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Ryu Jun Yeol 류준열 - [Best New TV Actor for 52nd Baeksang Arts Awards + Drama Category Rookie Male Award for AAA]


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Trans : Using NAVER Labspace :sweatingbullets:

This year, the best pearl in the picture, which is found in the seukeurin and screens, must be clearly included in the five fingers.

Last winter, he played a funny role in raising the nation's reputation as ' gimjeonghwan ' and ' tvN, ' which was nicknamed ' eonamnyu. '
Looking back, it's not a big deal. In the drama, one might have thought it was a great deal of fun to become a couple. The first soap operas featured in their debut drama, and the third season of the drama was the third straight season of the year.  With all of the burden on his face, Choi finished his work with a flexible finish and led the results of the baekssang Prize for the ryujunyeol Art Awards. " Everyone asked me a lot of questions. Not at all. It was the first soap opera, and I'll win some awards. There is a lack of concept of being originally different. From my school days, I thought it was far more distant than mine.  I'd be thrilled if I had been expecting it, but I couldn't have lost it. " It sounded calm, but I felt relieved. "
This year's busiest actor is Bae ryujunyeol. Answer ' The 1988 King ' and ' The King ' and ' The King ' finished filming the film ' The King '. He was the main character of the hit film " swi, " a unppal drama, and directed the movie " Taxi Driver " immediately. As far as it goes, it is as busy as the ' Ironman '. Two months later, the film " Silent " and " Silent ", however, recently performed the movie " Silent ".
" Still, there's nothing physically demanding. When filming the " unppal Romance, " it was a sleepless night. " Is it hard for me? " There are many people who are more difficult than me, and I give annoyance to them. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "
On July 21, the team was caught watching the match of the Europa League Group, which was held at Old Trafford, British Trafford, England. She was carrying her cellphone at the front of the stands. He is known as the " 狂 " soccer player, which is rumored to be the goodwill ambassador for the FIFA U-20 World Cup. Tadeureoga is fierce enough to kick the ball in the rough sun.  Tadeureoga is fierce enough to kick the ball in the rough sun. " These days, I'm interested in soccer supplies as much as I do nowadays. I was able to collect the soccer shoes and the uniforms. I gather that I didn't have one in my life, but I had to sell it because I didn't have enough money to pay for it. Ha ha. "
He drinks a lot, but he drinks beer. " I can't drink, but I don't enjoy it. " I can play like a drunken man, but I feel like I'm feeling the day I'm drunk. Exactly one half left. " Now I'm going to go shopping to buy some web surfing. "
- It's a - torque formula. How can I drink?

" I don't drink well. I don't like alcohol, but I don't enjoy it. If I drink alcohol, I'll drink a glass of beer. I don't want to turn red. "
- I don't have any special shots.

" Yes. There's no scanning. I had drunk 20 or 20 years, but I didn't have any special shots at the time. Oh, I don't mean to drink alcohol. Not drinking alcohol or not, but it's okay. "
How are you doing these days?

" At the time of the interview, " he was filming a movie called " Taxi Driver. " " I'm just going to concentrate on filming. "


- There is no change in appearance, but there is no change in the film.

" It's a secret, but I don't like to change my face. Maybe it's more dramatic when we see it later on. "


- How was your first breath with Song Kang-ho?

" I felt humiliated. Seeing my acting acting gives me a blank eye. I'm not supposed to follow him. I don't know why I like it, but I don't know why I like it. I can't pretend to be able to imitate it. People have ups and downs, and they're always doing well. It doesn't work very well. "
It sounds wonderful.

" eomaeomahae. I'm happy to see that you can look at it and come out at the same angle. "
- Is it much easier now?

" At first, I have to talk to each other, but I can't talk much anymore. Please give me lots of advice. I can't sleep a wink that night. " What did I do well? " he said. I keep thinking about it. "


In ' The King ', I was breathing with Jung Woo-sung and Cho In-sung.

" Jung Woo-sung has been pretty much prettier. I was the youngest child on the scene, and I told you a lot about it. Cho joinseong is very professional. I don't have a knot in my stomach. Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing that. I was impressed. "
You should have written an actor's diary.

