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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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@nhaninie I agree !

DS may not date either of these guys ... for the time being.... I have this hunch.... that maybe there is no"husband hunt" at all..... this all love triangle is just a silly game to keep the audience enthralled...... Firstly,  JH-DS scence are slowly and steadily building a concrete ground for a relationship..... their anger, fun, frustrations , bickering.... no matter how brief and less loquacious...these two have much more bonding as a "possible future couple" than Taek....who (IMO) have not bonded with DS through varied emotions..... their relationship is more on a friendly/caring level...... I may be "JH deluded" , but the MAN with whom you can laugh, cry and argue.... at times is the one that builds a home in you.... Deoksun..may not realize the depth of her feelings towards both the boys, but she has in fact (whether love/liking) has gone through various emotion with JH. That's why she could easily answer DR's question about liking TK more than DR. Whereas on the other hand she was awkward in choosing between SW & JH....the former being the puppy crush who crushed her heart (even though it was transient emotions) and the latter who is making her all confused with her emotions. If we let go all the CLUES and THEORIES and stop analyzing.....the path of the PLOT is quite straightforward...... no matter who becomes the "noble idiot" or " the gutsy confessor"...in the end.... the heart wants what it really wants.....  DS will come to the right guy...( ahem....jung pal)...

Also, on the lighter note , one of the chingus here pointed out how every family on the block will be connected through "marriage/relationships" (SW-BR .... Mr. Choi- SW omma....) except the Kim family.... as far as DR is concerned that until now is strictly platonic........ hahahhaha..... love this analysis....... so getting all optimistic about uri OTP....being the loveable couple:wub:

PS:- BEST MOMENT TODAY :- DR eating and talking to the nines with his omma....:heart:

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Guest wizengamot
Just now, maya novitasari said:

do you know, i think NL began to suspect JH and DS too. when SW give water to BR, NL take a peek, too when JH sit next to DS.. hahaha.. he can be sherlock holmes..

when watch ep 15, i don't know how pd and sw finish this triangle.. i sad for you JH-aahh.. how can you endure this much pain.. you love the girl, but your friend love the girl too.. you want to stay away, but your feeling now growing deep.. you want to confess, but your friend treat and concern you like a family (when kim sajang in hospital).. how can you endure this my sweetheart..

and after tomorrow episode, we must wait for two week.. deep sigh :(

that's what i though too. NL definitely noticed something between DS and JH. i mean, he was already suspicious/wondering when JH gave DS the pink gloves (remember he even said "that hyung [Jung Hwan] must have gone crazy") 

oooh NL, even though BR is the smart kid and DS goes 10 places up the last time, NL has a different kind of smart in him. 

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I've just come back from celebrate Christmas with my big family, so I don't watch today episode. but this thread really helpful. All of you are just awesome telling what happened today. It seems today episode is so daebak, but I'm still wondering how JH deal with his complicated feeling about DS and TK.  It's so sad for him.

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Seriously I love the bus scene.. because it is the only place where JH-DS has some love spark.. whenever they are together even standing side by side with no interaction, I am already contented.. the more I expect them to get closer, the more disappointment I get.. T.T  tonight , they have some skinship

1/ JH covered DS mouth with his palm

2/ he hold her hand to grab the seat to prevent her from falling.

What more can I ask from them? so are we called  #TeamLowExpection now ? lol  #TeamLowExpection #Team JungHwan 화이팅 !!

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about connected the family in the block : JH-DS, BR-SW, SW mom - TK Dad and DR - JJ

and they became a big happy family :)

I love the last scene fo this episode when TK know JH feeling for DS! It's that I hope and its happen tonight! Cant wait for next episode :)

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I think reply 1988 will go the same route like reply 1997. We will not see any of romance between either DS-JH or DS-TK not until they finish with college. I am more concern of what DS future will be. From today episode, we know that DS probably wont go to any college in Seoul. And there is also possibility that Sung Family will move to apartment and I want to see JH reaction to that >.< 

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Guest wizengamot
44 minutes ago, papulichan said:

@nhaninie I agree !

DS may not date either of these guys ... for the time being.... I have this hunch.... that maybe there is no"husband hunt" at all..... this all love triangle is just a silly game to keep the audience enthralled...... Firstly,  JH-DS scence are slowly and steadily building a concrete ground for a relationship..... their anger, fun, frustrations , bickering.... no matter how brief and less loquacious...these two have much more bonding as a "possible future couple" than Taek....who (IMO) have not bonded with DS through varied emotions..... their relationship is more on a friendly/caring level...... I may be "JH deluded" , but the MAN with whom you can laugh, cry and argue.... at times is the one that builds a home in you.... Deoksun..may not realize the depth of her feelings towards both the boys, but she has in fact (whether love/liking) has gone through various emotion with JH. That's why she could easily answer DR's question about liking TK more than DR. Whereas on the other hand she was awkward in choosing between SW & JH....the former being the puppy crush who crushed her heart (even though it was transient emotions) and the latter who is making her all confused with her emotions. If we let go all the CLUES and THEORIES and stop analyzing.....the path of the PLOT is quite straightforward...... no matter who becomes the "noble idiot" or " the gutsy confessor"...in the end.... the heart wants what it really wants.....  DS will come to the right guy...( ahem....jung pal)...

