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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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15 minutes ago, toera said:

I see your point, :lol:

Anything can happen with that jacket! Examples being something like:

1) JH went to TK's to take his jacket and saw DS kiss TK,

2) JH went to take his jacket and met DS and kissed DS and TK thought it was him

3) JH went to take his jacket and kissed TK and TK thought it was DS

4) it's a symbol of their youth passing by

5) it's the director widening the shot to troll us

6) ...






why the hell JH want kiss TK ?? hahhahaha



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5 minutes ago, papulichan said:


Speaking of JH's journal... wasn't there a sort of an uproar or rather aggressive debate on the MT of how" TK liked DS even before JH did and how TK liking towards DS was cultivated from a longer time period than JH...." Well, NOW , with the contents of kiddie JH's diary revealed....Can't it now be inferred that JH always liked DS ...first as a friend , then as a woman and FINALLY as THE PERSON WHOM HE LOVES FOREVER.... Can't it be vividly seen that it was JH whose feelings for DS nutured since he was child barely knowing the difference between liking/loving ...friend /lover.... and now he knows the exact sentiment what is to LOVE & CARE for a PERSON  through their happiness...


Yep I'm quite sure the drama has meant for us to understand that JH and DS have been pretty tight as friends from a long time ago. They bicker the most with each other because they're that comfortable with each other. But there's also a sort of friction which their relationship embodies - a vague sexual attraction that always simmered under the surface until the alleyway incident which caused it to rise to the top for JH. This journal entry proves DS was bound to be his first love. He obviously admires, likes DS for her spunk and cheerful nature and feels proud of her accomplishments no matter how insignificant they may be. The 1st ep showed it to us when he cracked that teensy smile when she came out bearing the Uganda sign and this diary entry shows us how even little Jung Hwan was proud of little DS for physically fighting with the class president. I guess this proves those 'JH only likes DS because she gave him a boner' shouters wrong. Theirs is a bond that goes much deeper than that.

But of course, we're still a little in the dark about DS's feelings. Hopefully today's episode will give us a clue.

Did anyone else aww at DR appa going some place to buy bananas for DR? :wub: I was almost starting to think DR and his dad despise each other genuinely from their interactions. I hope they show us one or two father-son bonding moments for these two.

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dear god, please make this night episode will be better than before. we have suffer for about a month already :(

AHA! i will never go to the MT. it will make my blood tension getting high and high. i can't die right now, yet dokseun junghwan still not kissing and.... huahahahaha!!!!

Still 2 hours to wait. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!!!!



ps : somehow seeing :glasses: <--- this emoticon, i always like seeing our ryusdb ig profile picture

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5 minutes ago, noname noname said:

Hahahaha... and it will be great if there is flashback that DS went back to the park to pick the coat. It will be more superb if she didnt return it back, but bring it with her during the separation. Also, they can make JH thought that he lost his coat, but then finds it in DS house or room or DS wears it during their date...

My mind is going wild for sure. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.....

or perhaps no one picked up the coat. to this day 6 years later the coat is still on that bench. one day the hands of kdrama fate has both deok sun, junghwan, taek for one reason or another walking through and they just happen to see the coat. all three make and reach for the coat at the same time. three arms, 3 sets of eye balls making contact. "it's yours" "no it has always been yours" *deok sun takes the jacket throws it in the trash can* "it has never been any of yours"  a red sports car drives up deok sun seems like she walking to it (but is she?) fade to black end of the series...

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1 hour ago, EMM! said:

Before we have our stream time tonight, Eyes on RYU is back with this gem--which we personally enjoyed subbing!
(had us crying a lot during the process of subbing it though..><)





[ENG SUB] Reply 1988 ep.17 - Ryu Jun Yeol 류준열 and Ahn Jae Hong wish upon the shooting stars
To watch: http://dai.ly/x3li6ue

This video is from Reply 1988 ep.17 - Life is an Irony II (30:45 - 43:40) featuring Sunwoo, Bora, Jungbong and Junghwan's wishes upon the shooting stars.


Video source: TvN's Reply 1988
Subbed by Eyes on RYU | eyesonryu.tumblr.com
Please do not re-upload or translate to other languages!
Don't forget to credit Eyes on RYU!
Thank you ^^

Really love the bromance between Junghwan and Jungbong. They understand each other and need no words to express it.

Please watch and tell me if Jungbong (and Ahn Jae Hong as an actor) isn't the most well-rounded character in Reply 1988.