" I've been writing since I was in school. It's nothing serious. Just like writing a diary, there's always a place where there's always been a place where there's nothing to write about. I didn't sleep well during the drama, but I can't afford it. "


- The amount is quite substantial. I often see what I wrote before.

" When you look for something you wrote in the past, you'll find yourself motivated. And I read the patterns. I've always had a lot of problems I've had. "
Originally, my dream was to be an actor.

I was prepared to go to the college of education. When I was in front of my desk, I was very sleepy studying at the front of my desk. I woke up after dozing off, and it passed over two hours. " I thought this was my aptitude and I loved to watch movies, but I suddenly wanted to become an actor. So I changed my course. I was an ordinary student who spent a lot of time reading books at night and day. "
- I received the award for Best New Artist of the Year award. Did you smell suspicious?

" Somebody just told me who it was. Of course I didn't think it was. "
- I thought you weren't going to be.

" Since childhood, there has been no concept of otherness. I didn't deserve it, and I thought it was something other people needed. I've lived with him as a man who has no relation to the prize. When I started my acting career, I was a rookie, and I was hoping that my goal was to become a rookie. That's not to say that you don't know the importance or value of the discussion. " I mean, I mean, I mean it. "
- When it comes to winning, it was calm.

" I'm thrilled to have answered my expectations. I had no mind. "


- ' unppal Romance ' was a romantic comedy.

" Obviously, I have charm and comedy. It's a real sight to see a couple of girls and go through a small process and become lovers. " I felt like a real love for three months. "


I think it would be a burden for the first time.

" I can't say no, but I feel pressured. " Everyone's got to be together in 1988, but ' unppal Romance ' is supposed to lead you with hwangjeongeum sister. "


- Were you satisfied with your grades?

" The viewer ratings are not something you can do. Seeing the report card, I need to fill out the gaps. " I wanted to know. "
Q : There should be a lot of all-night filming.

" I've been staying up all night. Two or three hours in the middle, I guess I'd have spent 100 hours. I don't have time to go home, but I don't want to wash myself. "


- I'm already talking about it because it's already past the past.

" I didn't feel annoyed at the time. I try not to think negatively. That's a good thing. Not only is it difficult for me when everyone is feeling bad. Everyone should work hard. "
- Some people abuse good things.

" Well, better then. I have so much conscience that I don't go to extremes. If you work better, your opponent's attitude changes your attitude. If you can only do it two or three times, you change. "
- Feeling popular.

" I don't know if it's going to be, " he said, " since the difference has changed since 1988. " Since I have a history agency, there are many drama and movie scripts. Nobody would give me a script when I was alone. " I feel like I've found a lot of help. "


- pulgadong AM\xA0 / by\xA0Josh .'s scheduled for a year.

" I'm not physically demanding yet. But sometimes, if you want to be able to do it, you know, if you look around, then you've got the other actors. And if you go to the scene, you can enjoy it and then you can do it. "


- There are plenty of praise around her.

" I tend to think positively. If you keep repeating your problems, I'll do something about it. "
- There's still a lot of talk about looks.

" You're acting like I'm acting out. I'm not feeling any worse. Because I love my looks. It's not good-looking, but it's normal, it's common and it's common. There's definitely a bit to be done when you're acting. I don't have any complaints about my looks. " I felt good talking in the Infinite Challenge. "


But maybe it's time for you to set up your mind for the drama.

" If you care about that, you'll have a side effect. Of course, face is important and good looking. But there is also the vibe from the character and the character. Change doesn't change your appearance. "
- Was African tour better than Flower?
" Africa is a powerful destination to visit once. There are so many things we don't know. "

- Isn't it dangerous?
" It's dangerous at all. Usually, you should be careful when you go to the destination. It's dangerous to visit somewhere in Korea or late at night. Same here. "
- Travel mainly alone.
" I'm going to go alone, but I've got a bunch of people going around. I prefer it. "
- Travel is said to fight even if you're friendly.
" Of course I can fight. I fight. But traveling along with each other is the taste of travel. I haven't had many fights when I traveled. You know, it's interesting to know each other. I mean, there's this kind of taste. It's strange to know. "


