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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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16 minutes ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:

I thought he make it a joke because he waited 15secs for her response and she keep on looking at the door(and he knows her so well that he knew that she is waiting for T). So, to prevent it from being awkward around everyone he choose to make it into a joke.


Dear Taek fans, we know you love us but please channel your love to PBG and your ship instead of talking about other things. Think of fanfics and possible scenarios of your ship, everyone can do better than what the writer has gave for both ships in the last 2eps.

Yeah i don't get them. if my junghwan was the end game, i wouldn't even bother to read all those negative comments because whatever you said, my hubby is the end game so get lost. but they're so fussy and whiny at the MT makes me wonder what happened to their wish that came true? just because we said hyeri and junyeol shipped their own characters (because i think its true looking at their chemistry).... but we're not hallucinating either. why would they talked about their first kiss like a shipper did if they didn't want their characters to be the endgame? doesn't makes sense. also hyeri and deoksun are a different person though, maybe they have the same personality but they're definitely a different person. so they shouldn't be really over defensive about this. i feel so bad when someone said junyeol is not a considerate person because he ranked ep 10 the lowest because of the i-like-deoksun-confession. sigh.... i don't see we're saying negative things toward that guy but they're suddenly brought it up like this. so unfair

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I think they have a right to comment on the confession like we have a right to say that we don't see the passion in TK and DS's relationship. It's a free world and we all have the right to our opinions.

I just wish they would try to understand us a bit more. And the actors too. We are all human. Of course RJY is not going to like TK's confession because it was put in opposition to JH's feelings and since RJY is playing JH..... I don't see any harm in this. And the fact that RJY said it to his fans: no harm in that either. It was a specific context. I thought he was also very careful, saying what he thought while nonetheless showing that it was his personal opinion and without antagonizing PGB for instance (he said that he and PBG never talked about the husband issue).

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:blush: The way RJY look at Hyeri here is so :heart: that concern look gives me feels men...


When Hyeri seems to smile, RJY concerns seems to fade away and smiles/smirks too...it still feels like a drama but NO! this is real life...


huhu...how I wish someone would look at me that way when I'm feeling sad...:confounded:

*So a part-time worker in a cafe saw Hyeri and RJY came into the cafe with bright expressions TOGETHER..YES..TOGETHER...*



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18 minutes ago, minyeonhan said:

Yeah i don't get them. if my junghwan was the end game, i wouldn't even bother to read all those negative comments because whatever you said, my hubby is the end game so get lost. but they're so fussy and whiny at the MT makes me wonder what happened to their wish that came true? just because we said hyeri and junyeol shipped their own characters (because i think its true looking at their chemistry).... but we're not hallucinating either. why would they talked about their first kiss like a shipper did if they didn't want their characters to be the endgame? doesn't makes sense. also hyeri and deoksun are a different person though, maybe they have the same personality but they're definitely a different person. so they shouldn't be really over defensive about this. i feel so bad when someone said junyeol is not a considerate person because he ranked ep 10 the lowest because of the i-like-deoksun-confession. sigh.... i don't see we're saying negative things toward that guy but they're suddenly brought it up like this. so unfair

Even though Hyeri and Junyeol shipped their characters, not like the 2 of them manage to change the ending to JH-DS, so how does it affect Taek fans? The most important thing is TKDS is the end game so stop looking for things holes to fill in. We are talking about all these because we need a closure and knowing all these manage to give us some closure. Junyeol said that to his fans, people who root for JH, not people who root for Taek/PBG. 

Are they expecting Junyeol to say he love Taek's confession when Taek is his love rival in the drama and 1 of the reason Junghwan did not get the girl? LOL. 

@Amulya Kolusu I love JH-DS and I believe the charm of this ship is that they are childhood friends and knowing each other so well. But I also agree that the love line also kind of spoiled the 'friends forever' part of the drama for me.

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8 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

I think they have a right to comment on the confession like we have a right to say that we don't see the passion in TK and DS's relationship. It's a free world and we all have the right to our opinions.

ahh yes;_; sometimes i was just so mad at everything because of rep88 and realized later that i already ranted here and there without realizing that i became more and more like them... you pulled me to the ground, thank you : ))



ahnjaehong's update post on ig and @wenyeol's last post makes me really really want to ship our rjy and hyeri~

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I did not mean to say it in a patronizing way. I was just saying that free speech is important. Let's just let them speak.