Enjoy~~~ ^^


Edited by namunamuyeppeo
forgot not to quote pics
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After watching EyesOnRyu's subbed clip from yesterday's episode.. I still dont get how can others pick Taek over him. Not like Taek is a bad guy but, srsly, I dont get it. 

How considerate and attentive he is with those around him. His relationship with his hyung and how he tolerates his craziness. How sporty and smart he is. How sweet he is with his mom. Unselfish. He shows kindness without people knowing it. HE IS EVERYTHING! Gah! 


Help me, I'm in love. 

Edited by Ging Atazar
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33 minutes ago, hailaft said:

I just rewatched episode 17 and cried again at kim brothers and sung sisters scenes. Most probably will cry again when I rewatched it with subs. :tears:

@einYoshiChan OMG YOUR AVATAR! 

LOL.. i change it because i m so proud of JH.. He's so different than other male lead in all Kdrama i  watched before.. typical men leads always give us chaebol or doctor as their career ,but JH!! he so manly wearing that uniform* but the way he walk quite awkward..hahaha* 



*they are 25 y/o on 1994 right ?? i hope they can give us proper kiss..i mean an adult kiss*

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7 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

or perhaps no one picked up the coat. to this day 6 years later the coat is still on that bench. one day the hands of kdrama fate has both deok sun, junghwan, taek for one reason or another walking through and they just happen to see the coat. all three make and reach for the coat at the same time. three arms, 3 sets of eye balls making contact. "it's yours" "no it has always been yours" *deok sun takes the jacket throws it in the trash can* "it has never been any of yours"  a red sports car drives up deok sun seems like she walking to it (but is she?) fade to black end of the series...



Please make another one with penguins!


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3 minutes ago, Ging Atazar said:

After watching EyesOnRyu's subbed clip from yesterday's episode.. I still dont get how can others pick Taek over him. Not like Taek is a bad guy but, srsly, I dont get it. 

How considerate and attentive he is with those around him. His relationship with his hyung. How sporty and smart he is. Unselfish. He shows kindness without people knowing it. HE IS EVERYTHING! Gah! 


Help me, I'm in love. 

I think it's personal preference after all. Some people like a guy who always looks at you lovingly, calls you pretty,  just like Taek and SunWoo. While some may like the cold, rough, marshmallow-inside-a-cactus type (just like most of us here).

Taek is also considerate and attentive. It's just JungHwan we prefer more.

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after reading some posts here, out of my curiosity I went to MT to find that long post, and I just can't believe how some people analyze JH's character. that's seriously reading too much between the lines. what has JH done wrong exactly?!?! it's like. after an episode showing how nice JH is, they post sth like that. like. what is your problem. 

I seriously shouldn't read that post. it ruins how I think - now I'm hoping JH to be the husband not only because I want JH & DS to be happy but also because I want to prove some people wrong. damn. unhealthy. won't do it again.

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33 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I love the main idea of all of this and if we were on episode 10  or 14 instead of 17 and soon to be 18 out of 20 I would want some of this to happen. However for where we are, how long we been there, and the little time we have left. WRITER GET WHERE YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALREADY! Yo, I don't want Junghwan confessing and then running to an air force base to hide then coming back some years later to reunite yet again. Nor do I want some dramatic rejection and then future reunion (isn't 1994 the reunion, how many coming and going push and pull must we endure!) IT'S BEEN SIX YEARS ALREADY! How long has he been keeping his feelings to himself and try to make them go away. HEY BUDDY MAYBE IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO GO AWAY! MAYBE IT NEVER WILL GO AWAY SO STOP TRYING TO RUN BUT NOT REALLY RUN FROM THEM!! I am sorry but if Junghwan confesses then leaves for some remote island to show up again some years later and then they reunite; I am taking myself off this ship.

I will no longer give two flying richard simmons who Deok Sun ends up with. Hell I'll want her to end up with the middle school dude or Dong Ryeong for real. I'm sorry ya'll but there is only so long and so far you can stretch something out before your audience gets fed up and really don't care one way or another because you have been needlessly playing with both sides for faaaar too long. Reading knetizens comments, the writers are really thisclose to reaching that point. And I'll be honest here, if something of relevance and consequence that moves us from where we been (and a confess and dash will still make us be where we are already at) to where we need to be does not happen, I am hopping on a tug boat of, look at all the richard simmons i give.....NONE!

