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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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9 minutes ago, Umi_ni_Sora said:

Some thoughts on ep 13. Sorry, on iPad again so my post will be a it choppy. As a SoSoo shipper, I am satisfied with this episode.

We start with Soo recalling the moment So proposed to her. I would like to remind us that Soo was startled to hear the reason why So would become king, which in his words, he would do it for her. To give her freedom. To be at peace with her. This is what Soo has been seeking all this time. To live a life that is free, and not be controlled by anyone. His words warms Soo's heart because deep down she knows he is sincere, and he does have the capability to do what he promises. She is surprised still, by the extent of his love and sacrifice. She again, is moved by him. She hesitates, but pushes the hairpin back to So, who is at this point thinking, "Dang it, not again. Now I gotta do this all over." If Soo really wasn't considering his offer and it was a true rejection, then why did she think about it afterwards? Answer: she is in love.

Contrasting to Wook, who says he is also going to become king for her sake, we learned that his words are not sincere. He has other motives for seeking  the throne, but most importantly he wants power. Yes, the situations with Soo and his family all led him there, but Soo can see right through him, saying that he is fooling himself. He wants to break free from the chain of helplessness. He wants respect, and for the system (and people in it) to stop looking down on him and his family. It's his pride and ego that is driving him towards the throne, more than it being about Soo and what she wants. KHN said in an interview that So and see the same things, but they approach it differently. This is a parallel between the two, both in how they love Soo and their reason to fight for the throne.

I love all the scenes where Soo begins to unravel these desires of his. He's starting to show a side of him she never saw before - the ugly side, which breaks her Prince Charming illusion of him. When he asked her if the king died, she couldn't really digest what she was witnessing - the scary nature in Wook. She was losing trust in him. Look at how broken she looks after their talk. She couldn't believe her ears and eyes that this was the Wook she loved. Commiting treason? That's not Wook, she thought. She is still in denial, but the truth is tugging at her conscience. Then the mourning for the king, she offered to go with him because she had a small hope he was still the Wook she knew, and he downright rejected her knowing that she is not enough for him. He needed power, like he says. He has to gain power because what will happen when another problem rises? He couldn't bear being powerless again, so that is more important to him than being with Soo, which contrast So's reasons because Soo is all So needs. As So says, the throne means nothing without Soo and he is nothing without her. Also, Wook had his pride broken when he found out Soo begged So to spare him. He is broken by her betrayal even more when she sought for So's help, thus choosing So over him. Jealousy is apparent. Soo asked him if he ever once thought she was sincere about her feelings, but he never answers her. As the audience, we see that in his heart, he always had his doubts and lost his trust in Soo. Losing trust in each other is what broke WookSoo, but ironically trust is what is building SoSoo. Soo completely trusts So, evidence by her searching for him to tell him the king had died. The king specifically tells her not to trust anyone, but she finds So and immediately tells him everything. She trusts him. 

The shift in Soo's trust and loyalty is apparent, and it breaks Wook's heart and pride. Soo completely trusts So, which marks a milestone in their development. For a solid relationship to occur, it has to be built with trust and that's what Soo and So are developing. Chingus, there is a lot of parallels between So and Wook surrounding Soo and the throne battle. You can't just see it as just Wook getting all the developments. You see So becoming more human with each episode, and Wook becoming more of a monster. When Soo reached out and hugged So when he was crying, she started to see the real Gwangjong, who would hurt over a siblings's death. This is genius writing, because it dissolves her fear of Gwanjong as a monster who kills his brothers, and brings So closer to So. She and him have been hurt by the people they love. They can relate, this are on another level together. Soo is beginning to grow as a woman as well. She was just a naive girl in the beginning, about life and love, but her hardships and change in feelings for the two men is also making her change. She is maturing, both in love and as a person. 

For the record, LJK looks soooo freaking majestic and sexy in his black and silver outfit. Especially on his horse. My god, that is my favorite outfit of his. He looks like a true hero of the show. I love all his scenes in the episode. He is smiling more too. His convos with Soo is getting better. She goes to him first for everything now, lol, and she smiles more around him His scene with the king was so heartbreaking too, and booooy that man can cry! Dang it, IU is one lucky woman! How does she keep herself cool around a man like that? 

