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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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On 11/27/2016 at 4:13 PM, Umi_ni_Sora said:

Sorry, just dropping in after the holiday celebrations. Reading back on some discussions, I thought the whole, "I'll be waiting behind these fences" was more of a metaphor. I don't think she meant the actual physical fences in Jung's residence. Fences exist to separate things, people, places, etc. Soo and So are separated by a lot of things at that point in time i.e statuses, place, resentment, misunderstanding, etc., so I believe that is what she is referring to.

Fences keep things separated and protects/encloses, at the same time the people on either side can see what's on the other side, though they should not cross over. Soo and So are separated by these fences, and they can clearly see one another beyond the fences (nothing is actually keeping them physically apart), but they cannot cross these fences. The fences exist as long as they continue to misunderstand/resent each other. The fences is a metaphor of their feelings, imo.

For the writer's sake, I hope you're right. ;)

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5 hours ago, makino92 said:

Ok I think we should let the other international fans know about the postcards project by posting the flyer on Facebook, Twitter ect but Facebook pages with many likes should post it and Twitter profiles with many followers as well. 

The Facebook pages must be related to the drama X°D or the ones that talk about dramas :D

Since I'm more familiar with Tumblr, I've been circulating the flyer there, and I believe an Eclipse posted the flyer on Twitter.

Would anyone else be up for sending the flyer through the Facebook and Instagram spheres? (Or in aiding the Tumblr and Twitter efforts?)

Also, still working on the Korean translations...

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One-shot fanfics.

5 Times the 4th Prince Got Jealous + 1 Time He Didn’t [HERE @ AO3]

Summary: So walked the few steps closer to them, ignoring the voice telling him to turn around. A better man might’ve. A good man wouldn’t trouble her this way. He was neither.

I can’t give her up.

After a misguided confession, the state of things between So and Soo are in limbo. So deals with the fact that Soo doesn’t return his feelings, but are things really as hopeless as they seem?

Twice Blessed [HERE @ AO3]

Summary: Baek Ah was the rock his brother could always rely upon in a sea of those whose allegiances shifted with the direction of the wind. That wasn’t going to change, even if he was having trouble keeping his emotions to himself today.

Brother will understand once he hears the news, Baek Ah thought.

Baek Ah finds out that he and the King are about to have something really wonderful in common; or, in which So reveals his insecurities but Baek Ah reassures him that he is not alone.


If you’re interested in reading more of my Moon Lovers fanfiction, check out my tumblr tag here.

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@ruizaio I understood from your previous post here that the DVD set release is still under consideration, and not confirmed. Is the DVD release with some deleted scenes now confirmed since your post, or is that still under discussion?

The reason I ask is because I was a little confused by the seemingly conflicting English and Chinese tumblr statements. The C-translation says "During the communication with the production company, they said that if they do a DVD release, it will be the version that was already broadcast (they did not specify whether it would be the Korean or International version), and there will not be much differences from what was already available, indicating that there would not be much point in purchasing the DVD. In addition, they claim that they do not know how much was deleted, there were possibly no deletions, and that we had made a mistake, clearly trying to fool us." Meanwhile, the English letter stated that "They will release a DVD set with aired episodes..."

Does it mean the DVD set release is definite, or still being considered?

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5 hours ago, realmsoflove said:

I become afraid every time we meet. I know that I had feelings for another. So why is it that I can’t let you go and ignore you?

I want to talk about Soo for awhile. Episode 12 was the episode that made me think “Yes. Soo is definitely in love with So.”

I think one of the reasons the lovelines were contentious is that they overlapped. There was no clean break. Soo didn’t stop having feelings for Wook, and then start having feelings for So – her feelings for So began while she had feelings for Wook. Based on episode 11, and the spoilers about something happening that would change the nature of Soo and Wook’s relationship forever, I thought Wook turning his back on Soo when she needed him the most was going to result in the swift death of that ship.

