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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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@zi4r AHH, it all makes sense now. if So didn't finish it quickly, Hae Soo (as burrito's superior) would be blamed for letting this happened under her watch. She might even get suspected for conspiring with burrito! and possibly take the fall as her superior. So's fault was not preparing Soo for burrito session. But I can imagine Soo's reaction when you tell her; she will buy some time and do everything in her might to prevent it from happening. :cry:

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@hrkharis In fact, the writer cannot change the historical fact that Yeon Hwa is the queen and she cannot die, but she can define how is going to be her life consequently at her actions. We are seeing the recreation of what historians say was the reign in Goryeo from Taejo to Gwangjong, but not everything was written so the writer took creative license, based in Bu Bu Jing Xin novel, to develop the love story and the rest of the stories. I searched some information about how it was the relationship between Gwangjong and queen Daemok, but I have found nothing relevant, except that they were siblings and had five children. We doesn't know in first hand, if he loves her so at least in this part the writer was free to create a relationship between Wang So and Hae Soo, and that the only reason of YH and WS's marriage was by the pressure of the clans and legitimation of his reign.


What would have happened if Hae Soo had never come to Goryeo? The first answer that comes to my mind is that Wang So had never become the king,  and therefore Yeon Hwa would have never become the queen.
Hae Soo was who created the makeup which succeeded in concealing Wang So's scar, the itself Yeon Hwa looked at him with disgust when he took off the mask on Eun's birthday, and although it was clear what she felt something for him, she had never been married with a man with no power to give her what she ambitioned. 
It was not because of Hae Soo that Yeon Hwa chose the decisions she took, she already was destiny to take the path of murder, manipulation and betrayal,  so in certain way the presence of Hae Soo, pushed everything in YH's favor.

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1 hour ago, Killa92 said:

I was talking about the SBS year end drama award not the Korea drama award :)

They are Killing us. Maybe if next episode will make us so badly sad at least these two lovely OTP interaction in IG & real life make our heart flutter. Haha

@Killa92 oh okay, did SBS release its nominations yet? they havent right? i think they are gonna release it some time in end november or early dec? i hope they have atleast a nomination for Scarlet heart 

1 hour ago, Killa92 said:

I was talking about the SBS year end drama award not the Korea drama award :)

They are Killing us. Maybe if next episode will make us so badly sad at least these two lovely OTP interaction in IG & real life make our heart flutter. Haha

@Killa92 oh okay, did SBS release its nominations yet? they havent right? i think they are gonna release it some time in end november or early dec? i hope they have atleast a nomination for Scarlet heart 

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7 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


Yup agree with you. In drama, you usually need:

Someone To Love and Root for (usually OTP)

Someone to hate (mostly the villain)

Someone to laugh (the joker, the village idiot type)

Someone to cry (with their sad or tragic story)


But in MLSHR, it is all chaos. You can't 100% love the OTP because of their flaws. You can't 100% hate the villain because they have sad stories (Yo). You can't always laugh with the funny one because they suddenly become the sad one (eun). And you can't 100% sad to the "cry character" because they turn into the villain (wook).

Confusing isn't it? 

That is why in MLSHR I endup rooting for the horses. They always consistent :sweatingbullets:.

I need some sleep.


lmaooooo.... i needed that. 

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I'm really freaking out for tomorrow :bawling:So I have decided to not watch the ep 19 but wait to watch it back to back with ep20.... but I don't trust myself and my low determination ! And I was right because even in my dream I watched it :confounded: So I ask my husband to confiscate my ipad, pc and smartphone (sighhhh). Just hope that I'll keep my calm... and not finished killing him for not letting me watch or access the forum! 

And I'm not even a fan of LJG. 

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56 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


Yup agree with you. In drama, you usually need:

Someone To Love and Root for (usually OTP)

Someone to hate (mostly the villain)

Someone to laugh (the joker, the village idiot type)

Someone to cry (with their sad or tragic story)


But in MLSHR, it is all chaos. You can't 100% love the OTP because of their flaws. You can't 100% hate the villain because they have sad stories (Yo). You can't always laugh with the funny one because they suddenly become the sad one (eun). And you can't 100% sad to the "cry character" because they turn into the villain (wook).

Confusing isn't it? 

That is why in MLSHR I endup rooting for the horses. They always consistent :sweatingbullets:.

I need some sleep.

Agree you on all these! Except horse also died here. :vicx::tears: Sorry to burst the bubble. This drama is tragic yet deep on so many levels. No happily ever after, Goryeo version. Ugh. 

44 minutes ago, arabela said:

Some thoughts on HS: I find her suffering not only of too modern sensibilities, but of guilty innocence and naive humanism. I can understand that for her some of the things from that period are too cruel and unacceptable ,but I have to say that they let too much of her possible conflict between her modern morals and sensibilities out of the screen and out of an explicit discussion- I would like to have a scene where it would be reveal how problematic is to reconcile the morals  of two people from different historical periods.

