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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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I didn't watch today episode and I've just finished the recap from all of you. Eottoke? what should I do with my tears and my mood? I keep crying and even my heart feels so awful. it's painful. really painful. And I HATE THE WRITER N THE PRODUCER!!! You make this story became more weird and it doesn't feel right. Too absurd. It seems they change the story of the last episode and doesn't connected to the previous story. it's too 'force' the changing of the flow. it isn't right. and if in final episode JH and DS married, the story also became fails. Why? because the Writer n PD make DS became easy girl who doesn't have stance for her feeling. really absurd because she's ever like 3 of her childhood friends. just make the ending DS choose DR as her husband. so DS really has a nice memory by loving all of her childhood friends. Writer n PD, all of you just really BABO!!!!! I won't watch another reply if someday they will produce the fourth reply series. I hope JH get another girl who's more perfect that DS. or maybe  Writer n PD want to kill JH by having plane crashed??  Ouch...really. I'm frustrated and my heart is in pain. I won't watch today episode.:confounded:

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I hate myself for still hoping that this was just the writer trick. idk I just can't stop hoping there'll be (another) twist tomorrow. after all those scenes they gave us and all the misunderstandings that left unresolved. I guess I trust Lee Woo Jung too much, eh?

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Okay, I just finished watching the new episode and went straight to chatroom. Anyway. What the richard simmons? Did they just ruin a perfectly crafted love story? I cant believe they went that far to troll us? Even if DS break up with TK the next episode and finally get together with JH, they already ruined her character and JH deserve so much more than a friends who didn't even have the decency to reject him respectfully. I just can't. I love Deok Sun. Why did they make me hate her?


Anyway, I'm actually really calm about this, I'm surprised myself (after literally crying each time I remember JH's confession) and I still believe JH's the husband (went down from 100% to about 70-80%). But I don't know. Even if our ship sails in the end, it still won't be as satisfying as it should be. Pity.

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4 minutes ago, joannadeline said:

I don't know why but this just keep popping in my head and also I'm trying to be optimist. 

If TK is going to be the husband, why does the crew make the husband's face blurry? 

Well.....I don't know why i write this but I REALLY WANT JUNGPAL TO BE THE HUSBAND!!!!!

because i think tvn still want us to believe there's going to be something special there, a plot twist or whatsover and we already know that the blurred man there is actually sunwoo.

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Guest wizengamot

all these questions we have just reflect how messy the supposedly endgame is? how did it even got there? how? with two kisses on ep 17 and 19 and being clingy? Just like that DS develop feelings. lol


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7 minutes ago, joannadeline said:

I don't know why but this just keep popping in my head and also I'm trying to be optimist. 

If TK is going to be the husband, why does the crew make the husband's face blurry? 

Well.....I don't know why i write this but I REALLY WANT JUNGPAL TO BE THE HUSBAND!!!!!

That was most probably bora's wedding

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4 minutes ago, honeywell said:

So who wants to buy the dvds now?  Anyone?  So is that why RJY is positioned like that in the poster, his character in the end surrendered without surrendering.  Eh maybe they'll give DS's point of view tomorrow.

I did send a msg to reply team about dvd's but now I am thinking to convey my regretting mode about watching this drama and wasting my precious emotions...

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Think JH’s story juz reminds me how brutal reality was when we lost our first love becoz of that damn timing, damn wrong decisions, damn fate. 

Yes, we moved on but yes the pain still remains. 

What a real life drama.


Oh and i withdraw my preorder for the dvd....though its a survey...i cancelled my request already....too sad to even rewatch any of it.

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I went on twitter to see knetz's response and they were definitely shocked and unhappy. There's one tweet to reply_tvN twitter saying that it's like a makjang horror drama, LOL. Wonder how this episode will affect tomorrow's viewership rating in Korea.

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3 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

all these questions we have just reflect how messy the supposedly endgame is? how did it even got there? how? with two kisses on ep 17 and 19 and being clingy? Just like that DS develop feelings. lol


Maybe the forrest gump feather scene's feather symbolizes deoksun's heart :vicx: flowing with the wind

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Guest wizengamot



Article: 'Reply 1988' Park Bogum is the husband! A kiss to Hyeri... this couple was true

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+2,334, -547] Poor Junghwan......

