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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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43 minutes ago, hailaft said:

Finished the part 2 of my fanfic in time before the new year's eve. You can read the part 1 here. I hope you guys enjoyed it :wub:

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Deoksun mostly fooled around with Jahyun in class these days. She had enough of studying for this year. Jahyun tried to make her read those romance books again but she couldn’t enjoy it as much as she did before, maybe because her own love life didn’t work that well.

Not that she had any love life, for that matter. Maybe that was the whole point. Nothing concrete ever happened with Junghwan. Sometime she even wondered if she made it all up in her head. She just couldn’t fathom why would Junghwan did all those nice things to her but then gave away her gift and proceeded to ignore her for months.

What made her more confused, he didn’t always give her the cold shoulder. At times, he was still being sweet, like making sure she had some sleep before the test or lending her his coat when she was cold. It felt like he was playing around with her feelings and it drove her almost mad sometime.

“Sooyeon-ah, let’s go!” Jahyun poked her when the class was over. Deoksun woke up from her daydream, put all her things inside her bag and followed Jahyun outside.

“Let’s go to Brazil,” Jahyun said before calling Miok from her class’ window. Miok went out right away, grinning.

“I wish school is over already,” Miok whined to them, while they were laughing, agreeing. They walked to the tteokbokki place while talking about Jahyun’s latest crush. Sunwoo, Dongryong and Junghwan were already there when they arrived.

“Oh, you’re here,” Dongryong grinned at her. Deoksun grinned back half-heartedly, while her friends smiled at them politely. They sat down, two tables away from the guys.

“Jungpal’s buying, you could order some,” he told her.

“Yah!” Junghwan glared at him. Deoksun scoffed, tried to show she didn’t care. Junghwan was still avoiding her gaze.

“I don’t need it,” she said.

Dongryong laughed, “Wenyeol, there comes a time when you actually refusing free food.”

Deoksun ignored him and ordered three portions of tteokbokki for her and her friends. She can pay her own food. Gae Jungpal can kiss her richard simmons.

Her friends felt her change of mood and didn’t say much when they were eating. On the other hand, the three guys were joking and laughing so hard about something she couldn’t hear. They stood up to leave, still laughing.

“Deoksun-ah, don’t forget we’re watching Indiana Jones tonight,” Dongryong told her while Junghwan was paying their food.

“I got it,” Deoksun answered.

“We’re going, first,” Sunwoo smiled to the three girls. Deoksun waved at him. She looked at Junghwan who didn’t even glance at her before he left. She sighed, defeated.

“Is that guy a playboy or something?” Miok asked Deoksun, referring to Junghwan of course. “Why did his attitude to you change so much?”

“Aish, I don’t know!” Deoksun snapped at her.

“Why is he so different with his brother?” Miok asked again.

“Your boyfriend is too weird, though,” Jahyun scoffed and earned herself a glare from Miok. They finished their tteokbokki and got up to pay.  

“Ahjumma, how much?” Miok asked the ahjumma.

“Your friend already paid for you,” she smiled at them.

Miok and Jahyun looked at Deoksun who was so flustered and couldn’t even say a word. She stepped outside and her friends followed her. They looked at each other, telling the other to say something silently.

“Just what does he want?” Deoksun finally asked her friends.

“He still likes you, for sure,” Miok told her confidently. “Maybe there’s something holding him back.”

“What is it? No matter how much I thought about it, I just couldn’t find the reason,” Deoksun asked again, frustrated.

“Ask him, then. There’s no other way, right?” Jahyun suggested matter-of-factly.

“You said I shouldn’t confess first!” Deoksun frowned.

“I’m not telling you to confess. Just ask him why he acted like that!”

“Yah, she’s right. Just ask him, like you did about the blind date,” Miok agreed with Jahyun

Deoksun rolled her eyes. She wouldn’t put herself out there just to get rejected again. She didn’t think she could handle it the second time. She would just keep waiting for him. She would, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t mad about it. 

Deoksun didn’t say anything when they were walking to the bus stop, but Jahyun and Miok continued talked about Jungbong while laughing. Deoksun’s bus came as soon as they arrived in the bus stop. She got in, waved to her friends. She was still thinking about the idea her friends planted in her head. Maybe she would consider it after all.



Deoksun frowned when she was picked to cook ramyun before the movie night. She’s been picked for three times in a row now. The guys started to read comic while waiting for ramyun.

“Add more sausages,” Dongryong said.

“I think I only got a few left,” Taek told him, grinning apologetically. Dongryong scoffed.

“Add more eggs, then,” Dongryong said.

“Don’t start without me!” Deoksun warned them. They all ignored her. She sulked, went out to the kitchen.

She boiled the water and opened five instant ramyuns while waiting. She took eggs and sausages from the fridge. She thought about what her friends said and how Junghwan would react if she indeed talked to him. What would he said to her? I only ever see you as friends. Or I’ve liked you too, but I’m too embarrassed to tell you.

“Yah!” Junghwan suddenly showed up beside her and turned down the flame on the stove. The water was boiling and overflowing the pot. Deoksun almost jumped out of surprise. “Pay attention, will you?”

Deoksun avoided his gaze, embarrassed. Why would he come the second she was thinking about him?

“What are you thinking about so seriously anyway?” he asked while putting the ramyuns inside the pot for her, along with the sausages and eggs.

“Mind your own business,” Deoksun told him, awkwardly. Junghwan scoffed at her but he didn’t go back to Taek’s room. He stayed there, leaned on the kitchen counter, looking at her.

“Why? Just go back to the room,” Deoksun stirred the pot, still too embarrassed to look at him.

“Did you do well in the test?” he asked, softly. Deoksun frowned. There he goes again with the attention.

“Why?” Deoksun asked back, defensively.

“Well, you only had one hour sleep,” he said, shrugging his shoulder. He always does that. He never elaborated and his short sentences always vague. She never understood what he really meant. Well, except that one time when he told her not to go to the blind meeting. That was as clear as day.

“I didn’t do as well as I hope I’d be,” she answered, shortly, hoping he would leave her alone. He didn’t. She scoffed. “I bet you did well.”

“I think I did fine,” he answered, matter-of-factly. Of course he did. Looking at his grade alone, he could choose any university he wanted, honestly.

“Good for you,” she said, sarcastically.

“I hope we both did well,” he told her. “We can go to the same university if we did.”

It was too much for her. She was so done with guessing what he meant. She didn’t have any energy left to endure his hot-and-cold attitude. If it was any other dude, she would give him up months ago. She held on because it was Junghwan, because he was her best friend and she just couldn’t believe he would hurt her on purpose. Maybe she was wrong after all. Maybe he wasn’t as nice as she thought he was.

“Would you stop? How long do you want to keep playing with my feelings?” Deoksun finally snapped at him. Junghwan was flustered, didn’t expect her reaction would be like this. “Just leave me alone, damn it!”

Deoksun lost any interest to watch the movie now. She stormed out of Taek’s house, too angry to think clearly. She was already in front of Sunwoo’s house when Junghwan called her.

“Yah!” he shouted. Deoksun ran to the end of their street and she could hear he ran after her.

“Deoksun-ah!” he called her again, finally caught her in front of the stair. She tried to pull her arms away but he wouldn’t budge. She felt her tears were ready to fall and she turned her head away so he wouldn’t see them.

“I’m sorry,” he told her. “I’m sorry, Deoksun-ah.”

Deoksun couldn’t even remember when the last time he called her names and now he already said it twice.

“You have every right to be mad at me,” he said. Deoksun looked at him and he looked even sadder than she felt right now. That was when it struck her. He was as miserable as she was these past months.

