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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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6 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

It all felt too easy. that's what's wrong with it. it felt like an ending without an ending. let me explain. before the episode began I knew they were going to go all in with Taek and Deok Sun like how they went all in with Jeong taking care of Chilbong all of episode 20. As the show progressed I wasn't worried because it was going just as I expected. I missed the first 10 minutes of the live stream but when you all mentioned the couple mentioning two kisses, I knew for sure TaekSun kiss of episode 17 was going to come back into play. I even commented here "maybe they are talking about the kiss that happened in ep 17" if someone has the time or patience to go back and look you may find it.

When you all said Taek had gone to visit Junghwan and it was that early in the episode to do so, I honestly expected they would actually talk about it, but when Junghwan just let it go, all water under the bridge that's when I got suspect with these writers. After that happened I said to myself this and I think I even commented about how they are conveniently keeping Junghwan away from things at base.  "oh man are they really going to do this? they will have deok sun and taek date but it won't last. wait S, it all depends if they openly date or secretly do it." so the episode went exactly how I thought (with a lot of misleading) until the kiss and Deok Sun's reaction after the fact, I honestly was not expecting that. That threw me. At the same time I felt "didn't this come a little early S?" But then I was like okay I guess we get the reveal early and then we have some flashbacks and talks from the adults to sell it. But then we go to the adults and the seats are empty. they just stay on those empty seats. what am I supposed to be thinking? like the dream kiss this may or may not be real? the two that just kissed are not the two that are married? what am I supposed to think writers.

after all of that I still had hope because just the way they had been hiding Junghwan the whole episode was just too convenient. It felt like how oppa was in that elevator the whole episode, you thought chilbong finally had the girl, but then the elevator doors open and it throws everything out the window. in the end she gets one phone call that changes everything. this episode was going down that same route so in all honestly when Junghwan came back and was given the flowers, I thought something was going to pass between him and Deok Sun that would change everything we are/were being lead to believe. but then the episode ends there. it feels too much like they want me to believe taek the husband and have me believing take is the husband, for him to actually be the husband. it's silly but not really when you think on it. it feels like they knew everybody knew that Junghwan is the husband (well the majority of k-viewers that they are trying to appeal to that is). so to really get the "big reveal" factor out of the big reveal, they are throwing everyone a curve ball. doing something that will make everyone go WTF!!! I knew it!! In the end.

the more I think on it. the more I believe Junghwan is the husband and the big twist in coming. perhaps @blue_angel_1004 and I are both delusional? maybe we are reading too much or too little into things or missing the obvious. but if I am to believe the writers in their statement that they are going with the ending they always intended. looking at their official stuff, it's Junghwan. I reserve the right to be wrong and to have you all laugh at me about it tomorrow. but for me, at the end of the episode, thing just didn't sit right with me. I felt I was being played yet again (same as how I though the confession was a joke and many kviewers expressed anger at it being turned into a joke, but was it?) like they are leading me to that one thing, just so I will have my mind blown when they really show me where they had been taking me is always where we were going. they just hate that I knew the end destination before they got to tell it to me *shrugs*

so I guess I'm crazy as richard simmons (yes even with the youtube vid, which they can easily take down the title of.) because I am now 50% sure Junghwan is the husband. If I am completely wrong tomorrow then I accept that. But when have the writers ever made it this easy for us to know everything in the end and it's not even the end, we still got one more episode to go. so I have gone from 85% , 15%   in Taek's favor. To 50% in both boys/men's favor. if I end up being wrong twice. I will laugh with you guys. it just didn't feel the end to me so i'll go with my gut.


I don't think there's any way to turn this around and not make this drama look like a trainwreck. It already is too much of a trainwreck at this point if we consider the narrative flow of episodes 17-19 which were completely untrue to the spirit of what the earlier episodes were hinting. Even though I want to have faith in that 50% chance/hope that you and @blue_angel_1004 share, it's over for me. Didn't the husband mention he has never been to school? And that their first kiss was in 1989 or something? 

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It's passed midnight in my country yet I can't sleep. All my defenses are broken now. My heart is really hurt. This drama just break me into pieces. It's been a while a drama takes a toll on me after Queen Seon Deok's ending. Reply 1988 is the biggest trolling drama in my life so far. Even if there's a tiny chance that uri jungpal could be the husband, my thought wouldn't change. Episode 19 just give me a scar as much as a pain from break up.

