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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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“If I had not met him, I would not yearn for him. If I did not know him, I would not think of him so much. If we had not been together, I would not have to disappear. If I did not treasure him so much, I would not have so many memories. If I did not love him, we would not need to throw each other away. If we had not crossed paths, we would never have been together. Perhaps, if I had not met you at all…”



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Okay, I just watch the re-run episode 19  and I have to say this , last night I was to emotional to watch. I don't even get the story.

But I can see clearly now (without the tears and the sobbing) :sweatingbullets:


WH death, well, I know this is her last political move but I just realize she also feel guilty. She just get adopted into a new clan (I forget the name) so she no longer a Baekje. But in her heart, she is always the princess to her people. How can she live happily as BA's wife with a new clan but her people is dying. After all she is the last princess of Baekje. So she choose to die to save everyone.

Hae Soo & WS. This is where my bias start to cloud my judgment.

Hae Soo has told WS REPEATEDLY that she want to leave the palace and she told him the real reason. But he choose not to listen to her. And for her last effort to make him understand, she choose to accept Jung's proposal.

And the last one, how good is LJG portraying the broken heart king. He looks so hurt, disappointed, angry, and defeated when he realize Wook-Soo past relationship. So much pain for Wang So.


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I'm so sad to read all the posts about Soo's bashing . All I can say is that she saved WS's soul. Don't forget that she has witnessed the last moment of Yo's agony. How he was consumed by the guilt of killing his brothers. Soo doesn't want WS to have the same path. That why she asked for mercy. For him. Not because she cared about WW. All she wants is that WS will not be remembered as a bloody king.

And she knows also that she's a liability for WS, that because of her, he'll have to be ruthless to protect her again and again.

leaving is the only option. To do so, she had to hurt him in the process beacuse if she stayed with him, she'll end destroying him.

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12 hours ago, kiinn said:

3. I am sick of this 2 editing version. In international version, the edit made HS look too light/ cheerful when leaving the palace. She even did the 'toast' with BA, I wanted to flip my TV. In SBS version, HS's emotion looked heavier. Yet, international edit gave Wook important line that showed a complete logical closure and expressed his deep feeling to HS. SBS edit, don't have it.

 I'm low key hoping that netflix can ask editors to squish all the scenes each version, and the better parts of each version into one <3 

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6 minutes ago, enigmaticangel said:


Feel like cursing the writers sometimes..i mean i can completely get why Ws reacts to things ..but with HS..harddly i can relate to her decisions..but that doesn't mean that i don't like her..but in certain situations showing her monologue is a must ! 

The scenes in which it was needed are

1.After reading CR's blood letter.

2.What are all the changes she is seeing in him to is making her to "hate" him?!

3.What particular incident "actually" made her to leave the palace..?!

4.Which was the final final straw to their break-up?!

I keep assuming things but i can never truly pin-point it the reasons..


It's unfortunate but IU's the reason I can still like HS and also the memory I have of HS in the first half of the show where I found her to be quite foolishly naive yet special in her own way. I love WS as an individual character, the writer has done a very good job with keeping his character consistent and having a steady growth till the end but when I see him collectively with all the other characters, I get a lot of complaints in my mind which I have already written before.

I think the PD sacrificed her monologue for the sake of keeping the episode within time limit and other scenes since we can see that IU has filmed quite a few monologues that weren't shown in the international version.

That's the thing about HS, We as viewers can only assume or guess and never be fully 100% sure because the writer flips the script on us by giving HS a single dialogue that pretty much shatters your defense on HS's behalf.

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I honestly don't want a sequel to MLSHR......what got me into this drama was the quality camerawork, the beautiful everythings, and interesting plotline given its time period. If they were to do a sequel, it would lack a unique plotline, all the pretty things, and amazing actors (because I doubt many actors, especially LJG, would want to return since they want to play interesting roles; LJG likes to challenge himself in each role he plays and a repeat of it, he would not enjoy it as much, and he would not be as good. So unless everyone has a unique character in the sequel.....) It would feel like a boring typical modern drama that many of you were sick of since your were all so caught into the SH syndrome. The chinese sequel was even a flop. Let's not repeat that, shall we? It's not going to be no Legend of Korra XP

Let's just enjoy this last episode!