“I like you. I have liked you for a year, now,” he told her, finally stopped being so vague. Her anger suddenly went away and replaced by relieve and joy. Her tears suddenly fell for different reason now.

“Why are you crying?” Junghwan scolded her again when he saw her tears. She couldn’t stop crying, though. He wiped her tears with both of his hands. They felt warm against her skin.

“Because I like you too, you idiot,” she told him. He laughed, not in his usual mocking way, but in happiness. It made her laughed too. They both looked at each other, laughing like two idiots.

“I know,” he told her before he leaned closer to kiss her lips. It took her by surprise. She just froze, even after he pulled away. She knew her face was burning red and she avoided his gaze, embarrassed. He laughed again.  

“Don’t just stand there,” he whispered softly. It made her giddy and she had to hold on to him, or else she felt she would fall over.

Junghwan smiled, teasingly. He held her waist and pulled her closer. He was looking at her so intensely. She looked down awkwardly, but he turned her chin up so she had to look at him. They face were so close and she can felt his warm breath. It was almost too much for her.

“Junghwan-ah,” she tried to pull away.

“Hush...” Junghwan tilted his head and kissed her lips for the second time. She was still holding on to his shoulder and she linked her arms behind his neck when he kissed her deeper.



Junghwan didn’t know his heart could beat this fast. He wondered before how all those people could kiss for a long time. He understood the reason now. She pulled away, looking so cute when she was embarrassed. He couldn’t resist to kiss her again.

“Yah, what if we got caught,” she turned her head so he couldn’t kiss her again. He didn’t give a damn about that.

“I waited for a year for this,” he said. Since that night when they stuck in that small alley, in fact.

She blushed when he said it. She pushed him away, embarrassed. Junghwan laughed again. She started to walk back to Taek’s house but he stopped her.

“Yah, you want to go back?” he asked, surprised. “Are you crazy?”

“It’ll be more suspicious if we didn’t,” she answered. He considered this for a while. She started to walk back again and he followed her. She smiled when he held her shoulder so naturally, like they’ve been dating for a long time.

“What will we told them?” Deoksun asked.

Junghwan only thought about how to tell Taek. He practically gave his permission, so Junghwan convinced himself that he would be okay.

“I don’t know,” Junghwan answered. “What do you think?”

“Should we lie?” she asked again.

“Taek know about us, though,” he told her.

“You told him?” she looked at him, surprised. He avoided her gaze. He couldn’t tell her about Taek’s feeling. If she really had to know, it should be Taek himself who told her.

“No. He found out by himself,” he answered.

They went inside Taek’s house but hesitated again before got in to Taek’s room. They looked at each other. She silently told him to get in first. He braced himself and opened the door.

Taek, Sunwoo and Dongryong were eating ramyun while watching the movie in silence. Deoksun and Junghwan sat behind them without saying anything.

“Where did you go?” Dongryong asked.

“Dooly,” Junghwan answered nonchalantly.

No one said anything for a while. Junghwan picked his chopstick and started eating ramyun when Dongryong burst out laughing, followed by Sunwoo. Taek didn’t laugh but he was grinning from ear to ear. Junghwan knew they would tease him to death but he didn’t know how embarrassing it would be.

“Aigoo, Jungpal-ah,” Dongryong couldn’t stop laughing. Deoksun looked at him and he was too embarrassed to look back at her. He just looked down and started playing with his chopstick while the other guys laughed for at least another ten minutes.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Sunwoo finally stopped laughing long enough to ask him.

“You know why,” Junghwan muttered.

“You wouldn’t even say she’s pretty, you bastard,” Dongryong laughed so much, he started crying.

“What?” Deoksun looked at him, frowning. Junghwan was so helpless, he practically begged her not to get mad—though without saying anything. She scoffed and ate ramyun again, let the other guys teased him endlessly.

“But you took a long time, you know. What did you guys do?” Dongryong asked again, grinning.

“Mind your own business,” Deoksun glared at him. Dongryong and Sunwoo looked at each other, laughing giddily.

“I’m proud of you, Jungpal-ah,” Dongryong pat his shoulder.

“You wasted no time, don’t you?” Sunwoo laughed again.

“Yah, drop it!” Deoksun hit both of them so they stopped teasing him. They laughed again but didn’t say anything about it anymore.

Junghwan wished they didn’t tease him so much in front of Taek. He looked at him, feeling guilty. Taek smiled, as if he was ensuring him he was okay. He smiled back, relieved.

“Yah, played it back a few minutes,” Sunwoo told Dongryong who sat closest to the television. Dongryong did so and they finally started watching the movie again. Harrison Ford was arguing with Alison Doody on the television. When they suddenly kissed, Taek, Dongryong and Sunwoo roared with laughter again. Junghwan gave up and passed out on the floor.

In the end, they didn’t watch the movie and only joked around until late at night, mostly teased both Junghwan and Deoksun. Deoksun finally had enough and stood up to leave.

“Yah, walk her home,” Sunwoo kicked Junghwan who was lying on the floor, ready to sleep. Deoksun scoffed.

“No need,” she said but smiled when Junghwan stood up right away. Sunwoo and Dongryong giggled like a girl when they both got out.

“Don’t take too long, Jungpal-ah!” Dongryong shouted.

“Don’t get caught by her dad!” Sunwoo laughed.

“Shut up!” Junghwan closed the door while Dongryong and Sunwoo laughed again.

Junghwan took her hand as soon as they were outside. They both looked at each other and laughed, half happy, half embarrassed. When they reached the blue gate, Junghwan opened it for her.

“Yah, someone will see, just stopped here,” Deoksun let go of his hand.

“I got it,” Junghwan grinned. Deoksun smiled back.

“Junghwan-ah,” Deoksun looked like she wanted to ask something serious, like she did when she waited in front of his house to ask about that blind meeting.

“Why?” he asked.

“Why did you have to wait for a year?” she asked. Junghwan didn’t know how to explain it to her without telling her about Taek’s feeling.

“You should talk to Taek.”

“Taek? Why?” she looked confused.

“You’ll understand after you talk to him,” Junghwan told her. She didn’t understand but nodded her head. He patted her head, smiling.

“Go,” she said. Junghwan kissed her lips again and she hit his arms gently. “Stop kissing me!”

“How could I?” he was still grinning. Deoksun snorted and it made him laughed again. “Sleep well!”

“You too,” Deoksun smiled before went in and closed the gate. Junghwan couldn’t stop smiling while walking back to Taek’s house. He was so happy, he felt warm even though it was freezing cold outside. He hurried up inside and found the guys were still sat down and talked. They were waiting for him. Junghwan sat beside Taek, suddenly knew Sunwoo and Dongryong were going to talk seriously to both of them.

“So you guys talked to each other about this?” Dongryong finally asked both of them. Junghwan and Taek nodded his head.

“It’s fine between you now?” Sunwoo asked. They both nodded again. Dongryong and Sunwoo sighed, felt bad for both of them.

“Why didn’t you tell us anything? You always suffered by yourself,” Sunwoo asked Junghwan.

“You know why,” he repeated himself.

“I’m the one to blame,” Taek told them. “I knew for months but I didn’t say anything.”

“Yah,” Junghwan frowned. He didn’t want any of them felt guilty because of this, that was why he didn’t tell anyone. “It’s okay. It already happened anyway. There’s nothing we could do about it.”

“I knew Deoksun liked you, though,” Dongryong told him. “It was so obvious.”

“How couldn’t I notice anything?” Sunwoo shook his head.

“You’re too busy dating, bastard,” Dongryong scoffed at him. Sunwoo laughed.

“Let’s just sleep,” Junghwan sighed and put away the desk. Sunwoo took the pot to the kitchen and washed it, while the other guys prepared to sleep. They all lay down not long after that.

