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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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cr to the owner, in this video you can see it all, I don't think they will do the alley scene, all the bus scene and umbrella scene if junghwan is not the endgame here. The story tell us how JH develop his feeling to DS, like really? They need to show us that, while on Taek, they just clearly state it that taek have feelings to DS which is we don't know where and when it started. And honestly speaking and I already read it here before, if taek didn't tell the boys, JH and DS already have this confirmation of feelings, so it's taek fault ( hahaha although I love you taek), but you can see how JH trying to make a move here, so Period JH is still the husband for me. 

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5 hours ago, kiklaminHo said:

Hola chingus,

here Ι am  first day of the New year reading comments ιn soompi and @MrsSoJiSub latest post brought me back  some....decades when I was a hardcore shipper in my first ship ever and wanted so badly JOsephine Mars and Laurie Lawrence to end up together in " Little Women" .

My 10 years old heart experienced so much pain when that little brat of sister got him at the end that even after so many years  I feel a small chest pain when I remember this book.( I remember I was crying for days/months)

Jo's pairing with the German professor felt and feels as a sugar coated solution to me.

Still  " Little Women" is included in my top 10 book list and same will be with R88.

Regardless the end  it always will be a series that I will remember with a smile.

After all it introduced me to this guy

Reply 1988-Ryoo Joon-Yeol.jpg

sorry for the OOT post.Dont ask me how "Lost" is connected with " Little Women" lol cz it doesn 't but made  me  take a walk back in my childhood.

I don't remember little woman that well (I need to retest) all I remember is that there was one guy who was childhood friends with one of the sisters who was perfect for her. I wanted them together sooooo bad and he married some other chick that had always fancied him. But him and the sister were each other's better halves and I always rage and have never completed the novel or movie because of this LOL. 

There are not many television shows or movies and book ships that I always remember. The ones that stuck with me for one reason of another go on my forever OTP list (yes I really do have a list, I'm crazy like that). Tommy/Kimberly from Power Rangers is on it, Brenda/Sonny from General Hospital, Jeong/Oppa, and maybe depending on how Junghwan and Deok Sun end it all, this very ship. It's not like they were the best of the best but how they affected me and what they brought into my life makes them memorable. Lord show depending how the two kids resolve it they staying or leaving that list. 

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I don't understand some TK-DS shippers,really they said there is no romantic scene between uri couple???  But few minutes ago i downloaded 16 videos and all of videos just about uri couple????? -not fanvid- And there are more videos too but im tired now hahaha.. I'm waiting last episode,maybe that day will be our the happiest day in 2016!!! (please pleaseeee)

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Oof I keep getting updates from the main thread and every time I read some of the posts I feel like strangling a soft toy bunny or something out of frustration. So I saw that some people (read - Taek/DS shippers) have been arguing that Jung Hwan is not represented by green but blue because the gate to their house is painted blue while the gate to the Choi's place is painted green so it's Taek who is actually green. 


In order to verify their far-fetched claims I rewatched some of the episodes and I'm 101% sure that JH is green.

Screencap evidences (some of these have already been pointed out by others before)  

1) Mi ran picking up the green game piece in ep 1 in Jung Hwan's room from the game set - 



2) The green lamp on JH's study table which is probably one of the most obvious clues shown in multiple episodes - 



3) As JH impatiently but stealthily peeks out of his window in a hopeless attempt to find DS's reaction to the 'pink gloves' gift in ep 7, this solitary green clothespin is shown in the foreground very prominently 



4) This clue has already been provided by @papulichan. In ep 16 when JB folds paper cranes for Man Ok, this green crane is shown very prominently right before JH barges into his room 


I also wanted to verify whether DS was really yellow or not so here's what I found while watching the first few episodes - 

1) The yellow tape covering the Madagascar placard in ep 1 - 



2) DS's study table lamp - 



3) This yellow jacket which she wears in many of the key scenes. Although it is noticeable DS is seen wearing this jacket in a majority of scenes with Taek which are important to the loveline and almost never with Jung Hwan. I think the screenwriter/PD did not deliberately put DS in the same frame with JH wearing the yellow jacket because it would be too obvious then. 



