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Ryu Jun Yeol 류준열 - [Best New TV Actor for 52nd Baeksang Arts Awards + Drama Category Rookie Male Award for AAA]


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Hello everybody! Today really was a RJY Day haha:wub:  All those interviews and photos are LOVE. I read some of his interviews in both Korean and English, and what can I say, his way of talking(?), how he chooses to use words in his sentences, are all perfect. It really makes him even more lovable. Anyways, just wanted to drop some photos/gifs of him that I found in Naver. Sorry beforehand if these have already been posted.









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21 hours ago, mojobobo said:




"I do not feel uncomfortable with Park Bo Gum"


"The both of us do not feel uncomfortable with each other. I've never openly discussed with Shin PD or Park Bo Gum about the husband hunt. Because this is a family drama, Shin PD and the entire production team didn't want to focus to only be on the husband hunt so I've also never badgered them about who the husband would be." 


"Now that I think about it, I've never raised the topic of who would be the husband even when I felt goosebumps. It was only after the drama ended did Bo Gum and I realise "Why didn't we talk about who would the husband even once?"."


In reply to the question about whether he had such heart-rending first love when he was a student, Ryu Jun Yeol shyly replied "I didn't have a girlfriend up until high school and always like hanging out with guys."


Shin Won Ho PD's "Bring Yang Ge here" sealed the deal


Ryu Jun Yeol received attention through playing the role of BJ Yang Ge whose catchphrase is "Welcome~ Yang Ge TV!"' in Social Phobia, which was screened in March last year. The reason why Ryu Jun Yeol managed to join Reply 1988 is all thanks to Yang Ge.


"Shin PD had watched Social Phobia and said "Bring Yang Ge here" so I went for the audition."  Although I am a fan of the Reply series, I've never held any expectation that I would be cast. I went without any other thoughts. The audition was in June last year and I went through 3 rounds of auditions."


Ryu Jun Yeol said "At the first round of auditions I was not nervous at all. From the second round onwards, I had the thought "Would I really be able to play a role in the Reply series" and I started getting nervous. At the third round I was really too nervous so I auditioned in a half dazed state. In the process of auditioning, Shin PD got me to read lines for all of the Ssangmundong youths, included for the role of Choi Taek. I was finally cast as the second son of Kim Sung Kyun and Ra Miran."


"After the third round of audition, after Shin PD said "Let's do it together", I think I said thank you to him about 100 times (laughs). When Shin PD said "Even if the results are not good, I will bear all responsibility for it", he looked really cool."


Naturally calling Kim Sung Kyung and Ra Miran Appa and Omma 


The production team requested Ryu Jun Yeol to portray the role of an average high school male student who didn't speak a lot, wasn't good at expressing himself and kept a lot to himself. For this reason, Ryu Jun Yeol who originally gave people the impression of being very sharp put on more than 10kg in one month. 


"Although the drama used the later half of 1980s as its backdrop, in my childhood there were a lot of instances where neighbours in my neighbourhood would send food between them or I would go to my neighbour living upstairs for piano lessons and all my neighbours were just a corridor away so the scenarios in the drama are not unfamiliar to me."


On site, the atmosphere was always full of warmth. Ryu Jun Yeol would call Kim Sung Kyun Hyung and Ra Miran Noona but as soon as filming started hr would naturally call them Appa and Omma. 


Ryu Jun Yeol said that the scene that left a deep impression on him was that of when the family had been living in a one room apartment but thanks to Jung Bong winning the Olympic lotto, they became very rich overnight.  


"I always thought that Junghwan's family had been rich all along and didn't know that there was such a back story but during filming Junghwan's father did an adlib and said "What occasion is it today, why do we have tofu for side dish" it was just too funny and we all kept laughing non stop." 


"The drama itself enjoyed great popularity and as part of the cast I also correspondingly received a bit of popularity. After Reply 88, the next present that I like the most is that I was able to receive a lot of feelings. All at once, I received a lot of love which I would never again receive so I am thinking about how I should repay the love I received and if it is alright for me to receive all these love. My concern right now is about how I am going to repay the love I received."


In respect of the husband hunt in the drama, Ryu Jun Yeol said it was a fresh and novel experience. Having experienced the viewers' response and then carrying on with filming, Ryu Jun Yeol was able to receive even more strength and worked harder to act well. There was no burden about having to be the husband.