You are not the only one feel that way. I feel the same way too. With his black n silver outfit. Riding horse. OMG!! Darn sexy. No words can describe. Not to forget, his sexy voice. I can tell his voice even when I am not looking at the screen.


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@MadraRua I loved just everything in this show except the difference between intl and SBS version but that too a positive thing cause we get to see more scenes that way. so all in all everything is just perfect for me.

And those LJK gifs just toooooooooo Cweet (Cute + Sweet ) to handle... senseless pink catsenseless pink catsenseless pink catsenseless pink cat

@zi4r thanks for showing us SHR is competing at much bigger platform when it has sherlock and GOT among competitors


@zi4rOff Topic

You too a Sherlock Fan... nice to know that

Thats one show that just blows my mind by each and every new episode each season. And benedict is just another actor i am head over heels (hope this is the same Sherlock you are referring to)

@Visually-wandering lovely fanart with WS as Guardian Angel...keep making more and posting here.

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Hi. Since we talked about the Hae Soo & 8th interaction in E12 (their dialogue by the river), I'm really curious what's your opinion about their interactions in E13.

If HS has really given up on 8th by the time he comes looking for her in E12 (even though she still needed closure), then does she or doesn't she still have lingering feelings for him in E13? In particular, how did you interpret their exchange after the CP is proclaimed King? Did HS really still want a life together with 8th away from the Palace, or was she just testing him? If he had given the right answer, would she have left with him--even after everything that's happened?

On the one hand, when 8th still insists to become King, there seems to be heartbreak in HS's eyes, but on the other hand she seemed to have expected that answer from him, because she immediately points out he was just fooling himself (about wanting the throne because of HS). And tells him she won't look at him the same.

Anyway, I'd really love to hear your take on that scene. Especially, as a Korean speaker, did it seem to you that HS still had (romantic) feelings for 8th until that moment? And is her break from him final? Why does she word it as it won't be "easy" for him to gain her back?

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1 hour ago, Lady_Lara said:
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I so hope that you are wrong about Bo Gom! No! I like him so much in Reply 1988, he should marry a beautiful girl and have many cute babies! The same about Junki, but to be honest this thought occurred me when I watched My girl-I thought-ah, this guy is too girly and cute probably he is a gay. But I also hope that I'm wrong.



I dont think JG is gay, i read the artcl in the previous page it's a JG's interview about "Love" that he said he ever dated with a woman who older than him..


Edited by LyraYoo
Offtopic-unrelated to drama
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30 minutes ago, junejungki said:

No, he is not gay. He cleared that already that he is not gay. So dont worry.

Hmm.. I'm raising one eyebrow with this topic. 
Whether someone is gay or straight, is really none of our business. It's their private life anyway. 
Love is love is love and he/they should be free to love whoever they want, however they want. 
If anything, we should comment on their performances and works as actors, not their personal life. 

Find the gay person: ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
What's wrong, you can't? That's because they're humans too

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Is it possible that HS had changed history? Without her, its possible WS would have gone along with his mother's plan and teamed up with Yo, especially after his father goes from praising him for the rain ritual one second and threatening to banish back to Shinju the next.

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7 hours ago, feverdrama said:


Ep1 - That horse meet cute. That's gotta be one of the best meet cutes ever. Both Hae Su and Wang So were immediately PHYSICALLY attracted to each other, without knowing anything about each other first. I mean, that tension is pretty palpable through the progression of the episodes. [...]

Ep 2-7 - I noticed how different Wang So was with Hae Su as their relationship kept progressing. [...]

1) When Hae-Su stopped him from destroying the mom-rocks. (He wanted to kick mom-rocks). Later in this episode, they have a really cute exchange before snowfall when she shows him the same kind of consideration she would show a friend. I mean, Wang so was effed  from the start. This girl basically showed him more kindness in 1 week than he'd had experience in his entire life. 