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34 minutes ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

Wow!35,206 replies on this thread(and counting)!Are we 3rd in that list for most replies in a thread yet?And,just curious,where were you able to see the list?We might even hit 1800 pages by tonight!:heart::lol:

still number 6, but we can get the top 5 i assumed

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12 minutes ago, bakafan said:

I'm so sad to read all the posts about Soo's bashing . All I can say is that she saved WS's soul. Don't forget that she has witnessed the last moment of Yo's agony. How he was consumed by the guilt of killing his brothers. Soo doesn't want WS to have the same path. That why she asked for mercy. For him. Not because she cared about WW. All she wants is that WS will not be remembered as a bloody king.

And she knows also that she's a liability for WS, that because of her, he'll have to be ruthless to protect her again and again.

leaving is the only option. To do so, she had to hurt him in the process beacuse if she stayed with him, she'll end destroying him.

I do agree with you! As what i have said, Haee Soo is the victim here.  And i think one of the reasons why she let go of So is she knows she is dying. Gosh! 

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Because we are invested in ML and it means something, so we have expectations that when not met result in great disappointment. Makes us want to give it up while still hanging on... Mirrors HS and WS? Sometimes we are hardest on those closest after all.

I think this is not an unrealistic portrayal of a couple with different values but the pace is too rushed so there are many gaps. The writer (or is it the editor) is making us work extremely hard to fill in the blanks. This can't be intentional I supposed? Like choose-your-own-adventure type of story just that in this case it's choose your-own-interpretation-of-character. 

Must be difficult to end drama on a high as all of the 3  kdrama I have watched most recently faltered in the last few eps! DOTS, Moonlight drawn by clouds and now ML...why huh? Any theories?

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42 minutes ago, pixiebelle said:

Okay but why does she need to kill herself infront of the mob and her beloved ? How does that help to propel her cause ? 
I find the character of Woo Hee one of the poor victims of bad script writing of this drama.

With the way she committed suicide, it wouldn't have helped her cause in any way. I suspect there MUST have been a few deleted scenes here... If not, the plot makes no sense. The bloody spectacle of her death, without an explanation, would have ended up with a true uprising, rather than stopping the mob.

How it should have gone ---> She must have met with the mob leaders before and tried to stop them. There must have been some other communication between her and her people (other than the few words written on that white thingy). Only if they already knew that she has all along been against their uprising & the reasons behind her being against it, this suicide move would have worked. This would be her way of guilting them into submission. She's buying their loyalty to the King with her blood.

But the plot as it is now, it was a useless, foolhardy move.

Sigh...... that's why I don't want to write about Ep19. It's a totally f-up episode.


And I agree about the Woo-hee character as a whole. I called her a "universal plot-device" for being an under-developed yet fix-all character:

On 10/27/2016 at 3:02 PM, zi4r said:

Another undeveloped character that exists to make..... erm..... Baek-ah less lonely? She is like a universal remote we keep at home. Mostly collects dust in our drawer, but is bloody-useful for everything whenever we need it. Romance for WS's sidekick? Check! Assassin to kill King? Check! A tour-guide to save Goryeo's throne? Check! A spy for Yo? Check! Let's call her a "universal plot-device". But who she really is? I don't bloody know. What a mess.


P.S. @pixiebelle Thanks for reading that long post. And for your kind words.

Edited by zi4r
grammar & pronouns & included part about WH
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10 hours ago, kdramawriter said:


I think you have a very different definition of love than Hae Su. She does truly love Wang So, but she is not willing to stand aside and allow herself to be consumed by the way of his life. She is not willing to stay by his side, consequences be damned. I don't see that as a stupid character, I see that as a woman keen on survival. I keep seeing comments about how sad it is that HS is leaving WS because she doesn’t love him or understand him. I think she’s leaving him because she DOES love him and she knows him all too well. Here’s what I see:

1. Hae Su should have understood Wang So because she has been with him the most. Her understanding should have allowed her to continue to be in love with him. 