But it didn’t… not quite. Soo’s own words reflect that the events surrounding Lady Oh’s death solidified So’s presence in her heart, but they didn’t deliver the anticipated killing blow to her relationship with Wook. I was puzzled and dismayed by this at first. Why go so far as to show Wook literally turning his back on Soo, only for her to still have romantic feelings for him?

I think Soo was willing to give Wook a pass for not being there for her because she saw first-hand what happened to people who defied the king. Lady Oh died, even though Taejo loved her. So was sent away. Soo herself became a laundry maid. Soo didn’t know Wook didn’t come for her because he was covering up Yeon-hwa’s wrongdoings. As far as she knew, he couldn’t throw everything away and come for her – and given what happened to people who did, she couldn’t hold that against him.

In episode 13, she finds out otherwise. Wook wants the throne. He wanted to kill So. He used her and tested her, and tried to pretend it was for her sake. Soo saw through it, and that’s what kills her love for him – his desire for the throne, the fact he wanted to kill someone dear to her (even though he knew she blamed herself for Lady Oh’s death), and that he was lying about his own motivations. That was it. They were done.

This brings me to Soo’s reaction to Chae-ryung’s death. I know a lot of people felt like Soo’s reaction was overblown, and she should have been more understanding. I’m not sure. (This is an instance where the related deleted scenes probably would have made Soo’s reaction a lot easier to understand, because it would have given us more insight into their friendship.) It’s easy to say that So had to punish Chae-ryung and from the perspective of a monarch, it was the right thing to do (which it was) – but if I were to travel back in time to a place like Goryeo, I would probably feel just as horrified as Soo. I think she viewed Chae-ryung as not culpable because of her status in life, and I think that’s partially why Soo can’t understand So’s punishment – she told him, much earlier in the drama, that the people above should look out for the people below. No one ever looked out for Chae-ryung. I’m not trying to absolve Chae-ryung, but I think her position had a lot to do with Soo’s reaction.

And now, Soo is much, much, much more emotionally invested in her relationship with So than she ever was in her relationship with Wook. She probably knows she’s pregnant. So is the love of her life – but she still cares about other people, and feels responsible for them. What can she do?

Enter Wook’s punishment. I totally understand why people were upset about Soo kneeling for Wook, despite everything he had done. I was furious at him all over again when I rewatched episodes 14 and 16 – how dare Wook sneer at the possibility of anyone (eg. Soo) being upset over So’s wedding, and how dare he give Yo the idea to use So as his dog. What a sore loser. But Soo wasn’t privy to any of that. She was appalled to realize Wook wanted to kill So, and was disgusted when she realized Wook’s involvement in Mu’s poisoning and Eun and Soon-duk's deaths… but she wasn’t privy to Wook’s nastier moments in the same way the audience was. I often felt like the audience assessment of Soo not having the “right” reactions stemmed from us having the full picture, and Soo not having the full picture.

I’m of the opinion that Soo’s reaction to Wook’s punishment had much more to do with So than it did with Wook. She’s over Wook. She doesn’t think he deserves a free pass. By begging for Wook’s life, she’s trying to save So’s soul. She doesn’t want him to become the bloody monarch history declares him to be. She doesn’t want him to descend any further. I know it seems like Soo gave everyone chances except for So… but I think it’s because she’s so emotionally invested in their relationship, and loves him so much, that she expects more from him. Their relationship in Goryeo was doomed because he couldn’t understand her perspective, and she could never fully assimilate and throw away her 21st century morals. But I don’t think that their relationship was toxic, or that she didn’t love him enough, or he didn’t love her enough. I think it was a matter of timing.

Rewatching the last few minutes of Ha-jin crying over the portrait of Gwangjong makes me feel sad for her all over again. I'm extrapolating from what little we know of her backstory, honestly (once again - I'd love to see the deleted scenes that elaborated upon it, cough cough) but I kind of got the feeling that Ha-jin was actually lonely and had a bit of an inferiority complex - that she never received the depth of love she extended to others (until she met So). And that's partially why she had difficulty coming to terms with her feelings for him. All of a sudden, she was the first priority of this incredibly loving, imperfect person. And who was she, that he would put his life on the line for her?

