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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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7 hours ago, churasan said:

@solelylurking  @here4da0ppas   (Sorry I don't know why my quote thing isn't working...)

I liked reading your posts about the 14th Prince's character development. :)  In the original BBJX, he was one of my favorite princes because I really liked how his character and relationship developed with Ruoxi.  In this version, I also like his character as well because he genuinely worries about HS's well-being without being possessive.  Perhaps, it's because he is young and doesn't actually know what he wants yet like WW and WS.  But, even in the original, he did respect her and give her space. 

I am interested to see how Jung will mature in this version.  One thing I never quite figured out (in the original) if the 14th Prince ever had "romantic" feelings (like the 8th/4th princes). A lot of things were subtle in that drama that my dense self maybe could have missed it.  There were some points at the end that made me think so, but years later to this day, I am still  not sure. :huh:   I could understand Ruoxi's relationship with the princes (whether it was love or friendship), except with the 14th prince.  So I am interested to see how it is portrayed in this version. 

Love the development of 14th prince. Adorable prince.....hehe

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41 minutes ago, pujajain said:

I thought the same too initially. I have a feeling that if it were any other maid he would have thrown her under the bus as in stood there and proven she intended to poison CP. He would have saved CP in any situation. His set of priorities was CP>SOO>Himself.

But it all goes back to what motivation would royalty believe Soo had to poison CP and why did queen challenge So, How did she think this was going to play out? No matter the story, Soo and Damiwon were going under. If luck favored the queen, she would have got rid of CP from poison or So from the political maneuver or maybe both.



I guess that's a possibility I hadn't considered - that WS would cast blame on the maid if it wasn't HS. But I still think that would have been tricky because if WS merely exposed the plot than he would have to explain how he knew about it. The King and CP would easily still mistrust him because either way he had something to gain. If the CP was poisoned, WS appeared to be next in line to replace him. If he stopped the plot, they might see it as an set-up or ploy to regain their trust. The only way to prove for sure he wasn't involved would be to out his mother. Which I still doubt he would do at this point. No matter what I still think he probably would have drank the poison to demonstrate his loyalty. With or without HS. That's not to say she wasn't a PART of his reasoning. I just don't believe she was his MAIN reason.

As to the motivation royalty had to believe Soo would poison the CP - i think the queen believed her relationship with Wang So both personally and professionally would be cause enough for people to declare WS responsible for the death even if HS took the fall. Either that or queen bee didn't think any one would care. Maids often got blamed for things because they had so little rights and standing that nobody ever cared about the reasons why they did things. In historical dramas court ladies are always framed and carted off without much second thought.


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there is many way to prove your love to you significant other.. what WS did is saving both of CP and HS.. yes i think if HS not the one who bringing the poison WS will find a different way to prove the tea is actually a poison.. remember WS did want to say something my guess is about the attempt to poison CP but stopped because HS is the one who bringing the tea... 

if he want to save CP he have to sacrifice the tea lady... that's why he stop and also why he drink that poison.. yes WS want to save CP but not to extend to drink that poison.. what he did is to save HS with his life and yes WS already prove so many time how worthy is he as a lover..

BUT HS do not have obligation to return back his love at any point... this is like SLS where the hero willing to do anything to make female lead happy.. you can't and cannot justified that because of WS sacrifice so she have to be with WS.. that's just wrong at so many level.. LOVE do not design that way.. also please i think what we all want is to live and survive just because HS is calculative does't mean she a bad person.. any option to live will be our first thing even in real life.. what HS did and think in this eps showing that she just a human being want to survive.. also remember what she said in 1 eps... she want to live!! 

to actually judging both WS and HS is a little bit harsh.. they both doing what they think is right for their heart and tbh we all do.. don't think too shallow about what heart capable to do... 

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While my love for MLSHR grows more and more as I watch on, I'm also getting pissed at the director more and more as well.


The reason why IU said that ep 12 will be even greater than ep 11 is because due to post production, some of the scenes that were supposed to be part of ep 11 have been moved to ep 12. The reason why I was optimistic about the rest of the show was because she was able to pinpoint exact episodes, but now I'm not sure anymore. Looking at the difference between the domestic version and the international version just adds more fuel to my anger. 


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INTERVIEW: The 8th Prince Kang Ha Neul shares thoughts on Scarlet Heart: Ryeo

by Mysujung on Mon, Sep 26, 2016


Hit drama Scarlet Heart: Ryeo has garnered an ever growing fan base and with the drama's half way point quickly approaching, SBS has delighted fans with the release of an interview with actor Kang Ha Neul, who plays the handsome eighth prince Wang Wook! What does he think about his fellow cast members and just what goes on in the head of the charming prince? Keep reading to find out!



Q: People have begun calling you the “Romeo of Goryeo” and have claimed that your gaze is like honey. Do you like the nickname and the things people have said about you? What about your close acquaintances? 