“So you guys dated the Sung sisters,” Dongryong suddenly said. “Taek, well, it won’t be difficult for you to get a girl. Even Jungbong hyung and Noeul has girlfriend. What about me?”

“If you stopped farting before sleeping, I’ll help you find a girl,” Junghwan said. Of course Dongryong picked that exact time to release his fart.

“Crazy bastard, just be single forever!” Sunwoo tried to get as far as he can from him. Dongryong snuggled to him anyway, while Junghwan and Taek laughed. It will be hours before they sleep for real.



Looooovin it 55305_original.gif

Looking forward for next one:grin:

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Just now, hailaft said:

Finished the part 2 of my fanfic in time before the new year's eve. You can read the part 1 here. I hope you guys enjoyed it :wub:

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Deoksun mostly fooled around with Jahyun in class these days. She had enough of studying for this year. Jahyun tried to make her read those romance books again but she couldn’t enjoy it as much as she did before, maybe because her own love life didn’t work that well.

Not that she had any love life, for that matter. Maybe that was the whole point. Nothing concrete ever happened with Junghwan. Sometime she even wondered if she made it all up in her head. She just couldn’t fathom why would Junghwan did all those nice things to her but then gave away her gift and proceeded to ignore her for months.

What made her more confused, he didn’t always give her the cold shoulder. At times, he was still being sweet, like making sure she had some sleep before the test or lending her his coat when she was cold. It felt like he was playing around with her feelings and it drove her almost mad sometime.

“Sooyeon-ah, let’s go!” Jahyun poked her when the class was over. Deoksun woke up from her daydream, put all her things inside her bag and followed Jahyun outside.

“Let’s go to Brazil,” Jahyun said before calling Miok from her class’ window. Miok went out right away, grinning.

“I wish school is over already,” Miok whined to them, while they were laughing, agreeing. They walked to the tteokbokki place while talking about Jahyun’s latest crush. Sunwoo, Dongryong and Junghwan were already there when they arrived.

“Oh, you’re here,” Dongryong grinned at her. Deoksun grinned back half-heartedly, while her friends smiled at them politely. They sat down, two tables away from the guys.

“Jungpal’s buying, you could order some,” he told her.

“Yah!” Junghwan glared at him. Deoksun scoffed, tried to show she didn’t care. Junghwan was still avoiding her gaze.

“I don’t need it,” she said.

Dongryong laughed, “Wenyeol, there comes a time when you actually refusing free food.”

Deoksun ignored him and ordered three portions of tteokbokki for her and her friends. She can pay her own food. Gae Jungpal can kiss her richard simmons.

Her friends felt her change of mood and didn’t say much when they were eating. On the other hand, the three guys were joking and laughing so hard about something she couldn’t hear. They stood up to leave, still laughing.

“Deoksun-ah, don’t forget we’re watching Indiana Jones tonight,” Dongryong told her while Junghwan was paying their food.

“I got it,” Deoksun answered.

“We’re going, first,” Sunwoo smiled to the three girls. Deoksun waved at him. She looked at Junghwan who didn’t even glance at her before he left. She sighed, defeated.

“Is that guy a playboy or something?” Miok asked Deoksun, referring to Junghwan of course. “Why did his attitude to you change so much?”

“Aish, I don’t know!” Deoksun snapped at her.

“Why is he so different with his brother?” Miok asked again.

“Your boyfriend is too weird, though,” Jahyun scoffed and earned herself a glare from Miok. They finished their tteokbokki and got up to pay.  

“Ahjumma, how much?” Miok asked the ahjumma.

“Your friend already paid for you,” she smiled at them.

Miok and Jahyun looked at Deoksun who was so flustered and couldn’t even say a word. She stepped outside and her friends followed her. They looked at each other, telling the other to say something silently.

“Just what does he want?” Deoksun finally asked her friends.

“He still likes you, for sure,” Miok told her confidently. “Maybe there’s something holding him back.”

“What is it? No matter how much I thought about it, I just couldn’t find the reason,” Deoksun asked again, frustrated.

“Ask him, then. There’s no other way, right?” Jahyun suggested matter-of-factly.

“You said I shouldn’t confess first!” Deoksun frowned.

“I’m not telling you to confess. Just ask him why he acted like that!”

“Yah, she’s right. Just ask him, like you did about the blind date,” Miok agreed with Jahyun

Deoksun rolled her eyes. She wouldn’t put herself out there just to get rejected again. She didn’t think she could handle it the second time. She would just keep waiting for him. She would, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t mad about it. 

Deoksun didn’t say anything when they were walking to the bus stop, but Jahyun and Miok continued talked about Jungbong while laughing. Deoksun’s bus came as soon as they arrived in the bus stop. She got in, waved to her friends. She was still thinking about the idea her friends planted in her head. Maybe she would consider it after all.



Deoksun frowned when she was picked to cook ramyun before the movie night. She’s been picked for three times in a row now. The guys started to read comic while waiting for ramyun.

“Add more sausages,” Dongryong said.

“I think I only got a few left,” Taek told him, grinning apologetically. Dongryong scoffed.

“Add more eggs, then,” Dongryong said.

“Don’t start without me!” Deoksun warned them. They all ignored her. She sulked, went out to the kitchen.

She boiled the water and opened five instant ramyuns while waiting. She took eggs and sausages from the fridge. She thought about what her friends said and how Junghwan would react if she indeed talked to him. What would he said to her? I only ever see you as friends. Or I’ve liked you too, but I’m too embarrassed to tell you.

“Yah!” Junghwan suddenly showed up beside her and turned down the flame on the stove. The water was boiling and overflowing the pot. Deoksun almost jumped out of surprise. “Pay attention, will you?”

Deoksun avoided his gaze, embarrassed. Why would he come the second she was thinking about him?

“What are you thinking about so seriously anyway?” he asked while putting the ramyuns inside the pot for her, along with the sausages and eggs.

“Mind your own business,” Deoksun told him, awkwardly. Junghwan scoffed at her but he didn’t go back to Taek’s room. He stayed there, leaned on the kitchen counter, looking at her.

“Why? Just go back to the room,” Deoksun stirred the pot, still too embarrassed to look at him.

“Did you do well in the test?” he asked, softly. Deoksun frowned. There he goes again with the attention.

“Why?” Deoksun asked back, defensively.

“Well, you only had one hour sleep,” he said, shrugging his shoulder. He always does that. He never elaborated and his short sentences always vague. She never understood what he really meant. Well, except that one time when he told her not to go to the blind meeting. That was as clear as day.

“I didn’t do as well as I hope I’d be,” she answered, shortly, hoping he would leave her alone. He didn’t. She scoffed. “I bet you did well.”

“I think I did fine,” he answered, matter-of-factly. Of course he did. Looking at his grade alone, he could choose any university he wanted, honestly.

“Good for you,” she said, sarcastically.

“I hope we both did well,” he told her. “We can go to the same university if we did.”

It was too much for her. She was so done with guessing what he meant. She didn’t have any energy left to endure his hot-and-cold attitude. If it was any other dude, she would give him up months ago. She held on because it was Junghwan, because he was her best friend and she just couldn’t believe he would hurt her on purpose. Maybe she was wrong after all. Maybe he wasn’t as nice as she thought he was.

“Would you stop? How long do you want to keep playing with my feelings?” Deoksun finally snapped at him. Junghwan was flustered, didn’t expect her reaction would be like this. “Just leave me alone, damn it!”

Deoksun lost any interest to watch the movie now. She stormed out of Taek’s house, too angry to think clearly. She was already in front of Sunwoo’s house when Junghwan called her.

