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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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So I watched the preview for episode 10 again and man, it so misleading based on the actual episode. I am actually getting ready to be disappointed. Or the opposite... But you never know with Reply... Arghhh why do we have to wait two more days?!?

Edit: sorry freak out moment passed.... :sweatingbullets:

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@Howlongwillthisfandomlast i totally understand about your shared picture. I laugh so much when see that explosion picture. Yeah its like we really will be explode in happy or sad moment at ep 11 later. I already tell myself to prepare my heart, my eyes (to cry maybe), my scream, my punch, yeah lets fight for ep 11. hahahahahahaha

2 hours ago, wizengamot said:



If my friends would ask me if I like "this particular person" and f i'm 0% uninterested at him or 0% not like him, I could actually answer "No, I don't like him." since he's not around and would not be hurt by my "no"

But if I like someone and is too shy to admit it to my friends, I'd say "I don't know." "Maybe." "No comment." or I'll change the subject.

So i'd say that even before Deok Sun had the confirmation later that night, there's already "something" or a percentage that he sees Jung Hwan as someone more than just a friend. 

There were speculation that Deok Sun only got bashful on the phone call with Man Ok because she already realized that Jung Hwan liked her. But we could see here that she's not 0% uninterested in Jung Hwan in terms of her answer here. 

@Howlongwillthisfandomlast now i totally get those pics. i think you have a point. They don't put the most exciting parts on the preview so if that sleep scene is already exciting enough, then we should brace ourselves for more explosive scenes hahahaha!!!

agree with you. That scene was one of my favorite in ep 10 beside JH and DS moment. I really love this teenager girl conversations. We can see the truth when DS around them. When DS asked what if he really like her? and man ok answered why you asked us?asked you heart, do you like him?. That i dont know answer from DS like a proof that for this time she also have a slight interest with JH.After all the things that JH did to her,it almost impossible if she didnt think about him or have something different feel for him (she is girl after all, but she still looking for the answer why he did all those thing to her). Yes, from the phone conversation too we coud see that she isnt not 0% uninterested with JH.


1 hour ago, wasted_youth said:

Less than 20hrs until blanket scene! and 2 more days until kisseu! B)




Anyone else loves his facial expressions here? I repeated this scene so many times, just like I repeated that sogaeting-hajima-scene just to see RJY's eyes gahhh he's killing me.

eyesjungpaltaek1_zps7eva6caz.gif  eyesjungpaltaek2_zpsv4zk7yaz.gif


I hate and love that scene. I hate the confession thing but i cant help loving RJY eyes and facial to deliver this scene. We can see the pain from his eyes so we feel hurt too, But this hurting feel didnt stop me to repeat this scene over and over. (my heart so bleeding right  now) Ahhhh this guy really love DS so much , he hurt but he must smile to hidden it and be happy for TK. He is a great man as a lover and friends. i hope we get what we expected about that blanket scene.

@wizengamot yeah, i hope so....i hope that noble idiocy doesnt last longer. I already hurt see JH hurt but i dont want to see DS hurt too.

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12 hours ago, wizengamot said:

@MrsSoJiSub yes!! we're on the same book. i think pretty much the whole of our ship is.

Aside from Jung Hwan fitting the future husband clues and characters, why we like him is because how he readily shows that he likes Deok Sun. I'd really wanted to ask in the main thread what Taek had done for Deok Sun so far to prove that he likes her because honestly I was trying to recall one but couldn;t actually see it. Most of their interactions are just normal. but posting that question in the main thread would be suicide haha.

If Taek was not played by PBG or that he was not labeled as the second lead, I wouldn't even think that he was running for the husband candidate too. Being cute together is not enough because Jung Hwan and Deok Sun could actually be so cute together too. 

They say that most Jung Hwan and Deok Sun moments are scripted but I don;t think so. Most kdrama have the two main leads meet at the same place at the same time, and i think that is what we call somehow scripted. But when It comes to Jung Hwan and Deok Sun, it's not scripted because riding the same bus or walking the same street is pretty normal since they are neighbors. I don't see what scripted are they talking about.