"I’m not quite sure because I‘ve seen my eyes my whole life, but I am very grateful for the compliments. My friends take screenshots of articles that use the nickname and send it to me. I actually get teased a lot, but it makes me feel good because I know my friends send me these things for fun. I’m truly grateful to the viewers and fans that say those things about myself though. All I did was stick to the script and tried my best to give a good performance, but because I‘m being so positively received, I’m very grateful."


Q: The scene where you walk in the snow with Lee Ji Eun (IU) in the fifth episode has become really famous. What are your thoughts on that?

"There’s a lot of background to that scene. We almost couldn‘t film it actually. We needed to film a snow scene, but it wasn’t snowing so it was very difficult. So we filmed the other scenes while we waited for it to snow, but luck would have it that the last snowfall was coming up. So we rounded up the whole production team and filmed that scene at last. It was very memorable."


Q: You spent a lot of time acting with Lee Joon Ki and Lee Ji Eun (IU). How was it?

"I‘ve been a fan of Lee Joon Ki since I was young and he’s an actor I really look up to. It was just a great joy to work beside him. Even before meeting him I wanted to contact him, so I got his number through his agency and contacted him very carefully and respectfully. I was surprised he was happy that I got his number and contacted him like a stalker. I think that definitely built a bond and made filming a lot more fun.

With Lee Ji Eun, I only knew her music so I thought it would be a bit hard to break the ice, but she has such a great personality and so we just naturally kicked it off. Were also in a similar age group so it was easy relating to each other. Her focus and acting was also really amazing which motivated me to work harder as well."


Q: What was the inspiration behind your character‘s thoughts on arranged marriages, family expectations and Hae Soo (Lee Ji Eun) in the drama? 

"While playing the role of Wang Wook, I put a lot of emphasis on reason. I think reason is a definitive factor in fully immersing yourself into character. You have to think, what is my character’s reason behind this and that? So I put myself in his shoes and imagined myself under his pressures to justify the reasons behind his actions and behavior. The reason for an arranged marriage, the reason behind falling in love with Hae Soo, and later the reason behind his change in character. He‘s actually quite an unfortunate person."

Q: We are now on episode 10, what can we expect as the story unfolds even further?

"Now there’s only 10 episodes left. I just want to say thank you to everyone for watching and staying tuned. It really means a lot to see the hard work we put in come to fruition. You can expect an even more heart wrenching story to unfold so make sure to keep watching."



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9 hours ago, kriswu said:


OMG I KNOW RIGHT??? I FELT HIS PAIN. I FEEL LIKE I WAS BEING POISONED TOO. What an amazing actor. Give him all the awards, ppali!!!!!

He just gets me with his acting every single time. :tears:


@kriswu  LJK is and amazing singer and the vein that poping out in his neck shows how great his vocals are I knew he would rock this scene your right he will deserve and award for playing WS the future Gwangjong..


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INTERVIEW: The 4th Prince Lee Joon Ki reveals thoughts on Scarlet Heart: Ryeo

by Mysujung on Mon, Sep 26, 2016


Fans of Scarlet Heart: Ryeo rejoice! With the SBS's hit drama approaching its half way point, the studio has released an interview with actor Lee Joon Ki who plays the enigmatic 4th prince! Do you want to get a peek into the backstage world of Scarlet Heart: Ryeo? What are Lee Joon Ki's feelings about the drama, but more importantly what are Wang So's true feelings for Hae Soo?! Read on to find out!



Q: The ritual scene in the rain has stirred a buzz among viewers. What were your thoughts when you were acting it?

"I thought that it would be a pivotal scene in Wang So’s character change. I wanted to show how Hae Soo allowed him to break out of the cold exterior that he suppressed himself in and overcome the scar that had tormented him. I tried to act in a way that showed his emotional development as he addressed his people."


Q: The ritual scene truly is a groundbreaking scene. What do you think?

"I’m relieved and glad that its being received so positively. I knew it would be a big twist in the story, but I had no idea it would be such a hit. The scene really worried me because I had to portray an ancient character in a way that wouldn’t disrespect the historic significance."


Q: Your character’s relationship with Hae Soo is really unique. What are Wang So’s feelings for Hae Soo?

"She is the only person that saw him for what he truly was. He’s also most honest when he’s around her. She’s somebody that he wants to protect, and he feels he is being protected by her as well. She’s the first person that has treated him kindly and warmly so his feelings for her are becoming more and more pronounced."


Q: Your chemistry with Wang Wook’s actor Kang Ha-neul is also getting a lot of attention. Your characters are the same age, so how does that affect the relationship between So and Wook Wang? 

"So thinks that Wook understands him. Among all his other brothers, he feels that he’s closest with Wook and so when he said “there’s nothing that’s yours here. She is all mine,” my character had to try really hard to hide his shock. They might see the same things, but they look at it differently, so it adds an interesting dynamic to the characters."


