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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Show if you are going to disappoint me in 2 days (it's Thursday evening in my little corner of the world) *opens arms wide* come at me. LOL. I loved episode 11 and understood and was perfectly down with the downess of episode 12. But episode 13, nope I am done with all of that. I am not asking for kisses (it would be welcome but I am not expecting it) or a walk down the aisle. I just want to see Junghwan go back to treating Deok Sun how he normally does. Just because he can't openly like her doesn't mean he has to be that off...one word, not looking into her eyes...thing to her. I want him to go back to being her friend. I just want him to treat her how he used to. Let them bicker. Let her hit him. Take her to a concert and not give her your jacket. She can keep trying to show her like and he can rebuff her if he wants. But he can do all of that while still going back to the dynamic they had before.

I am happy with what I saw in the preview. He is her scolding clutch while she happily limps along *thumbs up* That's all I need. That's all I'm going to look forward to or expect. I know there is going to  be more (you can't have a drama without the drama) but as long no one ends the episode in the wrong kind of tears and heartache (why my puppy Taek crying in the preview?) I will gladly take the disappoint of not getting to the coupely stuff or path to coupledom just yet.

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Guest jayx143

@yoyo_icecube welcome :)

And wow- that's serious dedication. I'm like too lazy to even look in past 15-20 pages to look for MVs I forgot to save haha.

I feel like main thread is so quiet these days, but it's always active and happy in here ^^

Also, I saw some posts on last page talking about who is the identity for DS crush. Just wanted to say even though her crush back then might not be JH, crushes don't compare at all to relationships/love. I don't mind who DS has a crush on... just want her and JH to have a deep and meaningful love story :) 

1 hour ago, honeywell said:

 12/12 so far the previews have been misleading so I'm trying to be cautious about the upcoming episode.


Lol this is so true. I remember ep 3 preview showed JH a bit... kind of looked like he was going to be dragged on stage for something. I thought he was going to be the only one performing the dance for DS because of that ala Kim Yeol / Yeon Doo style. Also the ultimate trolling us with the "kiss scene" for TK/DS.

8 episodes to go! @wissyyyyy I'm fully expecting them to break our hearts in the upcoming month. I want to be hurt... feel like a masochist ahahhaa but I want to be in pain from seeing them being in pain. And then I want to see them be happy, so so so freaking happy when they finally get together. It's going to be a rollercoaster ride- but it's going to be SO worth it in the end. Can't freaking wait... I need to go buy more tissue to prepare for my tears.

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@jayx143 You are brave: I know we need to have some tears and all but I am really anxious about it all. I don't want a à la Reply 1997 thing where they don't speak for years... Instead I'll go with... @MrsSoJiSub and wanting JH and DS back to the way they were.

Anyway I just want something to happen, anything, so that JH stops being so damn depressed!!

I am off to bed! 잘자라!



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I don't need JH and DS to kiss or be a couple or have a confession.   I would like just one episode where everyone is happy.  There's signs of hope.  JH and DS know where they stand or somewhat.   JH is not moody and drowning in angst and for DS not to think that JH is avoiding her.  That's not too much to ask, right?

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jaljara chingudeul...

i just woke up btw,and this is what i do...opening this thread and read 3 pages (i did the same before sleep to)..oh my daily life stuck with this reply.....

finally i can scream....tomorrow is friday........this week feels so long for me, maybe because the last episode was so gloomy (for JH) and we kinda have high expectation for the incoming episode (okay i dont hope too high...i just wanna JH back to normal...back to old day..and the triangle plot has a progression).

its fun here now,while the main thread seems so quite now. Its like we take a turn here to make sure this thread alive or more alive, some people in bed time but some people just wake up.

just read about some people 5 favorite moments, i wanna post it too but kinda similar with all of you and i just cant choose the best 5..and when i read that i realize...alley scene also a trigger for me to start download the raw version of reply and start to fallin in love with this couple (i fallen for JH since episode 1 but i just dont think that he will be DS husband most potential candidate). I just see that scene in instagram and then i curious what happened with them so i downloaded the raw. And because of that i start download the raw, and start  start to looking for another team junghwan shipper in dramabeans comment (thats hard to find after ep 6,  ep TK out of nowhere become husband candidate, and after that i stop reading dramabeans comment), looking for somewhere else to share and spazing this couple (and i found this thread)....