"I only got to know about the term "EoNamRyu" last into the drama and I didn't have any thoughts at all in respect of the husband. Now that I think about it the fact that I never once discussed about the husband with Bo Gum is really fascinating. From the audience's perspective, they must have been very curious. Reply 88 has always been a drama which had a high degree of completeness. As I watched Kim Joo Hyuk sunbae I was also curious if it would be me or Bo Gum and we waited for the script just like how the audience was waiting for the answer. The moment we receive the script we would all be huddled in the room and all of us would be exclaiming "Daebak Daebak"".


"As to who would be Deoksun's husband, there was no discussion amongst the actors themselves. I didn't even discuss it with Bo Gum. We talked about it when we were filming Youth over Flowers and Bo Gum said he only found out who the husband was in episode 19. It was about the same time for me too. When I saw the confession scene in episode 18, I had the feeling that I wouldn't be the husband. At that point in time, I had to send Deoksun away in my heart. To be able to confess like Junghwan did, I felt very satisfied."


"Everyone around me asked a lot about the husband and it's a bit regrettable that Junghwan and Deoksun were not able to become husband and wife. It's not Ryu Jun Yeol's regret but rather it is Junghwan's regret. This was a very fresh and valuable experience. Because of the concern that he received, Junghwan became stronger and more courageous." 


Ryu Jun Yeol was mentioned in Infinity Challenge's <Introducing my ugly friend> special and to this he said "Whether or not I won or lost, I was really surprised to have been mentioned on Infinity Challenge and felt really curious. I was really happy when I heard about it. After all this is a national variety programme and I'm honoured and satisfied with even just my photo appearing on it."


"Youth over Flowers is really interesting. When we are filming for a drama, we film separately for our eating scenes so we always said we should travel together. Through Youth over Flowers, where the line between filming a variety show and us travelling on our own is blurred, we left for Africa and came back after enjoying ourselves. Na PD told us "Sleep if you want to. And we really did sleep. We played comfortably and came back."


In the later half of the drama, there was less of Junghwan's scenes and rumours about there being disharmony between Ryu Jun Yeol and the production team started to surface. To this, Ryu Jun Yeol said "I've never heard anything about how I was unhappy with the production team about not being the husband. And it is also not because of these kind of matters that stress me. This is a drama full of happiness and fun and it was because I was lucky, met good people, met a good production team and met good colleagues that I was able to spend such an enjoyable time with everyone."


"I think from now on I need to have an even better sense of responsibility. I have to be even more careful in terms of what I say and what I do. It would be a stretch to say that there has not been any change. The behaviour of people around me has changed so in terms of how I receive such change I will also need to adapt accordingly. I feel that I need to be more responsible for my actions and this is very important."


Ryu Jun Yeol thinks that the scenes with the family is the flagship scene. Within these scenes, Junghwan's inner thoughts are contained. 


"Although there is the husband hunt, the story Shin PD wanted to tell more was about the families. All the cast spent a lot of effort on the family scenes. The line that left the most impression on me was "Aigoo Kim Sa Jang~~". To Junghwan, this is an unexpected image and very difficult to do. This line was very difficult to do and I thought about it a lot."


"I'm starting to have an actual sense of my popularity now. It's a first time for me to be sitting at a place like this. There is not time for me to just hand around outside and meet with the general public and it's only through news reports that I receive any news. I won't let myself be swayed by popularity but will be steadfast. I'm not young any more and with age comes a certain calmness and I think popularity is something that is temporary and will eventually disappear."


source: RJY Baidu tieba

Chinese Translation: 饿我体肤8

English Translation: Mojobobo @ Soompi 


Note: This has been translated from Chinese to English so there may be inaccuracies. If anyone spots any mistakes I'm happy to amend :)



awwww uri mojo-nim is daebak with the translation. Thank you!!!

