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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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1 hour ago, wizengamot said:

anyway guys, because we're so busy of the kiss and JH-DS in uniform, we've totally missed A CONFIRMATION OF FUTURE HUSBAND IDENTITY

remember adult DS and future hubby were arguing who won the music festival awards. they're basically arguing the year 1988 and 1989. Future hubby said that in 1988 Yoona won and they watch it in the gym (actual location of the awards night) and adult DS said in 1988 it was endless orbit who won and that they all watch it at home, and she asked him just who did he take on the gym.

basically, future hubby confused the 1989 awards to 1988. And adult DS didn't remember that they all come to the awards at 1989.

why TK is not the husband?

1. because in 1988, he was not there watching the music festival on TV. actually, he's the only one not around. He can't possibly be watching it on the actual venue with another girl (as what adult DS accused) because TK is in busan having a match.

2. All of them went to the 1989 music festival.


1 hour ago, Chizawa95 said:

And dont forget about 'Rejected By Sunwoo' and 'Post Card' 



yeahh same with me chingu, i think that too about music festival, post card dan rejected by sunwoo. that's wayyy i BELIEVE JH is the husband because that clue :wub::wub::wub::wub:

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12 minutes ago, toera said:

There's also JH's jacket left on the bench of the park. As Taek was carrying DS away the camera angle (lol) widened to show the jacket on the left and TK-DS on the right which the writer might use in the future in any way she likes. So no, it's not delutional. :)


HA! Was wondering about elephant (jacket in this case) in the room and how no one picks it up. 

Or maybe I'm just left in the discussion since this thread is moving so fast just like how the years went by in the series :tears:

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PD-nim ...Shin Won-ho~ssi , I'm not asking for more  and I know the JH-DS  kiss will probably be under PG-15 bar.... but ... but...  please could you rectify /add couple scenes....

1) Can we get JH running like this to kiss DS...anytime soon..huh...Q05vHO.gif


2) Geez.. for once I wanna see a SHIRTLESS JH !! front & back in one go....tumblr_nz8dg6mTXa1qbyuu5o5_400.gif



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I am not reading any long posts of the main thread till the last episode airs :sweatingbullets: i don't want a headache

@toera i don't know what they are going to do abt the jacket...i have sooo many questions for sooo many scenes.i hope pd nim will answer all of them on the remaining episodes

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14 minutes ago, Kelly86 said:

@namunamuyeppeo your not alone I'm getting the vibe he's a man now too so I'm crossing my fingers he comes clean about his FEELINGS in that scene.

IKR it's so frustrating to see the two guys not saying anything about their feelings to DS for 6 richard simmons years. Idk but if jungpal confesses at that moment or at least implies that he has feelings for her, what about TK's feelings towards DS? I just want TK to resolve his feelings towards DS first so JH won't have any hard feelings to confess smooothly ;)

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Shin PD and Writer Lee prefer guys who are less extraordinary (Lol, the wording) to be the husbands of the series. 

The husbands were never a guy who runs for president, or a succesful baseball player, or a genius baduk player who breaks 3 records in 5 yrs. 

So, have faith!

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1 hour ago, phadungpon said:

First post in this thread i just wanna share my opinion with everyone

Until now i'm sure 90% it's JH must be the husband from the preview i think maybe JH confess to DS and tell her TK like her too and then he  escape from DS to live in another place [like the air force base or apartment not Ssangmundong] and at the same time TK will confess to DS too but she reject him and tell him she doesn't love him

After long time ago [Maybe it a reunion pilot school party] JH and DS will meet again bcoz JH friend is a pilot in same cadet school with him and DS is an air hostess same airline JH friend His friend tell about JH is the popular man in cadet school to date with many girl and air hostess too DS would go to toilet but she saw JH in front of the toilet too and JH being a smoker [YESSSS] and after party JH invite her to comeback home with him and then in the car [same as YJ and SW 97] DS ask JH about his feeling again and she tell him she not date with TK bcoz she like him and then both have a kiss [YESSSSS] 


Maybe about rumors of kiss scene at Gimpo airport i think JH will send DS to airport after both has dating JH is the fighter pilot and he knows the pilot in other airline LOLLL

