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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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I can't wait to see all of the flashbacks tomorrow.  They're gonna relate all of the future stuff with TK.  LMY.  Secretly dreaming of her? Yeah I might have to wait a while to see the series ends.  Kinda like I did with GFB.  Next time I will be second OTP shipper.  I'm not even mad at PBG.  He was wonderful as TK.  I wonder what's gonna happen with all of the merchandise now.

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Haha yea guys, I'm out too. Nice knowing everyone! Here's to us all loving JH with all our hearts! Someone PM when there are fanfics. I'm gonna head to the gym to let out my stress. 


Has anyone seen RJY's Marie Claire's recent photoshoot? DAMN THAT FINE PIECE OF A MAN. See what you threw away DS? I'LL TAKE HIM. 


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reply 1988 was good...i didn't watch reply 1994...but yes only reply 1997 will be the best reply series for me and one of the best k dramas i ever watched...i loved reply 1997, where the ending was so obvious and there were no complications...everyone achieved their destined happy ending,even taewoong, the 2nd lead...hoya too found someone in the end..
if the news of another reply series comes up now, i bet the netizens are going to be so furious :vicx: 
sung shiwon and kim junghwan rocked it, one of the 2 best characters of the reply franchise :w00t: so this is where i say goodbye to reply 1988, to the whole ssangmungdong squad..this is the end for me...i have suffered way too big of a heartbreak to be able to endure the rushed ending they will give to junghwan tomorrow(seeing how many other issues they have yet to resolve,like the sung surname).may deoksun and taek be forever happy in their universe and the entire ssangmungdong gang...may kim junghwan find the best rewards life has to offer to him..and the only complain i have with the writer is that, don't highlight a character and his pov so much that people mistake him to be lead and end up getting broken hearted(this heartache is sth i would feel if my boyfnd cheats with me)..all the viewers loved ur series throughout all this time, so u should have thought of an ending where one character wouldn't look this much miserable and everyone would have their story properly told like reply 1997....excluding the love line, all the other stories were wonderfully done and yes, sunwoo bora will be my otp for this drama..no offence to the taek shippers, i like taek too..

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Guest princessprincess

Since I prepared for this, I am settled with TK being the husband.

With this trolling, if it turns out that JH is the husband in the end, oh really (facepalm)! It is just more unacceptable.

Now I see why the timing cannot be blamed. Wrong timing still has its benefits.

Good for JH not ending up with DS in the end. He deserves better. :)

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9 minutes ago, nano1234 said:

Hey, at least everything will be over tomorrow. OMG LIFE I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH, SORRY FOR NEGLECTING YOU FOR THE PAST TWO MONTHS. 


Isn't it over already today? Hehe

Now I can watch Cheese in peace. And I have an upcoming Lee Je-hoon drama to watch (so excited for that one)

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@lelee Nice post. Did you post it on the MT?

I don't think I'll be going there after reading a TK/DS shipper inviting back packmule to share her thoughts... I don't want to be around if/when that happens!! I don't think I would be bale to take any insults or patronizing comments from her.

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8 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

Am I weird that I actually don't mind as much? Or is it because I saw it coming? or because this is what I really wanted?...

I think it is the last one:

The more I think about it, the more I find JH's portrayal about failed love to be close to perfection! We get all those moments, beautiful moments, but in the end, it did not work out. Sometimes you fall in love and it is perfect but for some reason, it just does not happen.

I already told you I lived sthg similar. I still think today that guy was the man of my life. But timing and choice and above all courage prevented us from being together. Watching JH in episode 18 really touched me and I could totally identify with the whole situation... Sometimes it is just not meant to be despite everything...

Let's cheerish the fact that JH was probably one of the best KDrama characters ever (no offense to Taek, I like you dude but not as much as JH obviously). And I'll cheerish it even more because I feel my story was told.....


@MrsSoJiSub Mind sharing that bottle of soju with me?


This. I don't know like it hurts but I love this aspect of the love story. There's was a love that could have been, but it just wasn't. Maybe if he had confessed in high school things would have been different. Maybe if he had explained the shirt. Maybe if he had gotten to the concert on time. Who knows where or why Deok Sun's feelings for him changed but I guess they are saying it did.

The thing that I don't get is her behavior in episode 18. Maybe I was just seeing what I wanted to see, but the concert, her fingers. Was I the only one who thought of the bus scene when Junghwan watches her fingers moving in time with the song and that gave him the idea to buy the gloves? Or when they went to the concert and she faked hurt to hold his hand? Was I the only one who saw her smile when he confessed and laminated on what they shared in high school? if they hadn't given me so many scenes and put them in the forefront for so many episode (even while watching this many of us, not just here even in korea was waiting for the twist when Junghwan comes back and they kiss and she knows the two kisses don't compare). So yes, I accept it. But I also feel very cheated and played with. They could have ended it all so much sooner. It was their story. It is their story. Every emotional beat goes back to what that boy feels for her and what she felt for him, but yet he's not the husband?

I accept that. I really do but It doesn't all come together in the end. I am going to need so many flashbacks of Taek and Deok Sun. I am going to need her to tell me how much she loves Taek and realized that when she looked in her heart on who she loves, it's him. I'm going to need him to give the most moving proposal and confession because that kiss in the hotel and even the flashback, it didn't/doesn't compare to all that we saw Junghwan go through and it doesn't come close to his confession for me.

So again I accept the end and I am happy for Deok Sun. But, I want them to show me that happiness because I feel that I am being told it. I accept what I am being told, but I need them to show it to me. So like you @carolinedl after episode 18 I accepted in the back of my head that this kind of ending would be beautiful and fit in with episode 18's message, but be careful what you wish for. I don't want a twist ending because that is unfair to all sides and I don't think it's coming. But I want a twist ending because this one is just too hard to swallow....


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Just now, joannadeline said:

I want to ask you guys something....isn't there any chance for JH to be the husband? Is it official?

Ohmy god. I'm crying so hard right now really

I personally don't think it's official. Some news outlet called it but to me, so many questions are remained unanswered. I just can't let go of the Forrest Gump themed ep.18. I just think of all those meant something, and this cannot be it. I'm not in delusion. It just doesn't feel right. 

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5 minutes ago, finallyanoppatostan said:

hey wasted all that 4-5 years doing blind dates with other people when Deoksun knew that Taek likes her (referring to the kiss in 1989). Because they're friend they don't want to be awkward? Then what is it now?


i also think the same thing. at least the writer should show that DS think on the situation first and not feeling all happy after the kisses in 94, then it will be more reasonable to her first reason.

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