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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Why not consider adding a sentence (in Hangul*) in your postcard project: 

"Support the fans and fans will support you back."

"Ignore us and we will NOT support any future projects by director Kim Kyu Tae, YG Entertainment or BaramiBunda, and we will spread our appeal to other fans through social media." 

* If I see it in a language I don't understand, I will simply ignore.

Also write it in bold or red -- it's call IMPACT.

(Perhaps the only exception is if they release a movie that closes out MLSHR -- that I will support.)

Entertainment is all about support -- no support, no market, no career. 

(2)  See if you guys can mobilize the Korean fans to participate in this last ditch effort. 

(3)  Also ask if fans of other forums in other countries will help -- Philippines, Thailand, for instance. 

(4)  Roll-call again & ask other fans who have moved on to help -- even if they are not interested in the DVD. 

(5)  Instead of just Dec 5, I'd allow all to send postcards between Dec 5 - 31st.


(Just a thought.)

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1 hour ago, ruizaio said:


I'm not at liberty to disclose specific numbers, but this particular director has released director's cut Blu-ray/DVDs for some of his previous works at less than 1/10 of the number of responses as MLSHR. This is why I keep saying he's the evil queen Yu and MLSHR is Wang So. Other works were pleasing to him like Yo and Jung, but he ruined MLSHR and can't stand to deal with it anymore.


He was so disappointed with the ratings that he can't even grant our request. Or they are planning something better and bigger for the fans. I want to believe it's the latter. Because i really think they're mad for not wanting to capitalise on the popularity of the drama. *Sigh* Oh well.

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1 hour ago, krysyuy said:

*sigh* Figures. Definitely avoiding the director's (and writer's) future works from now on.



I thought about that, too. But let's not be too harsh. They are very good in their fields and defining them with just one of their work is too much. I know there is a very valid reason behind their reluctance. I maybe wrong though. :)

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34 minutes ago, freckledcontessa said:


I read the email. And i understand. You tried and that alone means a lot. Thank you so much for the efforts. XX


I do not understand why they are reluctant. But if that is their decision i can't do anything. I will respect it. But I will not send postcards anymore. I will not pester them. I will not beg. I'm sorry @ilovecoffeeandbooks, i can't participate in the postcards thingy anymore. But that's just me. I hope you understand. XX


I totally get it. You do you. :) My first kneejerk reaction was anger and I thought about scrapping the project too. However, after a little time to think about it, I'm still going to do it! Even if it's just to tell them thank you for their beautiful show, I am going to send it! Also, Ruizaio said that they are on the fence about releasing a DVD, so maybe this will help sway them? Let's not give up!! But let's also not be rude... I'm sure a lot of us are disappointed/angry right now over the news, but being aggressive is only going to alienate them from us further.

Btw, I really like your zen about the whole situation. Really helps center me, as well. :) 

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@ruizaio I was one of those who did receive the email notification - thank you. While the news is extremely disappointing, I would like to express my utmost gratitude and appreciation to you and the Korean fans who worked so tirelessly on behalf of all of us to bring our wishes to the director and the production companies. If not anything else, it would have shown to them that regardless of all the flaws, the drama is very much loved across the world, and we see its potential to be far better than what was made available. If the DVD release does pan out, hopefully we will get to see the footage that the cast have been hinting amid the deleted scenes... particularly the extended closing scene that LJG, LJE and Jisoo had indicated. I too hold out hope that we will see our cast reunited during SBS awards night and rewarded for their hard work. 

Whatever the outcome, I would just like to say that the MLSHR experience has been a unique one, and I, for one, have been enriched by it through the collaborations, friendships and discussions here. Thank you, everyone for an unforgettable 3 months! :) 

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5 hours ago, NitaA said:

I feel you chingu!! It is a grey Sunday morning in the Northwestern of USA and I decided to cheer the morning up by re-watching Running Man with my cup of coffee.  I picked random episode 168. Guess who was the guest? Of course, IU was. Guess what was the theme? You have to choose a card between a lamb card or a wolf card. Guess which one did IU chose? You got it right......! The wolf...


