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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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im sorry if this has been asked as i havent managed to backtrack the pages yet but is it true the writer changed the script during the break?

@MrsSoJiSub hi~ exactly my thoughts! as an avid kdrama watcher this is the first time my ship sank. thats why i keep questioning myself was my judgement too clouded that i misread the whole thing? :( i really cannot process ending i just cant :( im a mess :( 

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Hi guys, good evening, the drama has just ended and it broke me apart, I kept on hoping but i guess, life is cruel sometimes, we may not have the perfect ending that we are expecting, we may not seen deoksun and jung hwan together, and surely we will be in pain for a couple of days, weeks or months just like how heartbroken we are right now, but still.... (90 degress bow) I want to tell thank you...

Thank you for having all of you, thank you guys for making me happy with all your comments and your spoilers, your antics and your spy like observations. I am not an active person here in the forum, because I'm very shy person and I don't have much friends who share the same passion with K-drama/ k-pop, but here in this particular forum, happiness and gratefulness overrides my heartache because all of you took a special part in my heart.

@MrsSoJiSub   thank you very much for all your posts and I wish that we are near to each other so we can share a drink while crying for our uri JH and  @Adwina Oltariani thank you very much for starting this forum, both of you are such wonderful ladies and to all ladies in this forum, I am sorry I cannot mention everyone's name because I am afraid to make a mistake while typing it.

I just wish that we will meet again, we will share each other's happiness again, we will rant together again, we will cry together again and I wish it will be sooner because my heart is very weak, since yesterday I cannot even eat, I don't even have the energy, ha ha ha ha call it crazy but REPLY 1988 create a big scar in my heart and I wish it may heal soon.


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7 minutes ago, Lia10 said:


hi chingu~ im kinda curious, what do you mean by misreading the series? bcos maybe i misread somethings too but i can't pinpoint the clues now with my cloudy mind 


I'm really just trying to make sense of everything.  Misreading...that's the only explanation I can give to myself. I don't know what I misread about the series though .  Maybe I'll figure it out eventually.  

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Just now, honeywell said:


I'm really just trying to make sense of everything.  Misreading...that's the only explanation I can give to myself. I don't know what I misread about the series though .  Maybe I'll figure it out eventually.  


maybe all of us will someday :tears:

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I thought the clues we were given were vague, in the sense that similar clues could be found about JH. A smile here, a look there in 18 episodes, really now. To the point I think a similar flashback could be done for DR. And we are left with what? With an OT5 that didn't last through the years. (Seriously wasn't this about friendship and warmth and people supporting each other?) And DS with TK instead of having the cosy scenes the previous couples had, spent their time bickering to match the future husband (who couldn't open a biscuit box writenim, really?) And JH becoming a character the writer didn't know what to do with cause if you show someone decide to move on, you at least give him a direction. Episode title should have been richard simmons happens, life goes on.


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Well, I'm finally going to leave this forum, you guys. I'm very much heart broken, and I feel like the best way to move on would be to do other things, watch other dramas that make sense, and just forget this tragedy. I'm glad that I was part of this group because we've supported each other all throughout. I felt a lot of love from the members. It feels good to be part of this crowd. I am at peace because I am not the only one feeling this way. 

So, to everyone, thanks! "I love you, Let's love!" (according to Ryu Jun Yeol). Let's continue supporting Ryu Jun Yeol in future projects. I hope that I get to see you all in a new forum again when he has a new project. 

Over and out! 

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4 hours ago, luffypyon said:

Even Taek and Deoksun said "Saranghae" looks so childish. Nothing compared to Junghwan's "Saranghae"


Even I haven't watch the last ep..(think I won't waste my time)..LoL..somehow I agree that nothing compared to JH "saranghae" cause I hold my breath when he confess and cheer for him like crazy..LoL*

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4 hours ago, Maudy Noor Fadhlia said:


THEIR JOKES ARE LAME. Crazy richard simmons. I feel nothing about this drama. It seriously worst ending ever, even School 2015 is better.

IKR. Poor taekwang but at least they remain as friends that actually SPEAK to each other. Not like this, being invisible to each other. This sucks. 

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Please give us a special episode!. You don't even need to make Jungpal the husband. This drama was spectacular when it started even up to ep 19. I'm not against Taek being the husband but how can it end just like that? 'sigh

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This is the 2nd time my ship sank. However, Trash deserved to be with NJ and they were really cute I had to admit it. :) The only thing I didn't feel right in R94 was they threw some random girl on the street to be Chilbong's fate, that was all. At least NJ hugged CB and was thankful for loving her. In R97, it was obviously YJ so I wasn't in any team. At the end, Taewoong ended up with a girl and their story was actually really convinced me. 