Also, on the lighter note , one of the chingus here pointed out how every family on the block will be connected through "marriage/relationships" (SW-BR .... Mr. Choi- SW omma....) except the Kim family.... as far as DR is concerned that until now is strictly platonic........ hahahhaha..... love this analysis....... so getting all optimistic about uri OTP....being the loveable couple:wub:

PS:- BEST MOMENT TODAY :- DR eating and talking to the nines with his omma....:heart:


RJY/Jung Hwan/Jung Pal approves


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8 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

that's what i though too. NL definitely noticed something between DS and JH. i mean, he was already suspicious/wondering when JH gave DS the pink gloves (remember he even said "that hyung [Jung Hwan] must have gone crazy")

oooh NL, even though BR is the smart kid and DS goes 10 places up the last time, NL has a different kind of smart in him.

yeah,, he know almost the whole story hahaha.. he know JH give pink glove to DS, he knew that DS give birthday gift to JH... when DS kick him so she can sit next JH when eat steak, and when JH sit next DS when they eat kimchi bokkumbab.. he know the whole situation about his nuna (BR/DS) loveline.. haha

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Guest wizengamot

i wonder if someone uploaded the bus scene today? and when the look he had when he came home and sees the other kids having food trip in their house and he sees DS and she just glares at him. still he braves himself to take the seat next to her and the scene where he even *internal squeal* cup her mouth. aSgbdfv mcvgujjvfgfu!!!! 

seriously, i know we have JH-TK moments before or on the previous episodes but today's episode had me good compared to the one where he put blankets at him. Maybe it's because we've seen their bromance goes both ways here unlike the scene where JH puts a blanket on TK even though he's nursing a heartbreak. because here we saw TK used his influence (that we barely see) to make sure that JH dad gets treated and JH in return (despite his less expressive/showy side) timidly thanks TK, i even had a hunch that him noticing TK's untied shoelace was to divert the topic because he's kind of embarrass.

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16 minutes ago, snowy21 said:

Seriously I love the bus scene.. because it is the only place where JH-DS has some love spark.. whenever they are together even standing side by side with no interaction, I am already contented.. the more I expect them to get closer, the more disappointment I get.. T.T  tonight , they have some skinship

1/ JH covered DS mouth with his palm

2/ he hold her hand to grab the seat to prevent her from falling.

What more can I ask from them? so are we called  #TeamLowExpection now ? lol  #TeamLowExpection #Team JungHwan 화이팅 !!

next, they can have a kiss scene too in the bus.. love is the moment!!!! :blush:

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1 hour ago, fnkrm said:

If TK backs out because of JH and JH backs out because of TK, when will the love triangle ends? Maybe due to this, the love triangle will never be solved till the time skip. 

I would prefer if Deok-sun tells TK how she really feels. At this moment, I feel like she's still into JH. So if TK confesses tomorrow, I want her to answer honestly.If Jung-hwan comes to his sense and finally decides to think about what DS feels instead of worrying about Taek and their friendship, that's a bonus but I don't think it will happen. So it's really up to DS now. 

However if none of the scenarios above happen tomorrow, then we will probably have to wait 2 or more episodes before they officially become a couple (which may be true because according to future DS, JH has dated a few girls before her). I agree this is more like R1997 style (except that we don't have ANY kiss yet:crazy:)

Do you guys think TK's plan to confess is also to find out about her feelings? Since he already knows JH likes DS.



Ah. So much feelings in this scene.


But OTOH, I am so glad to see that happy, bright smiling face is back. I missed that.

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Hoenstly i dont know what to feel about Taek wanting to confess...on one hand Im happy for there to be progression and just someone to make the first move. On the other hand im a bit sad that he doesnt hesitate like JH does...i suppose it would be in keeping with his competitive nature though it will be nice if he speaks with JH and says both of them should compete on fair grounds. 

JH ah...why did you not explain about the pink shirt T_T pabo. And you really are a pabo if you just sit there doing nothing jnowing that Taek is going to confess!

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1 minute ago, wasted_youth said:

I would prefer if Deok-sun tells TK how she really feels. At this moment, I feel like she's still into JH. So if TK confesses tomorrow, I want her to answer honestly.If Jung-hwan comes to his sense and finally decides to think about what DS feels instead of worrying about Taek and their friendship, that's a bonus but I don't think it will happen. So it's really up to DS now. 

But if none of the scenarios above happen tomorrow, then we will probably have to wait 2 or more episodes before they officially become a couple (which may be true because according to future DS, JH has dated a few girls before her). I agree this is more like R1997 style (except that we don't have ANY kiss yet:crazy:)

Do you guys think TK's plan to confess is also to find out about her feelings? Since he already knows JH likes DS.

