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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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11 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

Yes, finally. FINALLY.

This is the translated Rain Scene from the NOVEL by Tong Hua.

Warning: ANGST ahead.

Scene Translation: Kneeling in the Rain

I did not know how much time had passed; I hunched my back, my arms leaning against my legs, my hands holding up my head. I only thought I was so numb that I could not even feel the cold anymore, my body was so stiff that I could not even shiver anymore. Suddenly, I felt that someone was staring at me, and in my state of blurred dizziness, I ground my teeth, slowly raising my head to look. Not far away, Fourth Prince was holding a black umbrella, standing straight in the midst of the rain. Since Thirteenth Prince was imprisoned, this is the first time that we’ve seen each other.

The never-ending wind and rain separated us; we could not see each other’s expression clearly at all, but I could feel that his gaze was both grieved and surprisingly angry as we silently stared at each other. In the middle of the dusky sky, the jet-black umbrella, his dark grey robes, amongst all the darkness, only his face was shockingly pale.

He suddenly raised his hand to forcefully cast away the umbrella, and walked over step by step, quietly standing by my side. I fixed my gaze up the umbrella that was involuntarily rolling around on the ground, blown about by the wind. Time passed slowly, the intensity of the rain did not change, the fierce wind and torrential rain were like infinite whips, thrashing the heavens, the earth, and everything in the universe with all it’s might. Even though the cold had already penetrated my body, my heart slowly filled with warm thoughts. The whole sky was full of wind and rain, but one person was accompanying me through this suffering! Enduring! Hurting! Grinning and bearing!


I tugged at his pendant, he squatted down to look at me with his dark and gloomy eyes, as cold as the heavens at that moment, but his gesture was extremely gentle, as he brushed aside the wet hair that was sticking to my face. I fixed my gaze on him and said: “Go back! I understand your intentions!”

He calmly looked at me for a while, and suddenly embraced me tightly, closely, vigorously, so much that my stiff ribs began to hurt, the ache was filled with warmth, but also a delicate and dreary hopelessness. My head was resting on his shoulder, my tears mixing with the rain as both dripped down my face, soaking into his clothing.


my god!!!!please moonday come soon!!!!! where the hell is wook? i loved that rain scene in c-version, and waiting impatiently for k-version. so the second kiss is also coming. if i remember correctly su looked surprised by kiss from wang so(second kiss on cut lips).

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43 minutes ago, yuuqiikeke said:

Hi guys, it's my first time posting here! :) Just a question though, don't know if anyone asked or said before, why would Queen Yoo used a poison that was not lethal enough to cause immediate death if she wants the crown prince dead? :P Hahaha of course I know if the poison was too lethal, the show would end there :sweatingbullets:



I don't know, that sounded weird to me as well, from the first moment I read it. In the context of that spoiler (and I'm not sure how accurate it will turn out to be; I have my doubts), the plot wasn't about killing the Crown prince (ergo the poison being non-lethal) but about framing Hae Soo because of her connection with 8th Prince. "...by framing her and either forcing Wook to do something compromising to try to save her or make him look bad by association, I guess, given that she was affiliated with his family before she became a court lady."

But again, the spoiler doesn't fit our story, for various reasons:

1) Queen Yoo, the author of the plot, doesn't (yet) know about 8th and HS's relationship, I don't see how she could find out, and even if she finds out why would she think that 8th's feelings are strong enough for him to be controlled through HS. That is, for Queen Yoo's husband (the King), for her son too (3rd), the women/wives are interchangeable and disposable. A deep devotion from a powerful man for a woman like Hae Soo who has nothing to offer in terms of riches, power, any material gains, would be extremely rare.

Not to mention: once involved in the poisoning plot, Hae Soo's life is basically lost. Queen Yoo would be unable guarantee HS's safety to 8th Prince, in order to win something from him.

2) 8th seems to be seeking an alliance with 3rd of his own accord. No reason to blackmail him or keep him in check through HS or anyone else.