I still wonder how she cannot accurately evaluate the serious battle that started some years ago between her friends, and how naive she was and is when she thinks that is moral , and realist to  not take sides in a war.

she wants to love everyone and wants to be on everyone's sides, which is not possible when those people you love are in a severe conflict and is not possible when the man you love is in danger. The 4 prince is ruthless but he is also in danger and has no alliances that are on his side unconditionally. She sees only his ruthlessness, but not that his life can be in danger, not only the throne. I wonder how is possible that she is not worried about him and don't feel how much he is in danger. When we love someone we can see the world from his view, and feel when he is not safe. Even if we don't agree with his actions. Love puts  hierarchy and makes priorities in our relations and you can objectively treat everyone's problems and lives equally. You care the most for the person we love , even when we don't agree with him, but HS wants be fair and sensitive with everyone --- so she succeeded in the end to be unfair with him. 

She is unfair cause with her friend she only see his ruthlessness, when in fact her friend poisoned someone and made his life miserable and caused a slow and painful death, had also made other two people die. HS can forgive her if this she wants, but cannot treat so easily her conscious participation in three painfully deaths. So, is not fair to see only WS crimes and treat lightly other s ones. 

For me it seems more like she wasn't able to see WS as he really is and feel disappointed now to discover that this man can be cruel, can kill, cannot forgive those who betrayed him. ....but more than anything she cannot see the hole contexts and how unsafe and unstable and dangerous his own situation is ..... like she is the wife of a solder and is much more concerned with the people he kills than with the simple fact that his life is also in danger ....I would like to see her first and most preoccupied with his life and only after with the life of the others and the morality of his actions .....if someone died kill your friend but your friend participate in killing others and put a seriously threat to the life of your beloved, who you care the most? ......

Excellent defence for Wang So and questioning of Hae Soo's actions, more precisely her judgement. Persuasively and eloquently argued. I am in the minority who understand both actions/decisions given the circumstances and the environment but more crucially, it is simply because who they are as a person. In the sense of their values, ideals and principles that they hold strongly to. I been meaning to write a post of my defence for both but I am seriously contemplating the quality of what I have written. Lol. This drama zapped my mental energy. There are many excellent posts defending one's action against the other (Hae Soo vs Wang So). This is one of the excellent posts in defence for Wang So. I will reply to this post/topic tomorrow. Need to sleep now. 

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7 hours ago, virsvirs said:


They meet another time and Ha Jin learns that So is an orphan and had hard life. He was raised in poor, large family. 

So decides to find out the truth and Ha Jin helps him. So’s life becomes even harder when he notices that someone tries to hide a truth about Moo’s death. His life is in danger and since he realizes his love for Ha Jin, he knows he has to protect her from dangerous people. At the same time he starts to remember moments from past when he was a prince Wang So who always loved one women.

cr: http://vivere-militare-est-1991.tumblr.com/


Sorry to cut your post. 

Nooooo! Why must they suffer in every life they live? No more heartbreak. No more danger. No more tears.  No moe overcoming nothing.  They deserve to fall in love, get married, have lots of children and grandchildren, like normal people do.  

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Yeon Hwa has also betrayed Wang So, so it hurts me very much to see that she can end up living with him. Oh I hate Yeon Hwa and I do not believe her behavior is love. Just love to yourself but not to others. She's got it killed. 

She has betrayed and I hope Wang So the crime also comes out.

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3 hours ago, bingewatcherinsomniac said:


To that point, maybe So and Soo will follow the novel's ending (i.e. Soo dies and the story ends there, she doesn't go back to modern times to meet the current reincarnation of So) to show that So and Soo do not have the destiny to stay together. They had a beautiful/terrible, once-in-a-lifetime love affair but that's all they were meant to have. Love does not transcend time, love does not conquer all. They were both a blessing and a lesson to each other (I can't believe I'm quoting Frank Ocean in a SHR forum).

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50 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


Yup agree with you. In drama, you usually need:

Someone To Love and Root for (usually OTP)

Someone to hate (mostly the villain)

Someone to laugh (the joker, the village idiot type)

Someone to cry (with their sad or tragic story)


But in MLSHR, it is all chaos. You can't 100% love the OTP because of their flaws. You can't 100% hate the villain because they have sad stories (Yo). You can't always laugh with the funny one because they suddenly become the sad one (eun). And you can't 100% sad to the "cry character" because they turn into the villain (wook).

Confusing isn't it? 

That is why in MLSHR I endup rooting for the horses. They always consistent :sweatingbullets:.

I need some sleep.


Yes indeed... even horse also died... pat pat the tree also died... the cute bird also died and burnt ...

totally chaos ... lol


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Before we move on to the final episodes, i want to share some of my own interpretations of why WS seemed to change his character from ep 17-18. 

