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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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It's 5am now...Damn, there were some crazy people yelling in the building next to me which woke me up just in time to live stream the finale... It was super laggy and it would die just at the best parts!!! 

Not sure what to say about that ending... I can't believe I spent an hour after the finale reading all your comments haha... But I'm with you guys!!! I can't even with the ending. If they cut some flashbacks I'm sure we could've had WS future self in the last 10 minutes!! But perhaps there will be a season 2?? 

I found this article saying there will be a special episode due to the baseball game taking over epi 17 


not sure how accurate this is. Can anyone confirm this? It is likely to be aired on the 2 if that's the case. I hope this is true!!!! Then we maybe able to get our OTP together in the future! *fingers crossed*

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I really should refrain from commenting before watching subs (still downloading)... But, arrgggh!! To think that I spent some time today downloading SBS version from ep.1 so as to rewatch the series because after an excellent ep.19, I was seeing hope for a great ending (doesn't have to be for them to meet again or be together, you know)... This drama ain't getting into my rewatch list. I'm still mad that it has become one of those dramas that I truly enjoyed from start, until the last 5 minutes. Aarrggghhh!!! I'd rather they give us a tear-jerker ending like C-BBJX. That ending although sad, it is way more beautiful.

Okay, so my gripe on ep.20 the finale is: (besides the obvious ie. the ending)

1) When So dashed into WJ's house, the acting was OTT... I know he's feeling very emotional, but sorry I didn't feel a thing because I cringed at the OTT reaction. He's looking for HS, screaming her name, but his eyes aren't exactly searching the room properly. Took him way too long to notice the urn, way too long for the OTT reaction. I really hated that scene which could have been made so poignant.

2) The drawings at the modern event (or should I say PPL event, sorry not buying for sure). There are too many scenes that was impossible to be drawn by the royal artist. They do not strike a chord at all with me. They are simply conveniently taken from whatever way was presented to us the viewers. Gah, such lazy production. One eg. is the walk in the snow. Come on, that's such a special personal time of WW and HS. I doubt WW would describe that scene to the royal artist to be drawn?? Urrgh!

Now I just remembered that the director is the same one as That Winter The Wind Blows and I remembered not liking the vague and confusing ending there. I think I need to make a note to stay away from this PD's work in the future.

I was about to say that we see no smiling WS in this episode, then they gave us the piggyback scene. (missed this coz of buffering, only saw gifs shared here)

Sigh, I should just go to sleep. Download not yet finished, but I'm honestly not too excited to watch it immediately. And to think I cleared all my schedules for Tuesday and Wednesday to prepare for a sob-fest! :angry:



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21 minutes ago, soorani said:


Your positivity gives me life :D *Hugs back*



Neither I, but people were already complaining that just seeing them in the future wouldn't be enough, so either way, there would be complainings and hate. In the end, the biggest problem of Moon Lovers was time... we didn't have time for everything we wanted. 



I guess it was to let So know there is a proof of their love alive and well... I found the baby plot very sweet :)



We NEED a special more than anything else now. I'm not mad at how the drama ended, but I still wanna see them in the future ( hopefully a full hour of it)

Also, this ending gave me strong vibes that they did plan for a season 2,  HS hair change, new Ji Mong, she wake up in her bed and not in the lake... it seems like even her future was changed....  but with the low ratings in Korea it  won't happen and maybe that's why they omitted Future!Wang So? To not give people hope for a season 2...?


Yes.Yes. and Yes please.


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This drama is give me nothing to remember except the denial, anger and a lot of cursing word.....


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4 minutes ago, lilac_alex said:

I am happy with the ending.  I loved that I am left with an image of Wang So, the character who came to know and loved.  In my own opinion, a future reincarnated version would have been to wishy washy.  (Though I wouldn't have mind seeing a modern LJG)  I like how he's alone with the palace as its background and its all dark with him exposing his scar again and declaring he will find his dear Haesoo in another lifetime.  I thought it was a very cool and dramatic last image of WS.

The daughter....I mean realistically and historically that scenario they presented was most satisfactory to me.  GJ can't keep the kid in the palace but at least he knew of her.  I'm just super happy they didn't go with the miscarriage plot. whew

Notably both characters equally finished longing for each other.  GJ in Goryeo time after HS death and HS in present time with her memory of him.  Its somehow poetic.

The very last scene with them in the lane by the lake is I think made for solely for the fans to at least end in a positive note.  It was sweet and shows a snippet of their normal everyday life without the extreme drama we only witnessed.  

HS/GHJ(?) was never from Goryeo period so it was borrowed time.  So it was epic that they found each other and experienced love, friendship, misunderstandings, trust, heartbreak, loneliness, misery....gawd this is getting dark.

Can we talk about the scene where the eclipse happens and it passes by Wang So's face?  It was breathtakingly beautiful.  I was fully impressed with that.  (waits for the gif lols)

Sorry for the scattered notes above.  It reflects my current state of thoughts.  


My question, does So knows or suspect who's the father of that little girl?  He did ask how old is she to Jung and Jung didn't answer.  So must have thought Jung is the father. But then again if So knows he is the father he would have taken the child to live in the palace, the one thing that Haesu didn't want.

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9 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


Are they gonna do season 2?

It seems that the ending was leaning toward making the viewers feel and demand for season 2. They might have been confident when they where discussing, planning, filming that it will be a huge hit in Korea, high ratings and all. But domestic ratings was cold, and they can't change the ending anymore since it is pre-produce.

With that kind of ending they surely had season 2 at the back of their head but I doubt that the production team can make SBS agree to do a season 2 for this. 

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18 minutes ago, gwiyeowooh said:

I guess the ending was like that, WS saying he will find HS, because they were planning or hoping to do a sequel or season 2. They might have anticipated that the drama will be a huge success. It is overly successful overseas but the ratings on Korea is not cooperating.

They really left the ending open, for a season 2 to work on meeting in the future. If only Korea cooperated...

well, they could still do a sequel/season 2 with very likeable story, starring both the leads...
maybe not named SHR but just moonlovers2 (with romcom melodrama mix and association with ML1)

with the right timeslot (and no competition), they could win SK viewers, esp its modern plot...

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2 minutes ago, Ainee Etp said:

How is HS going to live on in modern days knowing her love one died lonely 1000 years ago? And she must be wondering what happened to her daughter.


So HS timeline is created by her in the past so that it continues down to her????

As for Season 2, not sure they would go there... 

Just like the ending in Green Lantern showing Sinestro getting yellow ring to hint of *sequel*... it never materialised until today...

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