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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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59 minutes ago, Nindia Putri said:

T.T hahh... now i know why wang so will kill his young brother :"(

i love jung soooo much. its really heartbreaking if the plot story will cause jung death and heartbreak :"( he is my favourite!

Jung is unlikely die ... In history - Jung was given the highest title of Vice King by Gwangjong. However, in the drama - Jung may take Soo away in her final days and create some misunderstanding (out of sheer frustration) to make So think that Soo has forgotten about their love....and thus miss the chance to see Soo before she passes on. Similar to the BBJX story line I would think. 

In one of my earlier posts, I mentioned about the "black hole" period when Yo is King - So, Baek Ah will likely be part of a rebellion which will eventually bring Yo down. My guess is that So and Soo will get married (witnessed by Baek Ah/Woo Hee + heaven and earth) during that time. Soo will become So's person - completely. The story arc builds to the point where letting Soo go would be the most painful and excruciating for So but he would be left with no choice. Marrying YH will also be inevitable. But perhaps he could take comfort in the few years they have spent loving each other. Being a King has no meaning without Soo but he has to carry the burden till his time is up. Soo will definitely leave last words in some form to keep So going till then. Solar eclipse appears twice - once when Soo passes on, the other when So passes on. 

Still a wild guess but I cannot imagine what else can happen during that period of Yo's reign. 8 more episodes to go...wasted a bit of time on Wook and Soo but the love story of So and Soo is built on understanding, trust and irrevocable love. I will never be fully ready for the ultimate heart break but I will psych myself when the time comes. 

Good night yeorobun. Monday cannot come fast enough. 

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8 minutes ago, LoveSG said:

I also love how close they seat close together. no barrier between them. However, happy time is just to short before they will have obstacles coming against them,:( 

I hope they give us at least one whole episode..of happy moment..as we know...SBS know how to play us with sweet preview and flip the actual episode like roti prata....

Therefore I keep repeating the preview till 00:16 hahahahaha, I guess this will last me till next Monday, the preview repeating mode


Did you amend your comment of her hand of his thigh..at first I tot so too, cause I keep repeating till I realise..is So hand...:sweatingbullets:

Me and my delulu lololololol


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forgive me for my random comment but still catching up. so finally watched up to ep 5 and I don't get it -- were people ever weirded out by wook? there were folks all bothered by wangsoo's forced kiss but did no one find it worrying and bothersome that wook basically acted like a stalker? he was married and all he did was stare at haesoo from a distance for long whiles without her knowledge -- isn't that totally creepy? okay, he is good looking and it is not like he can check her out on facebook, instagram or twitter like we do but still! that is just weird to keep checking her out without her knowledge when no one is looking. at least wangso has the decency to shower his attention directly. no hiding with wangsoo. whereas, sneaky wook! right from the beginning... and his wife is dying and he is checking out another girl? in our times, if a politician did that, we would all crucify him. wait, there have been instances that happened and these guys lost their careers right? :ph34r: google tells me that about john edwards. there was also that japanese politician who brought his mistress home when his wife was delivering in the hospital...

sorry PDnim but I didn't buy your soulful music with wook's staring. all I could hear is criminal minds type dum dum dum ominous violins and drums. :sweatingbullets:

and how was haesoo surprised that he turned his back on her? girl, he turned his back on his poor wife when she was dying and didn't have much time. he didn't have the decency to wait to check out another girl till after she died. so why was she surprised that he let her down as well? this must be wook's specialty -- betray every woman who loves him the moment she needs him the most.

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56 minutes ago, Nindia Putri said:

T.T hahh... now i know why wang so will kill his young brother :"(

i love jung soooo much. its really heartbreaking if the plot story will cause jung death and heartbreak :"( he is my favourite!


@Nindia Putri Chingu, So doesn't kill 14. Did you by chance hear that somewhere? The only visions Haesoo has had that highlight the deaths of anyone in the royal family have been of Taejo, Mu (CP), Yo (3) and then of Eun (10) and his wife Soon. The only death we think So will have a hand in is 10, but we're almost certain it is a mercy killing as the vision clearly showed Eun having been shot with arrows from an unknown assailant (we're thinking 3 or 8).

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3 hours ago, hell59 said:

WY was completely stabbed through and through, I think even twice and fell from a cliff and he comes back alive??? Really?


I know, right? 3rd Prince is like the proverbial bad penny that just keeps turning up even when you thought you got rid of it--when you threw it off a freaking cliff!

Also, Wang Yo is the Goryeo edition Rasputin*

Who just won't die.



