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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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6 minutes ago, laurahandayani said:

@namunamuyeppeo: Stay safe, chingu.. I don't live in Indonesia anymore but definitely praying for everyone there and trying to contact family members. I hope you and your loved ones are OK!

These attacks are making me sad and mad at the same time. (Just don't understand why anyone would do this...) :bawling:


Gomawoyo <3 Yes my loved ones are okay and I think I am fine too, just a little bit worried haha. I also don't understand why those people are doing it.

But that's okay, I've got your posts, everyone! Your incredible posts here in the thread! Also, I haven't read @hailaft's 18+ fanfic, and will probably read it soon ㅋㅋㅋ

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Thank you for your concern guys.. My office a bit far from bombing location, but we're safe here. I'm worry about some rumor regarding this bombing, so for now we better stay inside. Stay safe chingudeul *hugs*



It's D-1 finally...!! 

Now it's time for DS to answer JH's confession : ANSWER ME, 1988

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The thing about the husband taking his time to talk no NoEul informally is the same as the reason MyungHee (Healer) gave as to why she didn't want MoonHo to call her sister-in-law. Because then, they need to talk to each other in a formal way and not just as if they're friends informally even if the husband is older than NoEul.

So it doesn't matter if the husband talked to NoEul in banmal even before they got married. 

Edited by thesoloobligatorn
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2 hours ago, raky said:

It's a matter of perspective and context.

JH and DS have had more physical contact than anyone else in the drama.

*DS hitting JH while they watch tv at Taeks room

 - Does it matter that she was beating the hell out of him for no reason at all. Subtle way to get some attention from someone you like, eh.

* JH pushing DS down in the kitchen while she wash the veggies. His knee close to her b_tt if I may say so.

 - He just can't get enough of her truly. 

*JH putting his hand over DS's shoulder while he gives her the alcohol during their school field trip.

 - Using the alcohol as an excuse to see her during the night was brilliant. And how he actually kept her so close when he was warning her about not showing up at midnight. And DS looking at JH's lips ever so intently. lol. 

*DS leaned over JH's chest from the alley scene. They were so close, that they can hear each other's breathing, and is so aware of their body parts. hehe 

 - Does it matter that they got stuck there for trying to avoid DR's dad. The point is, they didn't budge an inch even after the dean was long gone. 

*DS backhugging JH while running around like crazy

 - She could have hold on to his jacket and would still be able to use JH as a shield from her moms beating. But what does she do - she clasped both of her hands around JH's body. While the poor guy doesn't even know what to do or how to escape, I think she was enjoying it to the max. lol.

* JH supporting -almost backhugging DS while they ride the bus to school 

 - He was way over the front of the bus, but he just had to squeeze himself into the crowd so that he can hang onto the bus handle while DS unconsciously lean on him for support.

*DS grabbing I don't know what when she tried to steal the racy book from JH. this was my favorite.

 - She was on fire trying to get that book from JH that her hands were all over him.. and if you watch closely. Her feet landed somewhere close in between his thighs. accidental maybe -who knows. hee. . 

*JH putting his hand over DS's shoulder to keep her warm while they had their picture taken at the concert.

 - Does it matter that he should have given DS his jacket when she said she was cold.. it's JH's own prickly way of showing his concern for her even if its not as obvious to DS.

*JH grabbing the earphone from DS's ear

 - Again seating so close to each other. JH couldn't have gotten those ear phone from that side without touching DS's ear and maybe rubbing a little bit of her earlobe, no. ohhh.

*DS touching JH's legs while he was having a cramp.

 - She was being cute acting like a cat meowing.. but touching his legs at the same time. our cunning-like DS.

*JH roughing up DS's hair and clasping her face after their mcdo date 

 - It doesn't count that he was so frustrated with her that she was being so dense about his intention, that he literally had to grab her face and make it obvious, yet she still didn't catch-on. argh. that was the missed timing that I was so frustrated with -but that's a separate post all-together.

*DS inching closer to JH while she asked him of the blind date.

 - It was a test, a confirmation as her friends told her, but she had go sit closer to JH -almost face to face just to ask him intently if she should go.

*JH handing over DS undergarments.

- even if its just a sexual innuendo. the tension still exist. if a guy sees your undergarments -its almost like exposing your body to him, is it not..

*DS having a view of JH's ribs more than once.

 - Not intentionally but still, more innuendos right there, no?

*JH pushing DS's head and DS leaning on JH's thigh while he continuously pulls her hair while they all watch the concert at JHs house

 - It was so sweet that JH can even do that in front of the others.. but that was the time that he was starting to pursue DS.. only if TaEk didn't you know.. hmp.

