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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Maybe I'm the weird one because I disagree with many posts here..

I honestly feel relieved that Hae Soo finally leave the palace. It's not that I don't feel sad for sosoo couple, I feel devastated for them but I can't take it anymore. They hurt each other in the palace. And it's not merely HS fault. I just don't understand why people blame only HS..

I agree with @moon_nebula, The moment WS choose throne over HS, it's the moment their relationship doomed. It's hard for them to be together in the palace, HS and WS have different perspective about world and life. It's not that HS didn't understand WS or she forgive CR easily, but just like BA said to WS, he knows that WS value BA so much, he knows that WS just want to save him but it's hard for him to accept. just like HS to WS. She loves him but it's hard for her to accept the man he loves kill her sister like an animal. Even though, it's for her. 

Despite HS live many years in Goryeo but she's not from that era. She believes on equality, human right but WS doesn't believe that. which makes difficult for them to compromise. And since WS has to much ego, pride and less emphatic while HS is highly emphatic person and too weak for politic. She can't be in the palace, it's for her and everyone including WS. HS can only make WS weak. 

And WW and HS scene, I honestly love it. It's bittersweet closure for them. Their smile means they both know it's end of their love journey and no hard feeling.Just simple closure so they can move on. But on the other hand, HS to WS,she loves him despite everything..I am going to prepare myself for tonight episode. If only WS can throw his ego and read the letter then maybe..maybe they can have better closure..

still wishing for happy ending..


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Chingus, I have yet to watch the full version of ep 19, but after reading all of your posts here, I assume that everything about ep 19 is just awful and I better wait and watch the subbed SBS version together with ep 20 right? :")


Because from what I see, many of you are hating Hae Soo for leaving Wang So and the palace especially after defending Wook. But me, I'm still holding on to last week's episode where Hae Soo said to So that she won't leave him alone :")


And also you guys mentioned that both Wang So and Yeon Hwa slept together?! Huaaaa but me, I'm still holding on to last week's episode where Wang So told Hae Soo that she's the only queen for him :")


Really, I love this couple toooo much, I don't wanna ruin the good memories of SoSoo in my head guyss please ottokeeee I'm frustrated!


Should I keep holding on to these memories of SoSoo's love story by not watching the last 2 eps?:sweatingbullets:


Anyway, here are some gifs to remind us the beautiful development of SoSoo's love story which all now ruined by the Moon Lovers producers and writers images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTiWpP6-BpfLVhhd6ixtSc


From this


To this




From this



To this





From this



To this





cr: http://wangsoprotectionsquad.tumblr.com/


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oh shocks, they're going for the c-version? just seeing the preview it breaks my heart for WS..

why release the preview... why!!!!!!!

so they cannot change the dying part of HS and WS crying over the letter, but maybe they'll change the 21st century meeting....

ok just calm down,,,,,,,,

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2 hours ago, kdramawriter said:

Lols, I'm just extra "HaeSuOut" today because there's been a lot weird *ish being touted as a reasons for not leaving WS. It is never wrong to leave a bad relationship. That's my entire point. 


I have no problems with her leaving the relationship. It was never meant to be in the first place. She was a person in that era that wasn't even supposed to be there. Her actions could make or break history. However, they adopted a paradox to portray that what is already fated cannot be changed. What I dislike was how she left, why she left, and how she treated So compared to other people. Maybe it was the fault of the writers, maybe that's really the character of Soo... But whatever it is, she was just so unjust to So. People keep on saying she's compassionate. Yeah, she's compassionate to everyone except to the man she loves. She tried to understand him when he was pitiful, but now that he's fighting back and he has power, she doesn't feel the need to understand him altogether, when in fact, the king is still the same person she tried to stop from destroying those prayer stones in Wook's house 9-10 years ago. 

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1 hour ago, kdramawriter said:

I'm in the camp that believes HS owes him nothing. She already gave him everything she had: body, mind, King's fealty when she knelt before him so that he would be king. She said to Wang So back in episode 17 that she trusts him. Do you know what happens after episode 17? She's his woman. She fools herself into thinking that her love with WS is enough to live on. (If that's not trust, then I dunno what is). She entered the palace, she NO LONGER FREE because here's the sequence of events that happen immediately: 

1. He tells her not to know too much about him. (withholding information)

2. He tells her that she does not have permission to see who HE doesn't want her to see. (control of behavior)

3. He tells her that she should start thinking about children. (control of future actions)

Idk, but that kinda sounds like someone's controlling my life.

Again, autonomy over everything else. As modern women, we understand how important this is. As a Goryeo woman, the protection of WS would be more than enough to sustain a relationship (many ancient women enter into marriages for the protection of the men so they can be safe from rape, murder etc). For GJ, this is the grandest gesture he can offer. Protection of her life. But not for HS. This fundamental difference will always split them. 

Do I feel bad that WS is in complete shambles; in doubt about HS's love? Sure. I feel bad. But I'm not going to spare Hae Su's ability to live because WS felt bad and abandoned. Boy has some serious abandonment issues, and HS should not have to lay herself down at the alter of his emotional issues to be sacrificed. 

Holla. :glasses:



You have a lot of valid points. But I am in the mind that relationship is about give and take. Just like she expects him to act in ways that please her, i.e. protecting/forgiving those who have wronged him, he should expect the same from her (that she would understand and trust him).