We are already running on thin material and the writer will choose to make it thiner and longer. I love these two as individual characters and likove what they do have and could have together. However my shipping feelings are not at the depths of Jeong/Oppa where I will endure any and all bulls**** if it means they will be together in the end. Nope. I know it will be no skin off the writers nose, but if things keep going the way they are going, good riddance and good-bye. 

*knowing her own weak heart she doesn't mean half off this and will not be able to help but root this couple on and come to this thread to read comments and share her own* why am I such a weak weak little girl :(


I know about your feeling and i feel like you too.

But whenever i see JH face i dont't want to see him sad or disappointed i don't want to see him has heartbroken i know how hard it to keep feeling love someone with himself long for 6 years I don't care what the writer-nim doing at last 3 episode But i want to see uri JH happy in the end uri JH the guy with warm heart the guy love family and the guy love and take care everyone in neighborhood I WISH AND WISH writer make my JH to be a husband 

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14 minutes ago, einYoshiChan said:

LOL.. i change it because i m so proud of JH.. He's so different than other male lead in all Kdrama i  watched before.. typical men leads always giving us chaebol or doctor as their career ,but JH!! he so manly wearing that uniform* but the way he walk quite awkward..hahaha* 

*they are 25 on 1994 right ?? i hope they can give us proper kiss..i mean an adult kiss*

YEP JH in uniform is the first gif I saves because God know I need to be able to see that pure hotness anytime I want. He was awkward, maybe because he supposed to be military man and they walked differently.

I need to see that adult kiss! Anything  below and or at the same level with TK-DS dreamy kiss is not acceptable.


Oh and I lurked to the MT and at this point that thesis posts only amused me. The funny thing is she couldn't find the time to watch the new episode but free to write those thesis. Hilarious. 

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im not interested to think what just happend in the previous episodes. I know that replay series is an interesting drama that makes us want to solve the husband mystery game. However... i wont take other people analysis seriously .. Except clues from some reliable sources. 

Anyway... Rather than discussing what just happened in the previous episodes, i prefer to think what will/ should happen in the upcoming episode. For example, if:

Ds x jh: this will be interesting. They will face a lot of conflicts such as how they explain their relationship to taek, their friends and their family (i can't imagine how papa sung and papa kim will react with this lol) how they mantain their relationship, and more. Of course i would be happy if the drama would show what happen to taek.. Like how he finally finds his life, future wife, etc.

Imo, this plot will be interesting, and i believe there will be more progress of the story.

Ds x tk: i dont see there will be conflict. I can say that everybody loves taek. Their friends and family will happy for them. And junghwan.. Will keep his love by himself (no one knows his sad love story except him , no?). However..it means that the kims family will be the outisder among the ommas (sunwoo x taek x ds will become a big family). If this happen, i demand a full episode that focus on junghwan only. I wanna see his character development.. Because i feel like his character is such a waste for these last episodes. I will be very disappointed if they dont do this because... Come on... They've shown us his character since the beginning of the drama beautifully..romantically until we fall for him, but later.. They left him in the last 3 episodes like he is nothing since the beginning.

So... Tonight's episode will decide whether i will stay with team junghwan or just give up, trying to be neutral and just follow how the story goes.. (well.. I'm not sure if i can be neutral lol). Seriouly.. I cant stand anymore if tonight is another draggy episode and no progress between junghwan x deoksun 


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well...that was...it was...yeah. I just dropped my thoughts on the episode and bounced. i don't even care if i come off sounding petty or butt hurt but this is an observation i have been silently making for some time now. whenever things get too pro-Junghwan and stuff on the MT someone mentions not caring about ships not getting too shippy and we tend to try and change the subject to more general things, however when the opposite is the case, things are just left to be. I want to respond to somethings, but then i get told off that i am being rude, or biased, or shipper blind or if i don't like something to just scroll by but like...how much scrolling do i have to do? i know i should be a big girl and let it all go and or ignore it, but i don't even seen any discussion going on about the whole show in general. i don't know whatever. i can see now and understand why more and more are camping out here. 

@airasara tonight's episode is big one for me too. i ain't giving up on this ship (because despite everything happening junghwan is the husband) but i am close to reaching the point of not caring about the outcome either way. yay when they endgame and aiight whatever when they are LOL. i now just want to stare at sexy fighter pilot junghwan, stewardess deok sun, and get to watch them evolve into their final arcs and final adulthood (we are going to get a final adult squad scene or nah?)