- I heard that it was independent.
My family is in Suwon, and I moved to Seoul. My brother stays with us as the company is in Seoul. "


- What do you usually do when you relax?
I read books and read movies. I mainly stay at home. I don't usually leave when I exercise. Recently I was interested in moving and installing furniture. " Go to the big store to buy furniture and assemble it. "
- What sports do you like to play and what kind of sports do you like?
" Bowling staff is learning from bowling. It was an attractive sport. " Once I saw the Olympics, I used to play ping-pong. "
I'm so skinny because I like sports.
" It's basically a dry temper. I'm getting steamed up right now, but when I was doing it, I made it up to 74 kilograms and eventually made it up to 74 kilograms. I don't mean to eat anything. We need to exercise together. "
Also, exercise is sports, and I heard many interest in equipment.
" It's a style that thinks equipment is important. From shoes to clothes. That's another janjaemi. It's not one or two teams to collect football uniforms. It changes every season. I don't think I should try to view the uniforms and buy them, so I think I save them eventually. "
Q : How much did you collect?
" I used to save a lot of money before I used to. Then I sold it because I had no money. Used to be used. That's not how long I thought it would be, but I didn't want to sell it. " (Laughs
- Do you collect anything else?
" I like original clothes or shoes. I have steadily gathered in soccer shoes and now I am very interested in basketball shoes. "


Do you also monitor your article?
" I'm not looking for time. I see if my friends send me this article. I try not to read it as much as possible. "
Q : There is considerable love for the fans because of their love for the fans.
" Since I like fans, I think I like her. You make a lot of fun with your favorite smile. Although it is possible to be able to make a difference, it is due to the fans who have come up with positive powers. It's the power to get energy and keep the next piece. "


- an AM\xA0 / by\xA0Josh . in their 30s and 30s.
" I think it's too late, but I think there are lots of things to show. It's a good thing to show you a good deal of good stuff, not just a little bit better, but to be good at it. "
- If you have any spare goals in 2016.
" It's not going to be any different. I want to keep track of what I can do this year. I don't think I should do anything in particular. "


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Ryu Joon Yeol says he doesn't get offended by comments calling him ugly

By yckim124    33 minutes ago    3,888    383    11


Actor Ryu Joon Yeol shared his honest thoughts regarding the comments made about his looks. 

Since 'Reply 1988', Ryu Joon Yeol has been called the most handsome one among the ugly actors. To Ilgan Sports, Ryu Joon Yeol responded to the comments, saying, "People say that I act ugliness. That doesn't bother me at all because I love my looks. I'm not handsome nor do I stand out, but I'm normal and common. There are also times when it becomes helpful in acting. I don't have any complaints regarding my looks."

Ilgan Sports responded with a question, asking, "But don't you sometimes get concerned for the characters you play?" Ryu Joon Yeol answered, "If I care for those kinds of things then side effects can follow. Of course, visual is important and it'll be great to be handsome, but there is a certain feel that each character and person gives off. And looks are not something that can be changed because you want to change them."

SOURCE : http://www.allkpop.com/article/2016/10/ryu-joon-yeol-says-he-doesnt-get-offended-by-comments-calling-him-ugly

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original post: here

1. Please be careful I'll be looking forward your pictorial

2. Please take care of your body! And have fun while you're thereㅋㅋ

3. Spend a good timeㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. He really makes people's hearts flutter

5. Be careful and spend a good timeㅠㅠㅠ

Credit : http://pann-choa.blogspot.com/2016/10/naver-celebrities-airport-fashion_28.html

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yo guys! If people are still lurking here... hahahaha!

We're planning something big for Eyes On RYU's anniversary, December 2!

If you are someone with knowledge with (even the basic!!!) html/css, please pm me here or tweet me!:D

Let's do something fun, and of course be welcome to take part in sharing the Junyeol love ;)

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He always looks stunning in suits (although my favorite is his Baeksang look. That hair, so perfect. But I also love his cummerbund at tvN. So... maybe next time a combination of tux with cummerbund aaand that Baeksang hair? That would be perfect!). 

And yaay he won an award! And boy, I'm proud of him for giving the last part of his speech in English. That's what a global star is all about, people!

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