Q: Which viewer reaction was the most memorable?

"When I had to take off the mask and show the scar, I was worried that viewers would be turned off by it, but instead they didn’t even think it was important at all and sympathized with my character. I was really grateful, because what used to be significant is not anymore so it shows how the viewers have become more accepting. Whats important is the character, not what he looks like. That’s the kind of actor I want to be as well."

Q: “Scarlet Heart: Ryeo” is not only popular in the Middle-East but also in North America. What are your thoughts on that?

"I’m extremely grateful. Every culture is different and they have different tastes. I’m glad we satisfy their tastes, and it also really interests me. When I read feedback and encouraging comments on my social media, I feel like I want to be a better actor."

Q: What should we look out for from Wang So?
From being the most neglected prince, Wang So suddenly becomes the center of attention. He was a self-conscious and introverted boy before but now he’s gonna show a more strong and assertive character. He will tackle betrayal, jealousy, romance and more so keep watching!



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3 minutes ago, am420 said:

9th prince is moving up the list to maybe 2nd for when the fratricide starts. I could completely understand why the real Gwanjong killed him if he is anything like his character. He is the only prince whose name that I don't remember but he always seems to skulking in the background being inappropriate but he seems to be the sneakiest of all the brothers even more so than Yo. 

Wang Wook is always a day late and a dollar short and I can't help but think that the same thing is about to happen in episode 11. He spends too much time thinking about what he should do that he doesn't get out of his own way in time to accomplish what he wants. I can't help but think that his marriage proposal is coming now because So took her out of the palace without a second thought and he's scared of losing her, the other time he wanted to marry her was when the king was going to. There seems to be a pattern of him stepping up when he thinks that he is going to lose her and that annoys me. Hae Soo's monologue in her head after he asked her to marry him was the strangest thing ever. It wasn't I love him and I might finally get to be with him or even considering the repercussions of him wanting to marry her it was he will never change and I can trust him. I was side eying her the entire time because it's quite obvious that she's not in love with him.  

Court Lady Oh was one of my favorites this episode she was dropping some truth bombs that HS has been trying to ignore. The crux of which is that people change. I don't know what Soo's fascination is with people not changing but it is wholly unrealistic, different experiences change people and after the next episode she will not be able to hide behind that naivety anymore. For a modern day 26 year old woman her aversion to change is confusing. It was sad that evil queen caused Lady Oh to miscarry her baby, I'm hoping that history doesn't repeat itself especially because she seems to see herself in Soo. 

I was disappointed that Wang So didn't apologize for forcibly kissing her but drinking three cups of poison to protect her has gotten me to let go of that a little bit. I glad that Soo told him that she likes someone else even if I'm side eying her and Wook. Because, one of the best things about So and Soo  has been that they have been able to say to each other what they haven't been able to say to anyone else.0

About So still pursuing Soo though she told him that she likes someone else, if that were to happen to me I would be very annoyed but that's because I grew up in the 20/21st century not 10th century Goreyo and I have certain expectations about autonomy and what I consider respectful that probably didn't exist then. That said I think that it's totally in character for So to be like okay and still continue to pursue her. He's a guy who has lived his whole life isolated without friendship or love now he has both and he's not going to let that go, this is the guy who killed an entire monastery of monks and burned down their sanctuary to protect his mother who treated him like he was lower than dirt, there should be no surprise that he's essentially like as long as it's not Baek Ah, whatever, plus I think that he's of the same mind as me that Soo has feelings for him so he's not going to give up. I did appreciate that he told her that he wasn't going to stop instead of pretending that he was going to and then continuing to pursue her when her defense are lowered because there is nothing more annoying than a guy who pretends to be okay with the situation and then does all kinds of underhanded things to try to win your affection. 

They should have included the scene with HS taking out the hair pin in the international version because even though I believe that HS was first shaken by So after doing his makeup (a scene that was also cut from the international version) the narrative right now is that So likes her romantically and her feelings for her are only platonic but all of these scenes that were cut out of the international version seem to indicate otherwise. 

LJK was so fabulous in this episode, watching him embody Wang So and all of his micro expressions is so enjoyable. The scene where he was drinking the poison and trying to pretend that it wasn't affecting him was so excellent, I felt every emotion right with him. 

Yes , I am a SoSoo fan all the way. I will say this I believe if Wang Wook had spoken up about his feelings to everyone then I think So would have given her up. WHen he said he would kill the person she loved if it weren't Baek Ah, I think it was all lies. He only said that just because he can say that. I really don't think he meant it. He said it because that is all he knows to stop someone from taking someone precious to him. LIke @millie10468 said ( I highlighted what was important )  Hae Soo will be his teacher and lover. She will make him understand what he can and can't do. It may seem like a big job for her but even though she is in a teenager body she is still the adult. SHe is wise when she wants to be but refuses to see what is in front of her. For example Wang SO has told her he friendship and love are the same to him. He doesn't know the difference, He is growing and learning and once he has evolved. He will be a great king because He will be know when to use violence or diplomacy to rule his kingdom.