In ep 6 when Bo Ra wears DS's yellow jacket and DS is furious on discovering that unni did not hold up her end of the bargain by leaving the white dress for her, I interpreted it as Bo Ra stealing DS's first love (Sun Woo) without her permission or consent because this is the episode in which DS finds out that SW does not actually like her and BR gets her confession as well. This is why I think the yellow jacket is significantly related to the lovelines in the drama.

As for scenes featuring green and yellow-colored objects side by side, they are a dime a dozen I guess and nobody needs additional confirmation. Majority of the scenes featuring juxtaposition of green and yellow objects are found in the Sung's and Kim's places and in Taek's room.

In the spirit of @creecabs's discovery of the green-pink-yellow folders/binders in Taek's room, here's another similar scene I found in ep 1. Inside DS's pencil box - 


I think the love triangle is represented by green-yellow-red but red represents whoever is the third wheel in the love line. This is because in the first few eps the red doll (in DS's room) definitely represented SW because he was in the running for DS's husband and now it represents Taek. Still not sure about the color coding in the dolls in Taek's room though.

Colorwise, I think SW is blue because blue and purple are shown together a lot and SW wears a lot of blue - blue shirts, jackets, even shoes.

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1 hour ago, kiklaminHo said:

Hola chingus,

here Ι am  first day of the New year reading comments ιn soompi and @MrsSoJiSub latest post brought me back  some....decades when I was a hardcore shipper in my first ship ever and wanted so badly JOsephine Mars and Laurie Lawrence to end up together in " Little Women" .

My 10 years old heart experienced so much pain when that little brat of sister got him at the end that even after so many years  I feel a small chest pain when I remember this book.( I remember I was crying for days/months)

Jo's pairing with the German professor felt and feels as a sugar coated solution to me.

Still  " Little Women" is included in my top 10 book list and same will be with R88.

Regardless the end  it always will be a series that I will remember with a smile.

After all it introduced me to this guy


sorry for the OOT post.Dont ask me how "Lost" is connected with " Little Women" lol cz it doesn 't but made  me  take a walk back in my childhood.


That's sooooooooooo me at 10 years old! I read the same book at the same age and experienced the same kind of pain. Though I wasn't that mad at Laurie for marrying that lil brat as I was to Jo for not reciprocate his feelings when he was so madly in love with her, I cried a whole week because of that book, shouting at everyone "They were meant to be together! Arghh" LOL. What the richard simmons were you thinking Louise Marie Alcott? haha anyway, don't worry chingu... uri Jung Pal is definitely the endgame here, I have no doubts. I only wish they wouldn't dragg so much this triangle, I really need those romantic scenes between the OTP, 4 episodes left doesn't seem enough for me, hopefully the writer proves me wrong. 

Anyway, Happy New Year everyone in this thread! 

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Guys for those frustrating post in the main thread. Just ignore it.I know people keep insisting and they are getting in to our nerves. But let just continue to remain calm. And let the show prove that what we believe is the right one. Let just be an example that we won't go down in their level to prove something because the show will prove it for us. 

Lets just stay chill. And continue to support our ship. Even though we encounter frustrating posts.


Let's stay WARM and SUNNY. Warm just like JUNG HWAN and Sunny just like DEOK SUN. 