Ah. So much feelings in this scene.


But OTOH, I am so happy to see that happy, bright smiling face is back. I missed that.

OMG thank you for that GIF. JH happy smile and Taek realization (?) face

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Guest wizengamot
6 minutes ago, papulichan said:


After the watching this clip...... if the stated (TK knowing about JH crush) is obvious and not a richard simmons troll... then it all looks quite sunny for uri JH-DS...




while watching the DS-DR dance scene

me looking-smiling at Jung Hwan, who was looking-smiling at Deok Sun. (in my head, i'm on a WZ-JH-DS triangle, it was pretty obvious that DS is the future wife though, no wife hunting at all hahahahaha!!!)

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when the preview last week turned to be the truth and dont get me trolled, i just laughed at myself...hahahahahaha, how a preview can makes me so freaking laughed..hahahaha

I think from the live recap i would love this episode too. Finally, DR get his own story and get his birthday wish too.. Johkedtaaa dong ryong nim...hehe.

and Jungbong-Miok scret garden parody....hahahahahahaha...i lauged just by seeing the comparing picture between JB-Mi ok and hyunbin-ha jiwon. even their outfit is similar..hahahahaha (hope OTP get more more more beautiful kiss in the future to paid my waiting time, for this 15episode or more maybe?)

i thought i dont get anything about triangle love, but in the end.....Gosssshhhhh, i am speechless. Really dont expect TK would now JH feeling before his confession, Great chakanim for doing a good jobs at this scene!!!!!!!

JH-TK bromance...aigooo so beautiful, my heart breaks...hiks hiks hiks

And JH, cant find the best words to describe you...once again, you makes me wow and fall for you deeper and deeper again. I always got teary eyes to every little things you did to people around you. Thats how great you are in my eyes..

20 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

Oh Gosh, Otoke! tomorrow episode is Part I! We'll get part II after the hiatus! SO CRUEL!!!!!!!!!


i noticed it too the moment i read the written preview for next episode. So cruel...and the part II i will see it next year..okey..ottohke>seriously it will be cliffhanger for sure...huhuhuhuhu

24 minutes ago, papulichan said:

@nhaninie I agree !

DS may not date either of these guys ... for the time being.... I have this hunch.... that maybe there is no"husband hunt" at all..... this all love triangle is just a silly game to keep the audience enthralled...... Firstly,  JH-DS scence are slowly and steadily building a concrete ground for a relationship..... their anger, fun, frustrations , bickering.... no matter how brief and less loquacious...these two have much more bonding as a "possible future couple" than Taek....who (IMO) have not bonded with DS through varied emotions..... their relationship is more on a friendly/caring level...... I may be "JH deluded" , but the MAN with whom you can laugh, cry and argue.... at times is the one that builds a home in you.... Deoksun..may not realize the depth of her feelings towards both the boys, but she has in fact (whether love/liking) has gone through various emotion with JH. That's why she could easily answer DR's question about liking TK more than DR. Whereas on the other hand she was awkward in choosing between SW & JH....the former being the puppy crush who crushed her heart (even though it was transient emotions) and the latter who is making her all confused with her emotions. If we let go all the CLUES and THEORIES and stop analyzing.....the path of the PLOT is quite straightforward...... no matter who becomes the "noble idiot" or " the gutsy confessor"...in the end.... the heart wants what it really wants.....  DS will come to the right guy...( ahem....jung pal)...

Also, on the lighter note , one of the chingus here pointed out how every family on the block will be connected through "marriage/relationships" (SW-BR .... Mr. Choi- SW omma....) except the Kim family.... as far as DR is concerned that until now is strictly platonic........ hahahhaha..... love this analysis....... so getting all optimistic about uri OTP....being the loveable couple:wub:

PS:- BEST MOMENT TODAY :- DR eating and talking to the nines with his omma....:heart:

wow....what a really really well said chingu.... 4 big thumbs to you... standing ovation for you too....must agree with everything you said and thats totally what i feels too. :wub::wub::wub:..yeah i will be more optimist too...no regret to be part of this ship...never!!!!!

and the bold part, i already predicted it in the beginning of episode. One day, all family in this block will one big family..i mean real big family (in-laws or something like that). Maybe that the purpose from this show too.I just laughed at myself back then, this people really will stuck to each other for a long long time (for the rest of their life). cant wait that moment becomes true...hahahahahahahaha

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Guest wizengamot

@mojobobo i think TK confessing to DS doesn't necessarily mean that he's better than JH or is something to be sad about because he did not hesitate and JH did :D remember how his confession had been floating around the series few episodes ago. he said it to the boys, said to DS that he likes someone but never really confesses to her. so i think, his confession this time is not only to really tell DS his feelings but to know what does she think about JH.

I feel like something on ep 16 will make TK realize that DS is also in love with JH and TKconfession will only make her really realize the magnitude of her feelings for JH. 

@wasted_youth that's exactly what i miss too aside from the fact that he's not avoiding squad meet ups anymore


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