On a completely different note, if we can’t have a director’s cut DVD, I hope the production team releases a photobook. All the photos in the PD Note are so gorgeous… it would be a shame not to release them.



I completely agree and would really love if they release a photobook, coffee-table book or whatever they want to call it as long as the beautiful pictures are in there. It would be an awesome additional memento to MLSHR.

@ruizaio is it possible to make such request to the production team? Limited numbers of copies will do but i hope we all can get a copy. 

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5 hours ago, zshinymoon said:

Hi Eclipse....

 hope you guys enjoy this  hea soo & wang so mv.♡♡





I watched it. I liked it. I commented on it. It's beautiful! The scenes and the music are love! What music did you use? I really want to know it. Thank you for making the vid. XX

I love any MLSHR vid even if the scenes are the same a thousand times, because there is something on those scenes that even if i watch them a thousand times, i just can't get enough. Sigh. 

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10 hours ago, hobeverly1212 said:

How credible is that news of replacement and even a season 2?

And really no DVD???? 


This is one of the publications we had stated previously that was and still is NOT a credible source. 

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@liddi It's my bad. I forgot to include the "if they do a release" part when I wrote the English version. They may still do a release regardless of what the fans request, but it has not been confirmed. 

@freckledcontessa Unfortunately, we already asked for a photobook as well as other goodies to be included when we contacted them and they said no. They are not willing to spend more money on this.

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1 hour ago, krysyuy said:

One-shot fanfics.

5 Times the 4th Prince Got Jealous + 1 Time He Didn’t [HERE @ AO3]

Summary: So walked the few steps closer to them, ignoring the voice telling him to turn around. A better man might’ve. A good man wouldn’t trouble her this way. He was neither.

I can’t give her up.

After a misguided confession, the state of things between So and Soo are in limbo. So deals with the fact that Soo doesn’t return his feelings, but are things really as hopeless as they seem?

Twice Blessed [HERE @ AO3]

Summary: Baek Ah was the rock his brother could always rely upon in a sea of those whose allegiances shifted with the direction of the wind. That wasn’t going to change, even if he was having trouble keeping his emotions to himself today.

Brother will understand once he hears the news, Baek Ah thought.

Baek Ah finds out that he and the King are about to have something really wonderful in common; or, in which So reveals his insecurities but Baek Ah reassures him that he is not alone.


If you’re interested in reading more of my Moon Lovers fanfiction, check out my tumblr tag here.

Thanks for the slices-of-life that read like the scenes that were cut and help flesh out what might have been!


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1 hour ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

Since I'm more familiar with Tumblr, I've been circulating the flyer there, and I believe an Eclipse posted the flyer on Twitter.

Would anyone else be up for sending the flyer through the Facebook and Instagram spheres? (Or in aiding the Tumblr and Twitter efforts?)

Also, still working on the Korean translations...

Yay!! The word is getting out there!! :) I had a coworker translate some super basic phrases and then Ruizaio checked them and said they were pretty generic and rewrote them! They're still simple phrases because I didn't want to abuse the generosity of the translators, so if you get more, yay! Here's the new updated flyer with the Korean!


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25 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

@liddi It's my bad. I forgot to include the "if they do a release" part when I wrote the English version. They may still do a release regardless of what the fans request, but it has not been confirmed. 

@freckledcontessa Unfortunately, we already asked for a photobook as well as other goodies to be included when we contacted them and they said no. They are not willing to spend more money on this.