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Just now, creecabs said:

Hi guys it's me again! Had New Year's duties that's why I've been away for a while. I've been watching all the episodes with my relatives since the break started hehe I feel like I'm luring them to the dark side... they keep asking me about the clues, updates and all :P

Since it's been the nth time I've replayed the episodes, I had time to examine the colors just for fun :lol: tbh I feel like my detecting skills isn't enough with the effort they've put in with the props and colors of this show 

Here's a new tidbit I found: In episode 11 while JH and DR were talking about TK's schedule in TK's room before DS came, I noticed the colors of the binder(?) behind JH


It shows Yellow-Pink-Green, the people in this particular scene. At first I thought it was red lol thinking it was TK (if he really is the red one) between the love of our couple but after double checking it, it's really pink haha I'm not really sure though why they had to separate yellow and green maybe because of JH's starting dilemma bec of TK's confession he likes DS in ep 10 

I think this is one of the many instances wherein we could say that there really is a play in the colors in this show. Props to the production team for being this meticulous. I've been paranoid with colors now tbh I even patterned my towels green and yellow to be reminded of our couple hahhaa

Anyway, i'll be back if ever I see more heheh :phew: I really like the atmosphere here because it feels like home :wub:

HEOL!!! :D they really put so much effort for each scene!! Taek's color is Blue so yes this is our pink DR ^_^ 

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Doesn't Laurie end up with Amy, one of Jo's sisters? I actually liked that ending after being pissed off by Jo. I did understand why she was rejecting him though...

About frustrating posts: for me it is not that they are frustrating per se, it's interesting to see how people view things, see things we've missed (though I wouldn't say it is because we are blinded by our shipping...), but it is the tone...


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Happy new year to all!!!

I wonder if they'll show a preview for episode 17 later in the NG/BTS special.

I'm not bothered with the colors being insisted on whoever but I'm more bothered when I read that Hyeri and RJY have no chemistry.  It's like huh?  If they have no chemistry then why is the DS/JH pairing the most popular among viewers?  Then also the whole DS doesn't take care of JH like she does with TK.  Obviously every time I see DS and TK together,  it's like watching a mother and son.  The fact that DS has to bargain with TK to eat is like how a mom would treat her kid.  TK may have liked DS for a very long time and is probably doing everything on purpose but I don't see DS changing the way she sees TK.  The moment when JH sees TK leans against DS, I don't see the look of I'm falling for you.  It was more like geez what happened now...I was in the middle of crying.

Anyways someone asked why the shot of JH smiling at DS after she appeared on TV was a clue that JH was husband contender.  To me this was a hook.  It was similar to how Trash was revealed not being Na Jung's brother.  The smile revealed that JH probably has been thinking of DS differently for quite some time.  Probably not as long as TK but way before episode 3.  

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To be honest, all these things are getting old. I like Taek as a character (and who doesnt, even if you JH/DS shipper) but he just not meant for DS. We have like more than 200 pages evidence and yes we are confident, JH should be the husband. We reach the point where there is no turning back. I am fine with TK being the husband if they showed us how TK's love grow from earlier episodes. Instead we only know the growing love of JH towards TK (and that was very obvious, you dont need to read deeper into things) so I find TK confession a little bit random. 

Even if TK is the husband, flashback in 4 episodes is never enough to convince me since we still have a lot of stories to tell, like BR bar exam, The Gangs' future plan after finishing high school, SW's mom and TK marriage, JB and MK love stories, just to mention a few. With so many stories untold, even without flashback to as how TK end up with DS, the last 4 episodes will be very packed. 

I guess it is time to move on from this discussion/debate/whatever and I suggest we could post something to divert our nerves if someone post something like that again. We should show them JH/DS shippers are chill peoples. Spread the love, guys :wub::wub::wub:

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1 hour ago, Aya Hong said:


cr to the owner, in this video you can see it all, I don't think they will do the alley scene, all the bus scene and umbrella scene if junghwan is not the endgame here. The story tell us how JH develop his feeling to DS, like really? They need to show us that, while on Taek, they just clearly state it that taek have feelings to DS which is we don't know where and when it started. And honestly speaking and I already read it here before, if taek didn't tell the boys, JH and DS already have this confirmation of feelings, so it's taek fault ( hahaha although I love you taek), but you can see how JH trying to make a move here, so Period JH is still the husband for me. 

my friends,

video it s not available in my country it says .:tears:

any other way /link where we can watch it?