*According to legend (mixed with quite a great deal of truth):

FIRST Rasputin was poisoned with enough cyanide to put down an elephant;

THEN he was shot multiple times--through the torso, the bullets piercing vital organs, and even in the head;

NEXT he was bludgeoned in the head, and likely beaten severely

LAST he was thrown into a freezing river. Where he finally died--from DROWNING!


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I don't know chingus, that scene-cut of queen yoo ,almost at the end of the episode seems like it doesn't belong there...maybe bad editing...i mean it would have been understandable if time were to pass, but how long does it take to regroup an army that is already there and stop a few brothers that were already inside the palace...maybe hours...not years...unless queen yoo was wearing a wig...which she does not...(I  think- now I'm  not even sure ) how does she go from black hair ( saying bye bye to your lover) in one minute...to gray hair ( in a coup of state that should have taken ....at the most 2 days)....i don't know...what you guys think

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4 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

forgive me for my random comment but still catching up. so finally watched up to ep 5 and I don't get it -- were people ever weirded out by wook? there were folks all bothered by wangsoo's forced kiss but did no one find it worrying and bothersome that wook basically acted like a stalker? he was married and all he did was stare at haesoo from a distance for long whiles without her knowledge -- isn't that totally creepy? okay, he is good looking and it is not like he can check her out on facebook, instagram or twitter like we do but still! that is just weird to keep checking her out without her knowledge when no one is looking. at least wangso has the decency to shower his attention directly. no hiding with wangsoo. whereas, sneaky wook! right from the beginning... and his wife is dying and he is checking out another girl? in our times, if a politician did that, we would all crucify him. wait, there have been instances that happened and these guys lost their careers right? :ph34r: google tells me that about john edwards. there was also that japanese politician who brought his mistress home when his wife was delivering in the hospital...

and how was haesoo surprised that he turned his back on her? girl, he turned his back on his poor wife when she was dying and didn't have much time. he didn't have the decency to wait to check out another girl till after she died. so why was she surprised that he let her down as well? this must be wook's specialty -- betray every woman who loves him the moment she needs him the most.


Since it was during historical times where wealthy men could have multiple wives, I didn't find it weird. I might have to rewatch the earlier episode, but I think Myung Hee would be more peaceful knowing that Wook had someone once she was gone and she told him this.

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For the people who also watched the Chinese drama, do you prefer Ruoxi’s continuous narrative of events and her feelings to HS’s sparse thoughts? Even though I liked that there was never any doubt about Ruoxi feelings, I like that we’re free to interpret what HS's feelings and that we have to pay attention to her expression and her body language instead of being directly told what she feels.

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6 minutes ago, may6 said:

I don't know chingus, that scene-cut of queen yoo ,almost at the end of the episode seems like it doesn't belong there...maybe bad editing...i mean it would have been understandable if time were to pass, but how long does it take to regroup an army that is already there and stop a few brothers that were already inside the palace...maybe hours...not years...unless queen yoo was wearing a wig...which she does not...(I  think- now I'm  not even sure ) how does she go from black hair ( saying bye bye to your lover) in one minute...to gray hair ( in a coup of state that should have taken ....at the most 2 days)....i don't know...what you guys think

That scene is really weird considering time didn't passed. I don't know what happened...but for sure I laughed. At first I thought she was a witch...literally. Do you remember the scene where Wang So flied to the roof in episode 3? LOL It gave me the same feeling. 


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13 hours ago, wackeemarie said:

please bear with me and my frustrations.i know a lot has been said about HS's relationship/feelings or what not with So & Wook. Thank you for sharing the pro points. I started Moon Lovers knowing that it isn't just a romance drama. There's the Game of Thrones, other love lines & other plots. I am also fully aware based from spoilers,notes about the novel and the c-version that this may or may not end on a happy note. I have already accepted that HS & So are not the end game. I even get it So was not HS's first love or whatever we may call it. At some point even I was convinced that Wook was who was meant for Soo.

However, what frustrates,irks,annoys me the most is that that the HS-Wook love line lingered too long. The past episodes built up, I think too much to show how strong those feelings were between the two that I even thought that maybe the epic love story was between them. In spite of Soo's wavering feelings that was shown, expressed in the last 2 episodes, I am not convinced. To the extent that even if in later episodes, HS & So are together, I just can't imagine that Soo will have deep feelings for So.You see, one of the premise for Moon Lovers is that it of Soo & So's epic love story. I know the "epic" aspect is not always with a happy ending but endurance or strength of that love. With how this has turned out, I don't see myself being convinced about the "epic" aspect of the love story of Hae Soo & Wang So. And I just can't see myself being excited anymore about their time together.

I'll just see this through for the game of thrones and maybe the side stories.


