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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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9 minutes ago, auroredawn said:

You have a lot of valid points. But I am in the mind that relationship is about give and take. Just like she expects him to act in ways that please her, i.e. protecting/forgiving those who have wronged him, he should expect the same from her (that she would understand and trust him).

Yes, she said that she trusted him, but her actions are contrary to her words. Maybe entering the palace to live with him is a sign of trust, but I see it more as not wanting to waste any more time away from him. Neither is free in the palace. WS may be king, but he is not at all free to do as he pleases. He’s bound by clans, protocols, and politics that he did not anticipate. They are both prisoners of the palace. He, regardless of destiny, made a play for the throne because he was tired of being used as a hunting dog and her as a pawn. He thought the throne would give them freedom, but he was wrong.
Both are guilty of withholding information from each other. Yes, WS told her that she doesn’t have permission to see who he doesn’t want her to, and she defies him. 

I don’t see him wanting them to have children is him controlling future actions. She and BA are the only family he has. He wants to make a true family with her. And being a King, he knows how important it is to have an heir to the throne. He can have a child with anyone he wants, but he wants to have a child with her. He’s a man of Goryeo, and this is an era where marriage is often a means to an end. From all the examples we have seen, no one marries for love. Yet, he wanted to marry her for love with all that it entails.

I, too, don’t want her to waste away in the palace. If she wants to leave him because she is no longer happy being with him, she should leave ( (even if it means marrying WJ). She shouldn’t have to sacrifice her well-being for his sake. But I still believe that she has not treated him fairly. She gives CR a pass despite knowing that she had a hand in WM, WE, and SD’s deaths. She holds no ill will towards WW after knowing he was also involved. She begged for his life! 

Yes, WS has abandonment issues. Who wouldn’t in his case. But it doesn’t negate the fact that HS can always understand everybody else’s reasoning or actions, but never his.

There are fundamentally different. He is a man of his era, and she is a woman of the 21st century. Goryeo is a violent place. It’s bloody, gory, and brutal. She is not made for it, and that’s ok. I don’t have any issues with her modern values clashing with Goryeo values. I wouldn't be able to live in Goryeo either. My only gripe is that she is very biased in her treatment of WS. I would have wished she had given him the same kind of courtesy that she had shown to others.

Exactly my point. I don't mind her leaving the palace, their relationship is not expected to survive in this situation and condition. But HS' biased treatment of WS is very hard to digest. She can understand others' reason and is extremely forgiving but she can't tolerate even a single mistake from WS. Why Soo, why???

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1 minute ago, bratita said:


Most likely.

At first I thought it was Won who plotted the dead hawk but watching his reaction, he seemed surprised/puzzled too (same as Wook) about it. 

Won then switch master right there and then.. he maybe tried to be careful but sensing danger he switched sides... and WW was a goner, with the ministers against him also at that point...the fear in WW was priceless (applause to KHN)

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9 minutes ago, keiko9 said:


Can someone explain to me why Wang So said that Chae-Ryung was (partly) the reason why Wang So and Hae Su can't get married?  I mean, I know Chae-Ryung was to blame for the death of Mu, Eun and his wife. And she was a spy for the 9th prince to keep a close eye on HS, but how is it related to WS not being able to married HS?

maybe because if not for those deaths WS would not go for the throne... then he can be with HS just like what HS wanted... He held on to HS but HS and circumstances cant let him have his way....  he said a million times before that the throne has no meaning to him, even choosing HS during argument with YH....

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8 minutes ago, keiko9 said:


Can someone explain to me why Wang So said that Chae-Ryung was (partly) the reason why Wang So and Hae Su can't get married?  I mean, I know Chae-Ryung was to blame for the death of Mu, Eun and his wife. And she was a spy for the 9th prince to keep a close eye on HS, but how is it related to WS not being able to married HS?

Well maybe it was that she put the mercury in the bathwater and so that drove Mu mad and So had to marry his daughter? And that's why he didn't propose and then everything went to hell shorty after that with Yo.... ?

