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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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All the stories about family were great. But I'm really disappointed about the love line in REPLY 1988. Because they wanted to improve the ratings this time they really went too far. I hope that all the knetizens won't watch the last episode because this time they were too cruel. I think that this would be a good way to punish them. So, the love line this time was a big mess. First, i feel like is pointless to explain on the last two episodes why it was TK, because they did not give equal screen time to both male leads. On reply 1994, both leads has somehow equal scream time and at that time even if i was on oppa's team, i always said to myself that i was also ready to accept if NJ choose CB because he really did his best to win her heart. I saw the clip of DS being lovey dovey with TK and i feel that now is pointless to make her come back to JH. I'm so angry with her character and I agree with the person who said that she is the dumbest female lead ever. HOW CAN SHE FALL FOR 3 OUT OF HER 4 FRIENDS. GIRL YOU ARE REALLY TOO MUCH. This is why now i prefer that she doesn't come to JH. It will make her look even more dumb. So yeah i want to congratulate the writter because DS is really a very bad written female lead, if we consider the loveline. She reallly pales in comparation with the two female lead of the two last reply series. For example NJ's feelings were clear from the start and Shi-Won even if she was a teenager she did not go around all of her male friends because she thinks that they like her back. Also even if Shi-Won date the other male lead, she then decides to break up with him because he did not makes her heart flutter. The only way that she can make DS look less dumb is by showing us that the interview is because she survive to a heart desease that did not let her see clearer who she really liked back then.  



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I just want a miracle to happen now... this drama is really a miracle like how they made us taste the bitterest sweet in ep 19 when they gave us lots of hope in ep 18. They may again be able to give us back our sweetest chocolate in ep 20. May the miracle of PD's work...

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2 minutes ago, airasara said:

What i regret the most is... How i waste my time for this past weeks only for this drama. Like thinking what will happen on the next episodes, rewatched some jh and ds sweet scenes, etc. And it ends like this?! 
I can accept the reality that my ship has shunk. But not like this. Can they show us more smooth story... So... At least i can follow the flow of the story. I feel like there is something missing.
At least.. In r94, i can feel the chemistry between trash-nj-chilbong.  even though i was a chilbong shipper, i could see the reason why trash was the husband. But i fell for chilbong's effort in pursuing his first love. That's why i hoped that nj would fall for him. But for r88, i can't even feel the chemistry between tk-ds lol.. It feels just so sudden.. And then.. Bammm... Yeps... He is the right man*
Anyway..... I know this is so dramatic... But seeing some spoiler about the plane crash in 95, then i think how if jh might be one of those who died at that accident. And then in 2016 they try to make something about like his biography.. Based on his diary and friends of him. *ok ignore my silly imagination, i know some spoilers show that he also attends sw-br wedding.* but... If the story goes like this.... i personally may understand why there are a lot of naration from junghwan pov. But sadly.... until now.. I dont see/ understand the scene relation between 2016 and 1988. So many question that should be explained.... Like how could deokseon know that junghwan fell in love with him, where ds seems to not see jh's last confession seriously. Even in 2016 there is still no adult junghwan appearance (i dont even think that taek can understand how jh fell in love with ds), they should also explain what is the 2016 ds interview for.... Why is junghwan love story is described in detail. How adult ds and tk know that? 
Ok... Enough my long rant post lol. For now... I'll wait for junghwan cut only. Maybe later..I try to finish the drama.. But possibly not this time. *still broken heart*


So true. I've been crying myself for weeks for nothing tho. I'm soooo disappointed with thw writer-nim. Well, I have to move on and... propose Ryu Jun Yeol instead. :D

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So after finally  digesting what happened in episode 19 for the past 3 hours by going back and forth between this thread and the chat group, I know that the Reply team won't be able to know my feelings, but I feel that I must share it with all of you who have been on this ship (or plane, or bus or whatever transportation with me these past 3 months): 


Dear Reply 1988 team,


Although, I do not know the outcome of tomorrow's episode, I just want to let you know that it doesn't matter because what I feel now cannot be corrected by your story narrative. First off, you have TAINTED not only this series for me, but all the preceding installments (YES, i mean you tainted Reply 1997, reply 1994 as well). Do you know why? I simply came to enjoy this drama, to enjoy  a simple love story about childhood romance/ first love. YES, I understand that you want to make it true to life (yes, life sucks and sometimes it is not fair) HOWEVER, why does anyone watch dramas or movies or read romance novels?? HUH?

to ESCAPE their lives, and ENJOY the fact that there is a possibility that true love and fate, and first love can work out. WE WANT to watching something that moves our hearts and makes us feel all mooshy inside. AND as I was watching this series (WITHOUT shipping wars , or actors/actresses), I was watching with the hope that Junghwan and Deok sun's simple romance would make it. To PROVE TO ME THAT happiness and love can exist, even if you make the mistake of hesitating. But you know what, more than a bitter taste in my mouth, or the tears that swell up in my eyes, I feel like I was tricked into watching something that I did not want to see. As soon as Deok sun kissed Taek back and felt giddy afterwards, I felt that the simple innocent romance between Junghwan and Deok sun was ruined. An act, that I would even compare to adultery. Nothing she could do, could change my perception of her. (It makes me feel like this is the type of betrayal that God felt when Adam betrayed him by eating the forbidden fruit.  ) 

And so, there is no way that I can take all the lost hours I watched this show, invested in this love story. Truth be told, I could have studied harder for my biochem exam (ended up with a D in the course) because you know why? I really REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to believe that there was some good in the world, SOME JUSTICE. A Possibility that Romance and love does work out in the end for someone like Junghwan. But no, this is worse than shakespeare. BECAUSE at least in shakespeare, everyone dies in the end. But here, EVERYONE IS happy in the end except for Junghwan, that is a FATE I wish upon nobody. THAT IS SOMETHING that touches me to the core of my soul. THAT SOMEHOW, somehow.........someone could do everything right in their life and still be rejected, and still not have the happiness he deserves. THIS IS the WORST tragedy I have ever watched, and the fact that YOU tricked me into thinking this was a romance/ happy ending. I would say that as writers, this act is equivalent to RAPE. 

