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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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I just re watching episode 16.. At the first scene when SW and DR talking about TK and DS, aushhh.. I really want give big punch at them.. Especially at the part SW smiling like he was satisfied with TK progress after he gives him an advice... ,i was like 'heh,  you basttrd you can bubblering and give advices to TK about eyes what so ever like you are Dr. love but you can't see your own friend eyes..'

How about this guy eyes then?? hahh??tell me how about this guy eyes ?? can't they feels his pain,can't they see his eyes ??


even though his not crying as TK but he holding all his feelings since episode 11..ok,let's not look at him,if we in real life having a same situation as him what are going to do ?? we can't tell everyone about our feelings, we trying to holding back our feelings for a friendship sake but in a same time we cant stop loving that person.. what are we going to do ?? for me, that is the most painful feelings ever..

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Throughout this series, Deok sun's affection for TK has been nothing but motherly to me. TK's friends treat him like a little baby, like a precious jewelry and DS just tends to do it with femininity because duh she's a girl. TK merely misinterpreted her friendly gestures for something deeper which is something he must learn from in this drama.

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3 hours ago, honeywell said:

Happy new year to all!!!

I wonder if they'll show a preview for episode 17 later in the NG/BTS special.

I'm not bothered with the colors being insisted on whoever but I'm more bothered when I read that Hyeri and RJY have no chemistry.  It's like huh?  If they have no chemistry then why is the DS/JH pairing the most popular among viewers?  Then also the whole DS doesn't take care of JH like she does with TK.  Obviously every time I see DS and TK together,  it's like watching a mother and son.  The fact that DS has to bargain with TK to eat is like how a mom would treat her kid.  TK may have liked DS for a very long time and is probably doing everything on purpose but I don't see DS changing the way she sees TK.  The moment when JH sees TK leans against DS, I don't see the look of I'm falling for you.  It was more like geez what happened now...I was in the middle of crying.

Anyways someone asked why the shot of JH smiling at DS after she appeared on TV was a clue that JH was husband contender.  To me this was a hook.  It was similar to how Trash was revealed not being Na Jung's brother.  The smile revealed that JH probably has been thinking of DS differently for quite some time.  Probably not as long as TK but way before episode 3.  

I read the whole leaning on her shoulder in ep 15 or 16 as an annoying moment (though she holds it in) for Deok Sun. I swear I see the girl sigh with her eyes and say exactly what you said "really dude right now. I need a shoulder to lean on, not vice versa!). Honestly if Taek had comforted Deok Sun in that moment I may have seen him as a real contender. When he didn't (and I read Deok Sin's face) it was another nail (amongst many) in that ship for me. I just knew if Junghwan had gone up he would have her cry on his shoulder and it kills me every time they show his shut door. 

As for the main thread like @carolinedl it's not what they say but how they say it that's grating. But I take it all as "doth protest too much methinks" moments (just like Junghwan's overly aggressive and loud "are you guys crazy!") The more they talk and bring all this "evidence" the surer I am that even they know where it's all be headed and..well..it's hard to change our beliefs or change perception about something we feel so strongly right about. In one week we get two new eps and closer to the finish line. I'm curious to see what all sides will say and make of next weeks to eps. 

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3 hours ago, kiklaminHo said:


Yes that 's her name. :angry: I can not bring myself to pronounce this little brat's name.( talking about holding a grudge here for 30 something years..LoL)

As for the color theories I believe in most scenes they work  in favor of uri JH but when DS is in her pj she has always on her blue pj and she holds her blue school bag.

I do believe as another poster said ( I think is @MrsSoJiSub if not i apologize for my mistake) production intentionally tries to perplex viewers by throwing mixed signals .Cause if we leave aside the complex analyses ,story is very obvious.


Actually Deok Sun's school bag is green and always has been (I know this because I began to fixate on that bag when Sunwoo was the contender. My mind could not compute how she likes red dude when her bag and desktop are green LOL -then I reminded myself to unfocus on the color like I had been doing before they were pointed out to me LOL-) the one time it was blue was during ep 15(?) bus scene error and many of us caught and dismissed that. 

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4 hours ago, Eichhoerchen said:

@carolinedl I think you perfectly convey what I feel about the evidence they offered. But those evidence as for me are way too reaching. Why would I can see those subtle things if the production team give me a significant things above all? Yes I could understand that those evidence are meant to be recognized but it just doesnt feel right. DS doesnt perceive all the signs as TK's love towards her because it is simply not significant enough like JH signs to her and I didnt really see DS will change if TK doesnt step up the game which probably we wont see that since TK already give up his chance to confess.  