I was just pointing out that they can say whatever they want really... But not to overread too much into the things of the real world. It' s not like we are friends with Hyeri or can ask her directly what she truly thinks. It is harder to interpret people's interviews than a drama for instance (though it's not like R1988 is easily interpretable either....).

And also, you all seem to be moving on but I am not. I thought I did but the more I think about it, the more I think it just does not make any sense. Despite having read everybody's nice thoughts and having tried to change my perception of it, and I have in many ways, I still think that the progression of things really centers on JH and actually points at him being the husband till episode 18. And then episode 19 happened.... What teh hell happened? I am having a hard time accepting that the script was changed because of spoilers for instance... so is it just bad writing? It's not liek she is known for being good with endings anyway...


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I think the problem is there are some taek shippers that constantly hate on jh  and when i think of them i cant see them talking about positive side of jh when they do not even like him in the first place, so why are they even discussing about him? Though  ep18  is also awesome in the sense that some taek shippers started to accept JH.

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22 minutes ago, minyeonhan said:

ahnjaehong's update post on ig and @wenyeol's last post makes me really really want to ship our rjy and hyeri~


Wait, What's our dear JB's update post?!?!....


Ah I just checked: sooo cute. But I don't ship people in real life... (I don't ship people in real life, I don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real lifeI don't ship people in real life...  Yeah I am trying to convince myself.... :P )

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@carolinedl no i didn't interpreted it as patronizing though~ i was truly glad that you pulled me to the ground and cleared my mind for behaving more and more like them. and don't worry i'm not over the ending too : ( i still doesn't see the hint of that guy being the husband except for ep 19 either.... on ep 20, when deoksun came to that guy's room and she asked what are they doing here, just imagined her missing junghwan so much because even in her imagination the one who answered her question was junghwan:D and she sit beside him too~ and not beside her husband~ i'm too delusional i need sleep~

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Just now, carolinedl said:

I did not mean to say it in a patronizing way. I was just saying that free speech is important. Let's just let them speak.

I was just pointing out that they can say whatever they want really... But not to overread too much into the things of the real world. It' s not like we are friends with Hyeri or can ask her directly what she truly thinks. It is harder to interpret people's interviews than a drama for instance (though it's not like R1988 is easily interpretable either....).

And also, you all seem to be moving on but I am not. I thought I did but the more I think about it, the more I think it just does not make any sense. Despite having read everybody's nice thoughts and having tried to change my perception of it, and I have in many ways, I still think that the progression of things really centers on JH and actually points at him being the husband till episode 18. And then episode 19 happened.... What teh hell happened? I am having a hard time accepting that the script was changed because of spoilers for instance... so is it just bad writing? It's not liek she is known for being good with endings anyway...



I agree that the TK-DS shippers have a right to their opinions. I don't agree with them, and find some of their comments very hurtful and distressing to read, but this forum is a free space so as long as they're not using offensive language... I just scroll past. 

And I feel completely the same way (regarding the highlighted part). I thought I had made my peace with the ending, but this morning I woke up and I still couldn't catch my breath at the thought of Junghwan and Deoksun not being together. I listened to UB40's Can't Help Falling In Love and it brought mournful tears to my eyes because of what could have - SHOULD HAVE been. I just...

I've thought rationally about the ending, I really have. I accept that Lee WooJung wanted to go against Kdrama convention and not have the first love work out. But I still am entirely resentful and betrayed at having been baited-and-switched. I don't hate her or the writing, because she wrote Junghwan beautifully, but I hate the execution. We were deliberately made to follow Junghwan's POV and invest in him and fall for him, so to have everything change in just the last two episodes was terribly painful. Our hopes were cruelly crushed and I feel like we were played for fools. 

Regarding comments about how if we go back and rewatch the whole show from the start, we can see the very natural albeit subtle progression of Deoksun and Taek's relationship, I can see their point. Taek and Deoksun were always holding hands, and they had a very warm familiarity between them. But again, it is only in hindsight that this is now made obvious (because again we were following Junghwan's POV), and that doesn't take away the bitter pill in my mouth at all. 

No I do not think Junghwan deserves better than Deoksun. I love Deoksun. Her choice broke my heart, but seeing her happy and being loved brought its own sense of comfort. Junghwan himself loved Deoksun, and why wouldn't he? She is amazing - so vibrant, so open to making the people around her happy, caring and generous of heart, loyal, and determined. 

