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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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6 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:


We can use twitter since it was already mentioned in naver news (topicality index)

Actually using the hangul hashtags will automatically be crawled by naver's real time results. So we are hitting two birds with one shot .  

Also the emoji. If twit count will suffice hihi. \^0^/ , agrees with @bebebisous33

Ive been liveblogging SHR thru twitter so i can help. ^^. 

P.s. Lee joon gi is indeed a vampire. Plus the weight loss added to the youthful.look of wang so. Whoa.

Great and the word can be spread to other venue, like @patoi and her Thailand FC... Do we need a zero hour (day date- Seoul time)  to start this onslaught? 

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14 minutes ago, minmar said:

Great and the word can be spread to other venue, like @patoi and her Thailand FC... Do we need a zero hour (day date- Seoul time)  to start this onslaught? 


@minmar Suggested  we set a 2 hour window of opportunity... starting at lets say....6PM Seoul Time that would allow everyone to synchronize themselves...and then we can also do a shout out to all those in Soompi a minute before zero hour to remind them. I will also ask our Soompi Chingu @airbening to help us hit the Indonesia FCs.

@LyraYoo If you start the chain for us in Twitter, perhaps  @bebebisous33 can help start the chain in FB and Google+.

@KdramaSwimmer There are a couple of MLSHR sites in FB right now. We could go the convenient route and join Scarlet Heart:Ryeo on FB. I think they're a partner to the one on Twitter. Because of the amount of time some of us are on this thread and how quickly it moves, it might be hard for one of us to manage both.

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okay i might be a bad person but how i wish i don't have to see WS and YH gat married in this drama even though i think its 99% will happen.. lol 

the reason is solely because whether WS accepting the marriage for power and to save HS or by trick he will never be a bad person toward YH.. well WS never a bad person to his family since the beginning.. so with YH is just the same.. maybe his heart not with YH but as a king he will have to respect his queen rather than somebody that he whole heartedly love HS.. 

it will make me so annoyed with that cause we all know how YH is unless the writer decide to changed her to be a better person i kinda doubt that.. 

also here i want to stated that i fully get that even if the king don't love their queen they have to make an heir to descent the throne too.. this one i fully grab when i watch a whole bunch of cdrama.. lol so having a child is not meaning they love each other is just something they have to do.. 


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30 minutes ago, finebyme said:

1) Who is the crown prince's mother? 

2)Yo, So and Jung are from same mother ( 3rd,  4th and 14th),
The 8th, 13th and Princess are from the same mother. Then we see the 10th, and the 9th who are probably from some other consorts. So this is all the princess we see right. We don't know about 2 nd prince or any of the other numbers that seem to be missing. 

3) What does the 4th Mother mean when she says he is her mistake ?her disgrace?? That he was the son of Kang? I thought he was sent as a piece offering to a Concubine? Was this one his Father's concubines? 

4) I understood the first time she got into the prince's bathing area, HOW did she get in the second time. She had to have swam through and under water tunnel or something right?

5) Why do the channels like to air similar plot dramas at the same time, would Moon Lovers not have been done A LOT better if was not competing with Moonlight? 

Thank you for reading this far!!

1) in drama, it seems she's dead or not important. her clan is very weak. it is a historically fact that the crown prince didn't have strong clan backing him. therefore, he always was in danger of getting assassinated or something like that. mostly by prince Yo who had strong Yoo clan backing him. i really don't know much about his mother. Spoiler below


and historically Yo did overthrew the crown prince (After crown prince became the new emperor)

2) except for the three princes you mentioned first, other princes are all from different mother. 2nd prince is also from empress Yoo, but we saw in flashback that 2nd prince died. not sure about other princes. maybe they are all dead or not important in the drama.

3) yes, So's adopted mother is one of Emperor's consorts. that consort is from Kang clan. she's saying So is her mistake and disgrace because he is the reminder of her bad memories with the emperor. the day her oldest son died and emperor was like "i need to get married again so that i can stop the future war" and i guess So's scar reminds empress of what she's done, but instead of acknowledging her mistake, she blames it on So. 

4) if you watched the drama, there was a way in from behind the rocks that connected to cave that connected to commoners' bathing area.

5) it's not like they would know each other's schedules. and they don't have full of readied dramas that they can switch off so easily. and they could have thought that Moon Lovers could do better than Moonlight. think of it as like. I have bought a strawberry candy with money that i collected. and i showed it to my friends. but my another friend happened to bring orange candy that my friends find it more delicious, but i didn't know another friend would bring that orange candy. i cannot just throw the strawberry candy now since i already bought it, and i don't have another candy, and don't have money to buy another one. so i just have to deal with the strawberry candy for now.


