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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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10 hours ago, micimoniq said:

I like so voice when he entered his mom's room "naya,....omonim" with his deep sorrow voice and all his tone which different from other male voice actor


I love that scene so much. I even love the way he enter the room then saying that "naya....omonim". So cool, dark, mysterius and sexy :wub:

I also love scene from eps 2 when he held Hae Soo in the forest after the assasin is dead. Wook ask him to let her go but he said "Shironde" with smirk on his face  (idk how to spell shironde) :heart:. So Sexy. 

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2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I don't think anyone in the show demonstrates any kind of unconditional love in the end. Not even So. There's no doubt that his love is epic and big but I thought that if he had really loved her unconditionally, he would have asked her first why she wanted to leave and then let her go. For me if he loved her unconditionally enough that even if she wanted out, he would let her go. But he was holding on to her even when he could see that she was suffocating in that environment and struggling with not just with the brutality around her but the machinations that were keeping them apart. She's a girl of her time and he's a man of his. And he was holding her on to a leash, the very thing he accused his brothers of doing to him.

In her defence too, she was dying and she was with child. She had something she desperately wanted to protect... and she was willing to pay the price for it. She may have regretted leaving him especially if he ended up resenting her and not knowing that she never stopped loving him but I doubt she ever regretted leaving the palace.

Both So and Su have my sympathies and undoubtedly they both made mistakes. But as I said a while back, their kind of love realistically cannot survive in Goryeo at least not in the palace. With the vultures all around them, she would always be a liability. She never wanted to marry a King but she loved the man enough to try for his sake.

Sigh... maybe I am getting too old... I've lost all my idealism about marriage and relationships. ;)

I think that if So knew the truth behind her reason for leaving him, he would have set her free.  The reason she gave him for wanting to leave him didn't make sense to him. So thought it was because of CR and that she didn't understand the politics of what had to be done.   It was only after the past relationship between her and Wook came to light that he didn't have the confidence to keep her with him and pushed her away.  Freedom was important to both of them and I think he would have in the end set her free because he did love her unconditionally as shown by his past actions.

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8 hours ago, wenlhy said:

I read somewhere he said that he is single (maybe years ago) and even ask people to introduce a good woman for him. He also said that even staffs don't believe he doesn't have a girlfriend and feel pity for him.

I believe his voice contribute a lot for his acting, which makes him manlier.


7 hours ago, hsiehijen said:


It is only right for him to pursue his own happiness. Fans should be happy for him. Anyway I guess can't be helped if we will check out the girl, must at least be as beautiful as IU. 

As his fans,..I respect if he pursues his own happiness. He can't be alone for his whole life. I don't want he gets framed up by someone who is jealous of him, like Park Si Ho and Park YuChun. May be I think too much...:grimace:

@hsiehijen ,  agree with you,..I like IU since her first drama in Dream High. She is such a lovely girl,..No need to find a girl like IU, I don't mine if it is IU his girlfriend,... hahaha,..sorry to IU's boyfriend... I think IU doesn't want to response too much and overreact during filming and even interview, because she has to take of her boyfriend feelings. If not, my guts feeling tell me that sparkling will definitely happened between LJK and LJE...hahaha


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42 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


I only knew LJG as Gong Gil before MLSHR and because he is sooooooo pretty (how can man look that good?) I always thought his voice will be a bit feminine.

Then I watched MLSHR episode 1 when Wang So with the mask came around, I was sitting in my chair with my eyes and mouth wide open. When he started to talk with his manly & super sexy voice, I didn't even realize I have abandoned my chair and sit on the floor a few inches from the TV. Staring and listening to him so hard I destroy my eyes, brain and heart at the same time. 

If only I have the same level of consentration listening to my professor during college, I would be a genius :sweatingbullets:.

Hahahah!! U might received yr doctorate if you pay more attention in class like u did to our LJG :grin:

I watched all LJG drama since My Girl but MLSHR I pay more attention to him because of his outstanding performance

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11 minutes ago, deabakdrama said:


As his fans,..I respect if he pursues his own happiness. He can't be alone for his whole life. I don't want he gets framed up by someone who is jealous of him, like Park Si Ho and Park YuChun. May be I think too much...:grimace:

@hsiehijen ,  agree with you,..I like IU since her first drama in Dream High. She is such a lovely girl,..No need to find a girl like IU, I don't mine if it is IU his girlfriend,... hahaha,..sorry to IU's boyfriend... I think IU doesn't want to response too much and overreact during filming and even interview, because she has to take of her boyfriend feelings. If not, my guts feeling tell me that sparkling will definitely happened between LJK and LJE...hahaha


I agree!! He should be dating & be happy like every one else. I'll be one happy fan if he dating & got married. He deserve happiness too. 

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36 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


I love that scene so much. I even love the way he enter the room then saying that "naya....omonim". So cool, dark, mysterius and sexy :wub:

I also love scene from eps 2 when he held Hae Soo in the forest after the assasin is dead. Wook ask him to let her go but he said "Shironde" with smirk on his face  (idk how to spell shironde) :heart:. So Sexy. 

I forgot in which episode.. but the way he call 'jimong' is so nice and sexy ..ahhh what a sexy voice.. hhhh

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26 minutes ago, hiluna said:

I think that if So knew the truth behind her reason for leaving him, he would have set her free.  The reason she gave him for wanting to leave him didn't make sense to him. So thought it was because of CR and that she didn't understand the politics of what had to be done.   It was only after the past relationship between her and Wook came to light that he didn't have the confidence to keep her with him and pushed her away.  Freedom was important to both of them and I think he would have in the end set her free because he did love her unconditionally as shown by his past actions.

