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Forum Software Upgrade! Report any issues here please!


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Don't know about  lullabies or spell checker as noted above, but all of a sudden posting pics from Photobucket is not working at all.  I can put the url into the Soompi box but nothing happens when I click submit.  Other users with tablets have also been unable to post pictures. What is going on?

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@MyStars Photobucket recently changed their 3rd party hosting policies such that free account users could no longer display pictures from the account on another website. As such, if you are holding a free Photobucket account, you will get an error like the following:


Hope this helps.

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I have a question about post URLs.

Browsing back on old posts, I noticed a strange behaviour in URLs for posts from Apr 29, 2015 to early May 20, 2015 

e.g. Here is a post on page 25 of the thread, with URL



When I post the URL, it appears to embed correctly:



However, if I were to click on it, it brings me to the wrong page (in this case, page 13).


Similarly, if I were to enter the same URL as a link in a post e.g. here:


it brings me to page 13, instead of page 25.

The same thing happens when I paste the URL in the web browser.


May I know what is causing this and if it will be fixed in future?

Thank you.

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@liddi this most likely has to do with the forum move we had a few years back. We moved from one platform to the other so things got a bit banged up back then.


To make matters even more interesting: the first link brings me to page 13 as well. The embedded posts bring me to the first page :) 

Let's call it magic and wonder about it's nature :tongue: 

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@CamelKnight Ah.. I think for the embedded posts, you need to click on "liddi replied to a topic" instead of the thread name to bring you back to the infamous page 13. Come to think of it, is there a design to this magic and madness... with its insistence on going to page 13? Pfft!

I did guess from the date range that this probably had to do with the forum migration. Either way, am I right in assuming that this is an issue that has no resolution in sight? If so, I will just have to tread gingerly when it comes to linking to old posts :tongue: In any case, thank you for showing me there is magic everywhere, even on Soompi :D 

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@CamelKnight You're absolutely brilliant! I find that changing it to the last page brings me to the last page, rather than the actual page on which the comment resides. However, changing 13 to 25 certainly works... and saves me the need of a wordy description on any future would-be links e.g. "The 12th post on page 25 which begins 'Here is a very rough, poor translation...'" :D Thank you so much!

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  • 6 months later...

I wanted to change my e-mail address but I always get "ERROR: Please enter a nickname.". There is no window to add a nickname. I already contacted you but I never got an answer. 

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks @JITADIA for the update. Did it include the fix on mobile? When I use my mobile when replying and accidentally quote someone, I can delete the content but I couldn't seem to remove the whole box just like what is shown below. Also find it hard to remove images on quotes using mobile. Or is it just me? Guess I have to tinkle around some more :D Thank you.

2 hours ago, JITADIA said:



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