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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Hello good morning, from Southern side of the globe... 

I was hiding in my cave, and lurking all the posts, couldn't really bring myself to join any discussion or analyze things with you all, because even with my low expectation the last 4 episodes are indeed frustrating for me, I keep being sad for JH and DS. Epi 11-12 were really enjoyable, but 13-16, I just don't know, I like the other parts of the story, but the atmosphere and emotion of main OTP got over me so bad. JH and DS keep missing each other timing, way worse than JB-Miok's in their Banjul date. 

Epi 15 hit me so damn hard, I couldn't believe that Taek didn't realize DS's tears or distress. And JH gives away for this, for Taek to lean on her when she is the one who need comfort. I was sighing so hard. And last part when Taek notices (or I should say got a hunch, I know Taek wasn't sure either) of JH's feeling, he proceed with the confession plan (although at the end of epi 16 he canceled it). I remember how many people wanted for JH to go for DS despite taek's confession to the boys, and he got this title "the slowest turtle" "the frustrating boy" and all, but when Taek gives away for JH, Taek received all the praises. Sigh... I like JH so much, I am biased over him, I found everything that he does always sincere and full of love, not only to DS but all people he loves. He keep himself away from conflict, not to hurt anybody though it means it will hurt him more, he knows how to show gratitude (well though in so many odd ways). And I love DS as well, she is my fave Drama lead female character, and just like you all here, I wish she ended up with someone who encourage her to be better, protect her, cherish her, be her forever friend, and help her to face everything in this world with her. Someone who puts effort and attention she was craving when she was younger, I know this part might makes her seems so vulnerable, but nothing wrong to be vulnerable around people you love anyway. 

Thanks @Nurul Choerunnisa for mentioning me, and makes me read all new posts here~~^^ 

I love this Drama but however realistic it is, it's still a drama, where JH-DS-Taek-SW-DR-Parents-JB-BR-NE are all  made by writer (LWJ) I can't (or don't want to) analyze further than what shown to me on screen. Such as how JH feels, or Taek's feels about finding out each other feelings, all I can do is just accepting what they shown me, the emotions/tears/blank stare/teary eyed, on screen. I accept the fact that one same scene can be interpreted so differently. And that also applies to chocolate and smoking part. 

in 2015, Hubby and DS having the convo about choco, that hubby don't know who she gave the choco to. But we as viewers saw that she put it on SW's bag. But why? the next epi we got the flashback that her friends planted the idea SW likes her. And we also got scene both hubby and Bora read her diary, which she wrote she like someone and gave him choco, without initial or name. I think that's enough evidence the choco goes to SW, not Taek or JH. in 1988 scene, DS's voiceover said "On Summer 1988, my first love has begun". she was telling that the journey on finding love has begun, she didn't say 'on summer 1988, I found my first love'.

for the smoking part, despite whoever the hubby is, anyone can smoke, and pick up the habit so easily. but I never once think the cigarette found in JH's mom cardigan was JH's. I am very satisfied to see it shown that was Miran's. I always been thinking if the show wants to emphasis that the perfect mom is also has her own layered personality. Despite her being so considerate and is a caring person, she has her own thing, I noticed that she's the one who always initiate Mom's-Day-Off, and I believe she has her own secret.


Ack and I read about the "meow" and "dog" on cramp-scene. just want to share that cramp in Korean is 쥐 , and has same meaning to "mouse", so to 'cure' the cramp, DS suddenly making "meow" sound to chase away the "mouse"... Haha, hope it helps~~ :P 


Though these few past episodes really left me speechless, but it just justifies that JH is the hubby, my only consolation watching few past episodes that what JH goes through is what main man usually goes through. Viewers are following his emotional struggles for 6 episodes already but they make Taek's ends in one episode. I'm excited to see epi 17, after 6 freaking slow episode, I wish we get heart-fluttering or bloody-saddening parting scenes, whatever the scenes just exciting ones I hope. 

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Watching the subbed episodes now.  Anyone else wanted to scream at SW at the end of episode 15?  He was staring at Taek looking lovingly at DS.  At this moment I was like turn your head and look at your other friend.   