I love the main idea of all of this and if we were on episode 10  or 14 instead of 17 and soon to be 18 out of 20 I would want some of this to happen. However for where we are, how long we been there, and the little time we have left. WRITER GET WHERE YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALREADY! Yo, I don't want Junghwan confessing and then running to an air force base to hide then coming back some years later to reunite yet again. Nor do I want some dramatic rejection and then future reunion (isn't 1994 the reunion, how many coming and going push and pull must we endure!) IT'S BEEN SIX YEARS ALREADY! How long has he been keeping his feelings to himself and try to make them go away. HEY BUDDY MAYBE IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO GO AWAY! MAYBE IT NEVER WILL GO AWAY SO STOP TRYING TO RUN BUT NOT REALLY RUN FROM THEM!! I am sorry but if Junghwan confesses then leaves for some remote island to show up again some years later and then they reunite; I am taking myself off this ship.

I will no longer give two flying richard simmons who Deok Sun ends up with. Hell I'll want her to end up with the middle school dude or Dong Ryeong for real. I'm sorry ya'll but there is only so long and so far you can stretch something out before your audience gets fed up and really don't care one way or another because you have been needlessly playing with both sides for faaaar too long. Reading knetizens comments, the writers are really thisclose to reaching that point. And I'll be honest here, if something of relevance and consequence that moves us from where we been (and a confess and dash will still make us be where we are already at) to where we need to be does not happen, I am hopping on a tug boat of, look at all the richard simmons i give.....NONE!

We are already running on thin material and the writer will choose to make it thiner and longer. I love these two as individual characters and likove what they do have and could have together. However my shipping feelings are not at the depths of Jeong/Oppa where I will endure any and all bulls**** if it means they will be together in the end. Nope. I know it will be no skin off the writers nose, but if things keep going the way they are going, good riddance and good-bye. 

*knowing her own weak heart she doesn't mean half off this and will not be able to help but root this couple on and come to this thread to read comments and share her own* why am I such a weak weak little girl :(

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4 minutes ago, arumdaun said:


HA! Was wondering about elephant (jacket in this case) in the room and how no one picks it up. 

Or maybe I'm just left in the discussion since this thread is moving so fast just like how the years went by in the series :tears:

I see your point, :lol:

Anything can happen with that jacket! Examples being something like:

1) JH went to TK's to take his jacket and saw DS kiss TK,

2) JH went to take his jacket and met DS and kissed DS and TK thought it was him

3) JH went to take his jacket and kissed TK and TK thought it was DS

4) it's a symbol of their youth passing by

5) it's the director widening the shot to troll us

6) ...





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19 minutes ago, noname noname said:

About little JH journal that was found by his mom. Don't you gals think the part of the journal that talked about DS has the same effect with YJ's first-love flashback in RP 97 and NJ's wanna-marry-oppa-childhood-dream flashback in RP 94? That part of the journal makes me think that the highlight of thus husband hunting game is JH' feeling.

We all know that in RP 97, the highlight of husband hunting game is YJ's feeling and in RP 94 is NJ's feeling. Before, am not quite sure whose feeling is the highlight of the RP 88 husband hunting game. But, well, I am quite sure now. Hehehehe...


Speaking of JH's journal... wasn't there a sort of an uproar or rather aggressive debate on the MT of how" TK liked DS even before JH did and how TK liking towards DS was cultivated from a longer time period than JH...." Well, NOW , with the contents of kiddie JH's diary revealed....Can't it now be inferred that JH always liked DS ...first as a friend , then as a woman and FINALLY as THE PERSON WHOM HE LOVES FOREVER.... Can't it be vividly seen that it was JH whose feelings for DS nutured since he was child barely knowing the difference between liking/loving ...friend /lover.... and now he knows the exact sentiment what is to LOVE & CARE for a PERSON  through their happiness...

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If the kissing scene is true, then DS must be dreaming that it was JH who's kissing her coz she responded instead of being shocked. I can only think this way for it to be true. Hahahha.

But i think it's only TK's dream, since everyone got to say their wish or dreams, this was Tk's part of that topic.