 I am not saying I admit a defeat.  I just declare I am sinking with this ship.

I am still very thankful though for discovering Ryu Jun Yeol's talent from this drama

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Guest wizengamot

up to now, i still think he is the husband.

call me delusional and all, but if we're gonna use logic or rationale, TK being DS husband played by Kim Joo Hyuk who acts like JungHwan doesn't tally. If the couple are being interviewed and they choose to reminisce on 1988, which is heavy on DS-JH moments, answer me: why? why that year when they got stuck on the alley? why that year when he got her oink gloves? why that year when he totally was moon over her? i thought it was DS and future hubby's memory (which people now think is TK), so why are did they even show that? 

And adult DS said that she wasn't expecting to marry her husband and she thinks he is pretty lucky to have her in the end. She was always mentioning of marrying TK. her mom and dad too. so what's with wasn't expecting. And seriously, after we get the one week of no reply series, the plot suddenly turns to TK. if we're gonna judge the husband watching the whole 20, it would still boils down to JH. 

If they're gonna make TK the husband, make it at least convincing, because i'm sure majority of the viewers rooting for JH are not blinded by the actor. He's a rookie that no one heard of, so why would we even root JH because of RJY. Basically, the reason why root for JH is because the story leads us there. I watched this show for PBG (after Hello Monster) but still ended up with this ship.

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3 minutes ago, EMM! said:

This is confusing to me and my friends as well.

There's no clear and linear timeline for ep19, so we don't really know for sure what happened first, next, and last.

There's still about 2 months left for 1994 when Junghwan's confession scene ended though.

That's pretty much the only thing clear (??) or something..


"My childhood friend's ex-girlfriend" whom I ended up marrying-- if this is what they're rooting for and what everyone is still holding on to..

I'm sorry but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. If they end up together, if there will be a plot twist, I sincerely hope they tie things together and make all their past, flaws, and mistakes be accepted, just like how true love works in real life.

NGL, it's sour because it's Taek.

We might have seen Deoksun dating other men, and probably kissing with them too-- we don't know-- and we might have known that Junghwan did date other girls and might have kissed them too-- we don't know-- but we can't take away the factor that they don't know these people they dated as hearfully as they know their childhood friends. 

Aigoooo. They could've ended this episodes ago, or at least let Junghwan meet another and move on completely before overwhelming us with today's ep.

Or they could've released this for ep20 so no one will be too bothered since it's the last ep anyways!


Last day later!<3

Thank you for the niceeeeee and sweet ride!


Who said this? Sorry chingu, I did not have the heart to watch today's episode after all so could you enlighten?

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5 minutes ago, Kelly86 said:


no one else has HOPE? I still do. Tvn always puts a tittle to all their vids and just b/c they kiss in that vid so Tvn said he's the husband? LOL idk I have not seen the vid nor care to see it.

Yeah, I didn't take it as hard today since I saw that my boo was fine and even told Taek to get the girl. He is no longer suffering. I will only suffer if they show my boo suffering!!! if he has moved on I guess I should be happy.

It still makes no sense as a viewer but w/e....if TK is the husband why all the focus on JH. Why make him so lovable but I guess it can happen. They needed a good actor and scape goat to make this drama rock and it was JH...if indeed he is truly not the husband.

RJY, you owe each fan girl a HUG for all the sufferings/heartache!!! I will always love JH w/ or w/o DS he was beautifully written thus he STOLE so many HEARTS!!!!

I'm still hoping. there's this 1% hope in my heart. I guess I was too sure that JH was the husband so that now I even don't believe what TVN said lmao /in denial/ this actually reminds me of HIMYM twist.... but since the future DS and hubby said their first kiss was on 1989/1994, I guess the husband is really Taek..

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5 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

up to now, i still think he is the husband.

call me delusional and all, but if we're gonna use logic or rationale, TK being DS husband played by Kim Joo Hyuk who acts like JungHwan doesn't tally. If the couple are being interviewed and they choose to reminisce on 1988, which is heavy on DS-JH moments, answer me: why? why that year when they got stuck on the alley? why that year when he got her oink gloves? why that year when he totally was moon over her? i thought it was DS and future hubby's memory (which people now think is TK), so why are did they even show that? 

And adult DS said that she wasn't expecting to marry her husband and she thinks he is pretty lucky to have her in the end. She was always mentioning of marrying TK. her mom and dad too. so what's with wasn't expecting. And seriously, after we get the one week of no reply series, the plot suddenly turns to TK. if we're gonna judge the husband watching the whole 20, it would still boils down to JH. 