Yes, she said that she trusted him, but her actions are contrary to her words. Maybe entering the palace to live with him is a sign of trust, but I see it more as not wanting to waste any more time away from him. Neither is free in the palace. WS may be king, but he is not at all free to do as he pleases. He’s bound by clans, protocols, and politics that he did not anticipate. They are both prisoners of the palace. He, regardless of destiny, made a play for the throne because he was tired of being used as a hunting dog and her as a pawn. He thought the throne would give them freedom, but he was wrong.
Both are guilty of withholding information from each other. Yes, WS told her that she doesn’t have permission to see who he doesn’t want her to, and she defies him. 

I don’t see him wanting them to have children is him controlling future actions. She and BA are the only family he has. He wants to make a true family with her. And being a King, he knows how important it is to have an heir to the throne. He can have a child with anyone he wants, but he wants to have a child with her. He’s a man of Goryeo, and this is an era where marriage is often a means to an end. From all the examples we have seen, no one marries for love. Yet, he wanted to marry her for love with all that it entails.

I, too, don’t want her to waste away in the palace. If she wants to leave him because she is no longer happy being with him, she should leave ( (even if it means marrying WJ). She shouldn’t have to sacrifice her well-being for his sake. But I still believe that she has not treated him fairly. She gives CR a pass despite knowing that she had a hand in WM, WE, and SD’s deaths. She holds no ill will towards WW after knowing he was also involved. She begged for his life! 

Yes, WS has abandonment issues. Who wouldn’t in his case. But it doesn’t negate the fact that HS can always understand everybody else’s reasoning or actions, but never his.

There are fundamentally different. He is a man of his era, and she is a woman of the 21st century. Goryeo is a violent place. It’s bloody, gory, and brutal. She is not made for it, and that’s ok. I don’t have any issues with her modern values clashing with Goryeo values. I wouldn't be able to live in Goryeo either. My only gripe is that she is very biased in her treatment of WS. I would have wished she had given him the same kind of courtesy that she had shown to others.

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I'm not taking sides as I think the blame should be put on the PDnim or writernim who had butchered Soo's character and its development through course of the drama. *sigh*

But it was such fun backreading all the over 50 pages (though I'm still 1/10 of it) and you guys share very insightful way of thinking into So and Soo.


ps: I couldn't join the thread after episode 19 ended last night. Are we in an agreement that So finally slept with YH after she agreed to throw his brother for her son to be crown prince? I'm still curious on people take on that particular scene. Part of me didnt want to believe that they consummate the wedding while Soo's still at the palace. That's such a cruel torture for her. *sigh*



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That's it!  I'm passing on episode 20.  Sigh, who am I kidding?!  That's what I said about 18 & 19.  Except for 19, I had the episode set on pause for 4 hours before watching it.   MLSHR has seriously turned me bipolar.  I love it just as much as I hate it.  

I completely understand those who are siding with WS.  Likewise for HS.  However, I can not bring myself to support HS's decisions.  One can argue that she's selfish & looking out for herself.  Another can argue that she chose to leave to save WS from causing bloodshed in the palace.  Everyone who has died under WS's ruling, which I only counted 4, are responsible for their own death.  Yo died from his own guilt haunting him.  Queen Yo from her own greed taking over & unwillingness to accept WS as king.  CR  was punished for her unforgivable crimes.  WH sacrificed herself to save BA.  I don't agree with HS blaming WS for bloodshed in the palace, which is almost inevitable when power is involved.  No one innocent was killed or wrongly punished.  Well...maybe just Jung for being irrational & hard headed.  

Maybe WS was so angry about consummating his marriage with YH that he's taking it out on HS for rejecting his proposal.  I don't know.  I'm sure they did it.  THANK YOU so much for not showing it.  That saved my life!  That would have cut it for me or turn me bat-s*** crazy b**** mode.  

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Btw, I'm in my delulu mind right now so when I was watching this last message video from the casts, my mind keeps asking me why both Lee Joon Gi and IU wearing couple sweaters (hold on, just sweaters i mean haha but still)


bracing myself for final episode tonight! The love story in Goryeo needs to be put to end so that 21st century love story might get a chance to start and blossom. *fingers crossed*


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Can someone explain to me why Wang So said that Chae-Ryung was (partly) the reason why Wang So and Hae Su can't get married?  I mean, I know Chae-Ryung was to blame for the death of Mu, Eun and his wife. And she was a spy for the 9th prince to keep a close eye on HS, but how is it related to WS not being able to married HS?

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7 hours ago, Yongzura said:


After watching episode 19, everyone has her own coping mechanism to go through the finale.  Mine is going back to BBJX recap's site (Ep. 22) after reading your question. Can we say that it is a deduction or inference or lucky guess? (I wish they showed us her thought at that moment like in the previous episode.)


Most likely.

At first I thought it was Won who plotted the dead hawk but watching his reaction, he seemed surprised/puzzled too (same as Wook) about it. 

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7 minutes ago, butterflysaga said:

I don't even know why is he posted this vid instead of consoling us?

Joon Gi'ssi what we need is... your personal selfie-recording saying to us that everything will be fine.. then hugs us virtually. Is that too much to ask for!? :tears:



I think it's his way of telling us not to forget the beautiful love story we had fallen for before the sadist writer and wacko pd ruined it :D

He probably also saw the amount of hate that's been sent towards SoSoo too.

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