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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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23 hours ago, melissala said:

I'll be upset if he gives up on Deok-Sun because of Taek.  That means he cares more about Taek than about Deok-Sun and that is not the Junghwan I know.   It's sparing the feelings of Taek, but not considering the feelings of Deok-Sun.  Nope. That won't work for me.

Though I would not be surprised if when confronted by Deok-Sun he denies that he likes her.  But I hope she won't fall for that, but who knows.  Junghwan can be brutal with his words when he wants and she's still a sensitive person.  

I disagree, I'll be upset because of the noble idiocy as I think it's well into Junghwan's character to 'give up' Deoksun for Taek. And why I put give up in quotations is not because I think Junghwan will try to move on, but he will stop making his actions as clear as before.

Junghwan is not the type to deny his feelings if Deoksun were to say she liked Junghwan back. But I have a feeling that will not happen. But Junghwan is the type to not do anything because Taek is his dear friend. It's not that Junghwan is considering Taek's feelings over Deoksun but he knows Taek's feelings but he doesn't know Deoksun's.

It's the same in Reply 1997. Yoonjae practically gave up because Shiwon dated Taewoong (or whatever his name is) and he mistook that as anyone would as Shiwon liking his brother. Only when Shiwon told him that she liked him years later did he finally fight for his own feelings.

I just want them to kiss next episode!!! UGh!!!


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3 hours ago, melissala said:

I actually do like both couples to an extent (I'll like whoever DS likes and DS likes JH, but I want DS/JH) but's shady how the twitter never posts JH/DS :(  95% chance the BTS will be of Taek and DS too.

What if the preview there is a reversal?  It seems like JH is giving up, but in the end he gives in (and kisses her).  I can't trust the previews.   The sexual tension between the two is awesome though.  

LMAO i think it's absolutely shady how they're posting Bogum and Hyeri BTS and not Junyeol and Hyeri. I think it's mainly because right now, Bogum and Hyeri have more scenes together and because they're same-aged friends, they get along better. Plus tvN know how to market. They know how ratings and viewership works and a cute and pretty face like Bogum is what gets people coming.

Now in no way does that mean that Taek will be the husband because we know PD-nim will not change the script for korea netizens who favor Taek. Plus a lot of people watching the show already know Junghwan is the husband. They even have an abbreviation for it.' *Onamryu: a trendy abbreviation in Korea which means "The husband is Ryu Junyeol anyway" and it's mainly just that Taek is cute character wise and Park Bogum wise; they'd like to see him date Deoksun because they like him but they know Junghwan is the husband and aren't going against that.


I don't know if I should address this here ... but if this post makes anyone uncomfortable, please tell me and I'll apologize and take this down. I feel like some people on this thread is kind of ... how should I put this .. making a fool out of the people in the main thread.

Yes, there are a lot of people on the main thread that ship Taek and Deoksun but that doesn't mean they're putting down Junghwan/Deoksun ship. We (and I, myself) come over here because I'm a Junghwan/Deoksun shipper and I'd like to discuss more and focus on the Junghwan/Deoksun ship here where on the main thread, I can discuss other things like friendship, the neighborhood, and family aspects of the drama.

But I do feel a lot of people here are putting down the Taek/Deoksun ship which makes me kind of uncomfortable (and I suppose that's the point of this thread). A lot of people are the main thread are confused about the husband game and are just trying things out or figuring things out. They like the game as sadistic as it is. There's a minority there (I feel) that actually believe Taek is the husband. There are some that like the Taek/Deoksun ship so they point out things that may hint towards Taek being the husband because let's be honest that the writer's goal is to troll us, it's the point of the game. Some people there live to see Taek/Deoksun moments and are happy because that's their ship, but even some people point out themselves saying 'I know this is totally delusional and I'm going down with my ship'.

So when I read things about 'I don't know how ANYBODY on that thread believes Taek could be the husband when the clues are staring right at your face' and 'why don't they just change the main thread title to Taek/Deoksun thread' ... those kinds of words make me feel kind of uncomfortable. (but I'm not saying that posts like 'this is why Taek is not the husband because he has this, this, and this' are uncomfortable; those are discussions not put downs)

I know this thread is about Junghwan/Deoksun and the paragraphs I just wrote make me sound like a total Taek/Deoksun shipper. I assure you I'm not and definitely 100% believe Junghwan is the husband but I don't know ... I feel like I should say something ... please let's just ship our ship and not hate on the people on the main thread for believing in their ship ... is all I'm saying. (I know when someone pointed out on the main thread how to be sensitive to ship wars and avoid posting ship opinions, I disagreed and felt like the only thing on the main thread making me feel uncomfortable was that post saying that people were uncomfortable) so that's why I hope I haven't offended anyone with my words just now and let's have a friendly discussion.

