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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Drop by to say Hi, and I have 300 pages to catch up after clearing my work, anyway, found this fmv, tribute to uri Wang So, I miss him tho 

Credit to A. Mode YouTube 

I wanted go that fan meeting and screening badly too, and worst thing, I just back from Seoul! Why didn't I go one week after …

11 minutes ago, junejungki said:

I am supposed to go back to my hometown on the 31/10/16 to visit my mum because she's not well. I would have fly to Korea for the private screening if not for my mother. Talking about going crazy to the next level. I even message my sisters last nite if they hv any intention to go to private screening. After all, it is only 7 hours from Kuala Lumpur to Seoul. Air Asia, Malaysia Airlines, Korea Airlines serving this route. No problem to reach Seoul on time.

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@briseis I am ecstatic that they finally released the instrumental soundtracks - love those pieces too... particularly Gesture of Resistance and Wing of Goryeo. However, I am disappointed that it is not a complete compilation... I have been hoping the piece that plays when So drank the poisoned tea, would have been included, but I can't seem to find it in any of the pieces. Have you heard it in this soundtrack? If so, can you point me to it? Thank you!

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8 minutes ago, junejungki said:

Please tell us how to vote AAA Award. It says have to vote using an app. But so far no news about the app.


You can open the website first http://www.asiaartistawards.com/vote/result_2/ then scroll down, you will find google play or app store icon, just choose then download it. 

This vote app is same app when i voted for baeksang award last time, you should charge points everyday to vote, i don't really like this app system. 

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1 hour ago, oyashirazu said:

EP17 really seems to have the most differences in both it's versions so far and the international version of this episode admittedly was poorly edited. Still, I feel we have to appreciate all the work and effort put into the re-edit of the SBS version. The differences do seem to go beyond the mere cutting, adding or sequence changing of scenes; after watching both versions, I appreciate this little change done to Wang So's throne ascension scene in particular:

International version:


SBS version:


I loved the fact that the throne room door is wide open and gives us a glimpse to the palace grounds and Gwangjong's subjects in the background of SBS version, and was really shocked when I watched the international version: GONE IS THE NICE VIEW :o In my opinion, this little change adds greatly to the atmosphere of this scene and makes me appreciate the SBS version even more than before. Gwangjong's ascension to the throne in the international version seems like a private and minor event, but the SBS version shows that the whole palace is witnissing this, after all. 


What is this. Why do we international fans always get the crappy editing?


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12 minutes ago, bim2 said:

Just tight the grip, because from now the rollercoaster will ride faster than you can imagine. 

Prepare your heart 'till it last. 

Im ready mba Im ready.... :bawling: long time no seee.... how's your doing mba? @bim2

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13 hours ago, aypopa said:

I have that bad feeling that HS herself will help YH to marry WS 


I have another theory that Soo will marry the 14th prince, but she's wearing the pin that 4th prince gave to her to symbolize that she still loves So and is his one and only (and vice versa) and that makes me sad T_T But both ideas are possible! Anything can happen...

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Oh, I'm listening to the background OST now on youtube and I just want to crawl in a corner and cry. I feel so sad and depressed, as if I really lost something valuable. I can't imagine what it would be for WS or HS. Why can't they just be together...What comforts me is that I believe that they will meet again. You know, in real life also, we might not always be together with the people we love. And life is really too short, even for those who are lucky enough to be loved and have loved ones around, I just have to believe that there is something else afterwards that bind us together, be it after-life, reincarnation, or maybe transportation to another universe where we will meet again, just like HS and WS.

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1 hour ago, may6 said:

I don't know what so wrong about wanting to keep your wealth and power and passed on to your offsprings...that is just human nature... that as a personal note and as  a king ... it is the duty of a king to procreate and provide an heir...people in those times tend to die early...diseases,way of life so many causes...if a king was not to have children he most likely will be overthrown and thought little of by his people...we are talking about the middle ages ,the federal system and what was expected of monarchs ...and it was a things that it was  universally practiced...all over Europe the monarchy interchanged wives...sisters and cousins...to keep the control within  small fraction of the powerful few ...Henry the 8 was one who went crazy for a male heir thus he saw ways to not only indulge himself in the company of women but to obtain his male heir...WS and HY had 2 boys...one died at a young age and 3 girls ...so obviously  the pressure from a male heir....and again how many people marry for love in the monarchy..you think a girl from Austria (marie Antoinette ) or a girl from prussia like Katherine the great and so many others were willing to marry their partners because they were so in love  with them...these were girls that were taken from a very early age to leave their costume, language, and basically everything they had known thus far...in order to enter  these political marriages , where they were no more than property and could say no to nothing ...in the early formation of Spain as a country isabella of castilla married fernando of Aragon  to consolidate their power within the peninsula and drive the arabs out ...these women had no saying... everything had to be yes..yes to cheating, yes to abuse,yes to child like husbands( even when they were the older ones) yes to child brides...yes to bed the person even if you don't like him,  or find him repulsive and can't even communicate... eternal true love might not exist..., but it does...it is something you make on the way ...not the ideal aspiration of love.. that you may find on books, dramas ( although they entertain us) and disney per se ...it is the practical imperfect love that makes it true  ... because love requires work and compromise ... it is bound to bring forward disagreements and swim in disappointments ....love is just as imperfect  as we are ....and there are many forms  and many ways to love a person...that is what love is for me and how i have  understood it over the years.. i guess what i'm trying to say is that ,the essence  of love is a constant in our lives  and that will never change ,in that aspect love is eternal ...what changes is how we live it ,because for it to be true ,it only has to be sincere ...my point is ,that even if you experience a bad break up , despite the bitterness of the after effect( that is if there is one) there had to be a time were you were sincere and in that form, love was eternal ,because you willingly give the best of you to the other person...when this is not done ...then there was no love to begin with..  this is how i picture WS and YH ...when you don't give that vulnerable part of yourself to the other...then there cannot be a bond that  will have a physical and intellectual level of gratification...and someone is bound to get hurt...i know people that grief for years and years ... they say they can never experience that bond  again no matter how hard they try ... I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, or sell my idea,  and if i offended anyone then i apologize...is just that i wanted to give my 2 cents on this...firstly because we cannot always be so rationally , I give it to you as it is...   about matters of love ...because truly love is an experience  and it cannot be judge in black and white ..there are gray areas..we cannot be cynical either  ...there is love...is not like you enter into a relationship telling the other person that hey...love doesn't exist ...so don't expect that from me...and secondly to obviously  point out that you do not need love in order to have a sexual encounter ...and there are many ways in which this can happen...we have appetites physical pleasure is one of them...you cannot expect a guy and girl ...yes to live in complete celibacy ...unless you make a religious  vote and even then is questionable ( with all the things that occur in churches ) he could be drank ...she could seduce him...HS won't be there and his pain is far too great...plus he has a duty to fulfill...i will leave it here because by now i think i wrote a lot...have a great everyone or night ....it all depends on your side of the world....:)