Sorry I just don't agree with this or what @carolinedl said (if I'm interrupting right, if not please explain more) why can't it be that Deok Sum simply does not like Taek as more than a friend? Even if he confessed earlier or made it be know earlier that he likes her, I like to believe (putting aside Kdrama logic that says otherwise) that she still would reject him because she only likes him as a friend. Is it really that hard to believe that guys and girls can just be friends? (oh the irony after what I just said about 'little women' and friends turned lovers element of this show and ship I know, heh).

Just as I believe Najeong saw the good person Chilbong was, the great boyfriend/husband he could be to someone, he just wasn't the one for her. As great as he was (and she knew this hence the baseball "thank you for loving me" scene of ep 23?) he wasn't HER ideal of her great. I think the same is the case here. Taek is a wonderful guy and would make some guy or girl happy as a boyfriend/husband. However he is not Deok Sun's some kind of wonderful. She simply doesn't like him as more than a friend. I don't care who saw who first, loved first, confessed first, etc. It all means nothing if the feelings aren't mutual or returned and that is the case with Taek (just my humble opinion). Deok Sun has never been into Taek as more than a friend (do none of us really not have someone we take care of,look out for, and love but just don't feel a romantic attraction to them?) and that's that. 

Sorry y'all it's just this argument was done during R94 too and I really dislike the implication that our lead girl lacks control of her own life/feelings and let's the gods of fate and time (if you will indulge me) decide everything for her. I strongly believe that even if Jeong had grown up with Chilbong and then one day met Trash, her heart would have gone to him because who he is (the man, friend, lover) is the person she wants to be with. I think the same will be true when Deok Sun makes her choice. It'll be HER choice and not something fate or time gave her. Again I'd be an idiot if I said these two things aren't factors, they are. Still, utimately we make a choice and live or die by them.

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Annyong yeoreobun!

I went to main thread and got an instant headache. What a sight . another ``unbiased`` novel I dont even care anymore about those cluess everything is evident either way. After one comment that stated that TK showed his love for DS through revenge on arcade game. He scored on arcade game to get revenge for DS coz she was on first place and than JB replaced her.  Like LOL best argument ever.

Anyway I`m sooo bored without new ep, and sad coz the end is near. Other dramas are kind of boring except Six flaying dragons. There's nothing to watch, can anyone give me a suggestion butagdeuribnida :)

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I have two more days to spend in this thread and when Monday comes I ll disappear in my hectic schedule.:tears:

Forgive me for my recent verbal diarrhea .I see my avatar in every page  as like I do not have anything else to do  but commenting here :P

I started re watching ep 1 and  we see there adult DS describing the gang.

Her description for JH is :.....His name is dog and HE IS NOT A HUMAN YET....

If we compare those words with the words she said later: ..."..I never dreamed that I'd end up marrying him....I think I went crazy for a second or something"

we can see that her before opinion for her hubby was not so great ...     lol for her  he was a" dog "before but after she must lost her mind if she ended up falling in love and marrying the person that back then did not consider as human ( she said it in a playful way of course) .JH was there for her as her childhood friend and as  the person to clear out her frustration.

I feel that I came so late in this thread because i know I just repeat what all of you said since page 1 of this thread.

Re watching ep, 1 you can see that  answers are all there.

I hv to admit though in the beg. of  episode one I had a small doubt seeing and observing colors .

@MrsSoJiSub I am sure you are right .I tried to play the color game last few days and I am not so good.

so long chingus


Re-Watching first episode make me fell deeper for JH.

What a wonderful, sensitive heart this boy has.His scene with his mom killed me.

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21 minutes ago, Vannyah M said:

Annyong yeoreobun!

I went to main thread and got an instant headache. What a sight . another ``unbiased`` novel I dont even care anymore about those cluess everything is evident either way. After one comment that stated that TK showed his love for DS through revenge on arcade game. He scored on arcade game to get revenge for DS coz she was on first place and than JB replaced her.  Like LOL best argument ever.

Anyway I`m sooo bored without new ep, and sad coz the end is near. Other dramas are kind of boring except Six flaying dragons. There's nothing to watch, can anyone give me a suggestion butagdeuribnida :)


Did you reply to her that why didn't he put 'DS' instead of 'TK' to get revenge?

I agree with @Eichhoerchen that ' Why would I can see those subtle things if the production team give me a significant things above all?'. Clues are fun but this is a family and romance drama. It's not a mystery drama. The 'clues' are suppose to make the series more fun but viewers are still suppose to be able to enjoy without understanding the clues and hints presented in the drama. 


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I agree in all of the scenes I have seen so far, I just don't see DS liking TK beyond as a friend.  This is why I don't agree with that DS has moved on from JH and starting to have  feelings for TK.  It is possible that she's just not into TK.

I just don't see the writer making DS bounce around her feelings for her friends.  DS is clearly not over JH.  If she was truly over JH then things wouldn't be so tense between them.  It's like there's an elephant in the room and no one wants to talk about  it.