3) Queen Yoo's primary objective all this time has been to kill the Crown Prince. It just doesn't make sense that she wouldn't use a lethal poison. Which begs the question: after drinking that poisoned tea, how the heck does 4th Prince survive?

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14 minutes ago, uuugogirl said:


oh my k-drama god, i can't believe in my ******* eyes :scream: How could they horribly torture her like that :scream::scream::scream::bawling::bawling::bawling:


I remember the rain scene in the c-version. but wow the k-version to HS is much worse. oh dear oh dear. :(

But talk about the ultimate sacrifice, So knew about the plot stepped in and basically became that shield for both (i believe) not just HS but also JM as well. I dont think at this point of the drama that WS really does covert and want that throne. I think he is still very much loyal to both the King and JM to success.

I do believe this will also be the turning point for WS-HS relationship, especially if it does follow quite strictly to the chinese version.

The good thing is that WS does recover from the poison drink, but i think it would take some time since HS must have gotten tortured first before he could help her. AND WHERE IS WW in all this?

Oh dear i really am excited but also scare for the upcoming ep. things are gonna get really sad, painful and scary at the same time. :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:


22 minutes ago, Adnana said:


Now I'm really curious: what's Wang Wook's involvement in all of this?

Possibility No. 1) 8th is already allied with 3rd Prince by the time the poisoning occurs--as such, 8th is involved in (i.e. aware of) the poisoning plot. He realizes too late that Hae Soo is going to be the scapegoat and that's why he reacts like in the image below. Because not only is Hae Soo going to be executed, but 8th bears (some of) the guilt.


Personally, that's the possibility that I prefer since, once Hae Soo finds out about Wang Wook's perfidy, her rose-tinted glasses will finally be off and she will be DONE with him. As things stand, HS cares too deeply about 8th to make her change of heart towards 4th believable--unless something really drastic like this happens.

Possibility No. 2) 8th is NOT aware of the poisoning plot, his despair is due to him thinking that Hae Soo will be executed, and his only misstep will be (like the time that Yeon Hwa hit Hae Soo) hesitating or failing to intervene on Hae Soo's behalf. Whereas 4th will, once again, do anything and everything to save Hae Soo.

This is not the possibility I prefer, since it would just reveal 8th's weakness under pressure, his lacking a steel spine and moral fiber if you will--but it wouldn't be enough imo to completely disillusion Hae Soo. And I'm so ready to be done with their ship once and for all!


Looking at it, base on preview i think it is possible that number 1 and 2 can sort of be combine, meaning because he was also involve (perhaps) and due to his weaken position in the palace as well, he is unable to intervene in the plot and save HS from that torture and possible execution?

I am just curious as to why WW would team up with Yo, is it to gain more power so as to marry HS? and if he indeed was involve in the plot (lets say) he should have prevented the fact that HS would be the one serving the tea.


just my thoughts, not sure what would happen.

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5 minutes ago, violet90 said:

i guess the writer changed the reason on why Hae Soo kneeling.. in BBJX because Ruoxi ask the emperor to let Lu Wu the maiden who love 13th can be with 13th during house arrest but here the reason is so much deeper....

Hae Soo pleading with her heart to save someone who she really loved.. her mother figure that willingly take her place to actually die..its just heartbreaking to actually loss someone and blame yourself.. this scene will force Hae soo to understand what Lady Oh been telling her... its a place where anybody can die anytime.. 

also there is WS who getting really mad for HS to cut herself now have to see HS being tortured and miserable on something she did't do.. she just being a scapegoat for throne battle and i think this also one of the reason why WS feel to have more power to protect HS...

i can't imagine how WS will feel seeing HS like that.. she so lifeless?? gosh it will take a time to actually heal HS from that tortured emotionally and physical... and i have no doubt WS will do anything to make she complete after being broken like that...

also IU LIED!!! what so fun about tortured and that heartbreaking scene........????? 


