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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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3 hours ago, ihate0ni0ns said:

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening y'all :w00t::w00t:


Happy 350th page :phew:

Ready to fly high today? XD

Oh lord both of the look so good in a uniform. They are most definetly my "air couple" I can imagine them both on an early morning having to rush to work and helping the other put on their badges or picking lint of each other's uniform before rushing out the door. Although neither of them say it out loud, it gives them a thrill each and every time they see the other in their uniform. Junghwan especially likes it when Deok Sun engages in a little foreplay of wearing just his uniform jacket and hat ;)

I am so happy that the predicted careers came true. However I imagine they may not see each other much because she's often jet setting from one country to another (what are the work schedules of stewardesses like? Do fighter pilots fly often too? Or are they based somewhere doing other military work most of the time? I'm going to keep imaging he's rushing in the jeep as to not be late for their planned date (or maybe confess his feels at the airport right before she leaves for a scheduled flight which would fall in line with that one time dismissed fan claim about seeing the two shooting a scene at the airport with Deok Sun wearing a uniform or something. I just remember a fan account of the two filming at an airport but everyone dismissed it and hey now it may have been true).

*feels refreshed after having slept and woke up* sorry if my earlier rant brought down the vibe in this place. I am ready to spazz and can't wait to live stream ep 18 (if I can stay up that is) with you all :) I can't believe we got over 7,000 posts. That's freaking insane! 

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27 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

Up on the roof, Jung-bong and Jung-hwan see them too—a shower of falling stars—and Jung-bong quickly makes a wish. Jung-hwan claims to have forgotten to make one, and guesses that Hyung wished for a happy romance with Mi-ok. But Jung-bong says no, he wished for his little brother to be able to do whatever he wants in life. Awww.


credits: Dramabeans

really? these two. JH just cooperating as usual to his hyung's antics watching the shooting star though he's not that interested

and JB only wanting that so he can wish something for JH.

me: cries a river

now we know that JH dream doesn't keep changing depending on what movie he likes, but depending on what JB wants.really these two... T_T

you know what ?? i make a mistake because reading dramabeans recap while i m at work place.. i m crying now!! I M CRYING!! 

this episode was so beautiful.. i just can't..Jung hwan, where can i find someone like you ?? can you be my husband pleaseee.. 


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15 minutes ago, noname noname said:

Wanna ask something chingu, if TK gives JH honest answer, wut will it possibly happen? Because I just dont see the diff between him giving honest answer and not. Hehehe....

Well, I think that at least it would lead to some conversation between them. Nah? Lol. 

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Guest wizengamot

anyway guys, because we're so busy of the kiss and JH-DS in uniform, we've totally missed A CONFIRMATION OF FUTURE HUSBAND IDENTITY

remember adult DS and future hubby were arguing who won the music festival awards. they're basically arguing the year 1988 and 1989. Future hubby said that in 1988 Yoona won and they watch it in the gym (actual location of the awards night) and adult DS said in 1988 it was endless orbit who won and that they all watch it at home, and she asked him just who did he take on the gym.

basically, future hubby confused the 1989 awards to 1988. And adult DS didn't remember that they all come to the awards at 1989.

why TK is not the husband?

1. because in 1988, he was not there watching the music festival on TV. actually, he's the only one not around. He can't possibly be watching it on the actual venue with another girl (as what adult DS accused) because TK is in busan having a match.

2. All of them went to the 1989 music festival.


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I've been a silent lurker in this thread for a while but there's something I want to point out from the main thread. The post about JH's self discovery. Personally, I don't view JH as someone who is not aware of himself. He is always like that, cold but caring and sweet. It's not like he couldn't read others' emotions well, he couldn't express himself when it comes to  love and expression well. Because JH is aware of the emotions of people around him, his mother's, father's, brother's, friends' and I'm sure he is aware of DS's feelings too.

And he is a dog, not yet a human...in others' eyes. It's because he is abrasive that other people (DS) viewed him as a dog and lacks a human. Through each episodes, layers of JH sweetness and considerations are revealed showing that he is pretty much a human. A sweetheart. IMHO, DS's introduction about JH being a dog is to make us think that JH is really kind of a jerk but as time goes by we get to see that he is not. Not all of JH's action is self discovery in my eyes, as most of the scenes is just a revelation of his true self.