“Yah!” he shouted. Deoksun ran to the end of their street and she could hear he ran after her.

“Deoksun-ah!” he called her again, finally caught her in front of the stair. She tried to pull her arms away but he wouldn’t budge. She felt her tears were ready to fall and she turned her head away so he wouldn’t see them.

“I’m sorry,” he told her. “I’m sorry, Deoksun-ah.”

Deoksun couldn’t even remember when the last time he called her names and now he already said it twice.

“You have every right to be mad at me,” he said. Deoksun looked at him and he looked even sadder than she felt right now. That was when it struck her. He was as miserable as she was these past months.

“I like you. I have liked you for a year, now,” he told her, finally stopped being so vague. Her anger suddenly went away and replaced by relieve and joy. Her tears suddenly fell for different reason now.

“Why are you crying?” Junghwan scolded her again when he saw her tears. She couldn’t stop crying, though. He wiped her tears with both of his hands. They felt warm against her skin.

“Because I like you too, you idiot,” she told him. He laughed, not in his usual mocking way, but in happiness. It made her laughed too. They both looked at each other, laughing like two idiots.

“I know,” he told her before he leaned closer to kiss her lips. It took her by surprise. She just froze, even after he pulled away. She knew her face was burning red and she avoided his gaze, embarrassed. He laughed again.  

“Don’t just stand there,” he whispered softly. It made her giddy and she had to hold on to him, or else she felt she would fall over.

Junghwan smiled, teasingly. He held her waist and pulled her closer. He was looking at her so intensely. She looked down awkwardly, but he turned her chin up so she had to look at him. They face were so close and she can felt his warm breath. It was almost too much for her.

“Junghwan-ah,” she tried to pull away.

“Hush...” Junghwan tilted his head and kissed her lips for the second time. She was still holding on to his shoulder and she linked her arms behind his neck when he kissed her deeper.



Junghwan didn’t know his heart could beat this fast. He wondered before how all those people could kiss for a long time. He understood the reason now. She pulled away, looking so cute when she was embarrassed. He couldn’t resist to kiss her again.

“Yah, what if we got caught,” she turned her head so he couldn’t kiss her again. He didn’t give a damn about that.

“I waited for a year for this,” he said. Since that night when they stuck in that small alley, in fact.

She blushed when he said it. She pushed him away, embarrassed. Junghwan laughed again. She started to walk back to Taek’s house but he stopped her.

“Yah, you want to go back?” he asked, surprised. “Are you crazy?”

“It’ll be more suspicious if we didn’t,” she answered. He considered this for a while. She started to walk back again and he followed her. She smiled when he held her shoulder so naturally, like they’ve been dating for a long time.

“What will we told them?” Deoksun asked.

Junghwan only thought about how to tell Taek. He practically gave his permission, so Junghwan convinced himself that he would be okay.

“I don’t know,” Junghwan answered. “What do you think?”

“Should we lie?” she asked again.

“Taek know about us, though,” he told her.

“You told him?” she looked at him, surprised. He avoided her gaze. He couldn’t tell her about Taek’s feeling. If she really had to know, it should be Taek himself who told her.

“No. He found out by himself,” he answered.

They went inside Taek’s house but hesitated again before got in to Taek’s room. They looked at each other. She silently told him to get in first. He braced himself and opened the door.

Taek, Sunwoo and Dongryong were eating ramyun while watching the movie in silence. Deoksun and Junghwan sat behind them without saying anything.

“Where did you go?” Dongryong asked.

“Dooly,” Junghwan answered nonchalantly.

No one said anything for a while. Junghwan picked his chopstick and started eating ramyun when Dongryong burst out laughing, followed by Sunwoo. Taek didn’t laugh but he was grinning from ear to ear. Junghwan knew they would tease him to death but he didn’t know how embarrassing it would be.

“Aigoo, Jungpal-ah,” Dongryong couldn’t stop laughing. Deoksun looked at him and he was too embarrassed to look back at her. He just looked down and started playing with his chopstick while the other guys laughed for at least another ten minutes.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Sunwoo finally stopped laughing long enough to ask him.

“You know why,” Junghwan muttered.

“You wouldn’t even say she’s pretty, you bastard,” Dongryong laughed so much, he started crying.

“What?” Deoksun looked at him, frowning. Junghwan was so helpless, he practically begged her not to get mad—though without saying anything. She scoffed and ate ramyun again, let the other guys teased him endlessly.

“But you took a long time, you know. What did you guys do?” Dongryong asked again, grinning.

“Mind your own business,” Deoksun glared at him. Dongryong and Sunwoo looked at each other, laughing giddily.

“I’m proud of you, Jungpal-ah,” Dongryong pat his shoulder.

“You wasted no time, don’t you?” Sunwoo laughed again.

“Yah, drop it!” Deoksun hit both of them so they stopped teasing him. They laughed again but didn’t say anything about it anymore.

Junghwan wished they didn’t tease him so much in front of Taek. He looked at him, feeling guilty. Taek smiled, as if he was ensuring him he was okay. He smiled back, relieved.

“Yah, played it back a few minutes,” Sunwoo told Dongryong who sat closest to the television. Dongryong did so and they finally started watching the movie again. Harrison Ford was arguing with Alison Doody on the television. When they suddenly kissed, Taek, Dongryong and Sunwoo roared with laughter again. Junghwan gave up and passed out on the floor.

In the end, they didn’t watch the movie and only joked around until late at night, mostly teased both Junghwan and Deoksun. Deoksun finally had enough and stood up to leave.

“Yah, walk her home,” Sunwoo kicked Junghwan who was lying on the floor, ready to sleep. Deoksun scoffed.

“No need,” she said but smiled when Junghwan stood up right away. Sunwoo and Dongryong giggled like a girl when they both got out.

“Don’t take too long, Jungpal-ah!” Dongryong shouted.

“Don’t get caught by her dad!” Sunwoo laughed.

“Shut up!” Junghwan closed the door while Dongryong and Sunwoo laughed again.

Junghwan took her hand as soon as they were outside. They both looked at each other and laughed, half happy, half embarrassed. When they reached the blue gate, Junghwan opened it for her.

“Yah, someone will see, just stopped here,” Deoksun let go of his hand.

“I got it,” Junghwan grinned. Deoksun smiled back.

“Junghwan-ah,” Deoksun looked like she wanted to ask something serious, like she did when she waited in front of his house to ask about that blind meeting.

“Why?” he asked.

“Why did you have to wait for a year?” she asked. Junghwan didn’t know how to explain it to her without telling her about Taek’s feeling.

“You should talk to Taek.”

“Taek? Why?” she looked confused.

“You’ll understand after you talk to him,” Junghwan told her. She didn’t understand but nodded her head. He patted her head, smiling.

“Go,” she said. Junghwan kissed her lips again and she hit his arms gently. “Stop kissing me!”

“How could I?” he was still grinning. Deoksun snorted and it made him laughed again. “Sleep well!”

“You too,” Deoksun smiled before went in and closed the gate. Junghwan couldn’t stop smiling while walking back to Taek’s house. He was so happy, he felt warm even though it was freezing cold outside. He hurried up inside and found the guys were still sat down and talked. They were waiting for him. Junghwan sat beside Taek, suddenly knew Sunwoo and Dongryong were going to talk seriously to both of them.

“So you guys talked to each other about this?” Dongryong finally asked both of them. Junghwan and Taek nodded his head.

“It’s fine between you now?” Sunwoo asked. They both nodded again. Dongryong and Sunwoo sighed, felt bad for both of them.

“Why didn’t you tell us anything? You always suffered by yourself,” Sunwoo asked Junghwan.

“You know why,” he repeated himself.