I think all this will happen in 10??? She said all the fun would be in 11.

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3 minutes ago, Adnana said:


I don't know, that sounded weird to me as well, from the first moment I read that. In the context of that spoiler (and I'm not sure how accurate it will turn out to be; I have my doubts), the plot wasn't about killing the Crown prince (ergo the poison being non-lethal) but about framing Hae Soo because of her connection with 8th Prince. "...by framing her and either forcing Wook to do something compromising to try to save her or make him look bad by association, I guess, given that she was affiliated with his family before she became a court lady."

But again, the spoiler doesn't fit our story, for various reasons:

1) Queen Yoo, the author of the plot, doesn't (yet) know about 8th and HS's relationship, I don't see how she could find out, and even if she finds out why would she think that 8th's feelings are strong enough for him to be controlled through HS. That is, for Queen Yoo's husband (the King), for her son too (3rd), the women/wives are interchangeable and disposable. A deep devotion from a powerful man for a woman like Hae Soo who has nothing to offer in terms of riches, power, any material gains, would be extremely rare.

Not to mention: once involved in the poisoning plot, Hae Soo's life is basically lost. Queen Yoo would be unable guarantee HS's safety to 8th Prince, in order to win something from him.

2) 8th seems to be seeking an alliance with 3rd of his own accord. No reason to blackmail him or keep him in check through HS or anyone else.

3) Queen Yoo's primary objective all this time has been to kill the Crown Prince. It just doesn't make sense that she wouldn't use a lethal poison. Which begs the question: after drinking that poisoned tea, how the heck does 4th Prince survive?

maybe perhaps the poison works in two ways?

one if by making it lethal, JM would die right away. Wouldnt the King (who knows that the Queen and Yo covert the throne) immediately investigate the Queen? So maybe in order to cover her tracks she gives him a lighter dose? Plus JM is already weak and frail so wouldnt a weaker dose already been just as effective?

second, even though the queen has not found out about WW-HS, she knows that HS has a signifcant value to So, so maybe she is using HS as a scapegoat also to torture her son?

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4 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:


I think all this will happen in 10??? She said all the fun would be in 11.


but still........

so my take is the stolen kiss scene??? maybe WS take her away from palace and slowly heal her while making her love him more??? 

that my interpretation of fun... kkkkk

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22 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

The never-ending wind and rain separated us; we could not see each other’s expression clearly at all, but I could feel that his gaze was both grieved and surprisingly angry as we silently stared at each other. In the middle of the dusky sky, the jet-black umbrella, his dark grey robes, amongst all the darkness, only his face was shockingly pale.


@LyraYoo thank you for the novel translation and sorry to cut your post, yes i can see the first pic that 4th prince standing with angry face expression...then grieved for Hae Soo and hug her tightly :tears: 

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7 hours ago, iridescentmoth said:

It's a little incredulous that people are applying  a feminist lens to a historical drama....I understand it's important to extend the same empathy that we feel for So to Hae Soo in her moments of consternation and distress but viewers have to also acknowledge the this drama is not, for all its intents and purposes, a  great feminist period piece...


Youre right it's not a feminist piece. But isn't it a little disturbing people are romanticizing a forced kiss ( and declaration of you're mine, when she says she isn't his) and blaming Hae Soo for not returning his feelings? Even accusing her of liking it in the end because she stopped struggling. It's not even portrayed in a romantic light.

Media has a huge influence in our society... This isn't just for this drama, but many others as well. Even when the scene isn't romantic, people are interpreting it as such because they're supposed to be the end couple. It propagates the idea that this fictional relationship dynamic is normal for IRL relationships.