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14 minutes ago, butterflysaga said:

I don't even know why is he posted this vid instead of consoling us?

Joon Gi'ssi what we need is... your personal selfie-recording saying to us that everything will be fine.. then hugs us virtually. Is that too much to ask for!? :tears:

He wants us to have flashback of their happier times? I'm sure we'll get a lot of it when GJ mourns HS's death tonight. Seriously need virtual hug from LJG..

Seems like he likes that song very much.

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28 minutes ago, Silvermaine said:


I have no problems with her leaving the relationship. It was never meant to be in the first place. She was a person in that era that wasn't even supposed to be there. Her actions could make or break history. However, they adapted a paradox to portray that what is already fated cannot be changed. What I dislike was how she left, why she left, and how she treated So compared to other people. Maybe it was the fault of the writers, maybe that's really the character of Soo... But whatever it is, she was just so unjust to So. People keep on saying she's compassionate. Yeah, she's compassionate to everyone except to the man she loves. She tried to understand him when he was pitiful, but now that he's fighting back and he has power, she doesn't feel the need to understand him altogether, when in fact, the king is still the same person she tried to stop from destroying those prayer stones in Wook's house 9-10 years ago. 


There, thank you. Couldn't agree more. :mellow:

O my head hurts.

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10 minutes ago, tinniet said:

Exactly my point. I don't mind her leaving the palace, their relationship is not expected to survive in this situation and condition. But HS' biased treatment of WS is very hard to digest. She can understand others' reason and is extremely forgiving but she can't tolerate even a single mistake from WS. Why Soo, why???

It's not a single mistake. It's his entire attitude since he's become king. I've said in earlier posts already. Since she's become his woman, her world has become limited and her freedoms taken away. She did initially because she thought that being without him would be worse. As it turns out, being bound to someone who doesn't understand her is much worse. 

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5 minutes ago, kiinn said:


There, thank you. Couldn't agree more. :mellow:

O my head hurts.


" What I dislike was how she left, why she left, and how she treated So compared to other people. Maybe it was the fault of the writers, maybe that's really the character of Soo... But whatever it is, she was just so unjust to So. People keep on saying she's compassionate. Yeah, she's compassionate to everyone except to the man she loves. She tried to understand him when he was pitiful, but now that he's fighting back and he has power, she doesn't feel the need to understand him altogether, when in fact, the king is still the same person she tried to stop from destroying those prayer stones in Wook's house 9-10 years ago. "


Sorry don't think so. GJ is definitely WS, but evolved to be much more ruthless. The moment when GJ told HS that she actually suggested a better torture for Wook (to be imprisoned in his home and to let his heart rot) for the rest of his life, his face turned totally evil. And that's when HS realized that GJ wasn't the person she fell in love with (WS). 

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2 hours ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:


Why is One HD's schedule like that?Anyone knows why?


My best guess is because MLSHR is broadcasted simultaneously with SK meaning TV One is able to broadcast the drama on Monday and Tuesday,but the next drama which will substitute MLSHR will not be simulcast,meaning that that drama will be broadcasted on Tuesday-Wednesday..that will leave the Monday slot empty.That's why TV One put there MLSHR ep 21.it's probably only a rerun of episode 20.it happened before.

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2 hours ago, briseis said:

Forever Bound

How can Hae Soo stand the touch of such a monster?! Why doesn’t she push Wook away?! How isn’t she sick in his mere presence? How can she forgive a murder responsible for the lives of his own brother? How can she tolerate a man who betrayed her and admited he wanted to kill the love of her life? How can she trust such a person while she doubts the man who has never lied to her and who has been trying to saves lives? It’s inexplicable and unforgivable after all the times she pushed Wang So away both emotionally and physically after CR’s death. She is forgiving the very person who is TRULY RESPONSIBLE FOR CR’S DEATH, while condemning the innocent man. With her forgiveness to Wook and by rescuing him, she is denying justice to all the people that died because of him. she frees him from being accountable for his crimes and sins, she is sending a moral message that people who commit crimes should go unpunished.