*DS drying her hair after coming out of the shower when they run out of hot water. And JH with wet hair while he was talking to DS about his bday party.

- Both unconsciously and unaware that there's something very sexy about a man or a woman with wet hair. Or maybe its only me thinking crazy thoughts. lol.

*JH touching DS lips while holding her neck too.

- Does it matter that he was trying to shut her up when they were nursing DR's injury. 


Note that this instances may not be in order. But you do know what I mean - JH and DS have had the most "skinship" in the show. So if they're not the end game.. I just don't even know what to say. And to think that during all those times, both are unaware of what the other feels. So I don't mind watching those two doing everything a second time - both party already aware of each other's true intentions. a repeat of all of the above -with feelings please. *wink *wink

AND of course, we still have the "KISS" to look forward to -and I expect the chemistry to be hotter than all of the above combined. Move over SW and BR. lol.


What episode when deoksun LEAning her head to junghwan? I forgot

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Oh my God...my heart almost dropped when hear about the bomb in jakarta. you know,i know this news from you guys here first than from any other source (looks how i spent most of my time here..i dont even watch TV local here). Thank God you are all safe. That location of bomb is just less than 3 minutes from my old office, i often went to that location when lunch time with my coworkers back then. Its makes me more panic, scared and my heart beat faster.

stay safe all...

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Hi guys, thanks for all of your concern...I hope all of you guys are safe too...

My office located quite near the place but fortunately I'm at my client's office...After checking my family and friends, I feel a bit better now and after hours checking the news update, I really need a distraction...thats why I come here...


Cant wait for tomorroooow!! Junghwan in uniform :D

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3 hours ago, hailaft said:

Based on what @wizengamot posted the other day, I wrote another fic. Just read this and forget whatever happening at the MT right now. Except for @blue_angel_1004 post. Y'all should read it, it's awesome :wub:

WARNING : 18 and above only and don't open it at work :lol:

  Reveal hidden contents

Deok Sun pushed her apartment door with her back and let herself in. She closed the door and walked to the kitchen. 

“Jung Hwan-ah?” she called her husband. No one answered. She sighed and checked her watch. Jung Hwan told her he’d be home an hour ago. She picked up the phone and called his cellphone. He didn’t answer. She shrugged her shoulders and started preparing dinner. She finished in half an hour and watched television while waiting. 

Today is one of the rare chance they started their leave at the same time. Jung Hwan was finally granted a leave for two weeks between his training. Deok Sun just arrived in Seoul after four back-to-back flights to and from Amsterdam. Actually, she just wanted to lie down and not doing anything for at least two days, but since her husband coming home, she should at least cook him a meal.   

She called his cellphone once again when she got too bored waiting for him. He didn’t answer in her first call. She tried again. 

“Yes?” Jung Hwan finally answered. 

“Where are you?” she asked. 

“I’m downstair. Sorry, I was driving when you called. I’m getting into the lift now. I’ll be there in a minute.” 

“I got it,” she answered before hung up the phone. She was setting the table when she heard Jung Hwan opened the door. 

Deok Sun-ah?” he called her. 

“In the kitchen,” she answered. Jung Hwan entered the kitchen, smiling wide. She turned her head to him, grinning when she saw him still wearing his uniform. He looked damn good in it. 

He embraced her right away and she laughed, holding him back. They looked at each other. He kissed her lips gently. 

Aigoo,” she laughed again. 

“You looked tired,” he stroked her hair and she nodded, pouting. He grinned before telling her, “I won’t let you rest tonight, though.” 

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, “Obviously.” 

He kept stroking her hair, still couldn’t take his eyes away from her. She smiled, pulled him closer and he understood right away. When their lips met, their months longing of each other let loose and they were all over each other right away. 

He held her tight, pushed her gently to the wall. She linked her arms behind his neck to pull him closer. She could felt his fingers playing with the hem of her sweater so he can touch her skin under it. Jung Hwan pulled away slightly and kissed his way down to her neck. She gasped, shuddered all over while his fingers slowly getting up her bare back, pulling up her sweater with them. 

Just take it off,” she couldn’t take it anymore. Jung Hwan laughed. 

Patience,” he whispered to her. 

Jung Hwan suddenly pulled away and lifted her. He tilted his head and kissed her lips again while carrying her to the bedroom. He let her down gently on the bed and crawled on top of her. He started to unbutton his uniform and she helped him right away. He smiled and let her take his top off. 

She touched his bare chest and he sighed. Her fingers felt hot against his skin, as if her touch burnt. He scooped her and rolled onto his back. He smiled when she sat on his lap, looking really beautiful with her messy hair and her flushed cheek. She shifted her hip a little and he groaned with excitement. 