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1 hour ago, honeywell said:

I'm not bothered with the colors being insisted on whoever but I'm more bothered when I read that Hyeri and RJY have no chemistry.   

I think DS and JH have chemistry. Talking of them in terms of their actors is not respecting the wonderful jobs they both have been doing. Similarly, I think Hyeri and PBG have wonderful/cute chemistry in the BTS and all. But that has nothing to do with Reply 1988. I don't ship actors together, but I find them oh so cute. I think it might also be because they are similar in age and that's important for Koreans.


58 minutes ago, Eichhoerchen said:

To be honest, all these things are getting old. I like Taek as a character (and who doesnt, even if you JH/DS shipper) but he just not meant for DS. We have like more than 200 pages evidence and yes we are confident, JH should be the husband. We reach the point where there is no turning back. I am fine with TK being the husband if they showed us how TK's love grow from earlier episodes.


I think that is what they are trying to show by analyzing all those scenes. Taek has loved DS from the beginning, you just need to look at the clues. They are subtle signs of love (I don't agree with all of them though!), whereas the ways JH has shown his love have been in focus all this time. My argument against that is the same: that, yes that is very true, but has DS seen and understood those signs as signs of love? That is my all problem with DS and Taek, it just does not seem that they are on the same level, as in they don't communicate well what they feel for each other. If Taek's asking for things is the way he shows his love, DS is annoyed by it and sees him as needing constant assistance. I don't think she can catch up to all those signs and understand them.... DS has been unable to read Taek. The question is: will it change?

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49 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

Doesn't Laurie end up with Amy, one of Jo's sisters? I actually liked that ending after being pissed off by Jo. I did understand why she was rejecting him though...

About frustrating posts: for me it is not that they are frustrating per se, it's interesting to see how people view things, see things we've missed (though I wouldn't say it is because we are blinded by our shipping...), but it is the tone...



Yes that 's her name. :angry: I can not bring myself to pronounce this little brat's name.( talking about holding a grudge here for 30 something years..LoL)

As for the color theories I believe in most scenes they work  in favor of uri JH but when DS is in her pj she has always on her blue pj and she holds her blue school bag.

I do believe as another poster said ( I think is @MrsSoJiSub if not i apologize for my mistake) production intentionally tries to perplex viewers by throwing mixed signals .Cause if we leave aside the complex analyses ,story is very obvious.


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3 minutes ago, kiklaminHo said:


Yes that 's her name. :angry: I can not bring myself to pronounce this little brat's name.



Wow, really?! I kinda liked Amy. I liked all the sisters... Amy was fun and a total baby. But she grew up well.

Oh and RJY and Hyeri are cute together too despite what I said above... Gosh, RJY is a total immature goofball! Ha ha

See original image


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@carolinedl I think you perfectly convey what I feel about the evidence they offered. But those evidence as for me are way too reaching. Why would I can see those subtle things if the production team give me a significant things above all? Yes I could understand that those evidence are meant to be recognized but it just doesnt feel right. DS doesnt perceive all the signs as TK's love towards her because it is simply not significant enough like JH signs to her and I didnt really see DS will change if TK doesnt step up the game which probably we wont see that since TK already give up his chance to confess.  


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HAPPY 2016 Everyone! Woohoo!!!

I'm currently rewatching all the episodes (heh heh... aren't we all?!)... and not sure if this was mentioned or not... but the scene where they're all eating pizza together (episode 6)... there's one slice left, right? I realized that JH "went against" DR just because DS wanted the last slice as well... it was so natural for him. I mean... even though he was heartbroken over SW-DS, he still naturally (probably without thinking) defended her. It was so subtle, but super awesome :lol:


screencap cr: me:)

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As I watch that figure going farther and farther away from behind

Still, I won’t say this moment is goodbye


It was sweet, wasn’t it?

The two hearts drenched inside those numerous memories

How shall we forget?