This episode also shows that DS is clearly avoiding JH after the shirt incident.  She didn't want to eat at JH's house.  Totally ignored him when they were eating and then again when they were inside the bus.  DS then again avoids JH by forcing NE to take the food to the Kim's.  After her talk with her teacher, DS seemed more preoccupied with school and getting into college.  This is a nice change in DS's character.   The next time she focuses on relationships,  I think it will be more about who she really likes without the influence of anyone else.  It will be of her own realization.


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1 hour ago, callmegiggles said:


I want to play! No intelligent and well thought out theories here. Just makin' up stuff HAHA

1. How many kids they have
Two, a girl and a boy. Their daughter would be daddy's girl and their son a mama's boy. When they fight for a "divorce" over the broken iron their son would choose to live with mom, and their daughter with dad. 

2. Who said I love you first
JH. Because he fell hard and deep. And he said it first. And she teases him about it for a week. By the end of the week, the teasing gets so bad that he decides he can't take it and have to kiss her to shut her up and get her to say it back just to get even. Lol (I like your story too)

3. How they told their parents
JH told his parents that he's bringing home his girlfriend. Mama Kim excitedly told the other two ahjummas so they came over to help with dinner as an excuse to take a peek at the girlfriend. 

JH comes home and DS follows not long after. Papa Kim does the silly greeting with her and asked her if she's here to check out JH's girlfriend. JH told dad that his gf is here, Papa Kim say why not invite her inside cos it's cold outside. Silence. JH said you've just greeted her. Cue goat sound. Plates clatter in the kitchen, Mama Sung is gobsmacked. 

4. Why are they interviewed
Their kids are doing a "how I met your father interview" for a school project. HAHAHAHA!

Can I add one more question for everyone to answer?
5. How does the squad find out?
I really want them to get together in 1989 just to see the squad's reaction. Well, SW and DR. TK will just be broken, omma ya, come to me I'll give you a hug.

All of you should be grateful that I am not the drama writer. So unoriginal. Tsk.

I love these answers! Especially how they tell the parents. I could imagine it all and the goat sounds are hilarious. I adore Deok Sun teasing him after his 'I love you', it's something I can see her doing. Junghwan would never fix things himself. I imagine they call grandpa says life hacker Bong hyung to do it. I'll tell you guys I'm selfish for fanfiction and stuff of the two so I greedily ask these questions and grin like a fool imagining the different scenarios y'all come up with. Give me more :) 

5. How does the squad find out? Dong Ryeong catches them making out at headquarters Taek's or sharing a nice intimate moment they think no one will walk in on (he's prepared her ramen exactly how she likes it and was in the middle of jokingly and cutely removing a noddle string or ramen sauce from the corner of her mouth...with his, when Dong Ryeong walked in). Dong Ryeong just screams he knew it and goes to find Sunwoo to give him the 20 bucks he now owes him because he called it right. Yup the squad has know or finally caught on and suspected for a while and had bets if it was true or not (Sunwoo thought no way. Not when she's the prettiest of the uglies LOL) and when they would get caught. The gang teases them about it and rags on Junghwan ("are you a pervert with all your arguing" "what happened to her being the prettiest of the uglies" "you should see what's in his wallet") especially for a week and then a life time LOL. 

22 minutes ago, honeywell said:

Watching the subbed episodes now.  Anyone else wanted to scream at SW at the end of episode 15?  He was staring at Taek looking lovingly at DS.  At this moment I was like turn your head and look at your other friend.   

This episode also shows that DS is clearly avoiding JH after the shirt incident.  She didn't want to eat at JH's house.  Totally ignored him when they were eating and then again when they were inside tge bus.  DS then again avoids JH by forcing NE to take the food to the Kim's.  After her talk with her teacher, DS seemed more preoccupied with school and getting into college.  This is a nice change in DS's character.   The next time she focuses on relationships,  I think it will be more about who she really likes without the influence of anyone else.  It will be free her own realization.


I like that she's aware of him but chooses to ignore him if he isn't going to fix things. The little loveable richard simmons deserves it LOL. Your post reminded me the subbed ep is out so thanks for that. 

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These scenes are beautifully shot.. What will their future be which makes them worth pondering..


JH: Will you be my girfriend? DS: Yes..


cr:N123 (This person is great at making beautiful gifts)

Edited by snowy21
Previously, some user cannot view the gifs. Hopefully it works now :)
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Chingus , after watching last episodes subbed I know for certain the song NE sings applies for DS and her final love.