2) She sat with him at his lonely brunch at the mountain top. Seriously, what's a brunch w/o friends. 

3) Wang So helps Hae Su escape the king's proposal on horse back. That's why Hae Su really begins to understand that Wang So cares something for her. They do some of their best talking on a horse [...]

Basically, after these turns, Wang So was like completely head over heels. There's almost nothing that he's doing that isn't about finding a way to get closer to Hae Su. 


"Wang So was effed from the start. This girl basically showed him more kindness in 1 week than he'd experienced in his entire life."

This line you wrote is GOLD. :wub: So funny (the effed part) and so TRUE!

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@arsdf please read your PM :)

To all who mentioned the horse defying gravity scene...thank you for reminding me (can't remember all names...forgive me)...I also think that HS-WS already had chemistry on that first meetings..if only WS didn't throw her off and just be prince charming..then HS maybe (big probability) will falls for him much earlier...but then again as someone said..(I don't remember..please forgive me..looks like it's @Adnana??correct me if I'm wrong) if they already had mutual feelings for too early eps then nothing could be obstacles for their love..then the story like we knew won't happened this way...:D 

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History-related post again! :w00t:

If no one has any ideas of what I'm talking about, go to the link below or find my post on page 995.

My three history posts about Moon Lovers!

Moo: Similarity to the drama is that he's a nice guy. He doesn't want the throne but he was destined to become the ruler. His reign is short-lived. He loves his brother. He cares for others.

Yo: Similarity to the drama is Yo was always after the throne and had the ability to govern though still lacking. Also, Yo's fighting scene at the end of episode 13 mirrors his character - he has the ability but lacks something to make it fully work as evident in his ability to fight the soldiers but then lose to So. His expression when he runs away to the cliff mirrors that.

So: Similarity to the drama is So went after the throne and was a very good ruler. So beats Yo in the fight scene of episode 13 and stops Wook from shooting with the arrow and Jung from fighting Yo - it mirrors his full ability. His expression while on the horse chasing after Yo was one with, I think, a combination of understanding and confidence, of capability. So also told Wook to not hunt Yo as an animal when he prepares to shoot. That mirrors the fact that according to history, he witnessed the game of thrones and he wanted to prevent that. He wanted to solidify the king's power and kept the nation.


- Someone already said this but Wook's preparation to shoot Yo with arrow shows his calculative, cunning side. Wook's expression while on the horse chasing after Yo was like a sly fox, deadly.

- When Yo was fighting the soldiers for his life in episode 13, So and Wook were standing together. I could really picture them working together in history. Maybe, Wook was really a man behind So. So shined in history as Gwangjong for all that he accomplished but Wook also could potentially have been the backing for So.

It is stated in history that before any nobles or powerful clans could revolt against Gwangjong, Gwangjong eliminated them first. He was able to control just like how he stopped Wook from shooting Yo and Jung from fighting Yo. He knew them. It also led me to assume that the other princes were supporting Gwangjong and Wook was probably one of them or a strong backer. Remember that Wook was the first one to say manse to Crown Prince Moo. There's no account of him going against Gwangjong so he most likely did a lot of backing (not saying that he did a lot of good things in history or evil things) for So in history. I did mention Wook's clan was unharmed (So married Yeon Hwa).

Maybe I am over-analyzing but I think I will analyze more scenes and compare them with the history. If anyone's interested, let me know because I don't want to take away the attention from the SoSoo ship and romance. I feel like I am becoming a history geek on Moon Lovers.

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i noticed in the international version (on dramafever) towards the end of the episode when so and wook grab each other in a confrontation and the scene cuts to woo hee doing her sword dance for the king, a snippet of this song started playing (it's a really quick remixed version that uses the main riff of the classical piece haha that fades into something else) i hope it makes it's way to the official ost eventually :) i really like the instrumental ost of the series.