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8 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:


Finally, this last scene is even more important because she is the one who looks at the sky and the stars and expresses her joy to be able to watch these. Wang So can't forget her remark so that he wishes to see the stars too. But actually, when Wang So is looking at the sky, the director shows us the moon implying that he is not really looking at the stars, but at the moon. Like I had mentioned it before, the moon embodies Hae Soo (scene of the eclipse in the episode 1) and for Wang So, she is already the moon for him, as if she was his guide and companion, but noone knows about it because it is dark and secret. Their relationship is a secret and noone has ever noticed their interaction.   

Sorry for cutting you amazing post @bebebisous33 just wanted to add to the highlighted part.....Wang So shines like the sun and will rise over the kingdom of Goryeo in future while Hae Soo is the peaceful and tranquil moon. She remains hidden during the day due to the brightness of the sun but is always together in the sky accompanying him. So while the sun illuminates the landscape (the life of the people of Goryeo) and gives life to others, the one being the centre of his life is hidden from the view of all and sundry. It is only when the sun retires and prepares to shine again the next day that the moon guides and soothes him with her moonlight and all others that may seek her guidance in the silence of the night, away from the chaos of the day.

I just envision the the moon and sun symbolism in this manner :blush:

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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

@meahri_1 For your idea to show our support for Moon lovers, I have a suggestion: we don't need to write a text in Hangul for tweet! If we simply write: \^0^/  next to Moon lovers and the title in Hangul, people from SBS would know what it means and that we are all watching it. What do you think? This\^0^/ is universal, but also a symbol for our drama!

This is a really good idea. The emoji shows that we are really enjoying the drama. :lol: I was reading dramabeans yesterday and the emoji became popular. So now I can only associate it with Moon Lovers. 

@Wendy Wang Did you do the cover of -Forgetting You-? I really like it. ^_^

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2 minutes ago, louisawatson said:

1) in drama, it seems she's dead or not important. her clan is very weak. it is a historically fact that the crown prince didn't have strong clan backing him. therefore, he always was in danger of getting assassinated or something like that. mostly by prince Yo who had strong Yoo clan backing him. i really doesn't know much about his mother spoiler below

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and historically Yo did overthrew the crown prince (After crown prince became the new emperor)


2) except for the three princes you mentioned first, other princes are all from different mother. 2nd prince is also from empress Yoo, but we saw in flashback that 2nd prince died. not sure about other princes. maybe they are all dead or not important in the drama.

3) yes, So's adopted mother is one of Emperor's consorts. that consort is from Kang clan. she's saying So is her mistake and disgrace because he is the reminder of her bad memories with the emperor. the day her oldest son died and emperor was like "i need to get married again so that i can stop the future war" and i guess So's scar reminds empress of what she's done, but instead of acknowledging her mistake, she blames it on So. 

4) if you watched the drama, there was a way in from behind the rocks that connected to cave that connected to commoners' bathing area.

5) it's not like they would know each other's schedules. and they don't have full of readied dramas that they can switch off so easily. and they could have thought that Moon Lovers could do better than Moonlight. think of it as like. I have bought a strawberry candy with money that i collected. and i showed it to my friends. but my another friend happened to bring orange candy that my friends find it more delicious, but i didn't know another friend would bring that orange candy. i cannot just throw the strawberry candy now since i already bought it, and i don't have another candy, and don't have money to buy another one. so i just have to deal with the strawberry candy for now.


Thank you for your response. 

Every you said has helped clear things out.... except #4

I did watch the drama, watched the episode three times.. Thing is she is seen escaping (from the first time she landed in the bath pond) from ABOVE the rocks. There is cave that connects appears ABOVE but how does she end up UNDER the pond? PLUS... The prince is standing so it can't be that deep. Perhaps I need to suspend belief.. or may be they will reveal it later... who knows they might need a way to get out the place quickly without being seen by guards and we will see how they go from under the pond..

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10 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

#4 Hae Soo thinks that drowning herself in the public bath will bring her back to 2016 but she ended up in So's bath place instead. 


OH MY GOSH THAT MAKES SOO MUCH SENSE!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! It was clear she had suicidal thought going in... but it didn't click she was trying to commit suicide there!!

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It's 01.08 AM on my regional so that's why i am freaking happy to watch Moon Lovers and also Moonlight meuwahahahaha :D 

i saw the new still of Yeon Hwa, The 3rd Prince and Wang So. They better not make Wang So entangled with a prince that have an eyeliner on his eyes and also with that witch. Stay away Wang So yaaa :crazy:

and the new still of Hae Soo with Wang Wook, argh i feel miserable because i will see they will console each other and i am gonna be with Wang So. Watch them with our obsessiveness T.T  

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@LyraYoo  Since you seem to be most familiar with this. Can you post all the hashtags we would want to include with our emoji? 