I'm uncomfortable with the OP painting JH as someone who lacks self-awareness, is selfish, and develops from a jerk to a good guy. There's a post saying that JH is not typical kdrama hero that is rude and prickly and turned into a nice guy just for the sake of being worthy to be the female lead's love. JH is a kind person, right from the start.

Btw, if we were to compare the nurturing scenes between DS/TK and SK/MR then it could be safely said that DR/TK is a possibility too. Remember how DR helped TK with his chopstick, packed his luggage, and straighten up TK's clothes?

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55 minutes ago, namunamuyeppeo said:

From the Dramabeans recap:

"Inside, Mom finds old journals written by both boys when they were kids, and Dad says he’s saving them all to give to them when they get married."

Oh yes please! JH you should give it to your wife DS and show what you wrote in Elementary school, especially the suggestion on arm wrestling ;)

When I read that on dramabeans I said "he the husband for sure. This ties in really well with the earlier flash forward scene adult him having seen it maybe read her diary." 

How cute would it be if adult Deok Sun has seen and read these passage. No wonder she was trying to brag about him having loved her/everything about her for so long. Too bad Junghwan is still Junghwan and is told to choke on his water. Our OTP is such :wub: y'all. 

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Why oh why did I read that post on MT :bawling:

I was trying to maintain my cool but her explanation just make JH somehow a shallow person, so I just have to express it here. I'm sorry guys, cause if I'm not, I'm afraid I might vomit banana milk and brazil ddeokbokki by the end of the day.

She mentioned that JH asked more money that SW, and that as a consequence of his scam he feels he can't ask for more money when his cash and his shoes are stolen from him so he suffers in a silence perhaps with guilt, perhaps with embarrassment. I mean, UGH, no. I know it's a not a good thing for kids to do that to their parents, but at least I remember I did that once. And just for the sake so I could have more money to spend. Also, she mentioned that he may think that he's to cool to be hugged by mom or tell his problems to mom but IT IS his character that can't express something well and if he does, he does it indirectly. I don't think he think that he's too cool for that. I think he just doesn't want to make his mom worry. And for pit's sake, they just got rich like 3 years ago. I think he's used to the lifestyle that he doesn't want to burden his parents. I know it's kinda contradict with my statement of why he asked for more money to his mom, but what he asked is something that has small value not like a shoes that probably cost much more expensive and whether he intended it or not seems like he has this little habit of teasing his mom (he chose his dad over his mom to live with while it's obvious the mom who asked him). Also I remember his mom asked him how much money he needs for a cup of ramyun and he said some unbelievable amount and got scold.

She said that "JH wonders why SW doesn’t just give up his medallion to appease the school bully. But later, he punches the bully after the bully taunts SW again. His life lesson: Family, friends, respect, and honor are some of the things in life worth fighting for." Okay this one is not bad. But the title of the episode itself is "The One Thing That You Don't Know about Me". I believe he cares and always cares for his friend and his family. It's just he didn't make big deal out of it. At the beginning of the episode we somehow given the impression that he's careless about his friends and family but then he punched that sunbae to stand up for his friend and lost his cool when in come to respect someone older or a stranger.He cares and most cares, then later we're shown that despite SW's worry about his condition, he just shrugged it off. (and to be honest, from this episode I fall for this guy, It's like JH's just shown me his true side, and I fell HARD :wub:)

She also mentioned that JH's a good kid, but he’s not THAT perceptive about human nature. He can’t intuitively “read” emotions, and he’ll most likely misinterpret them. He needs guidance from people around him like DR. I'm not sure which part of this sentences that ticked me off but it just did or I'm just too biased, so sue me. Okay, he might not know why people around him somehow acted like that but he did NOTICE they acted differently. So in order to fix the problem, he asked an advice from his friend, and he managed to fix it. I see no problem with that.