10 years after their first meeting HAE SOO IS LEAVING WANG SO WITHOUT ACTUALLY TELLING HIM SHE LOVES HIM! It’s fitting really because in the end, she even bottles up her love confession inside. She withheld that part from So until the very end, even though, HE GAVE HER HIS EVERYTHING - he confessed his love to her, even his desire, asked her to marry him, to live with him, to be his queen, to have his children. HE LOVED HER TRULY, DEEPLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY. He truly gave her his everything and she took it, broke it and threw it away.


Soo might think she is leaving the pain and the hell behind, BEHIND THE WALLS OF THE PALACE, JUST LIKE SHE IS LEAVING WS THERE ALL ALONE. However, she is terribly mistaken because she is carrying the real hell with her and the pain inside her. She can’t escape her self-blame, her love, her hate and all the feelings she’s been bottling up inside for 10 years. WHEREVER SHE RUNS SHE CAN NEVER BE FREE BECAUSE SHE IS ALREADY BOUND TO WANG SO TO ALL ETERNITY, JUST LIKE HE IS FOREVER BOUND TO HER. By leaving him, she is cutting her lifeline, throwing away the very reason that kept her alive for the past 8 years, the reason why she survived for so long in this hostile world because So’s saved her in all ways a person can be saved. HER LIFE WITHOUT HIM WILL BE EMPTY AND HOLLOW AND BLEAK.


The greatest tragedy is that WANG SO IS THE ONE WHO IS HURTING MORE BECAUSE HE IS THE ONE WHO LOVES HER MORE, WHO GAVE HIS EVERYTHING TO HER - this bitter truth is proven with THE HEARTWRENCHING SIGHT OF HIM CLUTCHING ONTO HER WEDDING DRESS while she leaves the Palace and him behind -  and now he has lost her forever, ending up abandoned by her, left in the loneliest and most cruel place in the entire world.



My heart truly goes out for GJ.  Our poor Pheya... she doesn't deserve him in so many ways.  Breaking someone's spirit that way is just unthinkable.

No matter how I think about it, I couldn't find any good reason to justify what she did with GJ.  She's no different than the people she's siding, they are of the same color, very emotionally cruel.  She's dying soon but I don't know if she will die in peace for what she's done

It is so heartbreaking to watch GJ sooooo hurt. :heartbreak:   Let me give you a mother's hug, a loving and comforting one Wang So-yah since you've been deprived from it. :heart:   Hope I can bear some of those pain you're enduring,  at least to cut it half. :cry:


Perhaps GJ decided to close his heart to other women and just focused in his calling as King.  Perhaps he thinks that women are just pain in the neck; gives nothing but headache and heartache wherein had enough dosage of it from HS. 

I am just taking this into consideration knowing that per history he had only two wives, YH and the young Princess who became a nun. 

Well, had I been in his shoes, I'd be traumatized too knowing all dangers he'd been through for her and yet she couldn't get past the 1. death of her cunning friend, 2. her faulty vision about him that his reign will be a bloody one, (how come she still insist he was responsible for the death of his brothers when she already proven per WE death and WM that it wasn't, when in fact she's most to blame because of her big mouth / unrestrained tongue telling WW about her wrong vision).  3. her being so forgiving to those who hurt them the most except him.  I really can't find her logic there. :tired: 

To move on with his life , had I been him, I'd consider it a nightmare or like having a rotten tooth for years that finally needs extraction.:angry:







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I just realized in episode 19 when Haesoo was leaving and Wook said "in this lifetime, our intertwined fate ends here". :crazy: This better not be foreshadowing  tonight's episode as in Wook better not be the guy with Haesoo "in the next lifetime" i.e. the 21st century. 

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7 minutes ago, kdramawriter said:


Sorry don't think so. GJ is definitely WS, but evolved to be much more ruthless. The moment when GJ told HS that she actually suggested a better torture for Wook (to be imprisoned in his home and to let his heart rot) for the rest of his life, his face turned totally evil. And that's when HS realized that GJ wasn't the person she fell in love with (WS). 