*now I have to go back watching Exo videos to remind myself why I love Baekhyun*

@wackeemarieI m with you my friend.

Spending 12 episodes out of 20 talking about HS/WW I can not bring myself to believe in the Big Epic Love with WS.

I can imagine So having Soo as his fated love but Soo ....hmmm , if I haven't read before comments in this thread talking about HS/WS once in a lifetime love I could not guess what director's intention was.

HS from what I see will turn to So after experiencing WW betrayal.

So was not her first choice and if WW was not so ambitious and irresponsible she would lived with him a happily ever after life.



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2 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

That scene is really weird considering time didn't passed. I don't know what happened...but for sure I laughed. At first I thought she was a witch...literally. Do you remember the scene where Wang So flied to the roof in episode 3? LOL It gave me the same feeling. 


 completely.  I know what you mean  I Laugh too at that scene ...

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41 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

crazy monkey 026 Your comment made me laugh!! leaf Due to Wang Wook's good looks and manners, people tend to overlook his flaws. Hae Soo fell for it. Many of us always said that if lady Hae hadn't died, he would have kept flirting with Hae Soo binding her to him so that he could have led a happy life waiting for the right time to become king.

He is a manipulator: even yesterday, he tried to convince her that if he didn't visit her in one year, it was because he was powerless. Not only he is lying to Hae Soo, but he is lying to himself as he really believes that being king can give him power. However, his own father is powerless due to the clans and his wives! So the king is not that powerful. Wang Wook has three big flaws in my opinion:

- greed

- selfishness

- hypocrisie

Everything he did for Hae Soo was a gesture of selfishness (the bracelet, sign of his possession / asking her to promise that she would stay by his side, while he never had to make such a promise to Hae Soo) and greed (he never gave up the idea to become king) therefore he only proposed to Hae Soo so late. The trigger was that he had noticed that Wang So wanted to have her as well.   


If not for YH's actions, WW would have given up the chance for the throne by leaving the capitol and marrying WS. He had already asked his mom for permission and forgiveness.

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OMO,OMO, OMO this thread is incredible!!! how on earth will I be able to read all the comments????

this forum is even more addicted than the kdrama!!!!!!! It consume all my free time!!! thanks God this drama doesnt have 50 episode !!! cause then I will be jobless and coupless!!!

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51 minutes ago, paras said:

Love being here with all different analysis and conclusions.............Should have joined in from the beginning.

In the preview, there are two things I have observed. Correct me if Im wrong chingus.

1. Child bride is CP's daughter. I think WW marries her and not WS. (I know I know............but we have a creative license from history)

2. WS does not have his hair up like the other married men even when he comes in with the child bride. I think he is simply playing escort and uncle here.On the other hand, WW's hair clip has changed from ordinary to a gold one. Any significance? He tells his Mom and sis this was the only  way  to get out of being framed  for rebellion. What way? Betraying WY?or Marrying the CP's daughter?

.....................Too many days till Monday

it rely good idea poor child i don't want her to marry WS but WW pls don't give this little child to that man she will grow up alone and maybe he will harm her if have obligation of that 

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22 minutes ago, fuyukoneko said:


Since it was during historical times where wealthy men could have multiple wives, I didn't find it weird. I might have to rewatch the earlier episode, but I think Myung Hee would be more peaceful knowing that Wook had someone once she was gone and she told him this.

@fuyukoneko ~ if wook was like king taejo who took another wife even while the mourning ritual for his kid hadn't finished and his wife with too many hair pins was going loco (wangsoo's mom), then I wouldn't have a problem with it. wook would simply be doing what a man of his time would be. my problem is he pretends to be virtuous -- his wife gives him an out and he gives her a false hope by refusing to take another woman. there was no need to play with that woman's heart. his mom and sister even think about it but he refuses. why act so holy even while he is checking a girl who is under protection? either have the balls to do it openly or don't act like you are so goody because you have a pretty face. please! :crazy:

I am sort of in this odd spot because I have read the recaps and I know what is going to happen but I am still catching up which means I probably am viewing the early episodes slightly different. there were all these comments with the wangsoo's forced kiss which I didn't get - he is also a man of his time where men took what they wanted and without thought. wangsoo didn't go as far as men did then. he stopped with a peck and so he is actually more of a gentleman if we think about it that way. anyways, wook just comes across to me as a good looking stalker. :ph34r:

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I feel like HS finally is ready to heal their wounds and open her heart to WS, during the time she was away from the palace was as if time had frozen for her, she still felt guilt for the death of Lady Oh and her heart is still full of memories of her love for WW.

I like that WS is always there to support her ,going even against the king ... I can´t wait to see the next episode

my SoSoo feelings are growing so quick:wub:

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