“I’m the one to blame,” Taek told them. “I knew for months but I didn’t say anything.”

“Yah,” Junghwan frowned. He didn’t want any of them felt guilty because of this, that was why he didn’t tell anyone. “It’s okay. It already happened anyway. There’s nothing we could do about it.”

“I knew Deoksun liked you, though,” Dongryong told him. “It was so obvious.”

“How couldn’t I notice anything?” Sunwoo shook his head.

“You’re too busy dating, bastard,” Dongryong scoffed at him. Sunwoo laughed.

“Let’s just sleep,” Junghwan sighed and put away the desk. Sunwoo took the pot to the kitchen and washed it, while the other guys prepared to sleep. They all lay down not long after that.

“So you guys dated the Sung sisters,” Dongryong suddenly said. “Taek, well, it won’t be difficult for you to get a girl. Even Jungbong hyung and Noeul has girlfriend. What about me?”

“If you stopped farting before sleeping, I’ll help you find a girl,” Junghwan said. Of course Dongryong picked that exact time to release his fart.

“Crazy bastard, just be single forever!” Sunwoo tried to get as far as he can from him. Dongryong snuggled to him anyway, while Junghwan and Taek laughed. It will be hours before they sleep for real.




Gosh!!! Your fanfic make me laugh and embrassed as DS!!! I usually dont like fanfic but this couple make me read again and again every fanfic in this thread!!!

I really hope we can see that scene! ❤

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9 hours ago, luffypyon said:


This is a short fanfic I wrote in the past. Originally this is super junior fanfic, but I rewrite it to be Deoksun and Junghwan's version. I hope this will please everyone ^^.



When Deoksun was 4 years old, she thought she was a diva and popular among the kids in ‘Ssammundong Playgroup’. Deoksun  believed her absolute cuteness would make everyone granted her every wish. Although the fact was she forced everyone to do so, even to call her pretty, if not she would smack them in the head. She liked to use her mom face’s powder and lipstick almost everyday. She also often used Bora’s hairpin without the latter’s permission. But despite of that, she was always bright,funny, and cheerful, made everyone wanted to be her friend.

Then a new kid came into the group. The teacher nanny said his name was Junghwan. The new kid wasn’t any special. Just average kid Deoksun  could ignore. He was so thin, had narrow eyes, and his face looked grumpy. He never smiled either. Her closest friends whom she considered as her slaves, Dongryeong and Sunwoo, even tried to befriend him but failed. He always refused to play. He often sat alone in the corner and played with the stuffed dog he had.

“What a boring kid”, she said.

At first everyone suspected he was just a shy yet unsociable kid. But then she caught the kid was showing his affection toward one of the teacher nanny named Lee Miyeon. The way he looked at the nanny made some bubbles blown up in her stomach. Deoksun  thought it’s not a right way to stare at a woman. There’s more than once Deoksun  saw he purposely sat on her lap and touched her boobs area while smiling in a way which made Deoksun  felt disgusted.

“You are beast!!!!”, Deoksun  once pointed a finger toward Junghwan. She wanted to call him ‘pervert’, but at that time, her vocabulary was still limited, thus she used another word almost close as it. Junghwan glanced at her plainly for a second then sighed and walked away, making Deoksun  gapped. That was the first time the kid ignored her.

This is humiliation.

Deoksun  couldn’t accept this. How came a kid with no fat like that left her and ignored her beauty. What’s so good with Lee Miyeon, she’s old, thin, and her tummy was flat. Not like Deoksun  that every single part of her  body had fat include her cheeks, palms, tummy, and butt. Human needed to be chubby in every part to become cute and pretty not a skinny chick  like her.

So Deoksun  prepared a counter attack. She showed all of her aegyo in front of Junghwan but none could make the latter landed his eyes to Deoksun . Everyday she chased him and asked to play with her but no worth a result as she wished. The other only flirted to skinny old woman.

It’s a shiny bright Thursday, Deoksun  just finished making Dongryeong ate Lee Miyeon’s lipstick before she heard a commotion. It’s turned out to be some kids took Junghwan’s stuffed dog and made the new kid cried.

Deoksun  wanted to help at first, but seeing Junghwan cried like a poor thing had made she stopped. She thought she needed to watch him crying a bit longer as she recalled all of the hardships she went through to catch the kid's attention. You deserve it my Junghwan-ah….

Then Junghwan noticed Deoksun  watched her, he felt embarrassed, quickly wiped his tears, and tried to reach his toy from one of the bullies. His lip was closed but Deoksun  could see he tried very hard to not cry again.

No… This is not the time to pity him. Deoksun  thought. But Junghwan’s face looked so pitiful and sad. Deoksun  felt his stomach knitted.

Deoksun  sighed. Screw that!

So she came toward them and took the toy from one of the kids with her glare.

“Hey!! What are you doing?”, one of the kid protested.

Deoksun hit the kid with the stuffed toy repeatly and shouted, “Is it fun? Huh? Huh? Leave him alone you cockroach!!”

“Ack!! Ack!! What’s up with you ? We’re just playing”

Deoksun hit him again, “Playing my butt. Get out!!”

“Auh!!! Okay…okay!! Aish…”

As there’s only Deoksun and Junghwan left. Junghwan stared at the toy on Deoksun ’s hand. He clutched the edge part of his own shirt like a defeated boy. Deoksun  then tried to give the toy, Junghwan’s eyes grew wide then showed his gummy smile for the first time. His eyes were like a crecent moon. Deoksun  was amazed, it’s the most beautiful smile she had ever seen after her own, of course.

And Deoksun  took the toy back. Junghwan shocked. His pitiful expression came again.

Then Deoksun  gave the toy again “I am sorry. Just kidding”. Junghwan smiled.

Deoksun  took the toy back. Junghwan stared at Deoksun , feeling confused. But then he saw a wide yet excited smile from Deoksun . He wondered if Deoksun  was just playing with him before the latter threw the stuffed toy to her side then gave Junghwan a very tight bear hug along with scream “Kyaaaa….!!! You’re so cute. You should smile often!!”.

Junghwan’s cheeks flushed red, he quickly pushed Deoksun and shouted, “What are you doing, Ugly!!”

Deoksun’s mouth hung open, “What!! Ugly?!! So this kid can speak after all. Yah!! You crazy dog!!!”, Deoksun shouted and pulled Junghwan’s cheek. Junghwan pulled her cheek back, “Crazy dog?!! Don’t you have a mirror?!!”. 

Their fight kept going only God knew how long. When their moms came to pick them out, they found the two were sleeping side by side holding hands. That was the day how their beautiful friendship started.


This is super sweet i could imagine those kids :wub: ii'd love to read more :)

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54 minutes ago, hailaft said:

Finished the part 2 of my fanfic in time before the new year's eve. You can read the part 1 here. I hope you guys enjoyed it :wub:

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Deoksun mostly fooled around with Jahyun in class these days. She had enough of studying for this year. Jahyun tried to make her read those romance books again but she couldn’t enjoy it as much as she did before, maybe because her own love life didn’t work that well.

Not that she had any love life, for that matter. Maybe that was the whole point. Nothing concrete ever happened with Junghwan. Sometime she even wondered if she made it all up in her head. She just couldn’t fathom why would Junghwan did all those nice things to her but then gave away her gift and proceeded to ignore her for months.

What made her more confused, he didn’t always give her the cold shoulder. At times, he was still being sweet, like making sure she had some sleep before the test or lending her his coat when she was cold. It felt like he was playing around with her feelings and it drove her almost mad sometime.

“Sooyeon-ah, let’s go!” Jahyun poked her when the class was over. Deoksun woke up from her daydream, put all her things inside her bag and followed Jahyun outside.