2. [+2,181, -779] Ah... I'm so pissed I don't even want to say anything

3. [+1,858, -312] I don't hate the fact that Taek is her husband, I'm frustrated with the fact that the plot took this big of a random turn ㅡㅡ

4. [+340, -59] So what does that make Junghwan? He crushed on her for years since high school and he just gives up because of his friend like that? ㅋㅋ And Duksun liked Junghwan too in high school so what's going on? ㅋㅋㅋ Was the scriptwriter pissed that we all assumed it'd be Junghwan so she turned it makjang?

5. [+332, -49] There are just way too many clues pointing to Junghwan to say that it's not him ㅠㅠ

6. [+327, -30] If the drama is really going with Taek, then the scriptwriter needs to explain why Lee Mi Yeon said to Kim Joo Hyuk at the beginning of the drama "Then shall we talk about all of the girls you dated in college?"

7. [+272, -18] I just want to know why Junghwan became such an idiot starting from the mid drama forward

8. [+254, -34] I'm so pissed that I can't hold back anymore. I feel like it was such a waste of time watching this drama. What has Junghwan done?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Junghwan held this drama up the entire time and now Taek's the random husband? ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+243, -27] I really want to know what Ryu Jun Yeol did to richard simmons the producers off to this extent

10. [+226, -37] Wasn't Ryu Jun Yeol the male lead...? I feel so bad for him, they've made him a fool


Source: Nate

1. [+678, -56] Now that I've watched the 19th episode, I feel so bad for Junghwan in the 18th episode. Goodbye, First Love...

2. [+734, -125] I don't care about the husband anymore, the story is a mess

3. [+526, -68] They randomly switched out the male lead... what in the world... so was the 18th episode titled 'Goodbye, First Love' as a tribute to Junghwan... All of the viewers who've followed him since the small alleyway scene have been fooled.

4. [+91, -12] Just finish this off like the way the scriptwriter for 'High Kick' would've done it... kill them all off in a plane accident!!

5. [+87, -9] I'm so angered by the fact that Junghwan's private feelings have turned to dust like this. It wouldn't even be this bad if they had given him a chance like Chilbong. We've gone through all of the personal difficulties Junghwan faced as he developed feelings for her. So much of Taek's story was left unfinished that it was hard for the viewers to connect with him. The scriptwriter dropped the ball on this one...

6. [+83, -9] There is actually a lot of clues pointing to Taek... the ending isn't completely out of the blue. But if they were going to make it Taek in the end, they should've cut back on all of the clues pointing to Junghwan and put more Taek scenes in. Then the ending wouldn't seem so random ㅠㅠ Either way, I'm just glad that this drama finally put Ryu Jun Yeol on the map.


Source: Naver

1. [+16,781, -1,287] Couldn't they at least give us time to watch Junghwan get over his feelings for her ㅠ

2. [+14,646, -1,007] They turned Gaejungpal into a real dog

3. [+12,182, -737] I really enjoyed this drama, it was about finding Sunwoo umma's husband right

4. [+9,651, -430] Why do they even bother hiding the husband's face in the next episode preview?

5. [+7,012, -251] The true stars of this drama were Sunwoo and Bora. The last wedding scene is probably SUnwoo and Bora and I don't think Duksun will get married in the drama but Taek's pretty much her confirmed husband.

6. [+3,527, -162] Thank you for taking 18 episodes to show us Junghwan failing at his first love ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+3,034, -201] How do they expect us to sit there and watch Junghwan stare at those two being happy...

8. [+2,985, -224] I don't know why they're doing this to Junghwan. Is this some joke to them? Everyone was so sure he was the undeniable husband all this time.


Source: Naver

1. [+4,008, -524] So this is my first time needing a drink after watching a drama. Junghwan-ah, where are you? If you hear my voice, come over and let's grab a drink.

2. [+3,545, -486] I don't care who the husband is, whether it's Taek or Jungpal, but the lines from the beginning of the drama do not match up with the ending at all.

