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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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You guys it's meant to be. I was flipping through the tv and guess what movie just came on....you're wrong if you thought Forest Gump LOL. Bridesmaids is on. It's the scene where the chick is crying and watching what movie..not Forest Gump, but Castaway. Guess who's in Castaway, that's right Tom Hanks, who starred in and won an Oscar for that's it, Forest Gump. The kdrama gods have sent me a sign (well other than the script and today's episode that all but confirmed it) that Junghwan is the husband. Fret not all, Deok Sun is the Jenny to his Forest. Sandy to his Danny. The Minnie to his MIckey. The...I can't think of anymore...The Kate to his William..The Neo to his Matrix...yeah I really can't think of more but she's and him are it. So yeah, even the kdrama gods are sending signs directly to my tv (what do you mean it's just a movie playing on USA as scheduled to do) it's FATE, did you guys not see the kdrama slowmo fate and destiny pass by...ENDGAME!! OWNAGE!

Why is it whenever I am up and ready to spazz people have gone to bed *goes to watch the confession again* 

Damn can't nobody sing like Whitney did....and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIeeeIIIIIII...jesus take the wheel...

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14 minutes ago, blue_angel_1004 said:


Lurking here today. (Love reading all the comments here). Wish you guys would post on the main thread more too~~ 

As for the question asked buy @boranoona, on the contrary, both Taek and JH dated many girls. 

Taek went on many seon (formal blind dates set up by elders with marriage as intention) and JH went on many blind dates (more casual than seon, probably set up by his air force academy buddies). 

With Taek, he supposedly got dumped after meeting the girl a few times and JH… it didn't say whether he got dumped or he dumped the girls. But they fizzed after a couple of dates. 

Btw, this is all going on dates, and not relationships as bf/gfs~~ So based on what the adult DS said, both JH and Taek would still apply that the husband "dated around"

@blue_angel_1004 Thanks for explaining.Could you give us an insight plz about why do u think deoksun kept looking at the door+her reaction to the proposal??? 

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@MrsSoJiSub We must be in the same time zone because we're the only ones awake.  I must have re watched the confession and flashbacks scenes many times.  I wonder if the flashbacks scenes were filmed continously with the original scene. It was just nice to have confirmation that what JH felt for DS wasn't just physical attraction in episode 3.  Episode 1 was just so clear on this.

The confession was really sad to see.  DS really has the best poker face.   She only gave a clear reaction when JH dropped the bomb at the end.  It was like her face dropped.  I love the confession because it was sincere and a nice throwback to all of their memories together which only DS would know since DR and SW wasn't around in most of them.  The ring...it's gonna come back right?  It reminds me of Chuck's ring to Blair.  No matter how much he tries to get rid of it, it always comes back.  That pink shirt, it's been so many times, can it at least be worn once?  The gloves...where are they?

@blue_angel_1004 Yeah I don't go to the MT anymore.  Some of the posts are getting to becoming like novels and way to analyzed for me.   I await your input on this husband hunt.  I enjoyed reading your analysis on NJ/Trash.  Btw, why did you close your blog?

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9 minutes ago, BrittanyL said:

I have been away from this thread for some time due to being busy. What'd I miss?

Don't know how to answer that cause I've been away for a few hours and missed 30 pages. Worst case scenario, by the time you finish backreading, the subs will come out. But it's worth reading. :P

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We need DS confession or explanation or point of view about JH feeling. That's we called the end game has coming. 

I demand you Writer-nim you must give us DS reaction for JH confession. You cannot brush it under table and not give us proper explanation later.  Jebaallllll~~~~~~~~~~

I cannot sleep because of today episode and I hate it.LOL

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46 minutes ago, luffypyon said:

About the articles that thought the writer and PD-nim just switch the ship to Taek. So here my friend said who is an online writer novel. She told me as a writer she loves reactions. She loves it when the readers said they can't wait to another chapter to release, how they can't sleep because of the hanging and the frustation they can't predict the entire plot, how her story can make people cries and happy, how she loves to 'torture' them by making some tragedy to the main character they loved but then gives them the medicine at the end.