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I see what you mean.  Not sure who you are talking to, but I have said things like that.   I'm not trying to trash the other treated at all or make fun of them. 

Re: noble idiocy To me, JH doing noble idiocy is not thinking of DS, but thinking of Taek more than her. He thinks he's doing the right thing, but he's not considering her feelings. We can see him obviously backing away from her now.  He can't be dense enough not to notice she's a little different now, and considering him more than she was.  So I wouldn't be surprised if he blows her off if she tries to say something.  He really has a soft spot for Taek, they all do.  I wouldn't be shocked if DS gives in either tbh.   But on the other hand, I'm like 75% there will be a reversal and eventually he'll give in and go after her because he can't stand not to do so.

The whole thing is frustrating  because it's just slightly offensive to Taek to treat him like they do.  They never walked on egg shells with him and they shouldn't now.  I do hope I'm wrong and you are right though, that he's going backing down because he's unsure about his feelings.  It would be easier to leave her now then to totally fall in love, so I can also see his point.  He's protecting everyone involved.  

@lovcom00  is right I think.  That's when he said it I think.  I haven't watch the raw and the stream was terrible, so it's a bit confusing.  He did say it though! 

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hola @ all Jung Hwan shippers.

Once awhile when I have time I post in the main thread and I would love to post here also cz I am an official JH/DS fan.

I said it before to me the whole drama is awesome regardless the shipping parts.

Chingus I read to many comments for the previous installments of Reply that I am afraid to watch this one cz I cried too many times with the non sense  endings writers give  to various Kdramas.

Why  does not anybody think the husband could be the guy whose father is the teacher ? I think his name is Ryong dong , farts all the time( sorry but is one of his main features so I have to mention nit) and he is very observing and very good in analyzing/giving advises in human behavior.

I do not know about Taek.  I can not see him as a rival. Same with Sun Moo . Never thought DS had a crush on him.

DS at the moment is in love with the idea to be loved and be someone 's the ONLY and ONE love.

As a middle child with an unfair behavior from her parents towards her what wants more I think is the proof that she is worth and lovable.

The first boy that will make her feel that he puts her above all and everything will win her heart .

I am not sure if Taek is the right one for her. He can give her a sweet puppy love , but not the real thing . The one that you rest your head on his shoulders and you know you are home.

.Note : I did not see yet ep 9 &10 but I got the impression reading comments  is full of Taek moments.

Chingus we hv a long road let s see.

BTW I watched 30 min of Reply 94 first episode and 40 min of the final episode but I did not like what I saw.

Reply 88 I believe is way much better.


I will post my thoughts in the main thread also if I have time later.For now I have to do a lot of reading in the previous pages. : )


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@melissala thank you for replying to me so cordially!

I wasn't particularly trying to call people out, just things that have been said in the past. I totally get that people would get to the point of believing their ship that they get mad at the writer. I was the same in Reply 1994, I never finished because I was just too disappointed at the enidng he got. But in the end, it's all on us because we got too involved with our attatchments to the ships, when the writer had everything meticulously planned. The Reply writers are not the same as those who pull wacko endings .. like that one what was it called drama with the twins, Who are You? or smth, heard the ending was wacko. 

The writers might not be trying to trick us but those hints ... they are definitely playing push and pull with us. I don't particularly mind since I like them both save from the occasional mixed sobbing and laughing because it hurts so much but it's so cute at the same time for both boys. 

On Noble Idiocy: Everyone in the group is a little dense ... lol but not Dongryong. Like seriously Sunwoo when Deoksun was crying at him... he was standing there like an idiot all confused. I refuse to believe he's that stupid, but it seems it was necssary he was. 

I definitely do not hope Deoksun is going to pity date Taek although it might happen that way. I think it would be like 30% pity dating, 60% curiosity, and 10% genuinity LOL. About everyone walking on eggshells around Taek, I definitely haven't seen it that way before. But now I do see how it's offensive they keep treating him like a baby. Everyone else treats him like a god and they treat him like a baby. From this point in time, I can see why they're doing it but someone really needs to push Taek out into the world and out of his comfort zone or something. He can't live like this, seriously.