Look at us here right now, what do we have?! After confessing, we had NO JH with "that girl" scene..... Until now, I still don't understand why the writer changed her script like that. It might sound terrible but I wish they made the accident for JH.... :( 

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The useless 2 flashback :))))) One is the gangs when they were small. Oh yeap, it's beautiful but nothing helpful for us to understand why why and why Teak with Sun.

The second flashback, DS's diary. 2015 DS asked her hubby as if he had read her diary, but 1995 DS brought it outside right?? Or if Teak couldn't see what she wrote, this page was removed by the wifey n how the hell the hubby Teak can read it????????

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Honestly, I don't know what happened to this series. It was already the best story in everything: family, friendship, comedy, ost, romance. It could have been the greatest kdrama ever! It had the most layered and compelling characters. The most adorable and endearing families. The most heart-warming group of friends with the best chemistry and dynamic. The most heart-fluttering and epic love story. The most well-thought-of and meaningful script, production, setting, and editing. Really, this show could have had it all.

But for me, it was all ruined with its last episodes. Looking back now, it felt as if it wasn't the same show that it was last year. I am so curious why they decided for it to end this way. Honestly, was there any internal conflict in the production that made it this way? Because I still can't accept that a production team this brilliant could create such a mediocre conclusion to a Reply story.

But, maybe I'll have to consider that I may have been a blind shipper all along, at least since ep17 when the show opened with DS thinking too much about the cancelled movie date, then the dreamy kiss... and then when ep18 started without addressing the love triangle at the early part and JH's confession at the end. I thought that with the flashback to him crushing on DS since ep1 and the close-up on the ring, the endgame was his for the taking. But then there was that montage of JH-DS scenes at the end of ep18 which really bothered me a bit. I thought why would they show us that? It gave a nostalgic farewell feeling when I saw it but I just chose to ignore it because of the beautiful confession. But looking back now I guess that was really it. It was truly a goodbye already. And when ep19 started with JH-TK confrontation, I was surprised that they would address the love triangle issue right away. I thought, okay if they put an end to the issue early on then maybe we'll still have time for lovey dovey scenes before ep19 ends. But when JH just brushed the wallet issue off and even told TK to go for DS, that's when I really thought uh-oh something's not right. And really, everything went downhill from there.

And maybe I should also be considering that JH wasn't meant to be the husband at all. That maybe he wasn't supposed to be a lead character. That maybe RJY just made him so compelling that we all thought this story was about him. Because I do realize that mid-way in the series, JH's screen time became less and less. I remember watching and I would always be impatient for him to appear. I just thought then that maybe they needed to give the other characters their chance to shine seeing how JH has already stolen the spotlight entirely. And recalling the series now, I realize TK did get more and more screen time as the series went along because I also remember myself thinking while watching why do they show so much of TK's games like it's always the same, him losing, him winning, him getting tired. Though his character arc enriched the storyline in general, there wasn't anything new about it for me. But all the more with JH, there was nothing much new going on with his character either. I guess the next new thing that came for him was his pilot career.

And DS. She got so much screen time but we never knew much what went on in her head except in the last episodes. She could have been the best Reply female lead for me. She was really different from the previous ones, being a middle child, from a poor family, getting rejected by her first crush, etc. I wish we also got a monologue from her when it came to her reaction on JH like how she spoke her thoughts in the study room about TK canceling the movie. I wish we could have heard her speak out her confusion and frustration the same way. Maybe I could have understood her feelings more and maybe I would be more sympathetic to her now. I really don't want to hate her character because I really enjoyed seeing her story unfold but it's just so hard to understand why she ended up that way.

Still, the greatest waste was clearly JH. I can't even remember a character as rich, layered, realistic, warm, and endearing as him. He was, in many ways, a perfectly written and perfectly portrayed character. And I admire the writer for creating such a unique character as him! And of course, RJY for being the perfect JH. It's as if the character was tailor made just for him and his excellent acting.

And I think, on this point, there is undoubtedly something wrong that happened. How can JH's character not get a clear ending??? It's just unheard of to have a main character not get an ending! I mean, he was there when DS was crushing on SW, he was there when it was TK crushing on DS. He was there all through out the love story. But why wasn't he there at the conclusion of the story? Even Chilbong got a girl, Tae woong got married, Haitai ended up with his first love, Binggrae got his sunbae and even Joon Hee got someone waiting for him in a car. But JH??? would it really hurt them to give him an ending? i would like to believe that even the most hardcore TK-DS shipper would still want to see JH's happy ending.

