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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Taek's reaction was so cute when Bora scolded him then both Deoksun and Junghwan defended him with "Wae Taekhante geureyoo!!!!". DS and JH were so much like parent figure to Taek. From ep 11 preview I just hope Junghwan would not act cold toward Deoksun after he knew Taek's feeling. I can't bear to watch DS heart broken twice, I really know that feeling. It's already 10 years for me but it still feels hurt when someone you love give up on you because his best friend like you too.

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1 hour ago, melissala said:

@tituyphingOh please post stuff here!  The main thread is kind of overrun with new Taeksun shippers for some reason. I do wonder about DC fans thoughts about if JH was actually who she liked before.  Any hints on that?  The SW thing seems like such a red herring.  JH seemed to like her well before he'd admit it (like ep. 1) and I feel she might have too. 

And I think all the "easy to fall in love" crap will end when everyone sees her feelings for JH are real.  Sun Woo would be easy for anyone to fall in love with. See the scary unni Bora give in to him in no time.  Why is that any different for DS really?  She was even closer to him than Bora.  He's super nice and caring (though I do kind of side eye that he doesn't seem to know/care why DS was mad at him). And she got over it quickly.  I'm kind of annoyed we didn't get any good Bora/DS scenes after the SW fall out.  I still wish Bora and DS would have a better relationship than they do.



Actually regarding BR and DS I think they just need to know that they both care for each other differently. I don't think BR hates DS. It's just that BR is a go-getter and very focused and rational that she thinks DS is doing herself a disservice by being so happy go lucky and not being serious in BR's understanding. From the scene that she was scolding DS about studying, this is the feeling I got, that she is also worried that DS won't have a future which is why she rips DS a good one ahhaha. 

Seriously if anyone in the main thread says that DS falls in love easily again I will write one good long post. 

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14 minutes ago, dinhie said:

I just read comments on youtube that all the husband from Reply series broke his arm. Is that mean Taek? I personally think that many things will happens.. perhaps one day we'll see JH broke his arm too :D 

Junghwan's arm almost broke in the bus scene though :D. When he covered DS from getting pushed around in the bus hahahaha

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@einYoshiChan I love the picture you posted. Look at who Deok Sun is staring at. Homegirl has her gaze set on Junghwan :wub: She does not look amused and it looks like he don't really give a f**k LOL. I love them. I also love the shot of Deok Sun and future hubby. His gaze and smile looks so happy and content ya know (KJH and LMH have mad spark. I want to see them in a drama or movie together). This what I have loved about the reply series ships I board (and the Dong Il parents even when their arguing sometimes grates on my nerves). They always feel more real to life in how they interact and simply are. I'm sorry but real life men are not like kdrama heroes who will croon you sweet lullabies to sleep, painstakingly make you porridge when sick, bring you flowers everyday, say exactly what you want to hear exactly when you want and need to hear it, and rent out restaurants and propose with fireworks (unless they hella rich and can afford it). They too find it hard to confess to the girl that they like or can't for a variety of reasons, and like most crushes do sweet things in hopes that one day the person will someway somehow notice and give a sign, a hope, a chance to say it, to confess. I like that for as much as the men bicker with, and have a hard time being open with feels or openly romantic, they always know and understand the girl they like/love.

The men may not be romantic or handsome (lies in my opinion cause Jung Woo/Trash and Ryu Joo Yeol/Junghwan are handsome and charming characters because of their imperfections. Honestly have we had a lead -not a side kick friend or comic relief- but lead as trashy as Trash which is realistic because no man I've met or dated keeps their apartment as clean as kdrama heroes do. Trash was the first to have one that looked authentically lived in and not one with a random shirt you never seen the character wear thrown here and there to make it seem that way. I also pile my landurary like him and then smell out wear or wash too) but they are always so in tune with the heroine and do the little or big things that she truly wants or values the most. They do things that make her feel happy, special, shows how important she is to them, how much she means to them, and most importantly loved in ways that may not be typical romantic grand gestures, but always mean so much to the heroine and is her brand of their own unique perfect. And isn't that how relationships work. From the outside looking in it seems like nothing, but to the two in the relationship, with their shared memories, history, moments; they understand the significant everything of nothing. Isn't that what a relationship is? An on going inside joke outsiders just can't get, but the two involved always laugh. 