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50 minutes ago, honeywell said:

I agree in all of the scenes I have seen so far, I just don't see DS liking TK beyond as a friend.  This is why I don't agree with that DS has moved on from JH and starting to have  feelings for TK.  It is possible that she's just not into TK.

I just don't see the writer making DS bounce around her feelings for her friends.  DS is clearly not over JH.  If she was truly over JH then things wouldn't be so tense between them.  It's like there's an elephant in the room and no one wants to talk about  it.

I agree. I have seen all the things being pointed out in the main thread but still at the end of the day, I don't feel any of that changes our story or what Deok Sun's feelings are for Taek; friendship. I also agree about the elephant in the room. It was obvious in their eating and bus riding interactions as well as the stairwell (I love how it was filmed that we saw Deok Sun as Junghwan notices her coming). 

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1 hour ago, Vannyah M said:

@Howlongwillthisfandomlast i thought about it but i wasn't in mood for debate, anyhow it`s pointless.they do not accept the facts so i gave up,

@artsycharisma you can download raws from here https://torrentz.eu/search?q=Reply+1988/  


Thank you, @Vannyah M!!! Hugs and kisses :wub::wub:

In terms of the OSTs, I would have to say Kim Feel's song, Youth, would be my favorite. However, non-OST song would be the icecream love song... you know... the one that DS sings with DR during the tutoring session xD 

I'll post links since I don't know how to incorporate youtube vids in a post...

Youth by Kim Feel

Icecream Love by Im Byeong-su

DS and DR singing scene (with eng subs) (just noticed JH giving DS a thumbs up and SW like nudged him... hahaha)

That's honestly my most favorite scene of the series so far... I mean JH's subtle movements (looking at her, giving her thumbs up, etc.) :wub:

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10 minutes ago, HwanSunny said:




Translation of the caption (by eyesonryu) : Wondering if the new year is any different. We keep on loving anyways.

I'll love you any day tbh :dizzy:

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Happy New Year, folks! I hope you guys had a blast! 

I was expecting this thread to be pretty slow because of NYE but I'm obviously wrong :sweatingbullets: *goes to backread*.

9 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

But honestly the story and show its self is the biggest clue. If you followed everything from beginning to end its been there. I don't know why leads are still being argued. Even if this is an ensemble cast (like Lost was) we still have a definite lead (Deok Sun here, Jack there) the lead's love interest (Junghwan here, Kate there), second leads (Taek here, and Sawyer and co there), and the obvious love triangle (Deok Sun/Junghwan/Taek here and Jack/Kate/Sawyer -I shipped SawyerKate so hard, yeah I got a type when it comes to love lines- there). It's not just a kdrama thing. It's a a well established genre and just storytelling in general thing that can be found in various places and works (even paintings and most definitely music aka every love song, has it).



THIS! We (both JH and TK supporters) as ardent fans and shippers notice all the meticulous clues that's been laid out, but most casual viewers that only watch this drama as weekend entertainment wouldn't notice this sort of stuff. What they notice is the flow of the story and so far the story still put a lot of emphasize on JH. Viewers don't think JH is the husband/main lead only because of his personality or all those swoony moments he did, it's because so far that's what the drama been showing them (a lot of JH and not enough TK that is). And this has been proven by how popular RJY suddenly. From literal unknown he suddenly shots up to be the most expected rising star, even surpassing PBG on survey. If you read knetz comments, about 80% of them mention JH even on unrelated topics like JB's date. So if JH ends up not being the husband, the writer will have a lot of explaining to do not only to DS/JH shippers but probably half the population of South Korea.

I also agree that this is not a mystery drama so to expect viewers to notice the clues instead of the flow of story is just outrageous. Not everyone has the time (or the dedication) to watch and rewatch every episodes so that they can pick and nitpick at every possible scenes, so to me if this is what the writer and the PD is aiming for (for people to notice that TK is the husband all along) then they have failed miserably in doing so. 

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Hi everyone! A new member here! I love reading all of your theories & clues,they're greatl! You make me see things I didn´t catch while watching the episodes! adfsajhgjasghghjaj Im a BIG Junghwan and Deok-Sun shipper! (I have been dying to talk to somebody about these two stupid dorks) .  Because of the break, I have been re watching all the episodes (like almost everyone :lol:) and see if i could find some other clues that haven´t been posted already.....(please bare with me....english is not my first language)

*Also, I haven´t seen reply 97 or 94... so I don´t know exactly how the color theory works)

. I don´t know if someone has posted this yet, but here it is anyway : After JH tells DS not to go to the blind date...the green color pieces of the game set are down...if JH is in fact color green ( which I think he is) I think this kinda represents that he let his guard down or something... like he made it really obvious that he likes DS and she got to prove that he likes her... 


what do you guys think this could represent ? Do you think this have some deep meaning? Am I just over analyzing things? :blink:


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