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Guys...I need to rant here.

Writernim should just be the definition of a troll in a richard simmons dictionary.

Like, her writing off the main leads so that they end up like those leads in 500 days of Summer is so richard simmons random and out of nowhere like what? It makes me so mad.

She hinted so earnestly at the couple everyone thought would be endgame, developed them beautifully (roll your eyes, Taek shippers) halfway through the drama, and then stalled the development of their relationship. The couple everyone thought would most likely not get together then easily got together and became the endgame within- what? 4 episodes? It didn’t follow the internal logic of the previous instalments. Troll or no?

 I’ve been following this series to a T with the logic of the previous instalments; I thought that maybe I really was blind in 2013, so I gave writernim the benefit of the doubt that really, she would have given us real clues to get the husband right. So fug this sheet when she completely abandon the logic of her previous instalments here. It really seemed like she valued the shock value more.

 Did you know how confused I was? Thanks for playing, toying, manipulating with my feelings once again, writernim. Thanks for forcing the theme ‘First loves between two people who reciprocrate it doesn’t always work out’ down my throat, when you’ve spent the last two instalments favouring that. There’s a reason why we look forward to kdramas, writernim. I came for escapism and fun (and JH-DS gave me so much in that respect) and all I got was heartbreak. Not because of the cold harsh reality lesson you think you’re teaching me. I would have watched a makjang or a more realistic slice-of-life drama for painful lessons (This is infinitely more painful because I didn’t expect it at all). I signed up for cute romances, for fun and laughter, for heart-warming relationships, and because I honestly believed I got you figured out (from Reply 1997 and 1994). I thought I could have enjoyed it fully this time. That’s because you develop such wonderful 4D characters you made me forgive you for this tendency of yours to ruin characters at the last moment. You made a lot of your viewers root for a guy, and then held back and revealed that he wasn’t meant to be the husband at all. I would have rooted for Taek had you showed him as a more competent contender earlier, I would have rooted for any goddamn person you want me to root for. Just don’t richard simmons play with my feelings like that. It sucked that you wanted to troll at least half of your viewers more rather than make it a pleasant experience for everyone (everyone) who watches. You ruined the drama so spectacularly for me.  

And it’s probably my biased goggles on, but the couple here felt extremely vanilla. The adult version of Taek and DS had more chemistry than their younger versions.

I am immensely annoyed with how it turned out. The winning team be like, ‘that’s because you were blind. It’s all the bias blocking you from seeing the real story that’s been going on.’ It would have gone either way, it’s all I’m concluding now. If JH-DS happened, it would have made sense, based on the previous installment. However, CB-NJ did not end up being endgame last time, and somehow for some inexplicable reason that ended up HAPPENING here, so it blindsided so many of us. It made sense, yeah, but given the context of the last two shows? Nope.

So I’m bitter af at those who said many signs pointed towards Taek and we were so sure of our outcomes we didn’t see it. Following the trajectory of reply 1994, the signs pointing towards Taek would very well had been red herrings; Like, Taek’s journey mirrored CB. NJ had always been close to CB in a way that’s different than with Oppa, just as both Taek and Ds here. Their scenes were always shown in short spurts too.

It really strikes me as funny because I wanted this exact scenario (Taek getting DS in the end) to play out in Reply 1994 with CB. And I actually thought long and hard about it last night, but realized it would not have worked. I might have been happy for a while, but the whole drama would have collapsed if CB ended up being endgame. So writernim pulled this sheet here and I just want to flip my table because it rages me so hard. How could you develop Jung Hwan so well and then throw everything EVERYTHING under the bus? HOW? ??

(Not that I’m not over Reply 1994 by now. In fact, I’ve come to understand that it makes sense given every clue they’ve handed to us. I'm also growing on liking the chemistry between Najung and Oppa. Writernim be throwing that all under the bus for me now with the new development. CB could have been endgame, y’all. But y’ know, it doesn’t take away the fact that Najung and Oppa still makes a great pairing.)

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I haven't seen the episode yet but from reading last 2 pages, It's not good ending at all.

Just imagine this, DS is pregnant, about to give birth and has to be rushed to the hospital. FIrst she has to find all the things TK needs, then tie his shoelaces, drive the car and park it then walk herself to the ER. LOL Or else, her water would've broke before he can tie his shoe laces, she would have given birth on the car before TK could park. LOL

Ok, I'm out of here... peace out!

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what is this...why this week episodes totally broke my heart..

so many BR-SW scenes instead of others. why why why? is there any special epi or something?

is kinda boring ending..i should suggest to other fans to skip watching epi 19 and 20..

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