grab food from a hole in the wall restaurant and headed back to his hotel room so they can eat on the couch freely. There's a Japanese game show playing on the television, but she's not really watching the screen. Rather, she drinks him in as if they haven't seen each other in months. She hasn't even realised how much she's missed him.


He looks slimmer, even though he promises he's eating better even when she's not there and there are shadows under his eyes. Her eyes flit over the prominent cheekbones, the sharp jawline, the long eyelashes and she thinks he's beautiful. It's an odd choice of words to describe a man, she knows, but it seems appropriate for Taek, this beautiful, beautiful genius who has become the most important person in her life without her even realising.


When did this happen, she thinks faintly, when did I grow to love him this much?


It's past midnight and she's so very sleepy, so she can imagine Taek being half asleep already whilst staring at the screen. She's not expecting it when he turns to her and his eyes are focused, serious and purposeful like he's in the middle of a game. "Taek?"


He silently takes her hand and he runs his thumb over her knuckles three times before he speaks. "Deoksun-ah, you know how important baduk is to me, right? For a long time, it was everything to me, and I couldn't think of anything better to help me say this."


He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box and when he pops it open, she stops breathing for a second. There's a white gold ring inside, curved in an infinity sign and inset with an oynx stone in one half and a pearl in the other half.  It's like two baduk pieces coming together and it's like nothing she's ever seen. It is incredibly beautiful.


"Sung Deoksun, you are the most important thing in my life, more than baduk, more than anything. Would you like to be by my side for the rest of our lives?"


She's started crying as soon as she saw the ring and his words just makes it worse. She can only keep nodding, too choked up to say anything. He smiles and the tension seems to seep out of him and he wastes no time sliding the ring onto her finger. His hand shakes a little and he kisses her on her hand. Words are failing her, so she just leans in to kiss him.


He cups her face like he always does and it never fails to make her melt. Her hands come up to embrace him and they lose themselves in the feeling of each other, not even aware of the fact that she's leaning further and further back until she's lying flat on her back and he's hovering over her, almost straddling her. She flushes when she realises how compromising their position is, but she doesn't push him away, her stomach bursting with butterflies.


He drops kisses along her jaw and down her neck and they both gasp a little, her from the feeling of his lips against the hollow of her throat and he from her involuntary tug on his hair. She pulls her hands back in embarrassment, but he grabs her wrist and pins it to the couch and resumes kissing her. She meets him halfway and she barely notices when he links their fingers together because she's trying to stop her heart from beating too fast.


In this generic hotel room in this unfamiliar city, in a foreign country, Deoksun has never felt more like this is where she belongs, right by Taek's side.


When the pull apart to catch their breath, she notices that it's starting to snow. The first snow.


Always, she thinks, answering her own question from earlier. He's always been home to me. I just never realised what that really meant.


She cups his jaw and kisses him again.




She doesn't hide the ring when she goes to see Junghwan, and he notices almost straight away, but he only looks pleasantly surprised and his smile doesn't falter.


He takes to her a restaurant near the base and there's an amused smile on his face when she is taken aback by all the people who salutes him.


"Whoa, Jungpal, moving up in the world! I guess you're finally human," she teases.


He laughs and swipes her egg and they chat comfortably. She asks him about how it's like on the base, and updates him on how his parents are, and his phone keeps buzzing as they talk.


She eyes with a grin and he cuts her off before she can say anything by pointing out her ring. "So, Taek finally popped the question, huh?"


It works because immediately she grows sombre and her eyes drop to her food. "Junghwan-ah….I…"


"About time! I mean, it's been years right? I thought Taekkie was going to go crazy waiting."


Her head whips up and she blinks in shock, "You knew?!"


Junghwan laughs. "You two are so similar sometimes, both such fools. I guess Taekkie didn't tell you he came to see me all those years ago did he?"


"He did?"


"Yeah, just like you, all serious and sorry, as if he wronged me. Then you guys came back from China and I can't believe no one but Sunwoo and I noticed, you two were downright giddy. I hadn't seen Taek so happy in years. Same with you."


She flushes to her roots. "I- nothing happened!"


He gives her an unimpressed stare. "You just got engaged. Stop trying to hide the fact you are madly in love with the guy already."