Ah, one more thing, the diary parallelism bw little JH and teenage DS is just adorable

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On 09/01/2016 at 10:04 AM, namunamuyeppeo said:

In his mind... "Deokseon-ah... why have you become so much prettier than the last time I saw you?" Gae Jungpal must've missed DS so much 

Am I the only one who sees JH as a "different" guy in this scene? He was never seen (as much as I remember) talking in a very serious manner with DS, plus he talks really calmly with her here . But don't get me wrong, his new look got me like dfgasdfghjal. So handsome.  :love:




OMG thank you this is morning present for me,he is sooooooooo handsomeee:wub:

We are so fast.. I'm afraid im going to miss something here  -OOT- In my dream im reading comments here omggg my everything is this thread now hahahahah

And less than 3 hours~~~see you guys at reply time^_^


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Guest wizengamot




Two old friends meet again
Wearing older faces
And talk about the places they've been 
- - - - > they're a pilot and stewardess now 

Two old sweethearts who fell apart - - - - -> whole stanza is because of the pink shirt and TK feelings
Somewhere long ago
How are they to know
Someday they'd meet again
And have a need for more
Than reminiscin'

Maybe this time
It'll be loving they'll find
Maybe now they can be more
Than just friends
She's back in his life
And it feels so right
Maybe this time, love won't end  
- - - - - > yes, this time they'll be together


It's the same old feeling back again
It's the one that they had way when
They were too young to know
When love is real
- - - - - - > need i say more

But somehow, some things never change
And even time hasn't cooled the flame
It's burning even brighter
Than it did before
It got another chance
And if they take it

Maybe this time
It'll be loving they'll find
Maybe now they can be more
Than just friends
She's back in his life
And it feels so right
Maybe this time, love won't end

She's smiling like she used
To smile way back then
She's feeling like she used
To feel way back when
They tried, but something kept them
Waiting for this magic moment...


Maybe this time
It'll be loving they'll find
Maybe now they can be more
Than just friends, oh...
She's back in his life
And it feels so right
Maybe this time
Maybe this time
Maybe this time...

Love won't end...

it fits their situation perfectly.

like how they are really two old friends who's been into places

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1 minute ago, comesandgoes said:

OMG thank you this is morning present for me,he is sooooooooo handsomeee:wub:

We are so fast.. I'm afraid im going to miss something here  -OOT- In my dream im reading comments here omggg my everyhing is this thread now hahahahah


Thank uri jungpal for being handsome hahaha

LOL you dreamed about reading comments in this thread? :lol:. Now I wonder why I haven't actually dreamed about uri couple...

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12 minutes ago, toera said:

I see your point, :lol:

Anything can happen with that jacket! Examples being something like:

1) JH went to TK's to take his jacket and saw DS kiss TK,

2) JH went to take his jacket and met DS and kissed DS and TK thought it was him

3) JH went to take his jacket and kissed TK and TK thought it was DS

4) it's a symbol of their youth passing by

5) it's the director widening the shot to troll us

6) ...



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38 minutes ago, boranoona said:

I am not reading any long posts of the main thread till the last episode airs :sweatingbullets: i don't want a headache

@toera i don't know what they are going to do abt the jacket...i have sooo many questions for sooo many scenes.i hope pd nim will answer all of them on the remaining episodes

maybe he just forgot it and one day taek or deok sun will give it back to him. i don't know it may mean something or it may simply be a forgotten jacket in all the mess a chaos of dong ryeong emergency situation. if you really want to be a pessimist about it. it can symbolize the union of deok sun and taek who have confirmed their feelings for one another and deok sun has effectively forgotten about whatever she thought she felt for junghwan (I know and I call myself a shipper LOL). or it's the object sitting in the cold waiting to be rediscovered again (deok sun's feelings for junghwan and the five years apart) and one day it will return to where it belonged/it's owner. deok sun went back and picked the coat up from the bench (have no clue why it's still there) and gave it back to junghwan showing her feelings/coat has been with and will be with junghwan and no matter how long it's left by its self it will always come back to him. this is also why the camera lingers on it for long. see it really is easy to make things mean one thing or another depending on where your preferences lay. take everything (including what we say here) with a grain of salt and let things go and ship and let ship. 

ETA: though I really like @toera's list and my vote for 3

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1 minute ago, namunamuyeppeo said:

Thank uri jungpal for being handsome hahaha

LOL you dreamed about reading comments in this thread? :lol:. Now I wonder why I haven't actually dreamed about uri couple...

Yes thanks him too.. because of him my standarts are going high:tears: 

Because im addicted...  

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