“Let’s go to Brazil,” Jahyun said before calling Miok from her class’ window. Miok went out right away, grinning.

“I wish school is over already,” Miok whined to them, while they were laughing, agreeing. They walked to the tteokbokki place while talking about Jahyun’s latest crush. Sunwoo, Dongryong and Junghwan were already there when they arrived.

“Oh, you’re here,” Dongryong grinned at her. Deoksun grinned back half-heartedly, while her friends smiled at them politely. They sat down, two tables away from the guys.

“Jungpal’s buying, you could order some,” he told her.

“Yah!” Junghwan glared at him. Deoksun scoffed, tried to show she didn’t care. Junghwan was still avoiding her gaze.

“I don’t need it,” she said.

Dongryong laughed, “Wenyeol, there comes a time when you actually refusing free food.”

Deoksun ignored him and ordered three portions of tteokbokki for her and her friends. She can pay her own food. Gae Jungpal can kiss her richard simmons.

Her friends felt her change of mood and didn’t say much when they were eating. On the other hand, the three guys were joking and laughing so hard about something she couldn’t hear. They stood up to leave, still laughing.

“Deoksun-ah, don’t forget we’re watching Indiana Jones tonight,” Dongryong told her while Junghwan was paying their food.

“I got it,” Deoksun answered.

“We’re going, first,” Sunwoo smiled to the three girls. Deoksun waved at him. She looked at Junghwan who didn’t even glance at her before he left. She sighed, defeated.

“Is that guy a playboy or something?” Miok asked Deoksun, referring to Junghwan of course. “Why did his attitude to you change so much?”

“Aish, I don’t know!” Deoksun snapped at her.

“Why is he so different with his brother?” Miok asked again.

“Your boyfriend is too weird, though,” Jahyun scoffed and earned herself a glare from Miok. They finished their tteokbokki and got up to pay.  

“Ahjumma, how much?” Miok asked the ahjumma.

“Your friend already paid for you,” she smiled at them.

Miok and Jahyun looked at Deoksun who was so flustered and couldn’t even say a word. She stepped outside and her friends followed her. They looked at each other, telling the other to say something silently.

“Just what does he want?” Deoksun finally asked her friends.

“He still likes you, for sure,” Miok told her confidently. “Maybe there’s something holding him back.”

“What is it? No matter how much I thought about it, I just couldn’t find the reason,” Deoksun asked again, frustrated.

“Ask him, then. There’s no other way, right?” Jahyun suggested matter-of-factly.

“You said I shouldn’t confess first!” Deoksun frowned.

“I’m not telling you to confess. Just ask him why he acted like that!”

“Yah, she’s right. Just ask him, like you did about the blind date,” Miok agreed with Jahyun

Deoksun rolled her eyes. She wouldn’t put herself out there just to get rejected again. She didn’t think she could handle it the second time. She would just keep waiting for him. She would, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t mad about it. 

Deoksun didn’t say anything when they were walking to the bus stop, but Jahyun and Miok continued talked about Jungbong while laughing. Deoksun’s bus came as soon as they arrived in the bus stop. She got in, waved to her friends. She was still thinking about the idea her friends planted in her head. Maybe she would consider it after all.



Deoksun frowned when she was picked to cook ramyun before the movie night. She’s been picked for three times in a row now. The guys started to read comic while waiting for ramyun.

“Add more sausages,” Dongryong said.

“I think I only got a few left,” Taek told him, grinning apologetically. Dongryong scoffed.

“Add more eggs, then,” Dongryong said.

“Don’t start without me!” Deoksun warned them. They all ignored her. She sulked, went out to the kitchen.

She boiled the water and opened five instant ramyuns while waiting. She took eggs and sausages from the fridge. She thought about what her friends said and how Junghwan would react if she indeed talked to him. What would he said to her? I only ever see you as friends. Or I’ve liked you too, but I’m too embarrassed to tell you.

“Yah!” Junghwan suddenly showed up beside her and turned down the flame on the stove. The water was boiling and overflowing the pot. Deoksun almost jumped out of surprise. “Pay attention, will you?”

Deoksun avoided his gaze, embarrassed. Why would he come the second she was thinking about him?

“What are you thinking about so seriously anyway?” he asked while putting the ramyuns inside the pot for her, along with the sausages and eggs.

“Mind your own business,” Deoksun told him, awkwardly. Junghwan scoffed at her but he didn’t go back to Taek’s room. He stayed there, leaned on the kitchen counter, looking at her.

“Why? Just go back to the room,” Deoksun stirred the pot, still too embarrassed to look at him.

“Did you do well in the test?” he asked, softly. Deoksun frowned. There he goes again with the attention.

“Why?” Deoksun asked back, defensively.

“Well, you only had one hour sleep,” he said, shrugging his shoulder. He always does that. He never elaborated and his short sentences always vague. She never understood what he really meant. Well, except that one time when he told her not to go to the blind meeting. That was as clear as day.

“I didn’t do as well as I hope I’d be,” she answered, shortly, hoping he would leave her alone. He didn’t. She scoffed. “I bet you did well.”

“I think I did fine,” he answered, matter-of-factly. Of course he did. Looking at his grade alone, he could choose any university he wanted, honestly.

“Good for you,” she said, sarcastically.

“I hope we both did well,” he told her. “We can go to the same university if we did.”

It was too much for her. She was so done with guessing what he meant. She didn’t have any energy left to endure his hot-and-cold attitude. If it was any other dude, she would give him up months ago. She held on because it was Junghwan, because he was her best friend and she just couldn’t believe he would hurt her on purpose. Maybe she was wrong after all. Maybe he wasn’t as nice as she thought he was.

“Would you stop? How long do you want to keep playing with my feelings?” Deoksun finally snapped at him. Junghwan was flustered, didn’t expect her reaction would be like this. “Just leave me alone, damn it!”

Deoksun lost any interest to watch the movie now. She stormed out of Taek’s house, too angry to think clearly. She was already in front of Sunwoo’s house when Junghwan called her.

“Yah!” he shouted. Deoksun ran to the end of their street and she could hear he ran after her.

“Deoksun-ah!” he called her again, finally caught her in front of the stair. She tried to pull her arms away but he wouldn’t budge. She felt her tears were ready to fall and she turned her head away so he wouldn’t see them.

“I’m sorry,” he told her. “I’m sorry, Deoksun-ah.”

Deoksun couldn’t even remember when the last time he called her names and now he already said it twice.

“You have every right to be mad at me,” he said. Deoksun looked at him and he looked even sadder than she felt right now. That was when it struck her. He was as miserable as she was these past months.

“I like you. I have liked you for a year, now,” he told her, finally stopped being so vague. Her anger suddenly went away and replaced by relieve and joy. Her tears suddenly fell for different reason now.

“Why are you crying?” Junghwan scolded her again when he saw her tears. She couldn’t stop crying, though. He wiped her tears with both of his hands. They felt warm against her skin.

“Because I like you too, you idiot,” she told him. He laughed, not in his usual mocking way, but in happiness. It made her laughed too. They both looked at each other, laughing like two idiots.

“I know,” he told her before he leaned closer to kiss her lips. It took her by surprise. She just froze, even after he pulled away. She knew her face was burning red and she avoided his gaze, embarrassed. He laughed again.  

“Don’t just stand there,” he whispered softly. It made her giddy and she had to hold on to him, or else she felt she would fall over.

Junghwan smiled, teasingly. He held her waist and pulled her closer. He was looking at her so intensely. She looked down awkwardly, but he turned her chin up so she had to look at him. They face were so close and she can felt his warm breath. It was almost too much for her.

“Junghwan-ah,” she tried to pull away.