If he'd given her the opportunity to explain rather than shutting her down...

I know what you're saying but I can't take sides. ;)

But it's time for me to let go.

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7 hours ago, tinniet said:

I rewatch eps 16 and just realize that JM was actually the real murderer of Yo LOL

He told So and Soo "envoys from East Jurchen were bringing tributes, so I arranged for a day of dry thunder to frighten the king. I had no idea that the envoy would be struck by lightning and die right in front of him." The thing is he knew very well that would happen. I think JM decided the time had come for So to take the throne, and he simply triggered Yo's heart attack, knowing that he would grow weaker and die when So attacked the palace. See, JM was indeed very active (and scary) in stirring the history.


I don't know what this says about me but every time I watch this scene when Ji Mong is telling SoSoo about the lightning, I can't help but giggle.  It's awful. I know it's awful, but the way he tells it and the odds of that man being struck by dry lightning, and Yo's heart attack makes me giggle. 

I'm a terrible person. 

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Oh my god, you guys! I was gone for only a few hours and now ya'll are talking about LJG's body parts. Well, not that I'm blaming you. I look at his pictures 10x a day for my sanity (or insanity).


2 hours ago, antiherofans said:


He should start making babies soon so we can preserve that DNA :lol: for the future. 

He should do asexual reproduction or cloning in order to preserve his perfectness and not taint it with unworthy DNA. :D 


Anyway, as my contribution to the 'Joon Gi Appreciation Topic', let me just say how much I appreciate his side profile. It's actually absolutely perfect. Like, I'm not even kidding. LOOK AT IT.



On another note, goodbye @40somethingahjumma! Hope you visit this thread from time to time. 


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4 hours ago, Fujia said:

Hi, someone know something about the date when the DVD are out?



It normally takes somewhere between six months and a year. It hasn't even been decided whether there would be a DVD release. I'm starting to think that the director's all forgotten about MLSHR because he made enough money with it upfront.

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1 hour ago, antiherofans said:


I love that scene so much. I even love the way he enter the room then saying that "naya....omonim". So cool, dark, mysterius and sexy :wub:

I also love scene from eps 2 when he held Hae Soo in the forest after the assasin is dead. Wook ask him to let her go but he said "Shironde" with smirk on his face  (idk how to spell shironde) :heart:. So Sexy. 


My swoon-worthy moment with his voice was in Ep-4:  YH was canning HS, he grabs YH's hand & says "kuhman heh" (stop) ... faintinglove.gif


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18 hours ago, hiluna said:

I think that if So knew the truth behind her reason for leaving him, he would have set her free.  The reason she gave him for wanting to leave him didn't make sense to him. So thought it was because of CR and that she didn't understand the politics of what had to be done.   It was only after the past relationship between her and Wook came to light that he didn't have the confidence to keep her with him and pushed her away.  Freedom was important to both of them and I think he would have in the end set her free because he did love her unconditionally as shown by his past actions.

since soo wanted it, So would let her go in any case. Remember the scene between So and Jung as the latter shows him Yo´s decree. The escalation: Initially So laughs at him saying it is fake, Jung argues that So cannot question the decree without jeopardizing his legitimation to the thone, then So plays the card of "possession", Jung answers that Hae Soo is neither his wife nor his concubine.So insists that he wiil not allow it, and then Jung brings the heavy artillery "I already informed the ministers". That was a political manoeuvre.  So, in miliseconds, calculates the political turmoil that a conflict over HS´s marriage would provoque, and decides (as Taejo once said:one has to find an excuse to prevent something to happen) to order Jung´s arrest for violating his exile, as an excuse to avoid political complications since the ministers would be involved. And before finishing his phrase, ´Jung calmly, almost softly,  dropes the nuclear bomb :"Hae Soo wants it"  And So stops thinking, he rushes to Hae Soo to ask her if she really wants it etc etc .

My point is that So, no matter what he was saying, in the end always  he was doing what HS wanted. When he became king, he worried for her because now she was more exposed to dangers in the palace, and he was not nearby to protect her, so  he tried -clamsy, it is true- to built a golden, dangerproof cage around her, but HS was not a bird.  She always did what she wanted, (she sent for Jung when his mother was dying,  she sent help to CR ´s family despite JM´s warned  her  that the king would be annoyed, "the king would not object" she answered etc). If So didn´t discussed with her in prior about CR´s punishment, it was because he knew that in the end she would have convinced him not to do so. But he had to punish CR in this cruel way, in order to give an example to Daminewon´s staff.  Therefore he decided not to tell her.

Wook was  giving empty promises to HS, So was giving her empty threats. He couldn´t live without her, he couldn´t let her go:that night before the break up,  he was even thinking to leave the throne when  YH gave him the "excuse": Wook was the -once- rival.  "Why him of all the people?" ( why not, you dummy: it was so obvious, everybody could see  it except you, you who could see everything else except this).  He let her go, because now -after her stern refusal to lie to him about Wook- he is convinced  that she let him go, that she threw him away.  (one of the symptoms of the MLSHR withdrawal syndrom´s is that in the middle of the night you start talking to the characters)  :(^_^  

@40somethingahjumma there is unconditional love, but it presupposes emancipated, strong persons.This is also a condition. But it is the one and  only condition for unconditional love.  ;)

edit: @40somethingahjumma I just saw your farewell note. So, farewell untill the next time : ))

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