When people say a drama is scripted or repetitive and the writers need to change and do something different and bring something new to the game, I tend to ignore them. In my humble opinion 9 out of 10, it's code for my-otp-was-not-endgame-and-I'm-salty-about-that-so-I-will-bash-the-whole-of-a-show-the-writing-and-characters. 

The whole thing is kind of a moot point because the same is true of anything that is of a specific genre. It is a genre because it's known for its specific elements that can be found in other works of the same or similar genre or style. For example, you seen one underdog sports movie you seen em all. We have come to know and expect these movies to have: 1. a team or player whose really bad or has the weight of the world against them 2. a white savior coach, teacher, stranger, that uplifts the team/person and improves their life (as a person of color this bothers me so much) 3. a lot of hate and misunderstanding that turns to bonding, love, and support 4. a tragedy of some type that must be overcome together will befall the team or person midway through the story or towards the end 5. no matter how good the opponent or how small the odds, the team or person wins in the end and even if they lose they still win because they gain admiration or respect of those that didn't believe in them. The above being true doesn't make those movies or stories  any less entertaining or enjoyable. Writers always find a way to make the same old somewhat original and different while still sticking to the things you've come to expect or know must be in those types of movies for it to be that type of movie. The same is true of anything. For jazz to be jazz it requires a specific sounds, dystopian novels from 'Freight 451' to the 'Hunger Games' series all have the same basic core story and components. Rom-coms in any country or language are fundamentally the same story. Yet we watch and enjoy them because writers are still able to give you not down to the T same characters or situations and make it entertaining enough to keep you watching and coming back for more. 

This is exactly what kdramas and the Reply series do. The Reply series is somewhat a genre of its own being that it has developed elements that will be in each of its series. 1. The story centers around a female protagonist her family and a core group of her friends 2. We will follow this group for different months of their lives watching as they learn and grow 3. Romance will brew to form at least two couples among the friends 4. We will have a time skip 5. There will be separation and reunion. Most importantly we know there will be a lot of nostagalia and attention to detail in music, clothes, props, etc and we know the writers will use something (colors, dolls, stuffed animals) as hidden explanations or clues of a scene, storyline, or OTP development. This is the series's niche, style, it's thing that separates it and makes it, it. The writer obviously has a specific type of love story, and idea of family and friendship that they want to share with viewers in each installment. Why should they change their method and message to please OTP? It's their thing (all writers have their basic elements they don't diverge too far from, just look at any and all Nicholas Sparks novels) if you don't like their thing just don't watch it. So far they've made it clear they are not changing how they do what they do to tell a love story that just ain't them. 

People say it's scripted or it's a copy and paste of past installments and that's true to an extent but let's not act like the writers aren't creative in adding something different to the characters and storylines that make them different even though they are the same. Look what they did with Sunwoo, they knew based on past installments and viewers expectations we all would think/believe Sunwoo is the husband. They lead us (or did we lead ourselves?) to thinking this were true for like 5 episodes then bam, he'd actually in love with the sister. Viewers knowledge lead us to believe formulated facts about the series. The writer and production used that knowledge to cleverly apply a "twist" of sorts. It's the same yes, but I think the team always managed to make it never the less well done or addicting to see it through from beginning to end. To want a change simply for OTP (the main leads parents have been played by the same actors and tend to have the same type of marriage in all three series but no one ever complains about that or want to see that changed or even the family or friendship factor) is like, but that's just not the love story the writer wants to tell...why mess with a good successful thing? 

Also the argument of Junghwan being a copy paste of past installment leads and kdrama leads is moot because the same is true of Taek. As Junghwan can be copy pasted onto Yoojae and Trash, Taek can be copy pasted onto Hyung and Chilbong. If the OTP is scripted as all kdrama OTPs are, Deok Sun and Taek's interactions are as scripted as second lead that will never get the girl are. What is true of one, is true of the other so why keep arguing it? Like someone said, it's a drama, everything is scripted. Doesn't make it less fun. 