My thought immediately,..... Wang Sooooooo... and I ended up re-watching episode 14 SHR. So much for trying to move on...



I also watched this episode yesterday :blink:. When IU picked wolf card my mind suddenly think "This show predicts the future. Destiny."

After that, I randomly choose episode to watch. I end up watching eps 217 and the guest star is Kim Sung Kyun (Jimong).

Did the universe make some joke to me or something? 

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@ruizaio Thanks for getting back to everyone and updating us the status.

I am understand perfectly why the production team dun want to go through with this, they have already decided on the ending and anything else they do to add on is a deviation and will just create more backlash and trouble for them anyway.  

For me MLSHR like some things in life is not perfect but still beautiful and memorable to me. Life is like that, I am ok with it really - invoking the scene of HS telling WS is ok to marry someone else....., its ok, I still love the drama. :)

Thank you so much for all your effort, I really appreciate it as well as all those involved in pushing this.

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13 minutes ago, freckledcontessa said:


I thought about that, too. But let's not be too harsh. They are very good in their fields and defining them with just one of their work is too much. I know there is a very valid reason behind their reluctance. I maybe wrong though. :)


Let's use the same analogy: 

Their 1 failure = MLSHR's poor domestic ratings in SK 

Their other successes = MLSHR's huge success outside of SK 

Should the production team & PD simply just use SK as the sole factor to define MLSHR as a failure and ignore its success everywhere else then? 

* * * * * * * * * 

I also hope that their reluctance is perhaps due to them possibly planning for a project (e.g. movie maybe?)  and until details and negotiations are finalized, everything is shrouded in secrecy and reluctance. 

For me personally, using the actors/actresses as shields or excuses is just plain cheap shot -- they know the actors/actresses will be unable to fire back. 

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53 minutes ago, freckledcontessa said:

I thought about that, too. But let's not be too harsh. They are very good in their fields and defining them with just one of their work is too much. I know there is a very valid reason behind their reluctance. I maybe wrong though. :)

I understand that you want to be fair to them, and I gave the production team the benefit of the doubt while the drama was airing. And while I love Moon Lovers (this drama has a strange hold on me), the drama has a lot of problems, most of which became nearly unbearable for me towards the end of the run. Frankly, I'll be as harsh as I want. lol They had everything they needed for a true runaway hit, but there is no denying that there were some serious missteps here. Them being very good in their fields is a matter of opinion, and how they handled Moon Lovers lowered my esteem of them.

Is there a valid reason behind their reluctance? One can only speculate. Given everything I've read about them (what went on during production and their attitude after) and their unwillingness to work with fans (even going so far as to blame the cast, when it was the cast who mostly saved the drama from being a complete disaster) has left a bad taste in my mouth. Bad enough that I will certainly judge them on their awkward handling of such a huge project with enormous potential that ultimately didn't reach as high as it could've. Don't get me wrong - I find this drama amazing in its own ways (if I truly hated it, I wouldn't be as obsessed as I am now, even weeks after it ended). But Moon Lovers will always be haunted by 'what-ifs' and 'what-could-have-beens', and a part of me will resent this production team every time I think about it. But that's just me.

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14 hours ago, deabakdrama said:

I believe HS left the palace because their child and CR's death. In episode 17, HS went to build a wishing stone, I would believe she prayed for her health to live longer witj WS and also her baby. She comes 21st century, well educated, so I do believe she suspected she was pregnant. The physician could not get her pulse because HS s health conditions. 

I don't know if it makes sense but I've noticed that there actually were 3 pray stones- 1big, 1a bit smaller, and a tiny one- matches with WS, HS, baby?

It's a sad news about DVD :tears: Well, maybe after rewatching few more times I will be able to find some answers to my questions.. or simply use imagination to produce my own drama and convince myself that WS&HS's suffering finally ended...

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Annyeong yeorobun! Just want to share this info I posted on the JoonU thread to give us some hope.

1 hour ago, freckledcontessa said:

I am sad because of this. 

It's very disappointing. Oh well. 