I've also read that some people do not think Deoksun and Junghwan would have necessarily worked out. I disagree. Junghwan understood Deoksun very well, and loved her wholeheartedly for all that she is. Deoksun for her part also understood Junghwan (how his "ya!" meant he didn't mind paying), and their bickering dynamics carried its own warm familiar undercurrent of love. Whereas he is more reserved and shy, she is more direct and through her natural warmth she makes him smile and laugh. To make sure she'd catch him at the bus, she straight up asked him what time he'd go to school the next day, and then woke up before the crack of dawn to do just that. My point is, while Junghwan may have seemed to understand her better, she did make attempts to understand him and bring him out of his shell. They would have worked. They complimented each other. 

So yes. I cannot let go for what could have - should have - been. 

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11 hours ago, mylkrystal said:

I originally wanted to state this in the RJY thread but I'll just post this here as sadly the most neutral ground I can stand on to say this. There are things that have bothered me while spazzing in this thread with you all and I kind of hit the final straw reading over the RJY thread. I love RJY just as we all do and wanted to be able to be happy about him in his thread but there were comments there that got me down and honestly angry and had me writing this post - and this is only in continuation of what has been happening in this thread - albeit lessened now that a lot of people have left this thread with everything that has gone on with the finale. I really should have said this all sooner and put a stop to it while it was going on. What was the final button pushed was reading (some) people's thoughts on RJY revealing Hyeri cried during the confession scene and they had to stop shooting for her to calm down. There are people FORGIVING Hyeri? Like she committed some sort of crime? And I read a comment saying how RJY is so kind to say that about Hyeri so no one will hate her? Even though it speaks volumes that Hyeri broke down at this point in connection to a lot of other things RJY mentioned - people (not everyone but some are just praising RJY for being a great person to bring it up and oh okay I guess Hyeri is okay bla bla etc she can be forgiven. Also it irks me that people are saying Hyeri? So before finding this out she was an awful person for following the script given to her? If we never knew she cried during the confession she was someone to blame and pin hate on and she was not to be forgiven? This is insulting on so many levels. I will get into the V App on a later post. 


Thank you for your post. I agree with what you said. Hyeri acted as Deoksun, and her portrayal was half the reason why the Junghwan-Deoksun ship was as strong and compelling as it was (and continues to be). When her heart skipped a beat at being so close to Junghwan, when her eyes went straight to Junghwan whenever he was around her in the episodes following the "hajima" scene and a little after the pink shirt fiasco, when she was giddy and excited about seeing him at the bus stop - I feel she acted out well all those moments when Deoksun was tensely or happily aware of his presence and proximity. Her beaming at him when she asked if they could watch Top Gun and he said yes is one of the cutest, sweetest little interactions. 

Plus the morning after their bed scene, as she is rushing off with her family, Deoksun makes sure to bid a shy bye to Junghwan, and I love that scene to death. So sweet and innocent. I was rooting for her to be with Junghwan because I could see (from Hyeri's portrayal) just how excited she was to be around him, and how happy she was when he would make time for her (going to Lee MoonSae's concert). I knew just how radiantly happy she would be with him, to find out that all along there was this person who genuinely loved her and did all these things because he loved her. Junghwan and Deoksun would have made each other so so so incredibly happy, I have no doubts about that. 

Writing all of this just really proves to me how much I'm not over this yet. I don't know if I will ever be. As much as I want Ryu Junyeol and Hyeri to reunite in another project, I know it won't be the same, because they won't be reuniting as Junghwan and Deoksun, but as entirely different characters. What I wanted most of all and wished for with all my heart, was to see our Junghwan and Deoksun fulfill their love for each other. I wish I could just get a grip and tell myself this is all fictional, but their love story was so tender and romantic and full of yearning and so much promise. Please help me, someone. 

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2 hours ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:

I thought he make it a joke because he waited 15secs for her response and she keep on looking at the door(and he knows her so well that he knew that she is waiting for T). So, to prevent it from being awkward around everyone he choose to make it into a joke.


Dear Taek fans, we know you love us but please channel your love to PBG and your ship instead of talking about other things. Think of fanfics and possible scenarios of your ship, everyone can do better than what the writer has gave for both ships in the last 2eps.


@minyeonhan @Howlongwillthisfandomlast Seriously, why they're still analyzing things? Their ship has sailed, right? Why being butthurt just because our ship is not actually sunk but only letting Deoksun jumped to the other ship then we move on as Ryu Jun Yeol ship (Thanks to V-App, our sailor rescue).