Then she mentioned JH mocked the idea that TK pointed out that even if it was routine surgery, his mom must be really worried.I mean even his DAD, his DAD, KIM APPA that lives since forever with his MOM did not notice that his wife just trying to act strong. So what can you expect from JH...*sigh*

She stated that he learns that DS doesn’t like him chasing after her and that adamantly yells at him to stop it. Even when he reasonably argues that he lives there too, she insists that he scared her and she unreasonably demands him to make a sound while walking.  What? Just what?? Just try to walk alone around midnight at a really quite place. See how one could react to that. And also, please... what I remember just "Jalja" scene that came right after. :wub:

And the title for this episode is "What it Means to Cross the Line". So JH crossed the line by saying "Jalja" which he never ever done before and for all that we know, he might followed her since she left her home to make sure she's safe. Also he crossed the line when he put his arm around her shoulder, hence cue to DS's flustered expression.

Okay, phefw, I'm relieved. And I'm sorry again in advance guys that I brought up this topic, but I just seriously had get it all out from my system. Alright, back to happy me :w00t:


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1 minute ago, wizengamot said:

anyway guys, because we're so busy of the kiss and JH-DS in uniform, we've totally missed A CONFIRMATION OF FUTURE HUSBAND IDENTITY

remember adult DS and future hubby were arguing who won the music festival awards. they're basically arguing the year 1988 and 1989. Future hubby said that in 1988 Yoona Won and they watch it in the gym (actual location of the awards night) and adult DS said in 1988 it was endless orbit whp won and that they all watch it at home, and she asked him just who did he take on the gym.

basically, future hubby confused the 1989 awards to 1988. And adult DS didn't remember that they all come to the awards at 1989.

why TK is not the husband?

1. because in 1988, he was not there watching the music festival on TV. actually, he's the only one not around. He can't possibly watching it on the actual venue with another girl (as what adult DS accused) because TK is in busan having a match.

2. All of them went to the 1989 music festival.


And dont forget about 'Rejected By Sunwoo' and 'Post Card' 


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Guest wizengamot


what post? i'm gonna go now to the main thread.


lol, are you referring to the long post? i didn't read it.

piece of advice guys (and i know it's not easy)

just don't let anyone comment/post bad mouthing uri couple or JH or DS affect you. Their comment will not change anything in the series so don't let them not change or messed up your mind. :)


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Long time no see, everybody.:wub:

I think last time when I was here was on page 280 something and now we are over 350 pages. Wow. I don’t know how I can back track all those pages. Anyway, I know this is very late but, I wish all of you a happy new year with good health.

I just finished watching the newest episode and I have to say that I’m very disappointed with the writer Lee woo Jung. Don’t worry, I still believe JH will be the endgame. I’m just so mad because the writer went over the line with DS character to continue the tiring husband guessing game. Like I said before, I adore DS character the most in this drama and I saw her character crumbling down in this episode. I used to get upset whenever people say that DS falls in love easily with whoever likes her and got strong urge to defend her every time. I remember I heard that a lot when DS started to reciprocate JH’s feelings in earlier episodes. However, with ep. 17, I don’t think I can defend her from that accusation. Why can’t the writer keep the flow of emotion of her character consistent? In my opinion, she just sacrificed the most endearing character for the sake of husband guessing game. Geeze… If I’m a TK-DS shipper, I won’t be so happy that DS shows interest to TK in this episode because like some people argue, it seems that DS’s feeling is not real since she likes back easily whoever likes her in this episode. I don’t know how the writer will recover the damage done to DS character. I visited some Korean sites before coming here and I see so many people are mad and disappointed about this. Of course, they are criticizing the writer for this. Maybe, I’m overreacting. After all, she’s just a naïve 18-year-old girl who fantasizes about romance and doesn’t know true meaning of love, yet. Maybe the writer will show how DS matures regarding love slowly after time jump. I really hope so.

Kissing scene between TK and DS… I love how Shin PD directed the scene. It was so cute and pretty even though I believe it was just a dream. But I still wonder why we need that scene if it is a just dream and won’t change the flow of the story. Still, it was well- done scene and I loved it.

Especially, I loved the heart-warming scenes between Kim brothers and Sung sisters so much and this is why I still love this drama even with ongoing tiring husband guessing game. Also, I’m so glad to see how Ssangmundong kids realized their dreams in the future and grew into wonderful adults.