“Hush...” Junghwan tilted his head and kissed her lips for the second time. She was still holding on to his shoulder and she linked her arms behind his neck when he kissed her deeper.



Junghwan didn’t know his heart could beat this fast. He wondered before how all those people could kiss for a long time. He understood the reason now. She pulled away, looking so cute when she was embarrassed. He couldn’t resist to kiss her again.

“Yah, what if we got caught,” she turned her head so he couldn’t kiss her again. He didn’t give a damn about that.

“I waited for a year for this,” he said. Since that night when they stuck in that small alley, in fact.

She blushed when he said it. She pushed him away, embarrassed. Junghwan laughed again. She started to walk back to Taek’s house but he stopped her.

“Yah, you want to go back?” he asked, surprised. “Are you crazy?”

“It’ll be more suspicious if we didn’t,” she answered. He considered this for a while. She started to walk back again and he followed her. She smiled when he held her shoulder so naturally, like they’ve been dating for a long time.

“What will we told them?” Deoksun asked.

Junghwan only thought about how to tell Taek. He practically gave his permission, so Junghwan convinced himself that he would be okay.

“I don’t know,” Junghwan answered. “What do you think?”

“Should we lie?” she asked again.

“Taek know about us, though,” he told her.

“You told him?” she looked at him, surprised. He avoided her gaze. He couldn’t tell her about Taek’s feeling. If she really had to know, it should be Taek himself who told her.

“No. He found out by himself,” he answered.

They went inside Taek’s house but hesitated again before got in to Taek’s room. They looked at each other. She silently told him to get in first. He braced himself and opened the door.

Taek, Sunwoo and Dongryong were eating ramyun while watching the movie in silence. Deoksun and Junghwan sat behind them without saying anything.

“Where did you go?” Dongryong asked.

“Dooly,” Junghwan answered nonchalantly.

No one said anything for a while. Junghwan picked his chopstick and started eating ramyun when Dongryong burst out laughing, followed by Sunwoo. Taek didn’t laugh but he was grinning from ear to ear. Junghwan knew they would tease him to death but he didn’t know how embarrassing it would be.

“Aigoo, Jungpal-ah,” Dongryong couldn’t stop laughing. Deoksun looked at him and he was too embarrassed to look back at her. He just looked down and started playing with his chopstick while the other guys laughed for at least another ten minutes.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Sunwoo finally stopped laughing long enough to ask him.

“You know why,” Junghwan muttered.

“You wouldn’t even say she’s pretty, you bastard,” Dongryong laughed so much, he started crying.

“What?” Deoksun looked at him, frowning. Junghwan was so helpless, he practically begged her not to get mad—though without saying anything. She scoffed and ate ramyun again, let the other guys teased him endlessly.

“But you took a long time, you know. What did you guys do?” Dongryong asked again, grinning.

“Mind your own business,” Deoksun glared at him. Dongryong and Sunwoo looked at each other, laughing giddily.

“I’m proud of you, Jungpal-ah,” Dongryong pat his shoulder.

“You wasted no time, don’t you?” Sunwoo laughed again.

“Yah, drop it!” Deoksun hit both of them so they stopped teasing him. They laughed again but didn’t say anything about it anymore.

Junghwan wished they didn’t tease him so much in front of Taek. He looked at him, feeling guilty. Taek smiled, as if he was ensuring him he was okay. He smiled back, relieved.

“Yah, played it back a few minutes,” Sunwoo told Dongryong who sat closest to the television. Dongryong did so and they finally started watching the movie again. Harrison Ford was arguing with Alison Doody on the television. When they suddenly kissed, Taek, Dongryong and Sunwoo roared with laughter again. Junghwan gave up and passed out on the floor.

In the end, they didn’t watch the movie and only joked around until late at night, mostly teased both Junghwan and Deoksun. Deoksun finally had enough and stood up to leave.

“Yah, walk her home,” Sunwoo kicked Junghwan who was lying on the floor, ready to sleep. Deoksun scoffed.

“No need,” she said but smiled when Junghwan stood up right away. Sunwoo and Dongryong giggled like a girl when they both got out.

“Don’t take too long, Jungpal-ah!” Dongryong shouted.

“Don’t get caught by her dad!” Sunwoo laughed.

“Shut up!” Junghwan closed the door while Dongryong and Sunwoo laughed again.

Junghwan took her hand as soon as they were outside. They both looked at each other and laughed, half happy, half embarrassed. When they reached the blue gate, Junghwan opened it for her.

“Yah, someone will see, just stopped here,” Deoksun let go of his hand.

“I got it,” Junghwan grinned. Deoksun smiled back.

“Junghwan-ah,” Deoksun looked like she wanted to ask something serious, like she did when she waited in front of his house to ask about that blind meeting.

“Why?” he asked.

“Why did you have to wait for a year?” she asked. Junghwan didn’t know how to explain it to her without telling her about Taek’s feeling.

“You should talk to Taek.”

“Taek? Why?” she looked confused.

“You’ll understand after you talk to him,” Junghwan told her. She didn’t understand but nodded her head. He patted her head, smiling.

“Go,” she said. Junghwan kissed her lips again and she hit his arms gently. “Stop kissing me!”

“How could I?” he was still grinning. Deoksun snorted and it made him laughed again. “Sleep well!”

“You too,” Deoksun smiled before went in and closed the gate. Junghwan couldn’t stop smiling while walking back to Taek’s house. He was so happy, he felt warm even though it was freezing cold outside. He hurried up inside and found the guys were still sat down and talked. They were waiting for him. Junghwan sat beside Taek, suddenly knew Sunwoo and Dongryong were going to talk seriously to both of them.

“So you guys talked to each other about this?” Dongryong finally asked both of them. Junghwan and Taek nodded his head.

“It’s fine between you now?” Sunwoo asked. They both nodded again. Dongryong and Sunwoo sighed, felt bad for both of them.

“Why didn’t you tell us anything? You always suffered by yourself,” Sunwoo asked Junghwan.

“You know why,” he repeated himself.

“I’m the one to blame,” Taek told them. “I knew for months but I didn’t say anything.”

“Yah,” Junghwan frowned. He didn’t want any of them felt guilty because of this, that was why he didn’t tell anyone. “It’s okay. It already happened anyway. There’s nothing we could do about it.”

“I knew Deoksun liked you, though,” Dongryong told him. “It was so obvious.”

“How couldn’t I notice anything?” Sunwoo shook his head.

“You’re too busy dating, bastard,” Dongryong scoffed at him. Sunwoo laughed.

“Let’s just sleep,” Junghwan sighed and put away the desk. Sunwoo took the pot to the kitchen and washed it, while the other guys prepared to sleep. They all lay down not long after that.

“So you guys dated the Sung sisters,” Dongryong suddenly said. “Taek, well, it won’t be difficult for you to get a girl. Even Jungbong hyung and Noeul has girlfriend. What about me?”

“If you stopped farting before sleeping, I’ll help you find a girl,” Junghwan said. Of course Dongryong picked that exact time to release his fart.

“Crazy bastard, just be single forever!” Sunwoo tried to get as far as he can from him. Dongryong snuggled to him anyway, while Junghwan and Taek laughed. It will be hours before they sleep for real.




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1 hour ago, wizengamot said:



and the fact that DS is talking about being 18 after she got JH gift, lol the realization!!!

i love how you guys provide insights with proof (i mean by putting pics or if not pics, pointing the particular episode so we can go back and check)

looking at the characters expressions and how it change is important too, but other ships almost always read more about DS smiling or anything that it almost becomes unreliable. Like when she smiled to TK or what, it is deemed a clue of her romantic feelings for him when DS is naturally a smiley (sunny) girl and she worries about people. 