The song tells us about two lovers that meet after years of their separation:

".......but could I fall in love with you after meeting you again?at that time ?

I wonder how many tears I have shed throughout the years that will have passed me by, until then

how could we forget when our two hearts are dripping with memories?

ah you'll come back to my side?...."

Most lyrics scream to me JH but the line with the word tears put me off to my belief for JH.

JH for what we saw is the guy who endures his  pain silently with out having tears to release his feelings and pain.

Last scene of 16 ep is with Taek shedding his tear and the voice of a female singer singing NE song.

I do not know chingus , I want to believe it s another way of writer and director to distract us but we have to wait for the answer few weeks more.

Btw , I love the melody of this song and the voice of the singer.

Do we know singer and title?

ADD: @snowy21my friend I can not view your image .Same happened with your previous post when you posted some links.Maybe it s only me though : )


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26 minutes ago, Yuniarr YuniarV said:

just watched ep 16. why DS called JH with gae jungpal again T.T. but finally i heard JH mentioned DS's name again :D so happy. bcuz JH call DS by her name only on ep 3. and latest on ep 16 T.T 


I think in ep.13 after the concert, DS starting call JH with JungPal again.. 

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might be a bit off-topic, but I just found out Lee Mi Yeon and Kim Joo Hyuk will team up in a movie together. It's only a matter of time, I suppose. They both look good together and play off each other really well in R88.. hehehe. Then I see the cast lineup, wow, all the A lists seem to be in the movie, so excited!



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3 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I like this theory and agree that could be the case. For me though it doesn't matter if Junghwan is ever shown smoking or not. Smoking is a habit you can pick up easily and though hard, drop whenever you want. Just as I pay no mind to what hands they use. I'm willing to accept whatever explanation is given it not about the smoking. For all we know future Taek may no longer smoke for health reasons and just uses one hand to eat and the other for baduk which is why he's awkward when forced to use the other. I like the theories and keep em coming but for me it's not that big of a deal or much of a clue (same goes for the whole "dated a lot" statement).

I want to read theories on how many kids you think they have? (1 or none) who said I love you first (Junghwan did by accident. Completely denied it after and immediately said it about 200 times again and again when he saw his joking "you must be crazy I didn't say that" had Deok Sun close to tears) how did they tell their parents and what was the reaction? (Junghwan was the perfect respectful man when he told them together with Deok Sun. The moms kind of already knew and we're happy to be in-laws and papa Sung broke out the ginseng alcohol he'd been holding out for Bora's wedding) why are they famous or well known enough to be interviewed (I have no idea LOL) please share thoughts and theories on this and more as well :) 



my take on your questions @MrsSoJiSub

*how many kids ~ 

- I want twins.. no older or younger or middle child issues.. growing up and having the same stuff together.. both getting fair treatment.. or maybe not.. the boy twin will be closer to mama DS, and a girl twin will be papa JH's girl .. or maybe 4 kids.. the more the merrier. haha

*who said I love you first ~

- JH and DS both

JH already studying in university while DS who failed to get into college tries to audition for some acting gig (with DR maybe. hee) Not understanding some of the lines in the script they were given to audition with becoz they were in English, she was gonna asks oppa JB for help so she can deliver the lines with feelings..but was not home, JH sees the script and volunteers to help out since he was good in English too. (This scenario is of course after Taek has already moved on -so no friends hurt or friendship ruined this time around..lol)

Script in English... Man: I need to tell you something. (JH reads and translates in Korean) And asks DS to read the woman's lines

Woman: You do. (DS reads in English and JH explains in Korean)

Man. Yes. but don't be surprised.

Woman: ok. I won't. So tell me.

Man: I love you. (JH says it in English.. then looking directly into DS's eyes.. says it in korean)

Woman: I know. (DS says without looking up)

JH: what??? (in Korean) looks so surprised thinking she's answering his confession and was not even looking and reading the next lines..

The man's line was supposed to say. I love you. So do you love me?...

DS: I love you. So do you love me?  she was reading the man's line aloud becoz JH missed it.. and was gonna say.. "hey -you were..supposed to say..." (but gets cut off)  as JH suddenly kisses her . Time stood still and DS was so surprised that she had her eyes open, but then closed them as the kiss got deeper and deeper.. and deeper. 

me: ok. fine. this theory is as crazy as I am. lol.