For ep.18, I get the feeling we have to prepare for another heart-breaking scene for our Jung hwannie. I think he will confess his feelings to DS but say goodbye to his first love at the same time. He might try to move on with his life and start to date many girls casually. Also, TK might confess his feeling this time. So, again, the key to solve this love triangle will go to DS. Will DS be mature enough to choose her real love? I guess we have to wait and see.

Again,  thank you all for this wonderful thread. Now, I'm going to sleep.

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Hey! Avoided this thread since this morning so I have 50 pages to backtrack. I haven't read all of your comments on the episode. I LOVE THIS EP.  It doesn't bother me that PBG gets his kiss (note that I didn't say TK gets his kiss LOL). It doesn't bother me that we didn't get anywhere with the romance and every dating couple broke up except Papa Bear and SW Omma. It was heartbreaking but there was progress as a whole! *choir aahs*

I loved:     (Too long so i put it under spoiler tag)


1. Deoksun trying to figure out her dream and Papa Sung tells her it's fine if she doesn't know what she wants. Deoksun is totally me with regards to dreams and such. *cries in a corner* 

2. Parents view on dreams/ambition vs kids view of dreams/ambition

3. The convo between SW and TK. My heart melted.

4. Convo between JH and JB... Heartbreak. JH wants ro fulfill JB's dream T.T ugh sweetie pie

5. DS seeing TK as a potential love interest. Or at least she senses some sort of more-than-friends interest. LOL our poor cold pitbull marshmallow (quoting @MrsSoJiSub) but at least this levels out the playing field a bit. Gimme drama. Gimme competition. Gimme angst. I can take it. (I think)

5. Me realizing that I am actually #TeamDeoksun. When she looked at Taek differently I was like... OMG if you like him better go for it, girl! I want you to be happy *tears* follow your heart!!! Still I think JH is endgame tho. IMO there was something lacking in the dream kiss with Taek... The sparkles...

6. Sorry, I know this is JHxDS thread but I feel more comfy here, the kiss scene between dream TKxDS was so beautifully filmed. My momma, who has zero interest in the main love triangle, even commented how pretty their poses are. But still... I don't feel the sparkles...

7. OMG the spoiler was actually true *jaw drops* pilot JH and flight attendant DS. C'mon match made in heaven there!

8. The preview!! I luff eet!! Aaah! Excited for tomorrow!

9. DSxBR sis bonding moment

**all the convos I understood with broken Korean, my broken Mandarin subs reading skills and begging mom to read the mandarin subs out loud during crucial parts. It's a beautiful ep and I will totally watch it again with Eng subs for it to perfectly make sense


Guess what I ended up doing this morning? I woke up at 6am to watch some youtube cuts that wasn't OTP related, then somehow couldn't resist the urge to watch the raw. I watched 40mins of it raw before I got ready for work. I'm effin' crazy. I'm just glad tmr is Sat and the first thing on my sched is at 10.30am so I can watch the raw in peace.


OK wish me luck. I got 50 pages to read through. Hugs and kisses! TeamJungHwan be strong! But most of all... DS I think it's time to show some of your cards. Girl, I really wanna know what you're thinking.


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59 minutes ago, snowy21 said:

JH: Ignore about the kiss yesterday, today I shall muster up my courage and confess to my girl!! Have faith in me, people!!

DS: Pabo ya !! Pali Pali confess to me, don't you dare to help TK by saying he likes me!!



Until shown otherwise, this their date and they are shop talking their similar jobs. Slight tipsy Junghwam comments on how good Deok Sun looks in her uniform (he had once caught a glimpse of her from afar somewhere, go with it people) and she's all "ya how would you know with all the women that are always around you). She'd heard about his reputation from a fellow stawardess. Or he's all *tipsy drunk* "why haven't we ever gone for some ramen?" "Because you've never asked" *Deok Sun jumps him on the spot*. 