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Well, after the RJY Vapp i'm here again.. It seems that my previous last goodbyes weren't the lasts :sweatingbullets:.

I'm joining @MrsSoJiSub's idea too:

1. The confession scene: it was one of the best confession ever.. Not only for the words used, but also for the pauses between the sentences.. I/you could see the pain in his eyes :tears:

2. The alley scene and the bus scenei loved the way his reaction was portrayed, the message was delivered perfectly without been vulgar.. In DSxJH i couldn't feel the sexual tension and for me, it is this that draw a line between a friendship and a romance story.

3. The meow scene: i couldn't help smiling like an idiot... they were too adorable :wub:

4. The dining scene: i really loved that DS kept to check JH reactions to her joke, meanwhile JH couldn't help but laugh :lol:

5. The wrestling scene:  for this i want to see the bts ahah i was laughing too hard with JH expressions and DS giving her all for putting him KO xD

I enjoyed all their scene because, as someone said previously, they were raw.. Because they were raw i could feel all the feels :wub:

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I thought I've moved on but I still visiting this thread. I don't have courage to open my R88 folder.. I want to delete it but I can't..huhuhu.. JungHwan is too precious to me. Wound will heal but leaves scar..*sigh*

But I'm proud being on this ship coz you'll never walk alone :D



OH, 4 more pages to 700 guys!!! Let's spazz!!

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It's not that he stole the show. Or that explanations of why he is doing so well are needed. Or that he has to be compared to Taek. Or that what he has said need to be analyzed. Implying this means that PBG did a bad job and that's not the case. Why do TK/DS shippers need to do that?

It's just that RJY was not known and that he acted very well and that his character was endearing. It's a combination of a lot of things.

PBG is not doing bad himself. He got a fan meeting and a lot of people are happy that he was the husband. He also did a great acting job and has already secured a lot of CFs (more than RJY right now).

@MrsSoJiSub Our 5 top moments of our OTP? I think it would be the same as the alst time though I would put the confession in number one now. Now if we were to talk about my 5 fav moments of R1988, I don't know what I would say. I think the Confession and bus scene (Can I mention fo rthe hundredth tie how much I loke the cinematography of that scene? :P) would be on top. I also think Papa Kim's sadness over calling his mother (Gosh I think of that scene and I wanna cry every time I see your signature MrsSoJiSub), JB telling his brother that his wish is that he would have his own dream and JH denying it (thought he still became a pilot for his brother), SW and Papa Bear playing baseball, Mama Sung defending Bora agst the police officers, Papa Sung taking care of that student at the demonstration (I dunno why but I rewatched that scene a lot), JH burning his brother's hands and getting his father into trouble to please his mother, etc......... I MISS REPLY 1988! :tears:


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46 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

It's not that he stole the show. Or that explanations of why he is doing so well are needed. Or that he has to be compared to Taek. Or that what he has said need to be analyzed. Implying this means that PBG did a bad job and that's not the case. Why do TK/DS shippers need to do that?

It's just that RJY was not known and that he acted very well and that his character was endearing. It's a combination of a lot of things.

PBG is not doing bad himself. He got a fan meeting and a lot of people are happy that he was the husband. He also did a great acting job and has already secured a lot of CFs (more than RJY right now).

@MrsSoJiSub Our 5 top moments of our OTP? I think it would be the same as the alst time though I would put the confession in number one now. Now if we were to talk about my 5 fav moments of R1988, I don't know what I would say. I think the Confession and bus scene (Can I mention fo rthe hundredth tie how much I loke the cinematography of that scene? :P) would be on top. I also think Papa Kim's sadness over calling his mother (Gosh I think of that scene and I wanna cry every time I see your signature MrsSoJiSub), JB telling his brother that his wish is that he would have his own dream and JH denying it (thought he still became a pilot for his brother), SW and Papa Bear playing baseball, Mama Sung defending Bora agst the police officers, Papa Sung taking care of that student at the demonstration (I dunno why but I rewatched that scene a lot), JH burning his brother's hands and getting his father into trouble to please his mother, etc......... I MISS REPLY 1988! :tears:



I did not say it having in my mind a comparison between the actors but HE STOLE the show.

He was superb in the way he portrayed his role .Maybe we see it differently but I feel that he was EXCELLENT in his performing and yes in my eyes and opinion he stole the show. : )

Saying that RJY was superb doesn t mean that the rest did not work good.

I do wish good luck to all actors .


chingus have a great evening/night/day

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