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3 hours ago, wizengamot said:



If my friends would ask me if I like "this particular person" and f i'm 0% uninterested at him or 0% not like him, I could actually answer "No, I don't like him." since he's not around and would not be hurt by my "no"

But if I like someone and is too shy to admit it to my friends, I'd say "I don't know." "Maybe." "No comment." or I'll change the subject.

So i'd say that even before Deok Sun had the confirmation later that night, there's already "something" or a percentage that he sees Jung Hwan as someone more than just a friend. 

There were speculation that Deok Sun only got bashful on the phone call with Man Ok because she already realized that Jung Hwan liked her. But we could see here that she's not 0% uninterested in Jung Hwan in terms of her answer here. 

Same here!! As I said before on a post long ago, the answer to "Do you like him?" is either yes or no. If it's not no, then it is yes because it's asking for an giving of feelings. If you aren't completely sure you don't like a person in a romantic way, doubt is doubt that stirred your heart which means the answer is yes (Doeksun likes Junghwan) because it's not that she doesn't know, she's doubtful of his feelings, but her heart 'fluttered' by his actions, otherwise she would've just said she didn't like him.

(And I said as before, it's the same thing with "Do you love him?", the answer is either yes or no. If it's not yes, then it's no because it's asking you for a complete surrender of yourself. If there is any doubt, it's probably a no in the form of denial and trying to preserve a relationship. But they had doubt that they didn't love them, so the answer is not completely yes, then it is a no.)

There was this other person who posted on the main thread that they wished Deoksun knew Taek liked her first before she knew Junghwan's feelings so there's a chance she would've liked Taek first. LOL i really don't think that's how it works with Deoksun. They've used the whole 'Deoksun likes back whoever likes her first' argument again. Deoksun was moved by Junghwan's actions before she knew he liked her, that is why she likes him because his attitude changed into doing sweet things for her. 

On the other hand, if Taek confessed first... I don't think Deoksun would've given into that idea at all of liking him back immediately. She would've probably liked him back after some thought and time but as another said here that Taek hasn't done anything sweet or shown that he likes her in any way that put him out of his comfort zone for her. This is unlike Junghwan's, which she has a feeling towards already because well one) Deoksun clearly sees him as a boy who reads erotic novels lol before she knew his feelings and 2) Deoksun even had to be persuaded after Taek's swooping beach scene that 'of course he's a man'.

The tides worked pretty much in Junghwan's favor for Deoksun's feelings ... Taek and Deoksun are cute and all but I'm not feeling the love from Taek's part that shows me why Deoksun has to like him.

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I think that even if we get a kiss in ep 12, it wont be a deep one yet, so i won't get my hopes up. In AM1994, their first kiss (also ep 12!!) was okay, like it wasnt deep like their later ones but it leaves the viewers wanting more and this is probably the tactic of the Reply Staff LOL Also since this is hyeri and RJY's first kiss scene, i think they'll go easy on them first. but we will DEFINITELY get some more intense lip action in the later episodes!!!! :wub::blush: omg whenever theyre together i can't help but look at their lips and like wtf r u guys doing just make out already ughghghg

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7 hours ago, Aya Hong said:

Me!!! I can't remember how many times already when I also clicking and repeating this scene

urghhhh I don't know what to do anymore so the day will come fast hahaha

Count on me chingu, i repeated this and "hajima" scene many times..

His gaze killing me...i falling in love with him already..!! 



And this.. 


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In episode 10 I really enjoy the squad scene at the end a lot. The whole crew has such awesome chemistry with one another. I like it when the crew is egging Deok Sun to take responsibility for Taek she says yes in a joking way but the more they push it she gets kind of uncomfortable and tries to get them to stop (curse you camera for filming above her head so I can't see if she was shooting secret glances at Junghwan). That felt different from the past where she proclaims she will seduce Taek or can't wait for him to grow up and marry her. Her reactions in that scene tells me the "don't go" has most definetly changed things. With those words they've crossed a line (see what I did there) and there is no going back. Go ahead and try to push her away and keep her at arm's length Junghwan. You are ultimately going to fail and I really don't think Deok Sun will let you keep it up for long. 