50 minutes ago, millie10468 said:

I'm watching this show to see a 21st Century woman love a man in spite of his 10th century tendencies that have been compounded by the fact that he appears to have been raised by wolves. I don't know what drama others are watching but my own personal 21st century sensitivities were sidelined before I even started this drama, as they always are for sageuks or historical dramas of any kind.

Someone, earlier in this thread, showed how So is an anti-hero and not exactly the typical hero-protagonist we've come to expect in romcoms. I wish I could find that post because it clearly highlighted the characteristics of a character who's supposed to have some flaws and if the whole point of the show is to show how he changes in order to make the heroine happy, they're doing a great job. For me, the fact that a person like So, in So's very favorable position in society (a male, prince, etc) is willing to go as far as he's going to make Su accept him, pleases me a lot.

What people are not realizing is that So is growing and learning. Like he said to BaekAh, he doesn't exactly know how to relate to people. He learns after he's shown that what he's doing is wrong. He forces a kiss on Su--her reaction lets him know it's wrong--Lesson he learned: he won't kiss her without her permission again. He killed people--Su's reaction doesn't show him that it's wrong (in fact, she says it's justified if he wants to live)--what kind of lesson do we suppose he learned there? No wonder he tells Su that she sees him for who he is. When he said he would kill anyone other than BaekAh, what did Su say? Nothing. For someone who was so scared of him, and yet was able to tell him clearly that she was in love with someone else, what prevented her from telling him clearly that killing someone for that reason was wrong? So would have learned, since he wants to please her. He's like a child, learning the world.

This, to me, is actually the best time for Su to drum in some 21st century proclivities into So, if she were thinking hard enough and if she really wanted to prevent her visions from coming true. Is it unfair that she's essentially been thrust into the role of a mother and keeper of a dangerous man? Yes, it's unfair. However, there's no denying that So's like a baby chick who just hatched and the first face he saw was Su.

I love Su as much as anyone but her wanting to accept Wook's proposal in an effort to get away from this responsibility strikes me as very hypocritical considering the fact that she was just having a panic attack thinking about how So would kill his brothers. What, as long as Wook isn't killed, it's alright if the others are killed? What kind of logic is that?

Thank you for your insight chingu. I especially loved it when she decided to teach him the difference between friendship and love. SHe tried to explain to him her helping him was only to help him not to give her his heart. What kills me is that when he told her she" WAS HIS". Didn't that ring any Bells in her end. Instead she was all flustered from his attention until the visions. Hae Soo is really afraid of herself. I wonder sometimes why she is afraid of herself????

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4 minutes ago, qwenli said:

@briseis are you going to write about SoSoo and the horse? PLEASE do:D

I wonder how many times IU rode the horse with LJG. Heehee.


I agree WS may be abit self centered, he doesn't care who HS is liking now, as long as he is in love with her.

To me there could be two possibilities 1) he doesn't believe her, because he is confident she likes him in someways. All their chit-chatting and makeup sessions. To him, there must be something going on right? 2) he can't bear to know who the other person is. He doesn't want to know.

All these, you can say arise from his lack of social experience but such folks tend to love very intensely and in a dedicated manner

its like the  strong silent type that is only devout to one vs  a super glib salesman who charms many.

Here I see a parallel to 10th's wife and also Myunghee, both love their men despite knowing it's a one way traffic. Are such love wrong? I think we have to take it in context.  

@40somethingahjumma @sharreb @meahri_1 @Yippeuni



For me...I like option 1, with additional thought that So never think about her and Wook is a couple, after all he know that HS is the sister of lady Hae, Wook deceased wife. So HS and Wook is a couple maybe the last thing he has in mind. For all the times he only think Wook protecting her because of lady Hae not because his personal feeling. 



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After re watching episode 10 I am literally become a devil apprentice... I keep replaying scene where I hung crazy eomma and tear her body in pieces by ropes....how come a mother be that cruel....What is it become a mother of King will take her?? after all she is only the mother...not THE KING....it's always the king who will rules...and if somehow along the way Yo lost his mind somewhere in hell and he ignore her what will that make her...a thrown mother of king???

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I've watched the International version yesterday and will be watching it again soon (in less than 15 minutes).  After that, I will check out the Eng Sub SBS version. Oh and yeah, I do read the recap and comments at DB.  Wish I'm this diligent when it comes to work and studies.  Sigh :phew:


Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Episode 10

by HeadsNo2 | September 26, 2016 | 76 Comments


Edited by LyraYoo
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