I don't know. I always see people complain that all they do is bicker. Junghwan doesn't say romantic things, and that they can't see him and Deok Sun sharing a laugh or playing on the beach like with Taek and all I think is...you for real? Reply heroines always have the men wrapped around their fingers when it counts. Oh they may bicker, argue, bite, punch, etc. The men might protest, yell, or be stingy with compliments, but when it matters, when it's needed; they most definitely do what will make their girl happy. I mean Junghwan went to McDonald's, he brought her gloves, he went to the concert that no one else had time for, and he most recently all on his own without an off hand remark or anything, brought tickets for one of her favorite artist. Are we watching the same drama!?! If Deok Sun truly wanted it, she may have to pout and beg a bit (and I bet half the reason for Junghwan in that is he finds her cute in those moments though he'll never say it out loud) and he will protest, but in the end he would play and joke on the beach with her same as Taek because it's something that would make Deok Sun happy. Deok Sun and Junghwan can and do share laughs. Did people miss the adorable "meow" scene. Even though he tried to resist, he couldn't help laughing which made her laugh, and they laughed together. I can easily see scenes in the future when he tries to remain Mr. Monotone, but just can't help but join in her antics  because he's laughing on the inside and she's just too damn irresistible. Even in the present husband scenes, although the husband is all dead pan humor, and "do you have a mirror" when asked if she's still pretty. You can tell he loves his wife a lot and means the opposite of what he says. They have been married for years so off course the honeymoon stage of heart eyes and honey laced words are long over with. However it takes a certain bond, knowing, love, and trust to behave the way they do with one another (he's not even mad when she bites him and such) and wake up and comeback for interviews without anger or anything negative. I'm sure her husband is still sweet and romantic from time to time and she lights up like a Christmas tree when he lets her know what she already knows (how much he loves and values her and is happy with the life they've built). Like what happened in R94, I hope we get one scene in the present that shows us their softer moments (I still fangirl like crazy of the bedtime routine of Trash and Najeong in the last ep, Trash offering to do the dishes, and their mini Trash :wub:). 

It really grates when some refuse to recognize that sometimes the little things mean so much more than grand gestures or something obviously sweet and romantic.  The men are prickly but also very loving. It's like how Dong Il parents always fight and argue but they are by each other's side when one is sick and go bump bump bump in the car (R97), appreciate the beauty of their wife, the life shared, joy of growing old together, bring home their favorite cake, and help quell fears of embarrassing celebrity encounters (R94), or bring an umbrella shield when needed (R88). They bicker and argue nonstop, but the love infused in it all is never lost on the audience. It's the same how Yoonjae protests but still records the show or sits overnight in fan gatherings. Trash yells, bickers, and nags, but still buys the cookies, gives her his jacket, gets the seal, puts her to sleep because she's sick, gets her the marshmallows and comics, and walks hand in hand on dates. Junghwan bickers and nags but he's still done a lot that makes Deok Sun happy which in turn makes him happy (and embarrassed, anxious, and nervous) because he's made her happy. I would seriously take all three (especially one and his trash glory) over a hyung, Chilbong, or Taek (all of whom I enjoyed as characters to varying degrees) any day. 

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40 minutes ago, snowy21 said:

Poor DS looks sad when JH says I can't go.. can't go to movie or concert? T.T


In this scene she called him Junghwan not jungpal not anything else... Junghwan ah~~~~ please go with her~~~ see her disappointed reaction don't look to your ramen bowl!!! geeeeeeez.... But I'll be fine if then at night they're really lying together...