Gah, no matter how many times I watch the scene, my heart cracks right along with his when the camera pans to Junghwan after Taek's announcement :tears:. After months of actions and waiting for her to piece it together, she finally does and they are thiscloss to really truly starting something...then with 6 words it all comes tumbling down :(. I don't envy him or this predicament. I wouldn't know what to do either if I were him. No matter what goes down someone is going to get hurt. Gosh, can we have the days of cute "meow" and tieing and untieing ones shoes? I wish we could go back to the giddiness of watching them stand and watch the rain. 

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Countdown to live broadcast : 1 day!!

Wow time flies , tomorrow we can get to watch R1988, I am all feeling excited. It is hard to survive during these 4 days.. I have been watching the past episodes.. >.<

I believe the upcoming episodes will have passionate if not romantic scene for our couple. hehe..

Let's party hard and forget the unhappiness stuff in our life!

DC people added Jung Hwan to the dance, LOL


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33 minutes ago, honeywell said:

Anyone else think we're due for a kissing scene regardless of the OTP.  Not one couple had a kissing yet.  

 hmm I think 85% it will be Bora and SW kiss before our couple in episode 11. hmm why do I think TK might plant a peck on DS cheek if not lips before JH :P Just like reply 1994? Chilbong did the kiss before Trash?

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On 12/9/2015 at 8:40 AM, grcevln said:

I could see why the casts are getting along so well. They are compatible, well at least, zodiac-wise. Hyeri, Gyung Pyo, and Bo Gum are all geminis while JunYeol is a libra. Both gemini and libra have the same element which is air. Air is well known for being very social, lively, and humourus. 

Good Morning, one more day we have to endure before the infamous 11 hahaha, But first of all thanks @grcevln for telling me about Junyeol is libra, how can I never thought of it.. that he and me just have the same zodiac!! Yuhuuuuu~~~ borrowing Jungbong's word "or is it....fate?" aahahahaha pardon me for fangirling a bit here.


15 hours ago, juniper_ said:

omg i seriously can't imagine hyeri doing that kind of scene.... that would be hilarious haha

we might as well photoshop hyeri's face onto eunji's of the 1997 scene when she gave birth lol

there's no image in my mind that could make that picture

Wahahahaha I'm so looking forward for this!!!! and if Junghwan is really the husband, I think it will be such a nice experience for Junyeol Oppa (soon he will enter his married age) pffftttt.... hmphh....


13 hours ago, HwanSunny said:

V-App really make me think that they already filming kissing scene! :wub: Hyeri is so cute when she disappointed coz Joon Yeol Oppa say he will not appear because she already did it wit Bo Gum :D but I scream at my laptop next week he must appear again :w00t:

Hyeri shy when JY oppa touch her and touch her lips, they are so cute, my delulu mind :w00t::P

I feel so too!!!! On the same day we got to see BTS vid of epi 10 from Tvn which is taken weeks ago, and they were just so playfully getting along, but the evening Hyeri acted all shy, and did you realized hyeri seems to pause talking to her Vapp bec Junyeol coming inside and waiting for him to look and laughing to him soundly? 


Well wooooow  just finished reading everything, the page jumped up a lot while I'm gone, a day only tho~~~~

@MrsSoJiSub I feel like a block on my chest just lifted up, reading your post... And yeah history finds the way to repeat itself, the one who was chilbonged choose to be chilbonged again, and I wish no one would blaming the writer while they all who fail to see everything which is already so bright and clear.