If they're gonna make TK the husband, make it at least convincing, because i'm sure majority of the viewers rooting for JH are not blinded by the actor. He's a rookie that no one heard of, so why would we even root JH because of RJY. Basically, the reason why root for JH is because the story leads us there. I watched this show for PBG (after Hello Monster) but still ended up with this ship.




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28 minutes ago, wenyeol said:

The timeline of the show is kinda confusing...can someone tell me when did JH confess to DS and when did Taek & DS kissed and all? 

IKR? At the beginning of ep 19 it shows July 1994 and if i am not mistaken JH confessed in October 1994. I don't know now, but I am holding on until the very end. I read a post that said "JH is not the second lead, he is just not the husband." :)

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@Kelly86 I have hope too but I am tampering it down because, they only thing I truly have to go on from fully watching today's episode is that...my gut says this isn't the end LOL. I think I'm delusional or crazy but it didn't feel the end. maybe they are saving it all for tomorrow, but for me the fact that Taek and Deok Sun are dating ins secretly it's like, why? it's not necessary. Unless the writers want to make it so that they could date, break up, and have Junghwan and Deok Sun get back together with Taek being accepting of it all and the squad being none the wise thus causing less qualms and objects to/for Deok Sun and Junghwan's reunion. Also how this episode played out (sans the kiss) is exactly what I would do if I were the writers and PD. Isn't one of the biggest appeal to the Reply series is that you never know what the writers will throw your way and the "husband hunt". This time however Korea had it all figured out by the end of the first episode LOL and everyone and their grandmother was talking about it like it was a sure thing LOL.

People were so brazen in their beliefs that media outlets openly let out spoilers even when they were warned and told not to. Knowing this writers and team, would they want a little payback of sort by scaring my audience straight if you will. I will flip everything they thought was going to happen and everything they were spoiled on, on to it's head. So when they are left not knowing which way is up; I would then give them everything they already predicted but because I had lead them to believe they were wrong when in fact they were, I will be praised for it, for a "twist" than being less prasied for doing exactly what they knew I would be doing and being left with no suprises. Also doing something like I am 50% sure they are doing means for the next Reply (I'm pretty sure they may do another one) people won't be all "ugh another one. we all know what's going to happen. we called it with the last one". NO. my audience will come because even if they think they know. Do they really? They will remember this "twist" and come because who knows what "twists" and turns I may pull... I know I sound crazy (a big part of me wonder if I'm not just being a crazy delusional shipper) but aren't these writers crazy enough to do this?

Again, I am 50, 50 now because my gut just says so LOL and well if they are going with what they said they would be doing in the beginning. All of this fall in perfectly with the smoke racing preview we got...

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10 minutes ago, EMM! said:

This is confusing to me and my friends as well.

There's no clear and linear timeline for ep19, so we don't really know for sure what happened first, next, and last.

There's still about 2 months left for 1994 when Junghwan's confession scene ended though.

That's pretty much the only thing clear (??) or something..


"My childhood friend's ex-girlfriend" whom I ended up marrying-- if this is what they're rooting for and what everyone is still holding on to..

I'm sorry but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. If they end up together, if there will be a plot twist, I sincerely hope they tie things together and make all their past, flaws, and mistakes be accepted, just like how true love works in real life.

NGL, it's sour because it's Taek.

We might have seen Deoksun dating other men, and probably kissing with them too-- we don't know-- and we might have known that Junghwan did date other girls and might have kissed them too-- we don't know-- but we can't take away the factor that they don't know these people they dated as hearfully as they know their childhood friends. 

Aigoooo. They could've ended this episodes ago, or at least let Junghwan meet another and move on completely before overwhelming us with today's ep.

Or they could've released this for ep20 so no one will be too bothered since it's the last ep anyways!


Last day later!<3

Thank you for the niceeeeee and sweet ride!

urghhh..so confussing..that's why I guess a twist might be possible for ep. 20..

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35 minutes ago, airasara said:

I read blue's post that she is still sure that jh is the hubby... I really wanna know her reasons. I mean...i read someone says that adult ds and hubby discuss about their first kiss. adult hubby said they kissed in 94, but adult ds angry bcs they have kissed even before which means  there's no more chance jh is the hubby, except they suddenly kissed each other in the last minute of 1994.. Which is imposible....