Others need to give more concrete evidences and not interpretation of what they think it is. Give me proof and maybe i'll start considering their arguments lol (i'm just reading through the main thread and really the post i just mentioned on my previous post is nerve-racking like how did they come up with it?

Thank you so much!!! ^^ I think ıt is for you :) Also I agree with you. I think the important changes of DS's face. And we see that since the first episode continuous differentiation. So towards for Junghwan.

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I noticed something a while ago. JH never directly calls DS ugly, he only denied she is pretty. In ep 2 the subtitles say ''Hey, ugly!'' but I thought he said ''Hey, special unit!''. So I looked at the ''advanced'' subtitles and it says: ''Hey, Special Forces.''

So my guess is right, he didn't say ugly in that scene. Does anyone remember a scene where he directly said she is ugly/you are ugly?


Edit: Or was this mentioned before, I might have missed it.

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2 minutes ago, figenfk said:

I noticed something a while ago. JH never directly calls DS ugly, he only denied she is pretty. In ep 2 the subtitles say ''Hey, ugly!'' but I thought he said ''Hey, special unit!''. So I looked at the ''advanced'' subtitles and it says: ''Hey, Special Forces.''

So my guess is right, he didn't say ugly in that scene. Does anyone remember a scene where he directly said she is ugly/you are ugly?


Edit: Or was this mentioned before, I might have missed it.


Yes once. It was when JH eating ramyun with Sunwoo in Taek's house in eps. 7 but it was just to cover his previous statement that DS is pretty. Sigh this boy

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29 minutes ago, figenfk said:

I noticed something a while ago. JH never directly calls DS ugly, he only denied she is pretty. In ep 2 the subtitles say ''Hey, ugly!'' but I thought he said ''Hey, special unit!''. So I looked at the ''advanced'' subtitles and it says: ''Hey, Special Forces.''

So my guess is right, he didn't say ugly in that scene. Does anyone remember a scene where he directly said she is ugly/you are ugly?


Edit: Or was this mentioned before, I might have missed it.

I think he said it to SW in episode 7 when they were talking about his crush to BR. What I remembered about the dialogue

JH : I thought you like DS

SW : why DS

JH : She's prettier

SW : huh?

JH : I mean she's prettiest among the uglies

SW : what are you saying, is she pretty or ugly

JH : ugly of course!

LOL I rewatched episode 7 too much, I remembered the dialogue without checking it


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Guest wizengamot

i'm not sure so i'm asking guys, but it seems to me that among the squad, JH and DS are considered to be those who knows everything about TK. Is it? What about SW? and DR?

EP. 14 TK said he has someone (a girl) he likes. But DS tell him to not lie because she knows everything about him and that he's not in love with someone. (When in fact TK loves her)

EP. 15 JH told DR not to bother TK by asking him a favor (about work in the future) because TK doesn't like asking and getting favor and DR said that JH knows everything about TK (When in fact TK asked a favor for the sake of JH dad)


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I wanna remember the first time Ohyuk - 소녀 (A Little Girl) being played as the BGM of the series, and that was during JH and DS's famous umbrella scene. Since the airing of that scene, I remember trying to find out more about the song and I also remember how I waited for the release, refreshing the Youtube page over and over until it finally got released.



Judging by the countless amount of times of this song being used during JH and DS special moments or other moments concerning the two, I can confidently say that this song really is made for both of them. Here is the English translation of the lyrics:

Only stay by my side
You can’t leave me

I can’t leave on a long journey with this longing
Going to look for your rainbow

As I sit by the window at sunset
I see the clouds floating far away
I draw out the old memories that I want to find
In the cold blowing wind, if you get lonely
I will always stay by your side
I won’t leave you

As I sit by the window at sunset
I see the clouds floating far away
I draw out the old memories that I want to find
In the cold blowing wind, if you get lonely
I will always stay by your side
I won’t leave you

Only stay by my side, you can’t leave me

Credit/Source: popgasa

The lines in bold make me imagine both JH and DS not leaving each other despite not being able to be open and honest about each other's feelings through words. Being there for each other is what matters here. 

I feel like the two have one similarity in this case - they show affection/care/signs towards one another through actions instead of saying it out loud. Like how JH realized he was sleeping at the wrong room after the night toilet time but chose to lie down beside DS cause he wanted to stay by her side and how DS woke up so early to catch the same bus as JH plus when JH asked DS "why are you here so early?" and DS replied him with the exact same question, obviously this is how DS was trying to give JH a sign that she likes him cause she wanted to stay by his side.

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In episode 6 (kokodas scene) SW acts like he knows TK very well and how good he is in Baduk. Though no one says he knows a lot about him literally. In the last few episodes we can see TK and SW are very close imo. I have this feeling they all know a lot about TK. In almost every episode at least one of the squad acts like they know everything about him. Like in ep 16, DR pointing out that TK is competitive and has a goal to win this time and certainly will win this match (when DR and DS are in the bus). @wizengamot


kokodas scene:



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26 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

What about SW? and DR?


Looks like they dont know anything about anyone. LOL

SW is good son, brother, student, but like i said before he`s not that considerate toward others except to his mom, JJ and BR. DR is special case:D He is serious only while advises. I cant recall them being considerate and taking care of TK that much as DS and JH

EDIT: Just to point out why i said what i said about SW. He was quite immersed with his thing with BR (couple of episodes) that even JJ grow apart from him.

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Guest wizengamot

@figenfk that's nice to know. i really like their group. definitely squad goal. the only thing they don't know or won't openly tell to the other members are their love life lol. only DR admits to confessing someone. If JH and TK didn't even catch SW and his noona love for BR, SW would not admit to it. 

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Just finished watching ep16...and thought I'd feed my desperation by reading people's thoughts and boy was that a mistake!!!

Taek is cute n everything but nooooooo not Taek.

other forums seem to be dead set on Taek but please please no.

this forum set my heart at ease a little.

I won't be able to take Junghwans broken heart lightly.

I really hope Junghwan and Deoksun are our couple. I don't like that he hasn't shared his feelings with anyone yet. He is too lonely. Taek may seem lonely but he is loved by all so is Junghwan however not explicitly.


Sorry, only venting my feelings (first time in a forum). But you can imagine how desperate I am for Junghwan to actually join a forum after years of drama addiction.


Why I think Junghwan is the hubby

1. Future hubby sits and interacts with Deoksun in the same way that Junghwan does.

2. Remember when Junghwan followed Deoksun late one night and she thought some creep was following her? I think Junghwan followed her intentionally. MY FAV SCENE WHEN HE THEN PEEPS THROUGH THE WINDOW.


Why I think Junghwan is NOT the hubby :-(

1. Hubby smokes, Junghwan is weak

2.  Junghwan wants to be a fighter pilot

3. :'( reply 88 might want to be different and give Chilbong type characters a happy ending. Chilbong deserved a happy ending but here Junghwan does!!

4. Adult hubby looks like Taek dad...so...perhaps.. :-( Although the personality is defo Junghwan:-) 




What gift did Deoksun give to Junghwan as his secret Santa???



I HOPE THEY SOLVE THIS MYSTERY SOON BECAUSE ONLY 4 eps are remaining and I want to see more cute scenes (like bora and suwon type). Would like to see deoksun grow a little mature. I like her though.


This drama really did make me cry and laugh several times within the same episode and I'm glad I gave it a watch (>_< started ep 1 yesterday and finished ep 16today) I need to sleep but I don't think I can...not until I read some reassuring comments regarding Junghwan. Big mistake was reading comments that reiterated Taek as future hubby. 


Anywho, let's hope for the best.

Have a great New year Everyone!


p.s. I feel a little better talking this out.



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