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6 minutes ago, Adnana said:


I don't know, that sounded weird to me as well, from the first moment I read that. In the context of that spoiler (and I'm not sure how accurate it will turn out to be; I have my doubts), the plot wasn't about killing the Crown prince (ergo the poison being non-lethal) but about framing Hae Soo because of her connection with 8th Prince. "...by framing her and either forcing Wook to do something compromising to try to save her or make him look bad by association, I guess, given that she was affiliated with his family before she became a court lady."

But again, the spoiler doesn't fit our story, for various reasons:

1) Queen Yoo, the author of the plot, doesn't (yet) know about 8th and HS's relationship, I don't see how she could find out, and even if she finds out why would she think that 8th's feelings are strong enough for him to be controlled through HS. That is, for Queen Yoo's husband (the King), for her son too (3rd), the women/wives are interchangeable and disposable. A deep devotion from a powerful man for a woman like Hae Soo who has nothing to offer in terms of riches, power, any material gains, would be extremely rare.

Not to mention: once involved in the poisoning plot, Hae Soo's life is basically lost. Queen Yoo would be unable guarantee HS's safety to 8th Prince, in order to win something from him.

2) 8th seems to be seeking an alliance with 3rd of his own accord. No reason to blackmail him or keep him in check through HS or anyone else.

3) Queen Yoo's primary objective all this time has been to kill the Crown Prince. It just doesn't make sense that she wouldn't use a lethal poison. Which begs the question: after drinking that poisoned tea, how the heck does 4th Prince survive?

In my opinion, she will discover it from Yeon Hwa. Remember, Yeon hwa visits her and we also saw that Wang Wook had finally decided to take Hae Soo as his wife and informed his family about it. Both, his mother and sister were unhappy about it. By getting married to her, he loses his chance to come closer to the throne.

From my point of view, Yoo would like to kill two birds with one stone:

- see how WS will react to the poison incident. She notices that there is a connection between WS and Hae Soo, after he visited her in order to reprimand her about her behaviour. Moreover, she wants to know if Wang So will really not help her. In my opinion, she is still doubting him that he has changed. She still thinks, she has power over him.

- to force Hae Soo to reveal her connection to Wang Wook through torture so that he can be connected to the poisoning. She is trying to tarnish Wang Wook.

I am looking forward to watching the new episode.:heart: IT looks intense and for me, this will make Hae Soo realise in what kind of world she is living and what Wang So would do for her!!


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6 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:


@LyraYoo thank you for the novel translation and sorry to cut your post, yes i can see the first pic that 4th prince standing with angry face expression...then grieved for Hae Soo and hug her tightly :tears: 


WS angry because he can't do anything to help her also the fact he richard simmons off with all the people who involved in this scheme resulted that HS being tortured....

there is no way back to his mum i guess after this happen.. the evil queen touch someone who WS value above himself and its not something that WS will ever forgive....

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24 minutes ago, zerovk9x said:

OMG, I didn't know the director said this drama is sadder than the original C-version. It took me a long time to get over the ending of BBJX so this time I ask for nothing else other than a less heartwrenching ending for our OTP. What the director said makes me as nervous as you. If HS and WS's relationship has to go on a rockier path which will brings them more pain and suffering than what Ruoxi and Yinzhen went through, I don't think I will be able to bear that :bawling:


I actually don't mind if MLSH is said to be sadder by it's own director....as long as it has proper happy ending for the main casts...

But....if it is long sad journey to run then ends sadly..I think It will be too hard for me....its like...why I spend my weeks for this drama that will cause me unhappy n keep on thinking why why why this happen to them:tears: it's just not fair.....

We want to enjoy a show....so, please give us happy times too...


I've noticed (correct me if I'm wrong) the other sageuk, you know exactly which drama, though it gets much higher rating that our MLSH....the pages in their soompi forum is less than us.....we are already over 600 n they are still 500+......congratulation guys....it proves MLSH is more received internationally.

I actually also watch that drama....maybe it gets more korean attention because the story is lighter n easier to digest compared to our drama....our ML is really complicated....deeper n causes the viewers to think a lot.....

