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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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i finally joined this forum after so many years of just being a viewer. I am in love with this drama and I literally can't stop looking for teasers and info on it. I'm still a W fan but boy this drama has swept me off my feet. Thanks so much to all the fans in here who have been so kind to share info. I'm hoping to figure out how to navigate on this site since this is my first post. 

Anyone who has the directors links of the 3 episodes mind sharing with me please? And also the live streaming links? I tried the onetv Asia link in post but I'm not subscribed. 

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19 minutes ago, MadraRua said:

And finally folks.... I have the download link for Director's Cut Episode 3. Just PM me for it. Or links if you want 1 and 2 as well. 


@Claudine Caberte has kindly offered to sub the video's. Could I ask if someone could translate the additional scenes for us? Is that possible? Please :)  



Thanks for getting the directors links. I Pmed you. Hope I did it right and you got my message? 

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9 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

This was my idea... but I believe, first she will enter the palace as maid and won't work for WS first. Why?

This picture shows us that Hae Soo seems to be exhausted and lost as if she had to work hard. I don't think, WS would have her outworked like that. However, the latter will try to help and protect her.  So he will ask to have her as his maid and that's how HS and WS ends up in that secluded little "cottage". 

Notice that WS's hair is still long and he is still wearing his mask. While being with her, he doesn't care any more for power aso. 

After watching the preview for one more time, I came to the idea that WS will be kicked out of the palace, once his brother Yo becomes the next king after the death of Wang Mu. Why?

This picture of WS hurt on his face (full of blood and his hair is much shorter, so it takes place after the scene in the cottage) while HS is pushed in another direction.

There is another picture from the same scene:

I believe that all these pictures belong to the same scene: the colours of the clothes (HS in red and WS in black, but much finer). So as soon as Yo becomes the king (based on real History), WS is again in danger. His mother hates him so much and I believe, this incident will be the reason why WS decides to become the king and fight against his brother Yo. Just like Wang Wook, he realises that he needs power in order to protect HS whom he loves. 

But okay, that's only a theory. @Mau_Cherry Have you read this one too?



I guess I can´t backread everything... but I try to check it...

First of all - yes - she will work as a Maid in the Palace - for me logical... when her Cousin die she has no family left - no place to go - no money - and she can´t really leave the only place might be able to bring her back too. Staying in WW House will be difficult even he will try to protect her - that is not so easy even for him. So they will tell her to work in the Palace as a Maid. And yes - that will mean hard work whe was never used too. I believe the princes will not even like that - they know her then - they know that her personalaty so not fits to a Palace Maid and she will be in troubel sooner or later... and that will happen... even as a maid she will not be able to stand still when ... how was her name... where are my notes... I thought I did not need them anymore... the Princess will act almighty again. But of course a Maid can´t act like that - and therefor she will be punished. But in that Moment we know that WS who lived in that time in the Palace will help her out (and bring her in new trouble :D ) Just on a sidenote.. the scene when he teased her that she will be his Person had a sad undertone for me too - he really wish her to be on his side...


Difficult for me it so point out if the Scene in the Cotton is before or after the Scene in the Palace - WS in Blood. For sure HS is not wearing a Maid Robe in that Scene. but when WS interferse before it can be that he will not be treated as a Maid anymore. So... one possibility for me was - because WS called HS his Woman WW will yoin hands with WY and like this it will lead to the scene in which WS got hurted. Again just wild guessing... not sure if he is in exile with her -- or on the run... But my guess or hope was when he was kicked out she decidet on her free will to follow him (that will be a shock for WW) and thats why finaly WS in that Cotton time really learnd to trust her to the extend to let her take off his maks and live with her without wearing it in that time. Because this time she was on his side even in a very difficult and maybe dangerous (for her too) situation. 


Your guess is the bloody scene is later... can be.. tricky.. but that was the version I had in my mind.

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14 minutes ago, TeBe said:

thank you so much @Gabi Bros I found the long preview of episode 4 

yorabon, here is the link for the preview . I hope that someone will kindly translate it to english ;)



OMG that's awesome! Thank you! 