She smirked and took off her sweater. They looked at each other for a second, just admiring the view. Then as if on signal, they both leaned closer and locked lips once again. She moaned when he pulled her to the bed. 

He rolled once again so he can get on top of her, unfortunately to the wrong side of the bed. 

“YAH!” she exclaimed in surprise as they both fell on the floor. He lied down on his back, laughing. She sat up, frowning while rubbing her head. 

“You’re okay?” he asked. She only scoffed. He laughed again and patted her head lovingly. “I’m sorry.” 

“Let’s just eat first. I’m starving,” she picked up her sweater and wore it again. Jung Hwan nodded, still grinning. 

“Let me wash up first, then,” he stood up and walked into the bathroom. She sighed, she should probably reheat the food again. She walked to the kitchen, humming happily. 




wow. just wow.

i can imagine ryu jun yeol being so hot................. omg.

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Thank you for the concern to our city and country chingu. And I'm from Jakarta too and my route to the office is near the accident but suddenly I have a gut feeling for not come to office today.. OMG I dont know what happen today but from the issue that going around It related to politics and been warned before hand from twitter.

I hope our shipper friend in all over Jakarta safe and can back to their home safely too.


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I just heard the bombing neews in Jakarta ... gosh why?? Not another one ...

To all my fellow DS-JH shipper friends who livve in Jakarta, I hope you guys are all okay. As a fellow Indonesian, I'm a bit concerned myself because I have relatives living there too, but as someone who isnt curently living in Indonesia, all I can do is wish for all you guys' safety and send my supports and prayers. I really do hope no one is hurt, so please stay safe and be aware. Semoga semuanya baik2 saja! I love you guys! 


*sorry, I know its off topic.

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stay safe to everyone in Jakarta! :( my prayers are with you guys, I hope you're all okay.

I read on naver that today they wrapped filming the drama. I can't wait to see the upcoming eps, but I'm so not ready to let this drama go.

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From CJES instagram. Ryu Jun-yeol and his obsession with soccer.



Haha not forgetting his hotpacks ^

That video he was watching is from @visubal account btw, an instagram account which posts football pictures and videos. 

"Ssangmun-dong Maradona."

@MrsRyu already posted it thanks chingu! hehe. I'll just replace with other photo. Another version of that Kim Jung-hwan and Kim Jung-bong basketball photo


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Hi girls! I've been lurking here ever since I lost my password to my @beastrbae account. So happy to see this thread building up so fast with awesome insights, speculations, funny gifs and fanfics from you all. It has definitely been a great ride so far with you guys :) I've cried so many times during Junghwan's earnest not-confession confession especially when they showed us his flashbacks, gosh I freaking bawled then.. Those who said Junghwan only liking Deoksun after the alley scene can just eat their words and lick their bowls clean seriously.. This dude was a goner for Deoksun since when they were young.

It sorta irks me that the opposing shippers see us as a pushy bunch desperately clinging to our airbus (how awesome is that?) when the same could be said for them.

Anyways, I saw this being shared in twitter by @purplelee911 and took a snapshot of it. All credits goes to her. Sorry if it's a bit too small though. Seeing this restored my faith to 110% that Junghwan is indeed the endgame. Stay safe you all!


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6 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Do ya'll think Deok Sun would call Junghwan oppa? Or do you think she would stick to calling him Jungpal and then for more serious times Junghwan-ah (this is for the dating period before marriage)? As for when they are getting married, I really want Deok Sun to be the one who proposes to him (yes she completely forgets the stupid high school advice) and is just like "Let's get married oppa." Which completely shocks him and makes Junghwan happy and flustered but he recovers by being all "How can a girl be so brazen, she has no shame." and tries to turn into a bickering joke but Deok Sun is persistent that they get married. After like a week of asking Deok Sun gets like mad about it then forgets it. Then one day (like a week after her asking) he slips the ring on her finger and is like marry me, and she's all like what the hell did you say, and I thought you didn't want to marry me. Anyways they get engaged but whenever they tell the story they argue over who proposed to who. She says it's her because she asked a whole week before him, and he insists to the squad that since there was no ring and she was just making a suggestion. His proposal with ring and everything was the true proposal. 


OMG!!! I can imagine it NOW!!! KYAAAAAAA!!! I really cant wait for lovey dovey moment of our couple.

How they confirm their feeling, how they will say i love you, how they will kisses, who's proposed firstly and how the other react, how they wedding, how their honeymoon, how they after married and have kids. I hope we still have RJY and HR as JH and DS when they have kids and reunion with Ssangmundong Gang again :wub:

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