ANS: From your quote: "When a person loves someone, aren't you suppose to accept the good with the bad?" Maybe. This is an ambiguous question and more of an aphorism than logic. How much bad are you suppose to accept? How much bad can you bear before it drives you insane? That is a question every relationship test must pass. Is there more good than bad? Is the bad worth the good. Only our heroine can decide what her limit is in a relationship, we don’t get to decide that limit. For me, it is enough that Hae Su knows her limitation and is bailing for her sanity.  

2. Hae Su never takes Wang So's side. 

ANS: Hae Su has taken his side plenty of times. She proclaimed him king. She covered his scar so that he would be successful at the rain ritual. She subsumed her identity in order to be with him. She lied to herself that she could be with a man who was in a polygamous relationship with another woman (YH) who’s hell bent on destroying her. THIS MESSAGING IS WHAT THE SHOW IS ABOUT. You cannot change yourself for a man, you will only be ruined in the process. Hae Su tries to fit into the palace, but her very essence does not belong there because she does not hunger for power. She is not interested in gaining a position so she will always be vulnerable. Has Wang So been able to protect her? He’s kept her alive, but there’s not much else for her to live for other than seeing him. And that’s simply not enough to sustain a person. 

Just because Wang So loves her and will not let her go does not mean that his love is inherently GOOD. This is the difference I’m parsing out for you. We can see that WS’s love is actually obsessive (as LJK has said in interviews past) and suffocating. Once she entered the palace as his woman, there was no hope of them ever being equal ever again. He cuts her off from every line of information and communication, “to save her” but also to restrict her freedom, which is the one thing she has told him she absolutely cannot live without. He ignores this because he’s desperate to have her forever. Is this desperation love? I think it's the only kind of love WS is capable of because he's so messed up from Mama Yoo. But yes, he feels like it's love. But Hae Su feels it as suffocation. 

3. Hae Su is a hypocrite for forgiving CR and not forgiving WS

There’s no line where Hae Su says CR is forgiven for her crimes. That Hae Su feels sorry for CR is part of her personality. She is an empathetic person able to see CR’s plight. She was able to do it for So in the past: when he killed those monks, when he had to kill Eun, when almost everyone in Goryeo tells her that he’s a terrible person, she tells WS that she KNOWS he’s a good person. This is the problem though, because what HS considers to be a good person is absolutely not what WS considers to be a good person. 

This is an excellent read from overthinking kdrama:

Soo has become a shadow and a type of every influential, wise, gorgeously flawed woman she’s been forced to watch go before her. She is Myung Hee, trapped in a failing body unable to offer anything but comfort to the man she loves as his heart gets further away from her. She is Court Lady Oh, calling her former lover Your Majesty, serving him as she gets mocked and bullied by his other woman. She is Soon Deok and Chae Ryung too. She is every one of them, dying for the men they love. She too is being crushed beneath the ever turning wheel of this monstrous patriarchy. To keep from being devoured, all she can do is flee the palace.

And don’t try to argue to me that Soo is changing first, that So is staying steadfast while she is giving in. So threw Soo away when he picked the throne, it’s just taken her until the end of episode 18 to realize it…and he still hasn’t realized it. At least he won’t admit it to himself. Like his father before him, he doesn’t realize that love has been lost until it has been lost utterly. 


Yes, I agree! HS has the ideals of the modern woman, so her love for WS seems to be off putting because it's a clash of the modern woman and a traditional man in love. Both compromise some of their ideals for each other. But now that HS sees that she can't change history and is dying soon, she wants to live her final days with peace and away from the dangers of palace politics in exchange for being with WS for her remaining days.

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5 hours ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

Why is One HD's schedule like that?Anyone knows why?

That is what I'm referering to.  Actually the schedule is quite misleading from Eps 16.

We sure do welcome Episode 21... right all?? (... with good ending, of course).

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