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3 hours ago, qwenli said:


Omo new bts again! So cute.ljg is really mischievous! He has a hair fetish, I noticed from other drama bts. I hope iu's bf is still living well....:P 


I am really glad that the leads of this drama got along well with each other (primarily LJK, IU, KHN and the rest of the cast) no awkwardness, as they are very sweet, and comfortable with each other.  That's a plus factor, a great thing to have in the production because the relationships of the actors/actresses affects the quality of the drama they are doing, it seems to transcend that a happy filming set, makes for a great drama.  But.....

Yes...but....this is my take on the matter... that



I am saying it on a personal point of view ...since I myself, personally is a very jealous person, even the pettiest of things...i do not let it pass..ha ha ha... well that's the way I am, I know a lot of people out there are more lenient and understanding when it comes to their lover's "working" relationships. That's why I admire IU's boyfie. Well...it seems...for we cannot be certain..but it seems IU is lucky enough to have a boyfriend who's older than her, and thus maybe more matured and more understanding when it comes to this matter, these things that are part of IU's profession as an actress. He seems very supportive of her and her career.  But he might have been advised not to watch those kiss scenes or most importantly those BTS scenes because of course ha ha ha..there is a limit to one's being lenient and understanding.  Because i mean, LJK is hot....as in HOT !!!! Hot Guy Alert... hahahaha...any normal girl would...definitely get moved at some point hahahaha.  And even KHN is the sweetest dork in real life...so it might have been tough for the boyfie. :sweatingbullets: poor JKH.

And there could have been that awkward moment !  In an interview of JKH, he said that during filming of MLSHR...he actually visited IU on the filming set....perhaps meeting those formidable, cute, hot princes around IU ..hahaa...that could have been really awkward...wow.



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4 hours ago, junee22 said:

Sometimes...I wonder....if the number of this thread followers could be considered a good thing or a bad thing...I don't know...is it too many too much? I didn't say it's good thing or bad..just a wondering voice inside of me...I feel that lately there are too many things that stressed us all..I want to quote someone on another drama thread I've found recently...I guess this sentences could be implemented here also..I'm pretty sure there are some of us who already said something similar...but I guess many of us had already forget about that...and I'm sad....very sad..because we clearly forget about this ::tears:

"So i hope on the next few episodes, you get to enjoy the drama the way I do.. Just a friendly advice to you and all the viewers, keep your expectations low, focus on the good ones and if you think you cant feel watching it anymore, just drop it, a drama is supposed to entertain you anyway"

(credits to @ashvaugn ...sorry I just feel the needs to quote this..didn't mean anything harm to you dear :) )

And no...I'm not dropping this drama..still want to end the journey that we all had started together...I know we all have different opinions but if you keep on focusing on pointing out the flaws here and there...then why would you watch the show anyway? Just drop it or leave it...or you can join with some of us to have a little fun and/or imaginations. For me..if I read those hateful comments, it could affected me in some ways that made me want to runaway from this drama and the thread...so I keep on ignoring that...but what I saw is these hateful comments are becoming more and more in numbers..almost looks like they're doing it on purposes. Why?what are the reasons?don't you know it will finally have impact on us?and that some of us that actually never get bothered with these, nowadays are getting more affected?

I still believe that the raising numbers of our thread followers mainly because all of you feel attracted to this show...so if you just want to only focused on the negatives, and you can't accepted all of that..just leave this show..there are many dramas out there anyway.

I'm sorry if this post looks a bit bitter and harsh...but I don't want MLSHR get another bash especially on Soompi..coz what I like from this forum is because we always try to enjoy the drama, and keep the peace between us (that's what we've been doing on early pages with only 100+ followers). Can we still do this, chingudeul, please?? I'm not saying you can't speak of your mind...you can...do that..just don't repeating the same things over and over again...we've already done discussed that. No need to add salt on our wounds.

Again...I apologize if this offended anyone...That's not what I'm trying to do..peace and love :heart:

Ohh..and we're going to 1000 in a moment...wow!!! daebak :)

Thanks chingu. I tottal agree with you. This thread which help us enjoy Moon Lovers better :heart:

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