Many have speculated that he had changed because of the intense desire for the throne due to:

1) him tearing yo's decree ruthlessly
2) him ordering to kill all who question his right to the throne/exiling Jung/marrying YH after HS's rejection to his proposal

My interpretation is that he did the above not because he wanted to be the king so badly but because:
1) we all know what happens to those who initiate a revolt that fails. The main instigator together with his entire squad will be killed. Which is why once he started the revolt, he HAS to attain the throne, or else the general, BH and even HS will be killed along with him. for most part, the tearing of the decree was a rational decision rather than one driven by desire

2) we also know that if a revolt is successful, the king who gets dethroned and all his supporters will be in danger. Soon Duk said it best when Mo died and a new king takes over, his first job will be to kill off his brothers and anyone who supported the old king. That means once WS becomes the king, he HAS to stay as the king, if any revolt is established, no matter if it is successful or not, will weaken his position and put all his supporters in danger. So in a way, he acted ruthlessly in order to protect those who supports him

But definitely, in the course of ep 17-18, WS's character has  changed. He is not one to indulge in useless emotions, and definitely not one to display his true feelings, even to HS  he is often guarded.  But in episodes 17-18, you can see that he has openly expressed extreme anger over a few occasions. 

My interpretation is that it was not the throne that dictated this change, but rather the departure of the General.

In Ep17, the general's departure was a pivotal scene that marked the change in WS's temperament. One of the key scenes that was cut from the international version, but re-instated in the SBS version was a conversation with HS where WS shares his wild predictions that after the general, eventually everyone will leave him: BH no longer treats him like a brother, JM is only using him to exact revenge for WM's death. Bear in mind that at this stage neither JM nor BH have expressed intentions to leave him and It is wildly unlike WS's character to indulge in worst case scenarios (the old WS controls a strict economy of emotions; rather than waste time fearing, he would rather act). It is understandable that he is loosing richard simmons over the departure of the General because his main motivation to be the king was to protect those who support him, but after becoming king with great difficulty, he realises the same people he sort to protect would actually prefer to leave him. He must be thinking, why the richard simmons did i re-enter the wolf den in the first place?! And for someone who is unreasonably stubborn, naive and  unquestionably devoted to those he considers his possessions (while he claims that those who are his people will be in his possession forever, he also expects the same kind of unwavering attachment from the same people) it must have been a great blow and a genuine source of insecurity. 

So in Ep 19-20, we will witness how he will deteriorate after HS, and perhaps BH (after what happens to WH this is understandable) request to leave him. I think as all his worst fears are becoming reality, he will totally snap and become crazy. I think we should all be prepared for another major change in WS's character next week ( i think instead of WS being sad, we will be served a very, very crazy GJ).  


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I cannot seem to muster up the courage to watch ep 18, I've seen some clips and because I hang out here all the time I know what happened in the episode and maybe that's why I cannot make myself watch it because I know I will be sad, angry, frustrated. I guess I will watch it tomorrow while waiting for the subs for ep 19 and just drown in my own tears after I watch both, hahaha. 

It's been such an eventful and emotional ride, I am with a heavy heart knowing it will end soon but if I'm being completely honest I am glad to get my life back also, this is actually the first drama I watch knowing it will probably have a sad ending, it's kind of a weird feeling because I've become attached to the character and I want them to be happy but also I can see why it's almost impossible for them to have a happy ending, at least in Goreyo. I don't know how I feel about HS getting back to the future and meeting the modern WS, because if he doesn't remember anything he's just someone else, a reincarnation of the real WS, so I don't know but I don't want to presume anything I'll just wait and see what will happen.

It made me sad seeing the new still cuts for the next episode, they are definitely going through the c-version route, I knew the separation will happen but the closer we get to it the sadder I am because it's obvious it will happen because of misunderstanding and jealousy and I thought they were above that, I hoped for a different kind of reason but it won't happen it seems. Seeing HS being hugged by WW makes my skin crawl, he has a lot of guts, I hope he will somehow redeem himself but I highly doubt it. HS begging for WW's life to WS is typical of her, she of course doesn't love Wook anymore but the perfect soul that she is she will use the effect and love WS has for her to stop him from executing WW. At some point I understand HS, she is a good person and all but at some point she should put a stop to it and just make a difference between being a good person and a naive, foolish one, she has to accept the fact that she cannot save everyone.

We've come to the end, it will be very sad to say goodbye, prepare your tissues and chocolates, I know I will but let's remain positive also. Fighting!!!

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2 hours ago, antiherofans said:


I am sorry, how do you quoted long post in hidden content? I don't know how to do it and end up quote super long post.

Thank you for your help.


I do that in this way: Quote the post, cut it (for pasting later). You can cut the entire post (for pasting later) by clicking over the cross sign that is bellow the "B" (bold) and then CTRL+X as usual. After that, clic in the eye for hidden content and paste the quoted post inside. :)

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