Even to the point of making the deal with Woo Hee even though she was the love of his best brother's life - I understand a king has to make unsavory decisions, but that's rough. People close to the people you love becoming collateral damage :(

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33 minutes ago, auroredawn said:

You have a lot of valid points. But I am in the mind that relationship is about give and take. Just like she expects him to act in ways that please her, i.e. protecting/forgiving those who have wronged him, he should expect the same from her (that she would understand and trust him).

Yes, she said that she trusted him, but her actions are contrary to her words. Maybe entering the palace to live with him is a sign of trust, but I see it more as not wanting to waste any more time away from him. Neither is free in the palace. WS may be king, but he is not at all free to do as he pleases. He’s bound by clans, protocols, and politics that he did not anticipate. They are both prisoners of the palace. He, regardless of destiny, made a play for the throne because he was tired of being used as a hunting dog and her as a pawn. He thought the throne would give them freedom, but he was wrong.
Both are guilty of withholding information from each other. Yes, WS told her that she doesn’t have permission to see who he doesn’t want her to, and she defies him. 

I don’t see him wanting them to have children is him controlling future actions. She and BA are the only family he has. He wants to make a true family with her. And being a King, he knows how important it is to have an heir to the throne. He can have a child with anyone he wants, but he wants to have a child with her. He’s a man of Goryeo, and this is an era where marriage is often a means to an end. From all the examples we have seen, no one marries for love. Yet, he wanted to marry her for love with all that it entails.

I, too, don’t want her to waste away in the palace. If she wants to leave him because she is no longer happy being with him, she should leave ( (even if it means marrying WJ). She shouldn’t have to sacrifice her well-being for his sake. But I still believe that she has not treated him fairly. She gives CR a pass despite knowing that she had a hand in WM, WE, and SD’s deaths. She holds no ill will towards WW after knowing he was also involved. She begged for his life! 

Yes, WS has abandonment issues. Who wouldn’t in his case. But it doesn’t negate the fact that HS can always understand everybody else’s reasoning or actions, but never his.

There are fundamentally different. He is a man of his era, and she is a woman of the 21st century. Goryeo is a violent place. It’s bloody, gory, and brutal. She is not made for it, and that’s ok. I don’t have any issues with her modern values clashing with Goryeo values. I wouldn't be able to live in Goryeo either. My only gripe is that she is very biased in her treatment of WS. I would have wished she had given him the same kind of courtesy that she had shown to others.


Very well said!!!   I totally agree in everything you said.


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9 minutes ago, MAROSA_JIN said:


Photo published for [메이킹] 차라리 만나지 말 것을...그러면 이토록 그리울 일도 없었을텐데..아쉬운 마지막 인사!





Nam Joo Hyuk shares thoughts on 'Scarlet Heart: Ryeo' coming to an end

By yckim124 



Nam Joo Hyuk revealed his thoughts on his SBS drama 'Scarlet Heart: Ryeo' coming to an end soon!


On October 31, YG Entertainment shared the actor's final thoughts on his behalf with, "'Scarlet Heart: Ryeo' was a production that was made with a great director, scriptwriter, actors, staff, and everyone. Those 6-months of living as Baek Ah was real happiness. There were difficulties because it was my first historical drama, but I always had fun with the brothers. Especially the scenes with all the princes. We played around a lot and became very close." 

Nam Joo Hyuk also shared a comment about watching drama whose filming was completed entirely beforehand. He said, "I missed the drama set a lot while watching the broadcast. I also became one of the viewers and shared the sorrow when I watched my brothers die one by one. It's going to be another drama that I will never forget. I hope there will be a time for us brothers to reunite soon."


The last episode of 'Scarlet Heart: Ryeo' will be airing November 1.





This show has a lot of faults but one of the things it did right is with the cast! Seriously, I have never seen a more tight-knit group of actors before!

They all seem to have a great bond with each other due to this show. :heart: It gives us fans so much joy to see them (the characters+actors) being together and happy at-least offscreen! :P

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