*how they told the parents ~

- they didn't. they got caught making out. at the steps under the magic lamppost. while JH's parents, and DS's parents are on their way home from some community activity.. they saw and shyly went past them (the two being oblivious of their surroundings..lol) and after the parents go past them, they are seen laughing and giggling making high-fives all the way to their homes.. (I know - my theories are so out of the box isn't it.. hahaha)

*what the interview was for ~

- not sure.. but it has something to do with JinJoo.. maybe she or someone was interviewing everyone on their neighborhood for her autobiography or Jinjoo became a famous person, and they want to know the environment she grew up on and the people she grew up with. (Because there was also Bora and a Bora voiceover on some of the episodes, am guessing that it wasn't only DS and hubby on all of the interview)

lol. at me for making up all this nonsense. I'm not fit to be a writer I guess. hehe..

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i want join this guessing quiz too..hhaha

1. How many kids they have
Two,(twins) a girl and a boy. both have a bigger eyes like DS and intelligent like JH.


2. Who said I love you first
DS,actually i want JH said it first but i know this dumb guy would never say any romantic words directly to DS,because his action speak lauder than words.


3. How they told their parents
They not tell their parent's,but caught by them while they was kissing in JH room


-i love @callmegiggles idea's about JH want introduce his girlfriend to his parent..-

4. Why are they interviewed
maybe they are famous person in future..

Lieutenant Kim Jung-hwan and the most famous  air stewardess Deok sun


cr pic to owner

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3 hours ago, callmegiggles said:


I want to play! No intelligent and well thought out theories here. Just makin' up stuff HAHA

1. How many kids they have
Two, a girl and a boy. Their daughter would be daddy's girl and their son a mama's boy. When they fight for a "divorce" over the broken iron their son would choose to live with mom, and their daughter with dad. 

2. Who said I love you first
JH. Because he fell hard and deep. And he said it first. And she teases him about it for a week. By the end of the week, the teasing gets so bad that he decides he can't take it and have to kiss her to shut her up and get her to say it back just to get even. Lol (I like your story too)

3. How they told their parents
JH told his parents that he's bringing home his girlfriend. Mama Kim excitedly told the other two ahjummas so they came over to help with dinner as an excuse to take a peek at the girlfriend. 

JH comes home and DS follows not long after. Papa Kim does the silly greeting with her and asked her if she's here to check out JH's girlfriend. JH told dad that his gf is here, Papa Kim say why not invite her inside cos it's cold outside. Silence. JH said you've just greeted her. Cue goat sound. Plates clatter in the kitchen, Mama Sung is gobsmacked. 

4. Why are they interviewed
Their kids are doing a "how I met your father interview" for a school project. HAHAHAHA!

Can I add one more question for everyone to answer?
5. How does the squad find out?
I really want them to get together in 1989 just to see the squad's reaction. Well, SW and DR. TK will just be broken, omma ya, come to me I'll give you a hug.

All of you should be grateful that I am not the drama writer. So unoriginal. Tsk.


Your'e so fit to be a writer chingu @callmegiggles .. luv your theories.. they all fit the character's..

as for your question 5.

*how does the squad finds out ~

DR was hanging around JH's room.. he sees a paper airplane.. the one JH made when oppa JB was making all those paper cranes.. Opens the folded paper and sees JH's declaration of love to DS.. DR confronts JH about it. JH denies and says it's just a dummy letter for some college project.. DR teases him but doesn't push for it.

the nxt time they hang out at Taeks'..  he tells the others, and they teases JH to no end. DS comes in and SW tells her that JH already told them about them being a couple while they were holding JH off.. she admits to it.. and all hell breaks loose as they tease the couple all the while saying ewww.. and asking how it happened and if they're joking and what not. lol. in other words, they still couldn't and wouldn't believe that they are indeed a couple. haha.

mianhe. still delusional and still not making sense am I?... Its 1am where I'm at and not really sure why I'm still awake. lol.

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I kinda think that eps 16 is where we finally got the answer. It's the twist. I believe the writer nim takes the 2 weeks break moment, to give us a bit of an air of relax, knowing that TK is giving up on his feeling towards DS in this episode. To me, it's a win-win situation for all shippers!

The episode is where everything is starting to twist, an irony of a very competitive baduk player that easily giving up for his bestfriends' happiness sake.

