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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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49 minutes ago, kdramawriter said:

It's not a single mistake. It's his entire attitude since he's become king. I've said in earlier posts already. Since she's become his woman, her world has become limited and her freedoms taken away. She did initially because she thought that being without him would be worse. As it turns out, being bound to someone who doesn't understand her is much worse. 

I was talking about CR's death because eventhough she had her freedoms taken away, before CR's death, she didn't even think about leaving him and the palace. We can see in eps 17 she even promised to never leave him, and she said that after she had been living in the palace for some times. After CR's death though, she said to Baekah how she could continue living now that the man she loved killed her own sister. And that's what I mean when I said she is very understanding and forgiving towards others but not So. CR put mercury in Moo's bath, directly killing him, the one that Soo considered as her older brother. She also betrayed Soo in many ways, indirectly threatening her life because Soo was blamed for Moo's death, destroying the chance of marriage for her and So, but she understood her and said she did it for love. Wook had caused the death of Lady Oh, Moo, and Eun but Soo also understood and forgave him. When it came to So though, no matter how So explained to her the truth, she stood by her principle that CR was sincere to her. She should have been grateful when So didn't give Wook death penalty, but she looked at So as if he was the monster instead. And in the end he even hugged and bid goodbye to that real monster.

This double-standard of Soo is what I find very hard to digest, and what I think has made So very mad at her too. CR and Wook killed his beloved brothers but Soo understood and forgave them. So punished CR and Wook for the crime they did do and Soo thought of him as a monster and told him to not kill his brother. If this is not double-standard, I don't know what to call it.

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WS gave HS piggyback ride?? That's what I want to see the most!! I've been waiting all this time to see WS holds HS! Even though maybe it's only still cut or deleted scene or just flash back scene that's okay ahhhh I'm so happy to see it, they looked so happy together :bawling::heart:

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8 minutes ago, paldia said:

Don't get your hopes up yet! We've been mislead by the previews before! There is very little in that trailer, and we can not know the sequence of the story, maybe he reads the letter before HS's death and gets to her in time. These writers like to mislead! 

I didn't get my hopes up. I know it's sad ending, at least in Goryeo era. I said that because from the beginning, every spoiler that released was true and now the spoilers says that, I didn't say that because of the preview. The new still looks like a dream too.

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owwww, definitely feeling a pang after seeing the newest teaser pics.  I'm with the camp that thinks it's either a flashback or dream sequence.

since we're nearing the end, I've been mulling a bit on our OTP. anyone remember what So said to Soo when she first started working at the Damiwon? that to trust anyone is basically suicide and that it's a place where snakes eat their own tails. it's cutthroat, it's constantly being on guard. you don't know who is plotting against you waiting for the right moment to backstab you. so, for an honest, deep love as theirs... that r/l just cannot survive in that environment. heck, Soo does not have the personality to survive in that environment - I doubt most 21st century folks would be able to live as long as she did.

While I'm not entirely sure I can say the same for Soo to So, So trusted her completely I think - and that trust, and his honest love for Soo would likely be constantly used as leverage against him as King.

like Soo said, if only they met in another time, in another place. it seems that for Goryeo royals, true, romantic love is either fleeting or impossible. 

/word vomit :sweatingbullets:

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There is a saying "there's more than meets the eye " I think this could be said for the preview. Just think like why in the world would LJG have a fan meeting with almost 600 people if it ends with tears and regret. Damn if he enjoys watching his fans suffer then I think he lost it during filming when he's ruthless king. There's got to be more than tears and saddens and regret. The viewers need to be satisfied. If the audience aren't satisfied then doesn't that affect future projects of the writer. Viewers remember how each drama ends and who wrote it and directed it. I mean if you watch a film that is beautiful in cinematography but not that well at the writing department, the criticism follows you in your next project. Or am I wrong?? Anyway my point is that I hope the fan meeting goes wonderfully well and few people faint of broken hearted and we get the ending we deserve. 

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1 hour ago, zi4r said:

Expected sub-plot: Political intrigue & Battle for the throne

What we got: Child-play level politics & Anti-climatic transfers of power

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In this drama, WS is the only truly developed character. Everyone else just exists to bring shape and dimension to this one character. So almost all other people that are involved in the courtly intrigue are left one-dimensional. WW & YH get slightly better treatment in terms of character sketch; at least, there is some effort in making them almost human-like. But others, even the central characters like Queen Yoo & Wang Yo are just walking-talking humanoid shells to me --- their motivations are left unexplained; their actions are almost comical in their goodness or evilness.

For a political intrigue to truly blossom, we need light & shade in characters. And since the massive cast & too-short run of the drama doesn't allow for true character developments, the political intrigue part of the sub-plot is doomed from the start. Each event in history/plot is made as an episodic problem, introduced quickly & resolved just as quickly (e.g. rain ceremony, various coups, rebellion of Baekje in Ep19). So except for the WS poisoning & mercury poisoning, each event has very little impact on the main story-arc. Thus, we are not invested in the politics of this drama at all.


That would have been fine if the drama manages to make an impact in the main transfer-of-power plot-points. But look at this:

  • Taejo died almost peacefully. HS limps around to save the nation. Then the battle scene with gorgeous sword fight. Then, Mu is King.