3. [+3,575, -591] It's too obvious that the scriptwriter changed her mind at the last minute when she's been pushing for Junghwan all this time. I don't hate Taek, I just think the scriptwriter's an absolute psycho; ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+2,086, -308] I was sure that Taek was the husband by the 18th episode when Jungpal said that he ate a piece of bitter, bitter chocolate and that was his fate.

5. [+818, -58] The scriptwriter needs to explain some loopholes now, like Kim Joo Hyuk saying he was there at their class trip, the radio story, getting rejected by Sunwoo ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Source: Daum

1. [+9,551, -3,077] Upvote me if you agree that the scriptwriter changed out the script last minute. I'm not going to watch the next 'Reply' series after this. Lee Mi Yeon's lines all pointed to the husband being Jungpal. They changed the plot up so much when they skipped that one week and now Jungpal's become the fool of the drama.

2. [+5,900, -1,520] This drama has been one long project to make Junghwan the fool

3. [+5,203, -1,299] Junghwan's become a fool~~~

4. [+3,380, -551] I don't hate Taek, I hate the fact that I've become some kind of joke to the scriptwriter. Either way, my favorite character remains Jungpal. You've been the best.

5. [+2,789, -462] I feel like I've been made a fool. I know for sure it was Junghwan all along until the scriptwriter changed her mind. It pissed me off the entire time and I felt too distracted to finish watching.

6. [+2,824, -540] The scriptwriter had to have gotten into a fight with Junghwan, this is the worst possible scenario I've ever seen

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I am reposting this from the MT:

20 minutes ago, blue_angel_1004 said:


I SERIOUSLY hope I'm wrong and the drama will just end as it is now to show a good conclusion for every character tomorrow, but I'm still not convinced that Taek is the hubby until Episode 20 airs (and yes, this despite the title for the TvN video). I wouldn't it put it past them to troll the entire country like this at the penultimate episode. 

If I'm right, keke, I think I deserve a pat on the back (and a chance to work for Shin PD in the future). Or if I'm not, man, I'm pretty hella delusional~~ We'll find out tomorrow!  ^^

I'll post my final review/thoughts then!




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After much rationalizing on how this series will have a satisfying wrap up considering the trajectory of the story since the beginning, I honestly don't know at all how the story will end.

If we only consider eps 1-18, JH is clearly the husband. But if we consider only eps 17-19, it is also pretty reasonable that TK would be the husband. And I cannot think of any reason grave enough to break up DS-TK and still get DS to move on and marry JH just in 1 episode.

The story was logically pointing to JH the whole series long up until this episode. If only DS did not reciprocate TK's feelings then we can have a clean ending for all. But not.

So now, for me, it's more logical that TK would be the husband. If not, then why bother showing DS-TK dating in second to last episode? Just to troll? Eh.

Through all this, I still wonder, when did DS stop liking JH? When she kissed TK in 1989? Or sometime before that? I don't remember... Because though she seemed swayed with that dreamy kiss and the bridal carry, I thought despite that she still did like JH and still carried a torch until 1994, even if it's just a dwindling flame.

And as someone here posted since when did DS like TK? Since the dreamy kiss? The Lee Seung Hwan concert? Sometime between 1989 to 1994? Maybe the LSH concert was really a catalyst because in the hotel scenes this episode she seemed really crushing on him.

Anyway, that's just me trying to make sense of the what just happened in this episode. I still don't feel that it's official because we don't get the big husband reveal like how they always do in the past Reply series. The husband was always a big deal and there was always this grand way of revealing him. I don't think they did that in this episode.

No matter if JH or TK is the husband, the story flow still feels weird.

Edited by aying
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Guest fleshwithoutblood

4. [+91, -12] Just finish this off like the way the scriptwriter for 'High Kick' would've done it... kill them all off in a plane accident!!

Lmao. This reminds me of my comment about how I can never be 100% sure about the couple because you never know when a writer's just gonna pull a High Kick,

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I'm rating this show 1 star tommorw on mydramalist after the finale episode airs to help and warn others so they won't get hurt  I hope you guys will join me. I've never watched a drama that like this before  this show destroyed me.. I hope the writer is happy 

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