In reality both of them look good. Our cold pit bull marshmallow looks tipsy/drunk, and I hope we get a drunk/tipsy confession of how much he's liked her all these years and try as he may he can't forget her. He even lets her know "your pink shirt still has its own room on my wall (aka she has her own room in his heart forever)." Deok Sin tells him to be serious. He tells her he's very much serious and had been dying all these years to wear it for her, for himself just once. By the end of it all she just can't believe they wasted all this time all these years not telling the other how they have felt. He shows up at the airport in his pink shirt before one of her flights, and "thus with a kiss this fangirl dies"  :wub:

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Apparently, dramabeans' comment section and main thread are still petrifying places to visit. Nope. I'm never gonna be there. I don't have much strength as some of you guys.

36 minutes ago, ihate0ni0ns said:

She mentioned that JH asked more money that SW, and that as a consequence of his scam he feels he can't ask for more money when his cash and his shoes are stolen from him so he suffers in a silence perhaps with guilt, perhaps with embarrassment. I mean, UGH, no. 

But, at least we know, that half of the money he asked was used to pay the Teacher's wedding present, treating DR and SW burger for dinner, buying a cassette tape for Taek's birthday gift, and treating DS, Manok, Jahyun ramyun and ddokbuki.

He's not an angel. none of any character here are written to be an angel. JungHwan has problems that some of us has in real life. He's depicted as most boys I know at school. Those annoying and grumpy boys. Then, they show so much development in his character, which is believable and relatable. That's what makes me feel for him.

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Was it you @Vannyah M who mentioned that JH actually wishes for Taek to be a nappeun seki and not for him to be not in pain? I re-watched the scene and I think you might be on to something. I might have misheard 'nappeun' as 'appeun'. Given how much focus is given on the 'wish upon a star' scene in this ep, will that come true? :blink: 

EDIT:-Okay had my doubts clarified after reading the dramabeans recap. 

Taek as bad guy...haha no freaking way.

Honestly I cribbed that much abt episodes 15+16 because the writers basically wrote themselves into a corner by making both guys out to be noble idiots. Now one of them has to stop playing this childish 'you first' game and one can't do that without making their earlier actions look absolutely pointless and unnecessary. How the hell are they going to find a way out of this mess? Augh. Like I said earlier, this is the most eff-ed up love triangle ever written in a Kdrama where girl seems to be a little inclined towards either guy at this point and both guys have literally done nothing definitive to win her over.

Also what is the significance of that scene in which Taek denies opening JH's wallet? Had he told the truth, both boys would have had to have a candid discussion about their feelings which Taek diplomatically avoided. Does this mean he is actually refusing to give JH a free pass to pursue DS? What the hell? Seriously? I don't get many of the scenes' significance. :crazy:

Also writer has literally made JH one of the most memorable Kdrama male leads ever. Dude has no wish for himself. He makes other people's wishes come true but can barely bring himself to ask something for himself. Jung Hwan-ah, stop being so giving. Literally all his smiles this episode were fake as well - when he laughingly told JB that the dream of becoming an Air Force pilot is his and when he smiled at his mom's request to make a wish for himself. :tears:

On rewatching the kiss, I realized it can be conveniently put into the 'dead fish' kiss category. Both Taek and DS sort of open their mouths and fit their lips to each other and kind of stay like that and then at the very end move their lips a little. And by 'move' I mean a bare minimum of movement. It doesn't qualify even as an average kiss. Real or dream, the kiss is not the kind reserved for a main OTP. So phew.

Also I love the new OST. Sad or not. I hope they end the love triangle TODAY or else I'm probably gonna pull out all my hair over the 1 week gap.

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@ihate0ni0ns   THANK YOU!! Seriously, I went over to MT to read a bit (I know, my mistake) and I was actually intrigued that a post was written about uri Jung Hwan... But after reading it... :huh: 

I can't even.. Jung Hwan has always been shown as sensitive to other people's emotions, he just doesn't know how to make it ok.. He is a freaking sweetheart!!! The money thing was a teenager thing and perhaps also to shows how good Sun Woo is. And come on, he was never embarrassed to ask for shoes, it's just that he doesn't talk much or care for his necessities  that much. And lastly, I don't even Know what reasonably unreasonably sentence really meant, so no comment on that except a ?


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