About the preview, yeah I am so agree the preview always been so misleading, And for that reason I am nervous, bec I am expecting so much of JH-DS scene now. I know DC put that compilation of comparison between Preview-Broadcast, which were always favor in Junghwan side. But I remember one time watching epi 7 preview where they were showing that the episode would be many Taek-DS moment which turned out epi 7 is more lovely scene for JH-DS, it was like baiting Taek's supporter but entertained JH's supporter, I mean I'm just nervous that it will be the other way round this time, Pardon my over reaction I realized it is merely bec I am longing for more JH-DS scene even it is just two of them continuously bickering each other.

uuuuhm, as soon as I read about this 5years time jumping, I don't feel really happy, we will still have 5 episode tho, but I haven't prepare my heart yet to say goodbye to this 4 ssangmundong highschooler + 1 pro baduk player.... It's like I love them so much I don't want them to grow so fast....I wonder will they stay with the first love theme? I remember that I kept holding on to my first-unrequited love for 3years, hahaha....aaaaing meolla, this drama really consumes my time, brain and emotion, I'm so in love with Reply 1988.

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Yeah for some reason I think Taek will kiss DS first and maybe JH will see this.  Hopefully it will knock some sense into JH.  Nothing will happen if he keeps moping and remaining like a rock.  

About the preview,  I'm sure 85% is just trolling the viewers.  The BR and SW stuff is probably right.  The sleeping is probably half trolling and half true.  Like when we hear DS calling out JH's name, it's probably another scene that this happens.

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12 minutes ago, ShinRaeMi said:

Seriously, I can't wait for tomorrow's ep.. I also believe that they should give us a kiss scene from our OTP now. But, instead of JH initiating the kiss, I want DS to do it first. LOL!


Hahhaha. Love the idea. Maybe a peck on the cheek would be nice. I surely would enjoy seeing JH's blank/shy face if DS did that to him XD

But I don't mind either way. Be it JH or DS, whichever make a 1st move, just kiss already, hahahaha.

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2 hours ago, honeywell said:

Anyone else think we're due for a kissing scene regardless of the OTP.  Not one couple had a kissing yet.  

*nods head vigriously* they are being hella stingy with it this time. In R94 by this time Najeong had already been kissed twice by Chilbong in R97 I think Yoonjae had kissed Shiwon at least once, why no kisses yet? They better make it one hell of a kiss (no matter who it is, can Sunwoo and Bora get their kiss on.) when it finally comes (knowing me I'll probably go gah gah over a peck on the cheek). 

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Alright, new theory (or headcanon/AU). I’ve been reading lots of theories so here’s my contribution to this madness.

I’ve been thinking about how Deok Sun sometimes looks flustered when Jung Hwan does those THINGS THAT MAKE US SWOON, and about how there’s never any follow up. They always skip to the next day and Deok Sun just rolls her eyes at Jung Hwan and brushes it off. 

Except for the day after their alley scene, we’ve never seen Deok Sun feel awkward or reflect on Jung Hwan’s gestures. She just brushes it off. It got me thinking. I read a post about how falling for Jung Hwan in her mind would equal ‘losing to him’. They’re constantly bickering and his opinion is often the only one she dreads. When she wanted to do the dance, she asked for them to shut him up. Whenever there’s a group conversation, she always reacts to him the most by being aggressive and always disagreeing with him. I find it interesting because it means there’s something there. How did they get here? What makes Deok Sun so sensitive and annoyed by everything Jung Hwan does? We know he can be very mean to her but was there something else? Some people are suggesting that he might have been her first love instead of Sunwoo. A flashback to their junior high school years would literally kill me. Imagine Deok Sun crushing on Jung Hwan only to overhear him talking with the boys about how she’s ugly or something, or how she’s not even a girl in his eyes. What if she heard the boys that night when Dong Ryong suggested that she got pretty only for Jung Hwan to feel almost repulsed by that idea (hahaha poor guy, look at you now)? This is maybe just me speculating. But I feel like we’re not getting the full picture concerning DeokSun/JungHwan. All their scenes are from Jung Hwan’s perspective. We never get to see what she thinks later. I don’t think she’s that oblivious. I feel like she’s protecting herself by not jumping into conclusions and not only because of the whole Sun Woo thing, but because it’s Jung Hwan, mean cold Jung Hwan who would never in a million years fall for her, right? (PLS HELP) FLASHBACKS PLEASEEEEEEEEE. (I refuse to believe that she’s just clueless and is capable of ignoring all of that). 