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sorry girls but i have to say it.

I will be very heartbroken if DS ends with Taek .With me in my life and i am the same with my dramas i have one that I want as the other half and others that I want as friends . I will Not be ok if she ends with Taek or anybody else.

lol, call me stubborn !

I want a kiss scene where JH will grab  DS in his arms and kiss her like no tomorrow with those lips oh his :wub:

Am I asking too much chingus?



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12 minutes ago, kiklaminHo said:

sorry girls but i have to say it.

I will be very heartbroken if DS ends with Taek .With me in my life and i am the same with my dramas i have one that I want as the other half and others that I want as friends . I will Not be ok if she ends with Taek or anybody else.

lol, call me stubborn !

I want a kiss scene where JH will grab  DS in his arms and kiss her like no tomorrow with those lips oh his :wub:

Am I asking too much chingus?

Lol no I think Junghwan will definitely be the husband. There's no other answer. We can see from the storyline that this is about Junghwan's first love although Deoksun is our heroine. 

I think we all have been waiting for a kiss scene for a very very very long time.

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@melissala thanks for the information. I haven't watched the raw yet. Too bad JH didn't get the chance. Was he actually trying to confess? 

Anyway, I'm not expecting the JH-DS kiss to happen next week. Probably SW-BR, though. I know we all want JH-DS to get together. I think it's too early.  From the previews, it seems like JH is pulling away. Noble idiocy. Probably he's not sure of DS' feelings for him, too, now that he's got a rival with TK. TK and DS are spending a lot of time together. Plus, if they get together now, I think it's too early in life. They're still in high school. Why do I feel like they're not going to get together until later in college or after college? The adult DS-husband teasing of the husband dating many girls before they got married made it seem like they never got together early on. It seems like they drifted apart, but still saw each other regularly (thus, DS knowing about JH's love life- it would probably make her confused if he really liked her at all). Then, when they're adults, something happens that make them reunite and respark their like for one another. I would like a story arc where it's DS who's now pining away for JH. JH is so fine, so he needs girls to pine for him. :P

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@amyrrhielleI agree this breathtaking kiss scene would not be seen for the next 3 weeks probably.

I am with you when you say their love will be blossom in their after college years. I am sure though something will happen in between to make them aware of each other.

@juniper_  and all chingus,  thank you for writing some details for previous reply dramas. It gives me an idea what about it is and how may things will work.

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3 hours ago, amyrrhielle said:

Does anyone know what happened to the preview part where JH told DS, "I have something to tell you." I have not heard anything about it today. Was it writer-nim and PD-nim trolling us? tsk! 

It happened when DS & JH meet in DS' house with her friends and later DS said that JH invited her to watch movie together ^^

What unseen is when JH asked DS to go to his room because he want to give DS something. I wonder it's a movie ticket or concert's

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16 minutes ago, dinhie said:

It happened when DS & JH meet in DS' house with her friends and later DS said that JH invited her to watch movie together ^^

What unseen is when JH asked DS to go to his room because he want to give DS something. I wonder it's a movie ticket or concert's


yea because concert and movie are simply different events. hmm I wonder if they had both watched the movie but not the concert.

Actually I am happy that DS house collapsed!! lol I am not trying to be mean but in a way DS and JH will still see each other since DS' family is staying in JH's house for a short period of time.

TK approaching DS will cause agony for JH but this also triggers JH and DS  to be even closer?

countdown to live broadcast : 5 days! ( taking this time to rewatch from epi 1 to 10) XD


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after watch the raw i admit that i still don't feels the love between DS and TK yet..i try repeat the part when DS and TK playing at the beach many times to get those feelings but i only can see them as a friend.

For now,i m not worry about HJ or TK,but i m worried about DS now,as we know that she already aware JH likes her and i can see  from the way she  smiling and twirling the phone cord she might be start open her heart for him,and now JH is going to 'give up' and probably starting to backing away from her then her feeling can be a bit shallow and it will be dismissed easily once she received conflicting signals from Jung Hwan.

I don't want see any 'typical female lead' inside DS who always confuse with his feelings and just accept TK because TK aggressively showing his feeling to her.pity dating seriously ridiculous here, and i do agree with @kiklaminHo ,taek only can give her a puppy and fantasy love but in reality DS needs someone like JH who very protective to her.and i also want JH kiss DS passionately to proof her how much he really loves her..(nah..i think it might be not happen on next week)
and @juniper_ did i ever tell you how much i adore you chuingu ?  i love reading your all post.