Although, personally, I still wanting the writernim to give us closures about:

1. What happened to the pink gloves? Does DS even said thank you to JH?

2. What happened to pink shirt? Does JH asked JB where did he get the same shirt?

3. The fact that DS's postcard (love confess for SW) was read by Lee Moon Sae, but actually it was returned and JH read it from the mail box, and it means JH was the one sent it back to the radio, right (?)

I really hope at some point they will give us flashbacks about that. And I was being delulu, thinking that actually DR knows everything between JH and DS (but he keep it to himself and make them working on their own feelings) since his house is very near and he once said that he could hear everything from his room LOL!

Well anyway, chinggudeul..let's just soaking in and accept the fact that 16 episode is a twist towards a better ending, and it is indeed necessary. No matter what happened, eunamryu!




Oh my God! Just watched the subbed! At the beginning when DR teased JB for seeing someone and overheard the whole convo with BR! I think my hunch was right, DR heard evrything that happened at the neighbourhood! He might be the one that will connect the dots!! *excited*

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4 minutes ago, papulichan said:

The day when the son makes his father happy .......





The day a mother hopes that her son makes her happy........




The day the mother wished she had taken birth control.....


LOL.you are so funny.. that " wanna this iron in your faces" words really make me laugh..

i can't stop laughing now..hahahaha


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5 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I want to read theories on how many kids you think they have? (1 or none) who said I love you first (Junghwan did by accident. Completely denied it after and immediately said it about 200 times again and again when he saw his joking "you must be crazy I didn't say that" had Deok Sun close to tears) how did they tell their parents and what was the reaction? (Junghwan was the perfect respectful man when he told them together with Deok Sun. The moms kind of already knew and we're happy to be in-laws and papa Sung broke out the ginseng alcohol he'd been holding out for Bora's wedding) why are they famous or well known enough to be interviewed (I have no idea LOL) please share thoughts and theories on this and more as well :) 

1. How many kids they have

They have 1 and that kid is Taek lol just kidding. I don't know, but I think it's 1, judging by the other reply series.

2. Who said I love you first

It's Junghwan

JH and DS met after such a long time being apart from each other, let's say DS becomes a stewardess and JH becomes a pilot. They meet at the airport and stand far apart from each other before JH eventually approaches DS hurriedly and kisses her on the lips *imagining reply kisses*. After that, JH holds the sides of DS's face and says he loves her. DS, still being shocked and at the same time clueless as always, just stares at him *replay the scene with DS's clueless face when JH gave her the umbrella*.

3. How did they tell the parents and what was their reaction?

I couldn't agree more with @callmegiggles 's scenario. It's perfect. SHIN PD and writer nim should consider that.

4. Why they are famous or well known enough to be interviewed

DR who is now a very well-known TV personality has a PD friend, he told the PD about his two childhood friends who skipped years until they got together and get married. Inspired by his story, the PD decides to create a reality show about how married couples get together, and so there it is! uri DS and JH are interviewed about how they first met each other and how they became interested with one another romantically.:wink:

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During my break-time from working, let me join the fun!

1. How many kids they have? 

I think 2 would be nice, a boy & a girl!

2. Who said I love you first?

JH! He's already restrain himself so this time he would all out! I guess there will be no resolution of "this triangle" and will be straight to year 1994. When finally they reunite on the bus.. their memory returns and JH can't hold it anymore, hahahaha

3. How did they tell the parents?

Umm.. @callmegiggles idea is great! But I really wanted they get caught when dating or kiss in public place, hahahaha

4. Why they are interviewed?

DS friend documentary project? kekeke


one more bonus!



credit : Reply 1988 official twitter

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1 minute ago, dinhie said:

During my break-time from working, let me join the fun!

1. How many kids they have? 

I think 2 would be nice, a boy & a girl!

2. Who said I love you first?

JH! He's already restrain himself so this time he would all out! I guess there will be no resolution of "this triangle" and will be straight to year 1994. When finally they reunite on the bus.. their memory returns and JH can't hold it anymore, hahahaha

3. How did they tell the parents?

Umm.. @callmegiggles idea is great! But I really wanted they get caught when dating or kiss in public place, hahahaha

4. Why they are interviewed?

DS friend documentary project? kekeke


one more bonus!



credit : Reply 1988 official twitter

Guys please JH is the end game even from the start okay haha. Sung family and kim family are destined to be one

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