BTW,i love JH body figure and height..he not to thin and not to fat, and he has a fit chest..


DS is so lucky,..

tumblr_nxukkrqixq1qaoi2mo5_r3_400.gif tumblr_nyqpxiNpYy1uoaui7o6_r1_400.gif

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girls, I left the main thread cz i need some break from reading excuses and reasoning for Bora's  unexpected  behavior.

Like all of us here , I dont know how many times I replied the scene with JH's reaction after Taek 's reveal.

Ryo Joon Yeol deserves a Baeksang for this scene alone.

Kudos to the boy!



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Guest wizengamot

i just want to welcome a new passenger in our ship @voyeur93 enjoy the shipping!!!

@dinhie yeah, she must have used her head. I realized while rewatching that lately Deok Sun seemed to have this surprised/wondering/shocked expression on her face because clearly she's surprised by some changes of Jung Hwan on the way he treats her.

@wasted_youth that Taek talk confession and Jung Hwan's expression scene,I honestly just watched that scene once and skipped it everytime after rewatching the episodes countless times. It's just too much for me to watch so i keep skipping that scene.

@MrsSoJiSub Lol!!! i like the " When people say a drama is scripted or repetitive and the writers need to change and do something different and bring something new to the game, I tend to ignore them. In my humble opinion 9 out of 10, it's code for my-otp-was-not-endgame-and-I'm-salty-about-that-so-I-will-bash-the-whole-of-a-show-the-writing-and-characters." it's basically what they're doing haha!!!

@juniper_ i agree with you, i'm actually quite frustrated when they keep using the "Deok Sun likes back whoever likes her first" argument, just to justify the way Deok Sun reacted about Jung Hwan. Any excuse will do to them rather than recognize that Deok Sun really likes Jung Hwan and part of it is because he shows it earnestly. I was about to post about that in the main thread, but you already posted it so i just hope they could understand it haha

chants with @leekyuphii and @Howlongwillthisfandomlast and almost everyone on ep. 11: SHORT NOBLE IDIOCY MOMENTS AND... LAVA SCENES!! LAVA SCENES!!!

@einYoshiChan i love your every description of RJY'c physique, can i have him then? hahahahaha!!! *wondering what it feels like to lie on that chest* 



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3 hours ago, ihate0ni0ns said:


Hahhaha. Love the idea. Maybe a peck on the cheek would be nice. I surely would enjoy seeing JH's blank/shy face if DS did that to him XD

But I don't mind either way. Be it JH or DS, whichever make a 1st move, just kiss already, hahahaha.

Haha, i love those idea too..  Because JH doesn't know DS have feelings with him  and for the 'crab dance' he thought she never see him as a man,so this time DS need to make a first move to tell JH she already in love with him.. 

Haishh..  I can't wait to see uri ds and JH kiss and sweet date..


credit from http://aja-villa.tumblr.com/

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Guest wizengamot
10 minutes ago, einYoshiChan said:

Haha, i love those idea too..  Because JH doesn't know DS have feelings with him  and for the 'crab dance' he thought she never see him as a man,so this time DS need to make a first move to tell JH she already in love with him.. 

Haishh..  I can't wait to see uri ds and JH kiss and sweet date..


you have a point. His looks when she dances crab-leg choreo cracks me up so much. it's so hilarious, but he must have realized that he's not seen as a man, so maybe a simple peck on the cheek could be one of Jung Hwan's life greatest reversal hahahaha!!!

they should do that, in reply 1997, the OTP received kiss around ep 2. and i read that in Reply 1994 they also kissed half way of the series.

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