btw, i laughed 13 theory in main thread, yeah i love 13 despite being a horror number. i love 13 because super junior...hahahahahaha, they have 13 member (that i believe still 13 member now). I miss kakao talk chat group too from DC that posted in main thread. i have fun from reading that and imagine that scene on my head. My favorite part is when SW and JH start to teasing each other about BR and DS. Like what JH did to SW in episode 8, when JH said SW like a strong woman like BR noona or when JH almost being caught when said DS is the prettiest girl to SW. i love how they are sharing the secret back then (before TK knowing about SW secret too) and thats why i want SW know about JH feelings to DS too (but he kinda busy with his own problem)     Yeah,i miss that kakao talk group chat so much.....huhuhuhuhuhu

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7 hours ago, wizengamot said:


i LOL-ed at this. yeah, ep 11 must have been just a confirmation. 

but yeah let's get into what @carolinedl "they are 18 and it has to be sexual thing". right you are there chingu!! they keep picking on that "alley scene" as the weakness of JH-DS ship, saying it's only because of that sexual tension. Well, unfortunately for them Jung Hwan proved them wrong by liking her anyway after doing the crab-leg dance and open-mouth sleeping. But to be honest, what teenage love doesn't have a sexual attraction. They're not stone for goodness sakes. We're talking about humans at the stage of their raging hormones. So whether it started with a sexual tension or not, who cares? Jung Hwan proved that it didn't stop to that and his love will amount beyond that. 

Agree with you chingu, "alley scene" is the important part for viewers to see how did  finally JH  realized  DS is a girl, since he never look at her as a girl  as we can see how  he easily knee-kick her butt and treated her roughly before..

But after that "alley scene " happen he seems started looks at DS as a girl,even before she ripped his shirt off in  the bus we can see the way JH look at DS's


and i m sure when he stole a glance at her in the raining scene, he must have thought in his mind 'when did she become so beautiful ?' then he start protect her and have a feelings with her..  

Count on me @mrssojisub i also want JH back to normal again.. I miss the old JH.. 

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2 hours ago, figenfk said:

My last post before going to sleep (bedtime here).

I love the way he stares after DS SY <3 (end ep 11) it's filled with sadness :(. See you tomorrow!!



Yes he sad because they separated several days

but if you see correctly, JH's smile when DS waved and said he would go!

I want to see his smile but cant, because camera dont show it correctly :vicx:



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22 minutes ago, snowy21 said:

I saw one post on their current filming status on Chinese forum , it is to say that they are in the middle of filming episode 15 . Episode 16 script is not out yet. The dates for shooting episode 16 is still unclear. the Korea article http://news.donga.com/3/all/20151216/75383476/4#_adtel


This would be a bit worrying...cutting it a bit close. I would actually doubt that the script is not ready as in it is still being written because we know that the scenes are not filmed in chronological order and the details are planned out before shooting starts. At most it would be minor amendments to the script. It's a bit puzzling to say that ep 16 is still pending to be filmed because the actors all seem like they have time to go about for other schedules and they are not filming round the clock. 

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25 minutes ago, snowy21 said:

I saw one post on their current filming status on Chinese forum , it is to say that they are in the middle of filming episode 15 . Episode 16 script is not out yet. The dates for shooting episode 16 is still unclear. the Korea article http://news.donga.com/3/all/20151216/75383476/4#_adtel

why suddenly i feel so scared and the insecure about the ending increasing.....i thought they already finishing the script or at least until 16 (before the 1 week postponed)...wow that seriously gonna be rush...very rush...for the 1-hour drama that already rush, but for this 1hours30minute dramaaa,,,,thats gonna be sooooo rush.. even the schedule for filming still unclear. 1 weeks to filming episode 16...wah its gonna be hard for the actor and the staff..or maybe ep 16 will has many flashback?hmmmmmmmmm....

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11 minutes ago, wissyyyyy said:


omg!! I wanted to scream in my office when I see those BTS pics!! ok I guess BTS video is coming soon from youtube!!  AHHHHH Finally we can see some interaction between Hyeri and Jun Yeol. God has answered to our prayers T.T seems like BTS is better than the actual drama pace for DS- JH:P

lol BTS is full of love not only for OTP but I can see that they are taking care of another. Bogum even help Hyeri to wear socks.. that is so sweet and Dong Hwi was hugging Hyeri. I love all the cast for R1988!! Ryu Yeol playing with Hye young spectacle and giving heat pack to everyone , lol!!

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