My disappointment? It was too short; Mu arrived quickly and there was no bloody battle.

But this one is not all bad. At least, we got to see WW's political mind in how he betrayed Yo. And we got to see HS at least doing something. And we got the nice conversation between WS & HS in the throne room.

  • Mu died. One little moment of badassery from WS. Threatened with HS, he stopped fighting. Then, Yo is King.

My disappointment? Mu drowned in thigh-deep water. Well, I know his veins were pumped full of mercury by then, but the editing of the drowning scene was s*** so I didn't feel the impact of his death. Then, again, fight scene was too short.

But this one is very good in one particular sense: tortured WS. His inner struggle was beautiful to see... so that salvaged the scene quite a bit.

  • Yo died. There was supposed to be a coup, which becomes not-a-coup. Then, WS/GJ is King.

Most anti-climatic ascent to throne of all times for me. I was expecting some interesting planning for the coup; we didn't get it. I was expecting some bloody battle; we didn't get it. I was expecting at least some confrontation between WS and Yo; we didn't get it. In almost a blink of an eye, the coup AND the coronation was over. WTH?!!!

The problem with making the power-transfers anti-climatic is that it cheapens WS's struggles. After all the pain while under the reign of other Kings, he became King almost instantly without much of a how-do-you-do. So we are left in the state of blah, rather then feel the satisfaction that he's now King.



You again! With your gigantic monstrous post full of relentless unforgiving analyses! You're such a... 


There's one ridiculous pattern I notice that has emerged times and times again on the show. It's that every time everyone suited up all nicely, preparing for a bloody revolt or rebellion, someone will die on the spot and conveniently prevent all the bloodshed (that we audience expected).

- When Yo and Wook attacked Cheon Doek palace. What did we get? A sword dance between WS and WW while the rest watch on amusingly. Then Mu came back, JM declared King Taejo was dead, everyone was like: "Yay! New King! No more fighting babes!"

- When Yo came back with a few soldiers for another revolt, he was met by even fewer soldiers and some palace maids. Just as the battle got somewhat bloodier with WS's appearance, Yo decided to pull out the HS card and saved a bunch of lives. (So who's the kind one here? Yo, I suppose?)

- When WS finally had his own cool big troop, and finally got to persuade his lovely bro Baek Ah to suit up for this big day, what did they get in return? An open gate and more than welcome palace guards (I was wondering what power YH and Queen HB had that they could control the palace guards all they wanted?). And to make the matter even simpler, Yo had a heart attack and die. Great timing. Again, no bloodshed. How convenient is that?

- When the people of Later Baek Jae (whatever the name is!) rebelled, instead of letting Baek Ah's sword get tainted with blood, instead of letting WH do some negotiating, she just jumped off the wall. And no more fight to watch, everyone came back to their places, feeling more depressed and empty than ever before.

And my speculation is that armor thingy must be super expensive that the PD decided that tainting or damaging them is a sin so he decided to play "Will be back" instead. And maybe screening fighting scene is not the PD's cup of tea? And maybe the budget for public actors and actresses is limited? Whatever the reason is, I can't help but feeling we are watching a sitcom without any comedy in it. T_T


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7 hours ago, Silvermaine said:

I felt like my world is falling all over my head. Why are they going by the Chinese drama. I just want to end my misery at this point. I AM SO DISAPPOINTED

i had the same feelings...i feel so sad....i can't stop my tears...about otp photos i don't want to put high hopes on that... could be flashbacks of their happy times or just HS or WS dream....

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@LyraYoo Won's downfall is one I will relish seeing play out, far more than anyone else's. He has no loyalty to anyone except himself, no compunction in throwing his allies under the bus when it suited him, and not even a hint of regret or remorse for the fate of the girl he used callously to further his goals. While 9th was just as outwardly callous in his responses when Ruoxi took him to task over Yutan, we see that in his private moments, he regrets her fate and misses her. And let's not forget Yutan merely served as a spy, but never killed anyone for 9th.

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4 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

I wonder why there's no Kang Ha Neul in the latest naver cast video

Methinks he was still under house arrest at the time. Perhaps Gwangjong stipulated no media in his clause as well, for his impudence in wandering around out of defiance for the terms of his incarceration? :phew:

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Newbie here:) None of my friend is watching it and talk about this drama, so I created this account.

I don't understand why the rating is dropping even in this critical moment?? So sad, they deserve better.

I started to search the episode rating after every new episode aired, but it just never rise and I just don't understand why..why..why..

I know some "part" of their acting is awkward, but how can the rating be so low???? Are koreans care about the acting so much?

I believe the ending will be the same as the chinese version since it has lots of scene "adapted" from chinese version too including the some plot too.

(sorry for my poor english)

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16 hours ago, sosooyah19 said:

in sbs version, WS did not know yet abt WW-HS past before this YH incident..

WS asked YH to betray her family if she wanted an heir, thus that's what happened..

UGH... she sits on the bed... grrrrr.... (sbs version was edited and cut where they are only standing after a short convo)

the editing makes all a difference if we will hate WS or not hehe

What's the difference between the international and sbs version? I'm confused..

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