Oh yeah about the kiss! As soon I am falling for RyuJunYeol, I am really concern about his first on-screen kiss scene, since his lips is (like everyone here said) made for it. I think I would cry and in an awe at the same time watching his kiss scene, considering (once again) the lips.... I never seen hyeri's kiss scene, but again I'm agree she must know how to kiss, I just hope that they don't do too many NGs (huhuhuhu my heart) but to be OK in one go is also eeeeeeerrr... Too convincing and too passionate(??) 

I remember one Korean drama i like in cable channel gave out Kiss Scene practice BTS, it's QIHM, but because Reply1988 is family drama, they won't give it out right?? :< 

43 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:an

I don't know. I always see people complain that all they do is bicker. Junghwan doesn't say romantic things, and that they can't see him and Deok Sun sharing a laugh or playing on the beach like with Taek and all I think is...you for real? Reply heroines always have the men wrapped around their fingers when it counts. Oh they may bicker, argue, bite, punch, etc. The men might protest, yell, or be stingy with compliments, but when it matters, when it's needed; they most definitely do what will make their girl happy. I mean Junghwan went to McDonald's, he brought her gloves, he went to the concert that no one else had time for, and he most recently all on his own without an off hand remark or anything, brought tickets for one of her favorite artist. Are we watching the same drama!?! If Deok Sun truly wanted it, she may have to pout and beg a bit (and I bet half the reason for Junghwan in that is he finds her cute in those moments though he'll never say it out loud) and he will protest, but in the end he would play and joke on the beach with her same as Taek because it's something that would make Deok Sun happy. Deok Sun and Junghwan can and do share laughs. Did people miss the adorable "meow" scene. Even though he tried to resist, he couldn't help laughing which made her laugh, and they laughed together. I can easily see scenes in the future when he tries to remain Mr. Monotone, but just can't help but join in her antics  because he's laughing on the inside and she's just too damn irresistible. Even in the present husband scenes, although the husband is all dead pan humor, and "do you have a mirror" when asked if she's still pretty. You can tell he loves his wife a lot and means the opposite of what he says. They have been married for years so off course the honeymoon stage of heart eyes and honey laced words are long over with. However it takes a certain bond, knowing, love, and trust to behave the way they do with one another (he's not even mad when she bites him and such) and wake up and comeback for interviews without anger or anything negative. I'm sure her husband is still sweet and romantic from time to time and she lights up like a Christmas tree when he lets her know what she already knows (how much he loves and values her and is happy with the life they've built). Like what happened in R94, I hope we get one scene in the present that shows us their softer moments (I still fangirl like crazy of the bedtime routine of Trash and Najeong in the last ep, Trash offering to do the dishes, and their mini Trash :wub:). 

It really grates when some refuse to recognize that sometimes the little things mean so much more than grand gestures or something obviously sweet and romantic.  The men are prickly but also very loving. It's like how Dong Il parents always fight and argue but they are by each other's side when one is sick and go bump bump bump in the car (R97), appreciate the beauty of their wife, the life shared, joy of growing old together, bring home their favorite cake, and help quell fears of embarrassing celebrity encounters (R94), or bring an umbrella shield when needed (R88). They bicker and argue nonstop, but the love infused in it all is never lost on the audience. It's the same how Yoonjae protests but still records the show or sits overnight in fan gatherings. Trash yells, bickers, and nags, but still buys the cookies, gives her his jacket, gets the seal, puts her to sleep because she's sick, gets her the marshmallows and comics, and walks hand in hand on dates. Junghwan bickers and nags but he's still done a lot that makes Deok Sun happy which in turn makes him happy (and embarrassed, anxious, and nervous) because he's made her happy. I would seriously take all three (especially one and his trash glory) over a hyung, Chilbong, or Taek (all of whom I enjoyed as characters to varying degrees) any day. 

Miss, can I love you?? Hahahaha.....