From the articles shared in netizenbuzz, almost all the viewer get frustated by the episode, even the one who side with Taek said there's no need to break Junghwan's heart like that. Some of viewers may be upset to the writer for turning Junghwan's feeling upside down, maybe some also that the angers toward the writers and PD are not necessary. But please BELIEVE ME THE WRITER AND PD-NIM REALLY LOVE THE FACT THAT VIEWERS ALL MAD AT THEM. The more you upset but can't leave the drama because you're so hooked up by it, the more they love it. So don't worry, Junghwan is definitely the end game

I don't even care if they did switch sides and Taek is endgame. Nothing the two have shared will top that confession and the flashbacks and all the moments (however little but much imho) we got between our air couple. I am not even lying when I say he doesn't have to be the husband. That confession and flashbacks and  everything I got is just...:wub: But I know he is the husband so I won't buy into articles that are just speculations and reactions to the episode the same as us (let's not lie, many of us were left not knowing what to think or feel after the episode aired) JUNGHWAN MARRY TO ME! (oh fudge when did i start liking this boy more than my bong...no....no i'll put them on the same footing...yeah i can love both if i want to :P) Also you are so right when you say they want us to feel whatever we feel and respond to their work. Honestly if they couldn't get these emotions out of us, they wouldn't be doing their jobs well or getting the rating that they have been.

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I was watching the confession scene again.. I was too focused on RJY to see Hyeri/DS's reaction. And Her reaction didn't make sense to me. Her face wasn't:

-blank/confused -- so we can guess what's going on in her mind (Ex-Trash)

-surprised -- it was a confession!!!! But she didn't look a bit surprised.. I don't get it

she was smiling instead.. She liked it? I am not sure what we are supposed to see here.. Even if she doesn't feel anything for him, wouldn't she have a different reaction to a confession from a close friend?

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I'm watching the confession scene again. You all already said it, but it truly is just a great scene. Those genuine words and the heartfelt emotions behind them, Junghwan's and Deoksun's more serious expressions juxtaposed with SW's and DR's hilarious "is this really happening" reactions, the background song. 

When JH finishes his confession and turns to DR, I love that DR at first responds in a whisper, as if he is intruding on a private moment between JH and DS. Indeed, JH and DS were in the confession bubble going down their memory lane together. 


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28 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

You guys it's meant to be. I was flipping through the tv and guess what movie just came on....you're wrong if you though Forest Gump LOL. Bridesmaids is on. It's the scene where the chick is crying and watching what movie..not Forest Gump but Castaway and guess who's in Castaway. that's right Tom Hanks, who starred in and won an oscar for that's it Forest Gump. The kdrama gods have sent me a sign (well other than the script and today's episode that all but confirmed) that Junghwan is the husband. Fret not all, Deok Sun is the Jenny to his Forest. Sandy to his Danny.The Minnie to his MIckey. The...I can't think of anymore...The Kate to his William..The Neo to his Matrix...yeah I really can't think of more but she's and him are it so yeah even the kdrama gods are sending signs directly to my tv (what do you mean it's just a movie playing on USA as schedule to do) it's FATE, did you guys not see the kdrama slowmo fate and destiny pass by...ENDGAME!! OWNAGE!

Why is it whenever I am up and ready to spazz people have gone to be *goes to watch the confession again* 

Damn can't nobody sing like Whitney did....and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIeeeIIIIIII...jesus take the wheel...




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10 minutes ago, ner54 said:

Hi guys. In JH's confession scene, he said "when we chanced up upon each other on the bus" which scene is he referring to? If anyone knows pls tell me. Thanks! :)

I think its referring to the scene when theyre going to school because DS is always waking up late and the chance JH to bump into her is a slimmer. 

Downloading the sub version of the confession. Gotta replay it until next week because I like it, a lot. 


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15 minutes ago, honeywell said:

@MrsSoJiSub We must be in the same time zone because we're the only ones awake.  I must have re watched the confession and flashbacks scenes many times.  I wonder if the flashbacks scenes were filmed continously with the original scene. It was just nice to have confirmation that what JH felt for DS wasn't just physical attraction in episode 3.  Episode 1 was just so clear on this.

The confession was really sad to see.  DS really has the best poker face.   She only gave a clear reaction when JH dropped the bomb at the end.  It was like her face dropped.  I love the confession because it was sincere and a nice throwback to all of their memories together which only DS would know since DR and SW wasn't around in most of them.  The ring...it's gonna come back right?  It reminds me of Chuck's ring to Blair.  No matter how much he tries to get rid of it, it always comes back.  That pink shirt, it's been so many times, can it at least be worn once?  The gloves...where are they?

@blue_angel_1004 Yeah I don't go to the MT anymore.  Some of the posts are getting to becoming like novels and way to analyzed for me.   I await your input on this husband hunt.  I enjoyed reading your analysis on NJ/Trash.  Btw, why did you close your blog?