@freckledcontessa I can confirm that the reason given to our DVD team was indeed made up. Ruizaio said:

They may release a DVD set with aired episodes (they didn't specify which version) with some of the deleted scenes as special features, but they claimed they didn't know how much of the deleted scenes would be available because they fear the actors won't agree to release their publicity rights for them (which is total BS, they're just not willing to admit there are deleted scenes and are even denying what the actors have said in their interviews).

The actors' rights are always completely settled at the front end when they sign on board to do a project. Entertainment contracts never specify specific scenes but are always all encompassing. Even knowing how different SK entertainment contracts are to those here in the US, contracts in general aren't written that way because of the intellectual property involved.

I can't even begin to guess why they gave the reason that they did, but it could be because 1) don't want to tip their hand regarding the feature film, or 2) can't mention it because the ownership and distribution rights have changed hands because of the feature film. The latter reason would not give them clearance to share any information since their rights are now limited. 

Actually, now that I think about it...at the core, a portion of their reason makes sense (not about the actors' publicity rights but specific to the deleted scenes). If many or all of the deleted scenes were meant to be used in the feature film, they definitely no longer have rights to them. The question now is whether the new production company for the feature -- should be a combo of the production companies...GT Entertainment (PD Kim's company) for sure plus the investors...NBCUniversal Television International also for sure as they will be the distributor -- will proceed with the film. The making and distribution of the film will of course require an additional investment that would have been projected when the agreements were first drafted and executed. They would have set up targeted ROIs (return on investment), KPIs (key performance indicators), and/or benchmarks that would have to be met in order for them to proceed with part II, the feature film.

I think what might be working in our favor is that our Director's Cut DVD team is proving to them that there's a vested target audience in place for the feature film and perhaps a re-envisioned DVD set.  What I'm suggesting means we still have hope. Unfortunately, we might not know anything till January, well after the submissions for the Hong Kong International Film Festival. 

As I mentioned previously, the deadline for submission of a feature film is Dec. 31. If Joongi is nominated for Best Actor for the SBS Drama Awards, it would actually provide good momentum for any marketing of the feature.

Regarding the submission of the feature film for the Hong Kong International Film Festival, see my original post below which speaks to that. Sorry...never posted it here in the main thread.



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4 hours ago, ruizaio said:

Unfortunately, the director and production companies have refused to release a DVD/Blu-ray set that combines the two versions and deleted scenes. They may release a DVD set with aired episodes (they didn't specify which version) with some of the deleted scenes as special features, but they claimed they didn't know how much of the deleted scenes would be available because they fear the actors won't agree to release their publicity rights for them (which is total BS, they're just not willing to admit there are deleted scenes and are even denying what the actors have said in their interviews). Thus, the Korean fan team has given up on this effort. We are trying to e-mail all the respondents of the demand survey, but didn't realize that gmail has a limit on how many people can receive the same e-mail at once. So I decided to bring the news here for now. I won't be using the list of tags again after this, so I apologize if you got included when you didn't want to be.