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56 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

The men are prickly but also very loving. It's like how Dong Il parents always fight and argue but they are by each other's side when one is sick and go bump bump bump in the car (R97), 

OMGGG that's the most hilarious thing i've heard all day  :D

"bump bump bump in the car"

goooood that's so funny:joy:

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Starting to see that, timing-wise, JH in Reply 1988 is very much like Yoon Jae in Reply 1997. DS really does seem to be more of a mom to Taek, at least right now...which could change...maybe Taek comforts DS when JH "rejects" her? But JH does it because he cares for Taek?! Ah! That's like Reply 1997, no?!

One thing I know after ep. 10: I like JH very much. :) And I can't get over how caring he really is. He and DS really are growing and learning about relationships together. He might be leading. So he's learning, then DS learns, then Taek...

Oh. And if the husband were Taek, I think adult NE would have acted a lot differently in the scene. :P

DS-JH shippers, fighting!

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Guest wizengamot
1 hour ago, luffypyon said:

Taek's reaction was so cute when Bora scolded him then both Deoksun and Junghwan defended him with "Wae Taekhante geureyoo!!!!". DS and JH were so much like parent figure to Taek. From ep 11 preview I just hope Junghwan would not act cold toward Deoksun after he knew Taek's feeling. I can't bear to watch DS heart broken twice, I really know that feeling. It's already 10 years for me but it still feels hurt when someone you love give up on you because his best friend like you too.


exactly! that's why i made a poster about them being a family. Deok Sun is mom. Jung Hwan is dad. Taek is their precious baby.

1. During Taek's birthday, aside from the fact that Jung Hwan and Deok Sun are in the middle of the singing group, Deok Sun put the birthday hat on Taek like a mom and Jung Hwan was on Taek's other side taking a photo.

2. When they ate out on the street. Taek is sitting between Deok Sun and Jung Hwan, and Jung Hwan wiped Taek's cheeks (like an Appa to his lil child or a hyung to his dingsaeng) and Taek smiled, But still the scene looked to me like a family.

3. On the car, when Taek was sitting between Deok Sun and Jung Hwan again. and everyone berates Bora for scolding Taek for being tall lol. And Jung Hwan especially covered Taek's ears hahaha!!


on the other hand, it's tiring and frustrating reading other people's comment. which proves that they see what they want to see. what irritates me though is they keep discrediting Jung Hwan's gestures. Well, it's undeniable that Taek and Deok Sun scenes at the beach is cute and funny. But when I think about it, lots of scenes from different characters in this drama can be cute and funny (remember Jung Bong and Maggie). I don't want to ignore the fact that Deok Sun and Taek was really cute at the beach. But we can't deny that Jung Hwan has done things that would entitle him to himself and build his own credentials to be deserving of Deok Sun's affection.

They keep on insisting that Taek is sweeter and kind. but really, which is sweeter, a person who's been really kind and/or nice to the girl? or the guy who used to bicker with you but suddenly started doing dorky stuff even kind and sweet stuff to show you his heart?

Jung Hwan's character is prickly and not very showy. Not even to his parents and friends. He seemed to always maintain his cool, I-don't-care facade so him shedding that exterior to show Deok Sun his heart is saying a lot, given his character. Taek is also a person who's not showy or expressive, so him telling the boys that he likes Deok Sun is admirable in its own right. But I'd like to see him more come out of his shell to do things for Deok Sun because Jung Hwan actually did that.

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Guest wizengamot
14 minutes ago, HwanSunny said:

Are you notice when Deok Sun says she will take responsibility of Taek, she looking at Jung Hwan, seem like she check Jung Hwan reaction :)


yes! definitely she did. that was what i did to, i was trying to check on Jung Hwan's reaction too.