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18 minutes ago, airasara said:

im not interested to think what just happend in the previous episodes. I know that replay series is an interesting drama that makes us want to solve the husband mystery game. However... i wont take other people analysis seriously .. Except clues from some reliable sources. 

Anyway... Rather than discussing what just happened in the previous episodes, i prefer to think what will/ should happen in the upcoming episode. For example, if:

Ds x jh: this will be interesting. They will face a lot of conflicts such as how they explain their relationship to taek, their friends and their family (i can't imagine how papa sung and papa kim will react with this lol) how they mantain their relationship, and more. Of course i would be happy if the drama would show what happen to taek.. Like how he finally finds his life, future wife, etc.

Imo, this plot will be interesting, and i believe there will be more progress of the story.

Ds x tk: i dont see there will be conflict. I can say that everybody loves taek. Their friends and family will happy for them. And junghwan.. Will keep his love by himself (no one knows his sad love story except him , no?). However..it means that the kims family will be the outisder among the ommas (sunwoo x taek x ds will become a big family). If this happen, i demand a full episode that focus on junghwan only. I wanna see his character development.. Because i feel like his character is such a waste for these last episodes. I will be very disappointed if they dont do this because... Come on... They've shown us his character since the beginning of the drama beautifully..romantically until we fall for him, but later.. They left him in the last 3 episodes like he is nothing since the beginning.

So... Tonight's episode will decide whether i will stay with team junghwan or just give up, trying to be neutral and just follow how the story goes.. (well.. I'm not sure if i can be neutral lol). Seriouly.. I cant stand anymore if tonight is another draggy episode and no progress between junghwan x deoksun 


Urggh i'm so agree with you!!

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@airasara I know! We have more angles to play if jhxds happens, though I don't think either set of parents would actually be upset at the outcome (Kim Appa will probably be the happiest lol) What I want to see is JH meeting DS's parents... my favorite type of scene. Can you imagine JH asking for DS's hand in marriage to Sung Appa (will he be scared? determined???) *in dreamland*

@ tonight's epi:  think we will still be in a limbo.. but confessions will probably happen.. maybe.. hopefully.. Sometimes with dramas like these I just take a break because I get so frustrated that it affects life :sweatingbullets: I don't think being neutral is a possibility for me either (JHxDS :wub: <--can't control it) but I can try to abstain from AM1988 haha like it's possible...


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@MrsSoJiSub Ha ha ha, that comment about the remote control made me laugh. I have an older brother (only 11 months older though so we are like twins) and we are both in our mid-thirties and we still fight over the remote control when we are both at home!!!

I am ready for today's episode! Oh Yeah!


I am going to say it here because there is no point in saying it anywhere else since I will be categorized as a JH/DS shipper, so therefore too biased to see the light....

I am really mad at people trying to bring JH down as a character! WTF? I think Taek and JH are two great characters, different personnalities but both nice and not so nice traits, like all humans. Taek is mature, pensive, driven, caring. JH is harsh, sweet, caring, clever. They are both family oriented, equally. Taek has always felt guilty of not being able to take care of his father properly. Hence his acceptance of his father remarrying SW's mom. JH has shown that depiste his harshness, he has been listening and caring for his family (taking over his brother's dream, doing the routine with his father when he was down, etc.). Both characters value their friendships and decided not to act upon their feelings for DS because of that.

I actually think that the script have shown an evolution in both characters. Taek was clumsy and we slowly discover that he is not that clumsy, he is a man who knows when to take care of the ones he loves (calling the hospital for JH's father, agreeing to the interview for the baduk's president club). JH looked harsh and slowly we discover that he cares a lot and that he has cared for a long time (over the years, changing his dream so fit his borther's)!

I think we can all agree that they are both great characters and the the script has taken a lot of time over the development of both characters. We all have different sensibilities and we respond differentely to each character. Some people find Taek more interesting, others find JH more interesting. No need to bring the other character down in order to feel better about one's choice/taste! And one's personnality does not justify one's role in a loveline! Just because I think Mister A is a more interesting character, it doe snot mean that he deserves the girl more than another character.

Anyway... I think we all want the same thing at the end of the day: a logical ending. And whatever we say before the last minute of episode 20 are pure speculations. Speculations must be done with respect and courtesy!

I love longs analytical posts, here and in the MT, but it must be done while keeping in mind people's sensitivity... and respect to all!


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