@13701693478 @12blbl @40somethingahjumma @adijnpu @Adnana @ahriev @ailee2 @ain83 @Ainee Etp @Akiddo @akinahana89 @am420 @andy78 @angelangie @aniliaz @antoniaclamens @aparr @aprilslily @arabela @Artheusa @atsu-chan @AuroraSky @AyaA @Bambiina @bebebisous33 @berny @bim2 @bingewatcherinsomniac @blue003 @brielover @briseis @Buttercups @cancergirl87 @car148 @Carmarie @carmens @cedarwood @Chaeul @chdom @chelseab @chi13lou @chickenchopflipflop @Chickpea @chrissylee @ChyuuNyuu @clarissasan @cmluv @cmoirae2 @cosmogirl77 @dash9 @ddeokbokkii @deabakdrama @dears @destinywitch @dfun @dhia205 @DJG @DoozyWho @dramu51ch0c10ve @dwookie @edensor @ElleSor @esma-div @evie7 @evok @faeriealice @FarHanah MiSeu @fathiayunia @feignedreality @fengari @feverdrama @fidda868 @flower4junsu @freckledbelle @frostfire @fuyukoneko @Gabi Bros @Gitakawaii @glacial @Glamour90 @hallyus @hanatanada @Hanazumi @haneul1992 @Hapiangle @hazzle @heartforkdrama @here4da0ppas @hiluna @hitomebore08 @hobeverly1212 @honeyapricot @hrkharis @IAmSoulReader @icesnowman @ilia @ilovekorearocks @inner @innrukia @iridescentmoth @irilight @Isache @itzibitzispider @jerboa83 @jetsu @jlover1001 @Joongier @juenmyrue @junee22 @junejungki @Juno JUno @kawaiibooty @kdramakrazy @KdramaSwimmer @kilovekyo @kiotzo @kriswu @ktcjdrama @ktiminie @kuanphing @kyar7jizhenll @Lady_Lara @larinalove @lavendre @Le_Amarant @leejoongi1trash @leekyuphii @liddi @lilac_alex @lily_white @lisethvr @littleloony @Lmangla @lolalarue @lostmymusic @louisawatson @lovedrama11 @LoveSG @luci13 @luvkstyle @lxands @Lyna @LyraYoo @mabelialong @MadraRua @mamamya88 @marbhurd @MAROSA_JIN @Mau_Cherry @meahri_1 @mewtwo @MiharuD @millie10468 @minmar @mintkiss @mitheone @momono7 @Mona Ys @moonlover399993 @MoOnLoVeRz @MrKobegiant @MyMindIsASnowflake @mynameiswat @nchoerunnisa @nearsea @Niki Azia @novemberschopin @omiki @onemella @ossy91 @outofspace @owlcat @patoi @penelop3 @peny @pigsflyy @potatohead @princess16 @PrincessMe2515 @privio @Putri Dewi @pwnkl @q4q4 @qwenli @redfrommars @redlion @rei_smasher11 @riuenu @Rose34 @Rosemary83 @RoxanaR @rtl @ruizaio @rumasa79 @runitaaa @ruzikie @Sarang21 @sarasona @sebnem @shabbychic @shairli @sharreb @shiqin3381 @shiraru @simplyme_crazyme @SizzlerZ @skxz @Sleepietake2 @smitten1710 @snowglobe147 @snowy21 @solelylurking @sooji28 @soorani @soph_t @special_bee @sriskaddict @staygold @Sue Lee @sunl0ver @sunshinefate @sutcliff @syeramy @Table122000 @tanaqvi @Tang Soon @Tata Lata @TeBe @tessieroo @thenagain @thunderman1 @Tinkiebell @trizha @trizha1 @Umi_ni_Sora @UnniSarah @USAFarmgirl @uuugogirl @valentvcd @valsava @vangsweetie637 @violet90 @wackeemarie @whyo @winterbubbletea @winwin12 @wordsmyth0253 @xiao_baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii @xiaozhu @xoxobleach @Yeekrfan2 @YeongYi @Yippeuni @zagigirl @zi4r @Wynn Wenjie @Evangeline Yang @sriskaddict @gobsmack @frostfire @t3nt3n @ratgirlina @AuroraRain @marbhurd @zshinymoon @redenzione @snarkybum @Angiiee @enigmatic_zephy @Misstwilightfan1416 @msgolightly9608 @missjade @Sleepietake2 @mmrod_04 @Aramyas @missluxedo 

Thanks for the information and your hardwork, and thanks for always keeping us inform.

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1 hour ago, krysyuy said:

I understand that you want to be fair to them, and I gave the production team the benefit of the doubt while the drama was airing. And while I love Moon Lovers (this drama has a strange hold on me), the drama has a lot of problems, most of which became nearly unbearable for me towards the end of the run. Frankly, I'll be as harsh as I want. lol They had everything they needed for a true runaway hit, but there is no denying that there were some serious missteps here. Them being very good in their fields is a matter of opinion, and how they handled Moon Lovers lowered my esteem of them.

Is there a valid reason behind their reluctance? One can only speculate. Given everything I've read about them (what went on during production and their attitude after) and their unwillingness to work with fans (even going so far as to blame the cast, when it was the cast who mostly saved the drama from being a complete disaster) has left a bad taste in my mouth. Bad enough that I will certainly judge them on their awkward handling of such a huge project with enormous potential that ultimately didn't reach as high as it could've. Don't get me wrong - I find this drama amazing in its own ways (if I truly hated it, I wouldn't be as obsessed as I am now, even weeks after it ended). But Moon Lovers will always be haunted by 'what-ifs' and 'what-could-have-beens', and a part of me will resent this production team every time I think about it. But that's just me.