Anyways, even though this is just a story. As we all know all too well, some characters just stick with you like they are in fact real. And Junghwan's character is perhaps going to be with me forever. To remind me that in the end, there is nothing good that comes from this world. That on Earth, we are all made to suffer until God comes back and we go to heaven (where there is only Joy and love). 

i don't know how korean fans are taking it, but I hope they start riots. Lots.


A heartbroken viewer- who has no more hope in love in this world ..... 

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1 hour ago, blademan said:

CHINGU!!! That's not what I meant....I'm saying as to how DS will realise that JH has been the one all along...how is she gonna break up with Taek and date JH and marry JH all in one episode??

I know! But hey if hey can turn a solid drama upside down in one episode then we can just hope that they can do the same for the last episode. Which by the way it's like 2 ep of a regular drama when we talk about length!!!

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You know how sometimes someone tells you this is what is. They throw reality in your face, they give you reasons, evidence, explantions, etc etc, but you just don't see it. Like I hear what you are saying but everything that came before this this this and that just doesn't add up to what you are telling me...that's how I feel right now. LOL. I am going along with it and accepting it and shaking my head yes okay to it because to refuse it changes nothing, but I'm sitting her trying to fit it all together and have it make sense but it makes no sense to me. I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. for the hahahaha we got you. I guess it's like what @lelee said, they "trolled" me by not "trolling" me. they did exactly what they said they would in the preview and *sigh* it's really it no?

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I was debating about whether going to the Reply1988 concert...but if the ending is the same as today's....I'm not sure I can cope without grabbing the pd or writer and strangling them.

Anyway...wake me up guys if there is good news tomorrow...if not I'll be in my JungDeok/DeokHwan coffin...please bury me.

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23 minutes ago, boranoona said:

listening to songs related to junghwan and deoksun will only increase my pain..even all the music videos on the cj entertainment channel features mostly deoksun junghwan moments...if someone had only watched those ost videos instead of the drama, even they would have mistook junghwan as the lead..i guess starting from the sponsors to even cj entertainment, everyone assumed junghwan to be the husband, so all the mvs were like that and junghwan was bagging all the cfs

I'm not worry about JH bagging all the CF. They're not going to be withdrawn. I think he'll get a lot more after this. More than Taek and DS since everyone is hurting for him. So why not console him with money. hehehe

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I always spent my time before sleep watching JH-DS moments from tvn youtube clips I saved in my phone. My favorites mostly from ep 7: wrestling, bus earphone, and ep 12 bus scene. Now I don't think I can watch it anymore. So let me delete them :tears: They're still prettily saved in my computer along with all R88 episodes :tears: I will fill my phone with Junyeol oppa's photos:wub:

Good night all, have a nice sleep, have a nice day :)

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Last knetz response, then bedtime. Knetz are usually right on the ball about who's the husband. Trash was the overwhelming favourite, I know so because I was working in Korea when R94 was on and I (CB-er) was corrected right, left and centre then. And from I've read about R88, they are/were sure about JH too, and I'm with them. You can sense their frustration here:

앞뒤하나도안맞다 진심 망햇다 
The before and after did not fit at all (usually means hypocritical). I sincerely (think) it's done for. 

Show, you better have the answers ready. 


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The writer definitely upped her game.  She played both teams really well.  It's one of those things you have to accept yet but will still leave a mark.  I love they're still trying to play the game in the previews.  It's like give the viewers a break already.  TK and DS are fighting but who's really going to fall for that game again?  

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The thing with shipping is you can't just tell your brain to like someone haha. If only it's that easy. 

I'm so glad this show is over (I considered it's over already). I will still watch the finale but maybe after a few weeks.  


Saranghae, Jungpara. I remember how I immediately noticed you after I saw this poster. I remember how I started to fall for you in the first scene you appeared. Your good acting as Jungpal is what made me an obsessed a RJY fan. I stayed up late at nights to be with these girls here. I camped on dc until my eyes became like Panda's because of you and Hye-ri. Still bummed I didn't get to see your kissing skill haha but it's okay. Maybe in next project.

I will continue to support you, Ryu Jun!

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Guys even now I think Jung Hwan is the husband as present DS mentioned that she went crazy and married her husband. She also mentions that he got lucky to get her. These lines doesn't coincide at all with TK as I don't think any girl would think that she is crazy to marry someone like TK, actually its a very rational decision if she marries TK and that girl would obviously feel lucky as he is rich, smart, famous... If not for DS, TK can obviously get some other nice girl based on his status... I think I have gone crazy, even now I don't wanna leave this shipping business.. I also think I am making a deeper hole in my heart which is not yet recovered from my 1st love failure... I just need to stop coming here atleast until tomorrow airing time... I will recap for you all chinguduru by watching it on livestream... I want to face the reality that my most favorite drama got the worst last 2 episodes regardless to whoever might be the husband now... Oh God! please let the iracle happen... miracle in my cure after facing the reality...

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I don't know why but this just keep popping in my head and also I'm trying to be optimist. 

If TK is going to be the husband, why does the crew make the husband's face blurry? 

Well.....I don't know why i write this but I REALLY WANT JUNGPAL TO BE THE HUSBAND!!!!!

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