I know ep. 11 could be brutal for our ship. With the way Deok Sun waved from the window at Jung Hwan on the preview but he looked depressed. And when Deok Sun ask her to go somewhere but he said he's busy. Everyone got worked up on the ending of the preview with Deok Sun and Jung Hwan sleeping face to face. And that probably made some of Jung Hwan shippers get excited. But I refused to get on it because, that sleeping face to face looks 90% not an actual sleeping face to face. And I'm actually bracing myself for some angst and noble idiocy or self-sacrifice.

what i'm actually looking forward to is ep. 12 because with one and a half hour episode, ep 11 could actually start with depressed Jung Hwan to courageous Jung Hwan before ep 11 end. And I'm excited to see Deok Sun and Jung Hwan get together for real. Because it's so gonna be fun to watch. I mean, he is her major critic and bickering partner so when everyone, especially the boys, found out his crush about her, it's totally gonna be so fun

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6 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


yes! definitely she did. that was what i did to, i was trying to check on Jung Hwan's reaction too.

I know ep. 11 could be brutal for our ship. With the way Deok Sun waved from the window at Jung Hwan on the preview but he looked depressed. And when Deok Sun ask her to go somewhere but he said he's busy. Everyone got worked up on the ending of the preview with Deok Sun and Jung Hwan sleeping face to face. And that probably made some of Jung Hwan shippers get excited. But I refused to get on it because, that sleeping face to face looks 90% not an actual sleeping face to face. And I'm actually bracing myself for some angst and noble idiocy or self-sacrifice.

what i'm actually looking forward to is ep. 12 because with one and a half hour episode, ep 11 could actually start with depressed Jung Hwan to courageous Jung Hwan before ep 11 end. And I'm excited to see Deok Sun and Jung Hwan get together for real. Because it's so gonna be fun to watch. I mean, he is her major critic and bickering partner so when everyone, especially the boys, found out his crush about her, it's totally gonna be so fun

Sorry to cut your post.. for preview 11 it looks like TK house when DS was holding the poster, the gate was green instead of blue. I read it somewhere in Chinese R1988 forum.

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I am so upset right now.............. Seriously, fiyuuuuuuuuh....... sigh...... Seems I'm not as patience as I thought I am. 

/S : Okay Okay Taek is the husband based on real life people def change in 30years. Even the most reserved on will put up leg on an interview.  He 100% the Husband


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Guest wizengamot

@snowy21 yeah. that's what i've read too regarding ep 11 preview. Deok Sun would be spending the night at Taek's while her family on Jung Hwan's :) 

i'm both nervous and excited for ep 11 and 12. it seems too far to have our OTP get together but I'm really looking forward to it especially everyone's reactions. But can't they just be together already and have us more OTP scenes. I mean, being together doesn't mean the ending. Maybe they could face school dilemmas together. perhaps Jung Hwan tutoring her!!!!

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I'm so happy this thread is so actice now, I really can't handle the main thread anymore!

However, can anyone direct me to the post in the main thread that was mentioned? Where someone talked about the possibility of a kiss in episode 12? I really want to read it but couldn't find it, and I don't feel like going through that entire Taek spam again lol

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3 hours ago, HwanSunny said:

Are you notice when Deok Sun says she will take responsibility of Taek, she looking at Jung Hwan, seem like she check Jung Hwan reaction :)


I noticed that and a lot of other things that has me wondering if the two of them are secretly dating and the flashback of that will be shown next week. We know the "don't go" came before the birthday, beach, and everything after. With that in mind upon rewatch the behavior of the two is sketch. When she comes in for the birthday breakfast there are eye contacts and body language that makes me do a double take and go "yo...you thought". What if after the confession Deok Sun hint dropped or asked him to the concert and that was to be their first date? I don't know she's waving that poster plenty excited his way in the preview and that scene where he says he can't...doesn't it look like just the two of them are eating at a resturant or something (the background looked outside the usual ones). In the last scene when Deok Sun is leaving the room (so my little puppy can confess and shatter my precious pit bull) Deok Sun sends a glance his way that feels different but like trying to play it cool keep it the same. I'm starting to think the confession hit Janghwan hard because "oh richard simmons I broke the bro code without even trying". Whatever it is (secret dating or not) the dynamic between the two has shifted since the "don't go" and everybody in that triangle is in for heartache because feelings are already very present all around. 

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