Arghhhh... I dont know anymore.... Haha... Sorry.. Im frustating right now... Between accepting reality but still hope for miracle.  But in my heart... please let junghwan has his own happy ending pleaseeee.... No... I dont expect him to get that girl anymore... Not that girl please... Hahhaa...

On the other side... It's nice to know new talented actor like RJY, hope he gets a new drama project soon.... If it's not him... I dont think i will root junghwan like this hehee


actually DS said 1994 and the husband said 1989. idk if this will change anything, (warning: this is me (probably) being delusional so I suggest you to not believe in what i say and don't get false hopes from what I say, except you do want to get some hopes) 

but I find it weird that the future DS said 1994 and the husband said 1989. On 1994, before they kissed, DS was the one who bring up the kiss on 1989 - she said "why? you'll kiss me again?" (or sth like that) which means she does remember the kiss was on 1989..... but why the future DS said it was on 1994? again, this is just my opinion, and I have to admit I'm too optimistic at times. :lol:

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Man I wasn't able to sleep at all... Class starting in an hour and I still feel like c**p. I seriously doubt that the crew will be able to wrap this up smoothly without offending viewers. They sacrificed way too much for the ratings! I do not want them to make uri Jungpal-ah the husband anymore because after this episode, what will be the point?? 

The lack of progression bringing us to the end game whether it will be TaekXDeoksun or JunghwanXDeoksun ( yes there is still a possibility that they will include a twist. We got episode 19 didn't we?) Will make the script too rushed and wishy washy. It does not bring justice to the whole drama. Yes it is a very beautiful drama about family and friendship but I guess they became too ambitious on this husband hunting game. 

I will be really amazed if they can wrap this up without leaving a bad after taste for the supporters of both parties. But I guess this will also put the drama in a pedestal. It was different. It defied the empathy of the majority of the viewers. It was unheard of. 

Unless we are one of those people who analyzed every breath, every blink and every action of the characters and caught those oh so subtle clues that the crew painstakingly planted without falling for the darned red herrings(they better explain these very well) then I guess the story will be satisfactory.

We are not all Investigators nor dreamed of becoming Sherlock Holmes especially when watching a friggin drama. I myself came here for a light hearted family drama with a light hearted romance brilliantly weaved in. Being a fan of the installment, I took what was given to me and gave my trust to the crews. (This is why I'm probably gonna have trust issues) The flow of the story in the end left me feeling tired, beaten and stressed which I do not expect nor want when watching these kind of drama. (This is the kind of feeling that I felt when watching Stairway to Heaven before, but at least I got me some lovin' before the angsts and tragedies)

Now to conclude my rant, they better give the characters the justification they deserve even a little bit. They already ruined the story for me so I ask them to give it their best shot. I'm already down and defeated anyway. Just please don't give me the scenario wherein Deoksun realizes her feelings for uri Junghwanie after being all lovey-dovey Taek because that will just be the final blow. It will just make Deoksun's character flighty and indecisive which will definitely contradict her gentle, wise and strong character which I grew to love during the series. Note: I am not bashing anyone I just think that they might as well stick to what they already have. 

I will always love Reply 1988 for its Families and Friends dynamics along with Reply 1994 but I will definitely sweeten it up with Reply 1997's  loveline progression. (Yes I've watch them all which is all the more the reason why I am left disappointed) Oh drama I cry for what you might have been!



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7 minutes ago, kandyrn said:

IKR? At the beginning of ep 19 it shows July 1994 and if i am not mistaken JH confessed in October 1994. I don't know now, but I am holding on until the very end. I read a post that said "JH is not the second lead, he is just not the husband." :)

So if DSxTK happened before October so it means before TK's BDAY they were dating..okay wait..DS was dating someone else..wait..OMG? WTH...only miracle can happen tomorrow for teamjungpal..

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I think that the one that got interview is not even DS, maybe they are interviewing some other girl from ssangmundong who got married with JungHwan. They are interviewing JH's family not DS because DS is not the main lead, our precious JH is the main lead of this series.

#stillindenial #I'mOkay #stillbreathingandcursingwell


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25 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

if TK-DS relationship went first before JH confession then bam. trolled big time hahahaha!!!


Brilliant! Your words really make me feel better because that can explain why TK and DS weren't dating from 1989-1994 when JH was not around! I hope you're right! 


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