 yes yes yes... true true true


just wanna repost again... to later chingu to read (whose just tired to read the last 10 pages and just read the last page) :blush:

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1 hour ago, redfrommars said:


thanks for second preview...wow the king knows about WW...Is so mad!!!CR beeing a spy and a traitor is also know...9th prince makes me sick...i hope WS will punish him too...


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OMG you guys are on a roll today!Glad to see the number of pages suddenly surging.:lol: I want to post my thoughts on the episode but I really don't feel like typing such long stuff right now.Looks like I'm gonna lurk to catch up with all of you...

Just 2 things I wanna say:

1.International editing sucks for this episode.I think this episode has the worst editing.

2.What's with the sudden close up to Wook's face in the last scene?I read some of you were creeped out when that happened.I burst out laughing instead.:PBecause that kind of close up remind me of a few skits I watched on America's SNL before so to me,that part was really funny.

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The background music of moon lovers called one for me, the sad instrumental... it played  in ep 16 when wang so told ji mong that wang yo must be getting sick because deep inside he loved wang mu and eun and their deaths bothered him.. and honestly it was what made the scene and realization so tragic and sad. its the little things that actually mean so much. sigh. :tears: RIP Wang yo, hated you through out but at the end when you showed your pain and vulnerability, you seemed more human than wook. 

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56 minutes ago, junejungki said:

I am supposed to go back to my hometown on the 31/10/16 to visit my mum because she's not well. I would have fly to Korea for the private screening if not for my mother. Talking about going crazy to the next level. I even message my sisters last nite if they hv any intention to go to private screening. After all, it is only 7 hours from Kuala Lumpur to Seoul. Air Asia, Malaysia Airlines, Korea Airlines serving this route. No problem to reach Seoul on time.

But I thought the fan meeting is reserved for only 300 fans and even though you have submitted in your application, only the lucky ones will get selected based on random draw? So to me, even if I am interested to join, the probability of getting selected is very slim. Plus, even though it would be very nice to see Lee Joon Gi in person, even only a glimpse of him, I would not want to watch the last episode without a sub and not being able to understand. Good luck to you, though. :)

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@chi13lou Thanks for the welcome!

@Rose34 I really wish the ending to be different from the original, be it novel or the drama, like you said, so we can have a real happy ending like everyone wanted! I understand some may not want a reincarnated WS in modern day since he may not remember his life with HS during Goryeo period, but if that can reunite them in any manner, so be it! So, I hope your theory works out :) 

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hi eclipse,

anyone knows about Lee Jun Ki fan meeting in December 2? i read about it in this forum however couldn't find it since this forum 'really busy'

it's different from the mini fan meeting in 1st November. I will be in Seoul during end Nov - early Dec, really hope that I can attend the fan meeting.


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1 hour ago, bim2 said:


Many viewer discredit Wang So, because after he hold the throne, he's changing more ruthless. In my opinion king Gwangjong or Wang So never change. They're still the same person. Who feel insecure and take drastic road just to hold the person their dear the most. 

Although I'd never agree with his act to eliminate all his enemies brutally. Live in Goryeo sure has different standard moral issues compare to what we hold in 21st century. 


totally agree with you. as i watched this episode, i realized that this is the real wangso. as we know who he was and how he act and react to anything especially to protect someone he care about. i still remember he said that he can kill anyone who loved by haesoo. and i think he is very determine person. if he already choose one path he will do anything to go through with it and protect it. once he decided to be a king with all his noble reason about a better world, he will do anything to protect it, with his own way. and we know kill or be killed is common in that era. but the differet is now he is more human, with haesoo he try to controll his anger. i don't know if he didn't meet haesoo and fell in love with her, maybe he will kill anyone who try to dethrone him include jung, won and wook, with no mercy. at the beginning of the episode he already promised to her that he will never ever kill his brother. but he never promised not to kill anyone else. 

about this episode, i decided to watch only sbs version.  based on from what i read here, intl version is lack in everything and i watched some klip on the instagram, they didn't include most of important thing especially the lovey dovey of our otp. it's a no no for me. i love their part at sbs version and still can't get enough of them. and next eps preview from sbs version, there are no scene about torturing chaeryung and haesoo mad at the king as we saw at intl version next eps preview. . i won't jump into conclusion about why soo mad at him or why (maybe) the king order to torture ch because it still so blur to me, there are so many possibilities that will happen. like maybe the king didn't order the torture but won or wook did but haesoo heard different stories. what i know is tonight's episode will be a torture for us. just prepare for what will happen. 

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