Also..what would be your guess as to the best time for this campaign to start?  Is today too soon? How long would you guess it takes to organize? What would carry the greatest impact... synchronized or can it be fluid?

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54 minutes ago, finebyme said:

I have a  question, I was hoping to get it answered through this  forum but I didn't find it. I know I can't be the only one confused. SO I apologise if I am asking the same question someone else might have asked.

1) Who is the crown prince's mother? 

2)Yo, So and Jung are from same mother ( 3rd,  4th and 14th),
The 8th, 13th and Princess are from the same mother. Then we see the 10th, and the 9th who are probably from some other consorts. So this is all the princess we see right. We don't know about 2 nd prince or any of the other numbers that seem to be missing. 

3) What does the 4th Mother mean when she says he is her mistake ?her disgrace?? That he was the son of Kang? I thought he was sent as a piece offering to a Concubine? Was this one his Father's concubines? 

4) I understood the first time she got into the prince's bathing area, HOW did she get in the second time. She had to have swam through and under water tunnel or something right?

5) Why do the channels like to air similar plot dramas at the same time, would Moon Lovers not have been done A LOT better if was not competing with Moonlight? 

Thank you for reading this far!!


I will answer the first 2. :P

1. Taejo has around 29 wifes...they are only focusing in two. Maybe the crown prince mother won't appear. I don't recall the crown prince mother in the original version either. 

2. a) Yo-So-Jung: sons of the evil queen / b) Wook (8th) and Yeonhwa: sons of the nicer queen / c) 13th I think is son from a mother of lower status. d) The main princes are the ones that we already know, the others (if they appear) will be like extras (just as in the original version). e) 2nd prince is the dead son of the evil queen that died before the evil queen made the scar to Wang So.   

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1 minute ago, a15t3 said:

very sorry, I still dont get it.  What is MOB and why we need to show support?  Is something happening?


We're just planning a mass tweet to show our support. If we're successful, it'll be a better indication of the drama's global reach.

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7 hours ago, hikari2016 said:

Hi...I've been a lurker since a few days ago, and have been enjoying everyone's insightful posts.

I am interested with what you posted, about doppleganger, or having the same ancestors. I agreed with your opinion, however, as much as I want Hae Soo to meet Wang So from the future (or someone that resembles Goryeo Wang So), I cannot get behind this idea that that Hae Soo will fall in love with someone else, even he bears Goryeo Wang So's face. I am sorry for being weird....hahaha....many time-travelling drama used this trope (Rooftop Prince, Splash Splash Love) but I honestly feel like the heroine fall for the face, not the essence of what made her falling for the hero at the first place (personality, their shared memories). So I honestly hoping the writer will avoid this trope. Isn't it sad enough to see someone that resembles our dead lover but he has no idea about who we are, at all...Im gonna have a heart break if thats what they will show us...

If they want to go to this route, hopefully Goryeo Wang So gonna live inside the future Wang So, and I'd rather watching him struggling to adjust living in future setting, with internet and all ^^

I don't get what the big deal is about it. I always understood it as it's the same soul, so it's not *just* the face. The face let's the person who remembers everything know the soul they were looking for, longing for, loving is right there in front of them. Using Rooftop Prince as an example, throughout that show they make it clear that all the future dopplegangers are reincarnations, they share the same soul as the person in the past but simply have no direct or immediate access to those memories. It is the same person inside and, luckily, out. In my opinion, that is always the strong implication in these shows and why the ones who don't remember are seen to feel a strong calling to the person who does remember. Personally I don't need to see a fresh from Goryeo WS freaking out in a future WS's body. The guy has been through enough - let him have the reincarnated experience of growing up with perhaps a better, more loving upbringing and family.

Really, without this option the drama has basically a limited ending pool: 1) HS stays in Goryeo, by the WS/King's side for the rest of her life (however long it may be) and dies. After reading all the comments, I'd say this show is less an adaption of the novel/cdrama and more loosely inspired, so a lot of liberties can be taken to fit the mold of Korean drama tastes and history. But even loosely inspired, I think the show will stick with HS dying tragically and before WS. Within this option, 2) she could just remain dead both in Goryeo and in the future or she can get sent back to the future and live her life aching for her lost love - at which point I will burn things to the ground. Either way, it's permanent separation for our otp and I'm not having that at all. Give me all the reincarnated souls. All of them!  :D

That being said, a personal headcanon I've developed as I frantically search for a happy ending for my star-crossed otp is one where she meets future WS and he's aware of his past life because he always dreamed it and was lowkey searching for HS all this time. I just like the idea that be it in Goryeo or the future, WS is always a step ahead in falling in love with and being aware of HS. :D

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