Thank you for thinking i am trying to be fair. TBH, i just want to know the root cause of their reluctance. Because there lies the answer. Anyway, like you said that's your opinion. At the end of the day, only them know the real reason/s. And that/those reason/s is/are their karma. Whatever that phrase means. Let's just agree to disagree. XX

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1 hour ago, misspiggie said:


Let's use the same analogy: 

Their 1 failure = MLSHR's poor domestic ratings in SK 

Their other successes = MLSHR's huge success outside of SK 

Should the production team & PD simply just use SK as the sole factor to define MLSHR as a failure and ignore its success everywhere else then? 

* * * * * * * * * 

I also hope that their reluctance is perhaps due to them possibly planning for a project (e.g. movie maybe?)  and until details and negotiations are finalized, everything is shrouded in secrecy and reluctance. 

For me personally, using the actors/actresses as shields or excuses is just plain cheap shot -- they know the actors/actresses will be unable to fire back. 


I want to believe that they are planning something bigger and better for the fans. Because it's plain cruelty if it's not. But at the end of the day, that's their karma, it's not ours.

Using the actors as a reason is BS to me. Their reluctance is the missing puzzle on the picture. It's crazy trying to solve it. So let's just sit back and relax and wait. The stress is not worth it. Besides, botox and numerous derma trips are expensive. :D

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1 hour ago, meahri_1 said:

Annyeong yeorobun! Just want to share this info I posted on the JoonU thread to give us some hope.


@freckledcontessa I can confirm that the reason given to our DVD team was indeed made up. Ruizaio said:

They may release a DVD set with aired episodes (they didn't specify which version) with some of the deleted scenes as special features, but they claimed they didn't know how much of the deleted scenes would be available because they fear the actors won't agree to release their publicity rights for them (which is total BS, they're just not willing to admit there are deleted scenes and are even denying what the actors have said in their interviews).

The actors' rights are always completely settled at the front end when they sign on board to do a project. Entertainment contracts never specify specific scenes but are always all encompassing. Even knowing how different SK entertainment contracts are to those here in the US, contracts in general aren't written that way because of the intellectual property involved.

I can't even begin to guess why they gave the reason that they did, but it could be because 1) don't want to tip their hand regarding the feature film, or 2) can't mention it because the ownership and distribution rights have changed hands because of the feature film. The latter reason would not give them clearance to share any information since their rights are now limited. 

Actually, now that I think about it...at the core, a portion of their reason makes sense (not about the actors' publicity rights but specific to the deleted scenes). If many or all of the deleted scenes were meant to be used in the feature film, they definitely no longer have rights to them. The question now is whether the new production company for the feature -- should be a combo of the production companies...GT Entertainment (PD Kim's company) for sure plus the investors...NBCUniversal Television International also for sure as they will be the distributor -- will proceed with the film. The making and distribution of the film will of course require an additional investment that would have been projected when the agreements were first drafted and executed. They would have set up targeted ROIs (return on investment), KPIs (key performance indicators), and/or benchmarks that would have to be met in order for them to proceed with part II, the feature film.

I think what might be working in our favor is that our Director's Cut DVD team is proving to them that there's a vested target audience in place for the feature film and perhaps a re-envisioned DVD set.  What I'm suggesting means we still have hope. Unfortunately, we might not know anything till January, well after the submissions for the Hong Kong International Film Festival. 

As I mentioned previously, the deadline for submission of a feature film is Dec. 31. If Joongi is nominated for Best Actor for the SBS Drama Awards, it would actually provide good momentum for any marketing of the feature.

Regarding the submission of the feature film for the Hong Kong International Film Festival, see my original post below which speaks to that. Sorry...never posted it here in the main thread.



Sigh. TBH, I hate it that we are at their mercy.

It's hard to be a fan. But they give additional meaning to our lives so i really can't complain.


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