You a US east coast girl too? I too have watched the confession and flashbacks too many times to sane and I love love love the confession. It was just for her because as mentioned he mentions so many things that only he and her know. I die at it all. The things he remembers, the pauses. I like you...I love you...he had been waiting to tell her ya'll! He was going to confess after graduation. He mentioned the pink shirt. He was going to comeback to and for her. Agiooo why did Taek have to get to that concert first :tears: I seriously was tearing up watching him cry in the car and the damn rain didn't help matters. It was nice to have that conformation of things we already knew (that he had started before ep 3 and it was more than physical attraction) that coupled with his elementary diary entries....I am deceased. I wonder what them people who kept saying there is "no depth to these two it's all just physical" are going to say now. I too noticed Deok Sun's broken look at the end. Her whole reaction was so similar to that of Junghwan when Taek confessed. Lost in her thoughts/feelings and then forcing herself to laugh when Dong Ryeong (like Sunwoo did with Junghwan) when brought back to the room. Why are they doing this to me..

I too am waiting on your analysis of things @blue_angel_1004 and I'm curious as well as to why you closed your blog. I did enjoy reading you and lelia's thoughts on CouchKimichi...

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11 minutes ago, starryskie5 said:

I was watching the confession scene again.. I was too focused on RJY to see Hyeri/DS's reaction. And Her reaction didn't make sense to me. Her face wasn't:

-blank/confused -- so we can guess what's going on in her mind (Ex-Trash)

-surprised -- it was a confession!!!! But she didn't look a bit surprised.. I don't get it

she was smiling instead.. She liked it? I am not sure what we are supposed to see here.. Even if she doesn't feel anything for him, wouldn't she have a different reaction to a confession from a close friend?

I thought her face was very clear. The moments he mentioned she would let little smiles slip though showing me she too was remembering the things he was talking about that they only know. Then at the end, she didn't take her eyes off of him. She was sitting, frozen just looking at him (I like that wide shot we got where we see Dong Ryeong and Sunwoo laughing and Junghwan not looking at her and laughing through the pain) and she isn't responding or laughing and just looking at him Dong Ryeong nudges her/reminds her to have a normal "just joking LOL" reaction which she fakes. Which is exactly like the episode 10 confession of Taek's and Junghwan's reaction to that (I know I keep saying that and I will say it until you all believe like me LOL) these parallels are not for nothing. I just...*bows to the writer and team* I have said it again and again where Deok Sun fails in words, she more than makes obvious in her actions. 

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I just want to point out one last thing before logging out. When I see the flashback of how JH giving the pink gloves to DS.. and we know that DS chose Taek's gloves over JH to wear for that day.. this can be the same as JH not wanting to wear the pink shirt DS gave him because he's afraid it will be worn out rather than hating the pink color. So we may get a flashback in regard of DS's POV :P not using it mean they treasure it too much. 

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16 minutes ago, cherisshuu said:

I think its referring to the scene when theyre going to school because DS is always waking up late and the chance JH to bump into her is a slimmer. 

Downloading the sub version of the confession. Gotta replay it until next week because I like it, a lot. 


Ah, I see. Now it makes sense. Thank you!

Me too. I loved everything that he said, it's like a trip down memory lane when he mentioned those scenes that only him and DS know of. The way he paused between his sentences was perfect, and his eyes say a lot too. It was a big step for him to confess to her after so long, and in front of his friends too. He suffered too much already, I wanna give him a big hug. :tears:

Edit: Oops just realised I said the same thing as @MrsSoJiSub. Didn't realise your post but hey it's good that we have the same thoughts. 

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Hello! I have been reading this forum since the drama started  (I'm totaqlly sure that JH is the husband), but I didn't the confidence to comment. I'm so obsessed now and I'm with exams, but I can't hold my opinion anymore.

In today's episode I have realised that in both birthday scenes Taek was between Jung Hwan and Duk Seon, he was in 1988 and he is in 1994...for me is a reference about the thing that stops our couple to be together is the fact that them know that Taek is in love with Duk Seon and the don't want to hurt him.

And about Duk Seon profession as stewardess, I have the feeling that she chose it because she heard that Jung Hwan is gonna be a pilot, but the thing she didn't know is that Jung Pal was a military pilot, and I bet we are gonna have goat sounds for her mistake. This is my theory because Duk Sun said that she didn't have a goal in her life.

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