Anyway what i got from this article is this :

  • Oppa put on more than 10kgs in 1 month??? Daebak! Oppa please gain a bit more.
  • The scene that left a deep impression was how they win a lotto. Hahaha. I was laughing a lot at that scene too Oppa!
  • "My concern right now is about how I am going to repay the love I received." This oppa is too sweet. I am on sugar diet oppa, Please!
  • "I think from now on I need to have an even better sense of responsibility. I have to be even more careful in terms of what I say and what I do. It would be a stretch to say that there has not been any change. The behaviour of people around me has changed so in terms of how I receive such change I will also need to adapt accordingly. I feel that I need to be more responsible for my actions and this is very important. I'm starting to have an actual sense of my popularity now. It's a first time for me to be sitting at a place like this. There is not time for me to just hand around outside and meet with the general public and it's only through news reports that I receive any news. I won't let myself be swayed by popularity but will be steadfast. I'm not young any more and with age comes a certain calmness and I think popularity is something that is temporary and will eventually disappear." WOW. Oppa is so thoughtful.
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Annyeong haseyoooooooooooooooooo (_ _)

We got so many news about oppa's interview today, :bawling: and tomorrow is the 2nd round of his fan meet ticketing :D must give props to CJes for doing great job promoting him well.

Here's another news vid of oppa's fan meet ticketing for tomorrow: 

[정순영의 생쇼] 류준열 팬미팅 12일 오후 2시 2차 티켓예매 시작 “또 2분 매진?”


Also, can our amazing translators also do a translation of oppa's interview with OSEN

류준열, ‘정환’과 썸 탄 1986 츤데레 [인터뷰 1문1답]

P.S. I'll post unseen pics (i hope there are lol!) later when I get home ;)


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1 hour ago, Awen Noet said:

gillette party??



I think Yohanie will finally shave his beard hahahaha and he's inviting the byh48 squad to watch him =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I can't wait for updates from these ahjussis hahahaha XD

Hope they have fun tonight, if ever~ I also wish Junyeol to come hahaha!

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10 minutes ago, EMM! said:


I think Yohanie will finally shave his beard hahahaha and he's inviting the byh48 squad to watch him =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I can't wait for updates from these ahjussis hahahaha XD

Hope they have fun tonight, if ever~ I also wish Junyeol to come hahaha!


EMM any idea, what are they up to, I mean BYH48? are they meeting up or something? not in stalking mode today coz I'm at work XD

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Above interviews are my favourite. He just showing everyone that his looks s not something he would too concern about. He prefer to read some book rather doing plastic surgery. This is what Korean should have. So the standard beauty does not changes being artificial one.

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25 minutes ago, aprodithe said:

Above interviews are my favourite. He just showing everyone that his looks s not something he would too concern about. He prefer to read some book rather doing plastic surgery. This is what Korean should have. So the standard beauty does not changes being artificial one.

Thanks for posting the Round 3 hahaha! I forgot to post it~

I believe its just he loves himself and is contented with everything-- he does his best in all ways and he's just saying that beauty can truly be seen through actions and words than just the physical appearance and attributes:)

He's a healing to most of his fans and non-fans the same, his words are deep and thoughtful. How can anyone really not be a fan of Junyeol..?
People who doesn't like him must be made of stone hahahaha lol

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1 hour ago, EMM! said:

Thanks for posting the Round 3 hahaha! I forgot to post it~

I believe its just he loves himself and is contented with everything-- he does his best in all ways and he's just saying that beauty can truly be seen through actions and words than just the physical appearance and attributes:)

He's a healing to most of his fans and non-fans the same, his words are deep and thoughtful. How can anyone really not be a fan of Junyeol..?
People who doesn't like him must be made of stone hahahaha lol

Your welcome dear...I just read your tumble and wondering why this one is not in soompi hihi...

Yes, the fact that he does not have any inferiority complex about his looks without being over confident is one of the charm. His word about he was born with this face and he can do nothing about it except being thank full and live with it with by grow the loves is something quite rare to hear from any celebrities. Mostly are giving the tips for beauty or fashion which turn me off. 

Oh, its funny that he does not have  ideal girl is cute. So he never thought of girl like one favourite food. I think he needs to know the girl character first before have feeling for her. 

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I wasn’t expecting this but a sudden spew of interviews? This is such a great surprise! Thanks to eyesonryu for the translation. His interviews really show him to be a mature thinker. Very down to earth.


I particularly love this set of photos from sports chosun.












I like that his fashion sense is just casual but I really don't get the folded jeans. 

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