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I guess it could have been a stare but because he didn't say anything for a good 10 seconds the intensity of the moment built up and it was Wook who eased the tension by speaking. I think just the silence and the shot of him staring made me think it was a death stare.

I totally agree with you when you say Hae Soo plays a huge role in changing So's views on the people around him I think ultimately once he knows people actually do care about him and that he lowers his walls he will find that people are on his side :) 

OMG today is Monday!!! Who's excited!?!??!? :D 

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34 minutes ago, TeBe said:

thank you so much @Gabi Bros I found the long preview of episode 4 

yorabon, here is the link for the preview . I hope that someone will kindly translate it to english ;)




Waaahhh - you are my Hero of the Day.. *looking to the window* okay the Night at my Place!

Thank you so much!

The first Scenes for me feels like WS kinda say Goodbye to his Mother and finaly let go of his hope to get her positiv Attention. The Hairpin on the Stones made it more clear for me... just - when did HS gave that back to him....


And I know - even that sounds paradox - I will like Wang Wook more tomorrow. Seeiing him that emotional - even enraged when HS is in Danger... yes -- I´m glad he is not only the smart and gentle Prince but a skilled Fighter too...

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13 minutes ago, skxz said:


I guess it could have been a stare but because he didn't say anything for a good 10 seconds the intensity of the moment built up and it was Wook who eased the tension by speaking. I think just the silence and the shot of him staring made me think it was a death stare.

I totally agree with you when you say Hae Soo plays a huge role in changing So's views on the people around him I think ultimately once he knows people actually do care about him and that he lowers his walls he will find that people are on his side :) 

OMG today is Monday!!! Who's excited!?!??!? :D 


I just edited my comment - I used to many him and hers... lol... yes - HS will change Wang Soo for sure... but what I ment is that she can change 13th Prince too and his way to see Wang Soo. We know they too (13 + HS) will become very good friends. And thats why I thought thanx to her 13 can maybe learn to see the real Wang Soo too - and maybe like that beome later one os his mans.


Sorry if it is alreay here... you all know now I still have to backread...  I love to see how much Fun they had filming it - great we suffer with them - and they had fun... *grrrr* and it really must have been so  cold.. :(




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30 minutes ago, runswithkimchi said:


Thanks for getting the directors links. I Pmed you. Hope I did it right and you got my message? 


Yes you did and yes I got it. good-job-onion-head-emoticon.gif You should have the links now. 

Welcome to the Forum and this wonderful thread. balloons-smiley.gif

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25 minutes ago, TeBe said:

thank you so much @Gabi Bros I found the long preview of episode 4 

yorabon, here is the link for the preview . I hope that someone will kindly translate it to english ;)



WS: From now on, I will make you only look at me.

Lady Hae?? (Anyways, it's a female voice and I have a hard time telling them apart): Do you like some girl?

WS: Mine.

YH: What did you just say?

WS: I said, that child is mine.

WW: You've misunderstood so I've come to tell you. In this place, there's nothing that belongs to you. Don't do anything.

HS: Don't ever say I belong to you.

WS: Then should we say, you're my person?

WW: I promise you. From now on, no matter who it is, nobody can mistreat you (treat you lightly).

WJ: From now on, your life is my life. Even if that means I die, I will save you.

WW: I thought I lost you. I was afraid I would never see you again. I'm so afraid.

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13 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:


I just edited my comment - I used to many him and hers... lol... yes - HS will change Wang Soo for sure... but what I ment is that she can change 13th Prince too and his way to see Wang Soo. We know they too (13 + HS) will become very good friends. And thats why I thought thanx to her 13 can maybe learn to see the real Wang Soo too - and maybe like that beome later one os his mans.

Ahhh sorry I misunderstood. But yes for sure  Hae Soo will be the one to kind of broaden the minds of all the princes I think and her eventual close relationship with Baek Ah is probably one of the major reasons he sides with Wo. Baek Ah will probably learn a lot about So through Hae Soo and will understand him better. I think Baek Ah and Hae Soo are also drinking buddies later on and I mean drinking brings everyone together right!? Haha. That's an interaction I'm keen to see!