I repeat once again...please let the main casts n the viewers happy....:sweatingbullets:

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On 9/5/2016 at 1:14 PM, Millie Hsu said:

I came across this subbed interview of of IU and LJG, and in their parting words to the viewers, LJG said some things that possibly set the mood for the ending of the drama. Maybe I am reading into the words he said too much but I really hope he meant it!! 

  Hide contents


Starting at 4:49, LJG tells viewers to receive healing, enjoyment, and to look forward to the touching drama because it will bring happiness.

Could this possibly imply a different (happy, conclusive) ending than the original novel and C-version?!

Just thinking if they will end the drama with historical accuracy or following the C-version it will be so sad and unfulfilling !! TT___TT


@moonlover399993 I think this must have been the video but unfortunately it is gone.

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24 minutes ago, Adnana said:


I don't know, that sounded weird to me as well, from the first moment I read that. In the context of that spoiler (and I'm not sure how accurate it will turn out to be; I have my doubts), the plot wasn't about killing the Crown prince (ergo the poison being non-lethal) but about framing Hae Soo because of her connection with 8th Prince. "...by framing her and either forcing Wook to do something compromising to try to save her or make him look bad by association, I guess, given that she was affiliated with his family before she became a court lady."

But again, the spoiler doesn't fit our story, for various reasons:

1) Queen Yoo, the author of the plot, doesn't (yet) know about 8th and HS's relationship, I don't see how she could find out, and even if she finds out why would she think that 8th's feelings are strong enough for him to be controlled through HS. That is, for Queen Yoo's husband (the King), for her son too (3rd), the women/wives are interchangeable and disposable. A deep devotion from a powerful man for a woman like Hae Soo who has nothing to offer in terms of riches, power, any material gains, would be extremely rare.

Not to mention: once involved in the poisoning plot, Hae Soo's life is basically lost. Queen Yoo would be unable guarantee HS's safety to 8th Prince, in order to win something from him.

2) 8th seems to be seeking an alliance with 3rd of his own accord. No reason to blackmail him or keep him in check through HS or anyone else.

3) Queen Yoo's primary objective all this time has been to kill the Crown Prince. It just doesn't make sense that she wouldn't use a lethal poison. Which begs the question: after drinking that poisoned tea, how the heck does 4th Prince survive?


Hey Adnana, thanks for your insight!

Woah, I didn't know about the context about framing Hae Soo due to her connection with Wook. Hmm, is it our evil queen wants to slowly take down the princes one by one? But even so, Wook doesn't seem like a threat to her for now, unless she knows something we didn't know.

Yes, I agree with you that she has yet to know of HS and WW's relationship. Could it be that she is framing HS on the surface of implicating WW while trying to take down WS? I read somewhere in baidu, where one fan said that the queen is killing 3 birds with one stone. She mentions how giving poison to CP will either result in 1) CP and HS die or in the event that WS drank the poison, she would be getting rid of the ally of CP, which is WS, as she kinda know that HS meant something to WS I guess? I actually wondered what made WW take the alliance of the 3rd prince, because he seems like a fairly neutral party at this point in the story. About whether the poison is lethal or not, an idea struck my head while I'm typing. Maybe, just maybe the poison was lethal to CP only? I don't know how this works, maybe it has to do with the CP's skin condition? How WS survived that poisoning, I'm just thinking if Choi Ji Mong has any antidotes based on his memories from the future. :P I'm looking forward as to how they treat WS, hoping it will be in episode 10!

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25 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:

maybe perhaps the poison works in two ways?

one if by making it lethal, JM would die right away. Wouldnt the King (who knows that the Queen and Yo covert the throne) immediately investigate the Queen? So maybe in order to cover her tracks she gives him a lighter dose? Plus JM is already weak and frail so wouldnt a weaker dose already been just as effective?

second, even though the queen has not found out about WW-HS, she knows that HS has a signifcant value to So, so maybe she is using HS as a scapegoat also to torture her son?