"It's not like that! We weren't technically hiding-"


He scoffs, "You two have done enough waiting and hiding your feelings, so just stop, okay?. He pauses, hesitant. "Deoksun-ah, all those years ago, because of me, Taekkie-"


She cuts him off, smiling warmly and takes his hands in her own. "Junghwan, thank you. For everything, thank you."


"Who is this?" a new voice cuts in and they both look up to see a beautiful woman with long hair in a ponytail staring at them with concern.


They separate quickly and Junghwan stutters as he greets her. "Yah, Bae Joo-hyun, what are you doing just popping out like a ghost?"


The girl, Joo-hyun, glares at him. "Maybe if you replied to my messages I wouldn't have to come find you! Who is this?"


Junghwan determinedly does not meet Deoksun's teasing gaze.


"Hi!" Deoksun quickly greets her and introduces herself, "I'm Sung Deoksun. I'm Junghwan's friend because we all grew up in the same neighbourhood."


Joo-hyun bows back in response and her face brightens when she notices the ring on her hand. "Ahh, sorry, I'm one of Junghwan's classmates, Bae Joo-hyun. I've never seen you around here, so I was flustered to see you two being so close."


She scratches her head, abashed and smiles apologetically at Deoksun. "I'll leave you two to it then-"


"Come join us," Deoksun asks with a grin, and she ignores Junghwan's splutter of protest. "We can exchange embarrassing stories about Junghwan."


The girls laugh as if they're already friends and Joo-hyun slots into the seat next to Junghwan, whose ears get redder and redder as they all talk and Deoksun notices the way Joo-hyun keeps touching his arm comfortably and steals his food without asking. Junghwan is all protests and complaints, but he lets her steal his favourite side dishes and there's a stupid smile he can't wipe off his face when Joo-hyun talks about how he was the best in their class and how she always liked a man in uniform. She's adorable and full of energy and he looks downright blown away whenever she leans in close or smiles at him.


Deoksun  grins at Junghwan knowingly, who flushes and ducks his head, and she touches her ring, her heart full and lighter than it has been for years.



They marry at the very start of spring, almost exactly a year later.


It's a beautiful, but very simple affair and everyone is happy and excited for the couple. Bora growls that she can't believe Deoksun is making her wear a formal dress when she's ready to pop and Junghwan brings Joo-hyun, but fumbles over what to call her when he introduces her to people. He switches from friend to girlfriend to classmate and back to girlfriend, and Joo-hyun just rolls her eyes and tells him to get her a drink.


Deoksun can barely get through her speech without crying though she manages to crack a joke about taking responsibility for him since she broke him as a kid. Taek pours his heart out and talks about how he still can't believe he's so lucky and how he doesn't need to take sleeping pills anymore and how she's changed his life for the better in every way that matters.


His words has pretty much everyone crying by the end of it and Deoksun can see both Junghwan and Bora wiping away their tears next to them. Sunwoo and Dongryong are unabashedly crying by this point and Deoksun can see Taek's teacher wiping away tears and clutching at Taek's dad, who is crying in a much more dignified manner.


They go honeymoon in Australia, where no one recognises Taek and they spend the two weeks snorkelling and hiking and eating lunch by the ocean and going out to look at stars on a hill. They stay in a little apartment by the beach and go collect seashells and go for walks as the sun sets. It has always been a dream of her to visit Australia and she doesn't want to waste a single moment of it not exploring new things.


They wake up together to see the sunrise outside their window and it's bathes them and their bed in a soft glow. Taek runs a hand along her neck and her eyes widen slightly as he slides the strap of her nightgown off her shoulder. He meets her gaze with a slow grin and his fingers trail down her spine teasingly. She shivers and she's ready when he leans in for a kiss and she's on her back within seconds.


One of his hands slide up to curve against her ribcage and the other frames her hipbone and her eyes flutter shut with a soft exhale. She would have thought she'd be getting used to this now, but each time, it surprises her in new ways and it takes her breath away without fail.


They don't get out of bed for the rest of the day and as he kisses the inside of her thigh, she supposes that it's not like they aren't exploring new things.

hahaha I can't believe I did this /hides/ :sweatingbullets:


*chants* make more make more make more you're so good at this!! 

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