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HS being the catalyst in changing So + changing people's (e.g 13th Prince) perspective about So...I can really see it happening. It's not like So doesn't have soft edges to him. He has had too many traumatic experiences as well as no openly warm feelings from his own family that has changed him into this "monster" that people are scared of. And he uses that image to his own advantage because really...why should So give a damn about the world when it was the very same world who has hurt him ever since he was a child? Being slashed by his own mother so that he was forced to hide his away and having to face repulsed stares everywhere he went is just the beginning of all that. We did see him watch his younger siblings bicker like kids and enjoy it. It was something normal to do but when Wook caught him, he immediately put on the mask of indifference cuz that's how he has functioned all his life. If HS can take down the mask..the world will see a gentler and more approachable So which might finally allow his siblings to not treat him as a thing but as someone who is actually family. Idk how and when the division between the siblings for the throne will start but by then, I'm guessing So would've changed enough to have someone from the family be loyal to him. We can already see him lowkey care for HS..if he'll extend that care to someone else and not hide it then of course he'll gain loyal supporters and followers..

Basically So just needs love and acceptance, okay?! Give that to the poor guy! T_T

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1 hour ago, Gabi Bros said:

Welcome back! :) I understand you...you were not the only one that felt that way. It was because we got attached to the cast...at least for me, to the whole cast, by following their activities related to the drama all this months and because they are really nice people. But as meahri said, we are now focusing on what is important: the drama, and not the negativity. ;)


I forgot to say - Thank you - and yes - for me too the whole Cast!

And yes - you are right... this is different this time... i was following this Thread for such a long time.. not writing much... but always here with you and the others... so - yes...  maybe thats why I could get hurt like it happend.



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1 hour ago, TeBe said:

yorabon, here is the link for the preview . I hope that someone will kindly translate it to english ;)

I am not a translator but most of those scenes are part of the youku 5 min preview that some fans translated before. From what I remember (there can be some errors).... :P

So basically, Wang So is stopping Yeonhwa to keep hurting Hae Soo basically saying: "She is mine". Yeonhwa: What have you said? Wang So: I said she is mine. Wang Wook to Wang So: You have got it wrong, all the people here is my people. Hae Soo to Wang So: Don´t tell I am your thing again. Wang So to Hae Soo: What about my person (lady)? Wang Wook to Hae Soo: I promise you that no one will treat you lightly again. Wang Jun (14th) to Hae Soo: Your life is now my life (he said this because she tried to save his life)...wait to see what kind of man I will become (something like that?). Wang Wook to Haesoo: I was scared of not seeing you anymore. Why can't you say anything?

EDIT: @atsu-chan Thank you!! :) 




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At my Place it is finaly now Moon Lovers Day! Moon - Day --- so I will go to sleep now and shorten the waiting time by hours... See you later. Thanx a lot for welcome me back so warmly. Feels so good to be back! I will be activ here from now on again!

That´s a promise! :D


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5 minutes ago, Mau_Cherry said:

At my Place it is finaly now Moon Lovers Day! Moon - Day --- so I will go to sleep now and shorten the waiting time by hours... See you later. Thanx a lot for welcome me back so warmly. Feels so good to be back! I will be activ here from now on again!

That´s a promise! :D

Sweet Scarlet Dreams! :P 

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*waves@" @valsava 

*thanx@* @meahri_1

I kno some drama have you hooked from the beginning, some you need to survive the 1. 2 episodes to "know" .... I guess for me it is this time "survive until the last part of episode 2" ... I adored LJK in "Arang & the magistrate", am no fan girl, but I dare say he is the perfect solution if you want a "richard simmons kicking"-hero ;)

I love the fact that he does not have to pretend, when it comes to fight scenes, that he KNOWS what he does ... some actors get the training before and while shooting, just to look capable, but LJK IS actually capable :D 

To all that I've seen before "hello again!"
To all that are new in suffering under my spelling .... "Moien!" (as they say in Luxembourg)

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