But i think is indeed queen yoo is the one that want to poison CP, but the one that frame HS could be YH.. may be she aware of So feeling for Soo and want to get rid of her so she can have So...



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17 minutes ago, SukBin said:

You are attributing too much significance to subtle touches of Hand which would have easily been accidental touches or unintended touches from her point of view since she did not look at So with feelings in context... and her being paralyzed does not necessarily mean out of attraction... more likely out of shock.... if you must try to weigh the difference in her physical interactions.... She embraces Wook like a woman would to a man she loves... not to mention attracted to.... She accepts Wooks intimacy in a manner that only is allowed by a Girl to the man that she gives her heart to... and i am not just talking about physical aspect... but emotionally too... whereas she clearly rejected advances from So and Eun when they  were made to her.... Just because Wook is sensitive about not saying ILU to his ex-wife.... not necessary for her to say to him outright on his confession.... if she had said it only for his sake then it would have been just a obligation or consolation not a confession.... There is absolutely no evidence she is attracted to So till now... whereeas it was specifically shown howWooks intimacy affected her Heartbeat and she kept blushing thinking about him.....

At this point of time in show she is in love with Wook and cares about So as a friend.... as one of the Princes..... period....

The turning point of her feelings would come when the sincerity of So's feelings his passion and sacrifice of his life for her will force her to look at him in a different light and coupled with some bad decisions by Wook it would bring her to rexamine her Heart if So has against odds made a place in her Heart with his one mind devotion towards her... 


thanks for your ideas!

I also believe she is not in love with WS now and this will come in the future. And I also think that her feelings to WW are real and meant to be taken serious - these feelings will transform soon probably in just friend feelings, and they never were so strong as for WS, but it doesnt meant necessarily they were superficial or untrue. My opinion is that she falled in love with WW, but she will fall in love for WS at a more deep level and for the rest of her life. 

But I am having a different accent when is about her feelings toward WS :)  and I hope is ok for you to share it, cause we can agree to disagree :)

Also she more or less clearly rejected Eun, but for sure she wasnt encouraging him , I dont find her being so clear when it was about WS.  My perspective is that neither WS feelings, neither her are white and black and there is no clear cut point. Their feelings accumulate uncounscioulsy and transform and grow and reach a point where they become clear and conscious - for WS that point was in the singing scene and then after make-up scene he wanted and could assume what he was feeling - this is why he said " remember? I said this to you once. Now or then, or when you touched my face I make up my mind". I find this very credible, Some people fall in love at first sight, but for many of us falling in love is a process that beggins sometimes even with antipathy, flows through curiosity, caring, friendship, a form of unconcious attraction, and just after sometimes we realise that not knowing when we are in love with that person. 

 For HS that point it will be in the future. But till know there are, for me at least 2 pieces that could rise up questions: one is in the end of ep 4 - when they look into each other for a second and then look apart both of us, like they were "embarrased" (it was for WS also, and we can have some sort of confirmation as this was one of the 3 moments he remembered when he was on the lake after the singing scene); and the second one is when he first tried to kiss her after the make-up scene- I know for you she seemd just shocked ... for me ... I saw her shocked in other scenes and it doesnt seem to me to be just shocked .. or let me put it other way ; she wasnt shocked like she was when she discovered him almost naked, without the mask, in the bath ... I find it more to be the shock someone feel when the guy you are unaware attracted touches you - the shock is from what you feel not from what is happening ... like in the second kiss - I just have to think what if it wouldnt be forced by WS, but for example the 3th prince, would she reacted the same? if the 14th prince or the Crown Prince, or Eun would try to kiss her, would her reaction be the same?  would be the same kind of shocked? the same kind of refusal? the same kind of her body reaction? ... I doubt that .... 

but of course this is just speculation and I know there is room for plenty other ideas, other arguments ... and you could be right :)

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