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@amyrrhielle If they're not together until college or after, it would be similar with R97 plot when SW & YJ reunite after appox 7 years right? Aww...I just can't wait until they attend college and become mature. I bet JH become popular guy, that's why he dated so many girls or get confession from them LOL

@snowy21 I hope they have time to go on date, whether it's movie or concert *crossfingers* that collapsed house, yes, it's a blessing tho for our OTP. It's time for them to get closer? or probably it's just her imagination *le sigh*

Oh God, how can we live til next Friday?


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The writer did a good job in bringing back the audience to JH after Taek confesses.  If Taek was the husband then his feelings for DS would have long established from the beginning.  Instead his confession has become a plot device that will be used until DS and JH get their act together.  I just hope it won't be until the last 2 episodes.  Let me see them on a real date please and do couple stuff like fighting then kissing and making up.

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Ok i have officially set sail on this ship! DS will not end up with TK for sure, dont worry everybody, the trajectory of the story is pointing at DS JH so much already :))) They like to make it seem really obvious while at the same time have these little side-ships that make us worry (even though they already made it so obvious).They are masters at doing this thing where they make us have a hunch at who it is already, but mess with our intuition midway. Just follow our intuition!  I knew already with the first skinship scene in the alley that JH would be endgame :)

from what i know, the PDs and writers of the AM series always like a good kissing scene with no brick walls (or coal briquettes in this case) if you know what i mean ;))) JH's lips has already got my pervy mind going am i right shippers?!?! Cant wait for the passionate scenes between these two  wahahahahahaha ;)

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I know that the preview could be misleading but I just can't help wishing this moment come true...


Love how DS whispering JH's name "Jung HwanAh~..." XD

Huff.. How am I gonna survive another week...

PS: anyone know how to insert gif? Cause I can't seem to do it...*sigh

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Guest csw909203

Like many of you have already said, I also agree that Jung Hwan will back off for Taek's sake. It's kind of unfortunate because I think that Deok Sun is just at the point of starting to realize that maybe she hasn't just been feeling friendship for Jung Hwan this whole time. However, that being said, I do think that Deok Sun still doesn't completely understand her own feelings yet. Each time that Jung Hwan does something sweet for her, her surprise is indicative that its hard for her to believe that their relationship could be anything but friendship in spite of her awareness that something is definitely different In order for their relationship to progress, I really believe that Jung Hwan will have to do something quite concrete to show his true feelings for Deok Sun and not just beat around the bush by telling her to not go on a blind date. That's just the first baby step in the right direction. 

With the preview for episode 11, I think that the floor/bed scene could potentially be a dream, but more likely to be a split screen like some of you have said. I feel like its too early at this point for Deok Sun and Jung Hwan to have such an intimate moment which would likely escalate their relationship quite quickly (personally that would be fun to watch, but unlikely in terms of a k-drama). For a bit I thought that maybe they were following Reply 1994's trend of having a couple of floor/bed scenes but if I'm recalling correctly the main girl was pretty unaware of the guy staring at her. In this case, they're facing each other and quite close so still leaning more towards the possibility that it's a split screen capture of them thinking of each other. In my opinion that's quite sweet too because it shows that subconsciously both are on the same page, they just need more time to reach the point of realizing that they do like each other and are willing to pursue a relationship. 

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Yeah, I don't get this thing going around that some people think JH is just SW 2.0 for Deok-Sun and that the only reason she likes him is because of her friends.  That her feelings are fickle and she'll move on to the next guy (Taek in this case) who says he likes her. How can anyone not see her feelings are sincere?  It's just so obvious to me.  Her friends really had nothing to do with her developing feelings for Junghwan.  If anything her friends kept her from admitting things sooner because of their bad advice before. She didn't need their help.  The blind date advice kind of shoved her forward a bit, but she was already considering him before even if she couldn't put a name to what was going on. Her reaction to SW (she didn't consider his feelings, was really overly affectionate) vs.  JH (quietly considers it, is shy and doesn't know what to do) shows the difference in her feelings for the two guys.  She doesn't fall in love fast either.  I think her love for Junghwan has been years coming, same for him.  Sun Woo was a little distraction that meant nothing.  

Kissing scene, has Hyeri ever done one?  Though I doubt Eunji had done one either in 1997.  So maybe I shouldn't worry lol 


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