Ah you will come again

You can’t stand loneliness

Ah to my side

you will come back again


But when that time comes

When I meet you again

Can we fall in love again?

During those days flying by

Again, just how much

tears am I gonna shed?


Those are the lyrics No Eul sang in episode 16 (Nami-Sad Fate). Right after this song ends the scene at the study place with Junghwan watching Deok Sun from behind appears. The scene where he looks the most conflicted. For me it's a hint that their relationship will gradually develop after the time gap when they have become more mature and a promise from the PD-team that they are going to end up together. Somehow most meaningful songs start to play when Junghwan × Deok Sun scenes take place.


I really hope those dimwits end up together or else I'll experience the immense hurt of a crushed soul. Obsessive fangirl, much? :sweatingbullets:



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1 hour ago, Eichhoerchen said:

@carolinedl I think you perfectly convey what I feel about the evidence they offered. But those evidence as for me are way too reaching. Why would I can see those subtle things if the production team give me a significant things above all? Yes I could understand that those evidence are meant to be recognized but it just doesnt feel right. DS doesnt perceive all the signs as TK's love towards her because it is simply not significant enough like JH signs to her and I didnt really see DS will change if TK doesnt step up the game which probably we wont see that since TK already give up his chance to confess.  


Hello all, I was a bit off last day haha. But if you guys are talking about that deep analyse on the main thread. I agree with everything, because those scenes she points out gave those feelings. The tone wherein it is described is another story. I think the point that person is trying to make is, that most JH shippers ship JH-DS because JH is the one who liked DS first. But that those shippers are wrong and she just wants to show us TK is the one who likes DS first so they shouldn't base JH-DS ship on that. But I don't agree with this. As I said before, I don't think JH-DS shipping is about who liked the girl first. Their chemistry is enough really!! That person agrees with the fact that JH is the husband, but only gives an analysis of TKs behavior to make her point. (therefore she seems like she is biased..:huh:)

TK wasn't active enough to show his feelings to DS. DS sees him as a friend who needs to be taken care of and she doesn't see him as a man. Maybe if he acted up before, and did things for DS way before that flasher scene at the restaurant, maybe DS would have seen him as a man. Maybe they would have chemistry. Then I would've shipped them but it just never happened.. so not gonna happen from now on... I must admit I once felt chemistry between them, with just that scene I was like ''Nooo I might fall in-between the 2 guys!!'' I was totally upset because it was a really sweet scene and my heart fluttered. Fortunately that remained the only scene I felt this way. (When TK hugs everyone before they eat pizza in his room. The way he hugged DS was just really efsdhfkfdjhf I don't know it felt manly for the first time haha ..so I panicked..)

About the long post: I agree with everything except for her chopstick theory. That's really far fetched imo. She says that Teak gets jealous when DS helps SW with chopsticks. That's when he acts like he can't use them (so that DS will help him too or what?), But DS sits across him so she can't even help TK even if she wanted to, too far away.. Actually I have seen him being bad with chopsticks in every food scene except for when he is with DS eating meat. If I were TK I would act like I couldn't use chopsticks in the meat eating scene too, so DS will help, not? Also before the meow scene, they eat ramyun and he is bad with chopsticks again, but DS sits far away, so no way she could help him. We also have TK scenes where he is clumsy with his walkman (DR is with him) and with the water boiler and DS is with him and he doesn't want her to help.

So I think all those chopstick scenes plus clumsy scenes are there to show that he is a genius but lacks motoric skills.. TK seems to get annoyed every time they get angry with his chopstick skills, because they act like he is a baby. I think he doesn't want to be treated like a baby, that's my feeling. Because he always looks a bit annoyed when they teach him how he should do things. So when DS and TK are at the beach and are eating meat, I think the PD forgot to make him bad at eating with chopsticks haha :phew:... I just can't seem to get this theory haha. Maybe she is right about the chopstick theory, but for me it doesn't feel like that at all. Did I get this theory wrong??

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