Not even a photobook? That's harsh. Discovery of Romance had a photobook (released independently of anything else) and it fared around the same as MLSHR in the ratings. I realize the context is different given the amount of $$$ that went into MLSHR, but still. How are the Korean fans reacting to this? :(

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30 minutes ago, realmsoflove said:

Not even a photobook? That's harsh. Discovery of Romance had a photobook (released independently of anything else) and it fared around the same as MLSHR in the ratings. I realize the context is different given the amount of $$$ that went into MLSHR, but still. How are the Korean fans reacting to this? :(


The only extra thing they offered was a music video and 120-minute concentration of So-Soo moments (from already seen episodes). 

K fans are mad of course. We had made a fanvideo of how much we want an uncut edition, and only YG responded with any kind of appreciation for the video. The distributor chosen by the director's company even scolded us for wasting our time making something like that.



Edit: we had also sent them a powerpoint presentation (you can see some of the slides here - will only open in a mobile browser outside of Korea) explaining why we want all the deleted scenes with some evidence of the deleted scenes, and they still had the gall to tell us that it's not true, the actors must have been mistaken or the reporter must have misquoted them, yadda yadda.

So some are fed up and said they don't want anything from them anymore, while others are still hoping the director will change his mind, and that's why some of them will also be sending postcards as well.



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I feel like the director is punishing us by not giving us the uncut edition because the ratings for the drama was low in south korea and not what he expected at all. If that is the case he must be blind to the success of MLSHR internationally or just dosent care about international fans. It's really sad considering we supported and love the drama to no end despite it's many flaws for which the director is partly responsible.

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1 hour ago, ruizaio said:

@liddi It's my bad. I forgot to include the "if they do a release" part when I wrote the English version. They may still do a release regardless of what the fans request, but it has not been confirmed. 

@freckledcontessa Unfortunately, we already asked for a photobook as well as other goodies to be included when we contacted them and they said no. They are not willing to spend more money on this.

a photobook would have been great since there were so many scenes worth mentioning... sad they wont do one.... well thats the fans expertise hahaha...

im still hoping, whatever they could offer for the fans.. *sigh*

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1 hour ago, ruizaio said:


The only extra thing they offered was a music video and 120-minute concentration of So-Soo moments (from already seen episodes). 

K fans are mad of course. We had made a fanvideo of how much we want an uncut edition, and only YG responded with any kind of appreciation for the video. The distributor chosen by the director's company even scolded us for wasting our time making something like that.

  Hide contents


Edit: we had also sent them a powerpoint presentation (you can see some of the slides here - will only open in a mobile browser outside of Korea) explaining why we want all the deleted scenes with some evidence of the deleted scenes, and they still had the gall to tell us that it's not true, the actors must have been mistaken or the reporter must have misquoted them, yadda yadda.

So some are fed up and said they don't want anything from them anymore, while others are still hoping the director will change his mind, and that's why some of them will also be sending postcards as well.



wow.. just wow... dont they use internet? dont they have researchers to even at least check the popularity outside? how could they get support from fans within and outside korea for their future projects if they were like that? theyre maybe harsh because we became critical during the time it was airing, they became fed up with this whole thing? they should have made official statements regarding that and make fans understand what they went through... aish....

still we have to make the postcard project possible and try try try, so they could see the demand outside korea.. kfans already made their move (as what i read) so int'l fans should make a move too so they could see that its all true, that there is a demand... my blood boiled on those sentences highlighted.. :sweatingbullets::crazy:

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Thanks to @ruizaio for keeping us informed! So sad (and angry) that the director isn't cooperating at all.

As for the postcard project, wouldn't it be worth a try to send out two more postcards to the director and writer in addition to the three postcards to the production companies? I'd like to try but I don't know where to send them. Does anyone know their addresses? (If they are known to the public - or do they have something like a company address?) 


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Perhaps take a picture of your postcard(s) -- you can always "erase" personal information (name, address, etc.) later on. 

Once the postcards are mailed out, there's no evidence to show our efforts.

If they still ignore us, we can perhaps use a collective IG or twitter account to show the fans' efforts in this appeal. 

If postcards really show fan support from around the world, it might further help promote our hard work and gain attention.

If you like this idea of taking a pix of the postcard -- remember to help spread it.  


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