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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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I'm just imagining everyone here banging their desks and chanting So-Soo ship So-Soo ship So-Soo ship together and then when their ship finally sails in who knows what episode we all stand up and cheer and wave flags and confetti , just like as if someone won the world cup. :D thats just the feeling this thread is giving me! 

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@LyraYoo Wow, I'm getting excited everytime there is a resemblance between the story and history.

After reading your information, I research it as well on Wikipedia.



Say that Go Hwa Jin time travel to Goryeo during the total eclipse on 1 November 942, it is indeed match the time during a year before the reign of Wang Mo.

Too bad it is slightly has a difference of around one month between Wang So's death on 4 July 975 and the total eclipse on 10 August 975. But we could say that his soul is restless and wandering for 37 days looking for the exact time where Hae Soo is, before finally going up to the future, LOL. :D



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1 minute ago, chickenchopflipflop said:

 cause he's hot.. after watching the preview, i can't help but think WW got BURNT! haha

But one thing does not make sense to me, why did WS give WW evidence to prove HS's innocence? if WW did not deliver, why did WS not act on it himself? I understand that his mother threatened that if he were to report to the CP, she would say that she did it so WS could be king, and sow further discord between him and CP.  So he did not give his mother in to prevent further discord? i have trouble understanding this, if he is not afraid to die to save HS, why is he afraid that more discord will be sown btw him and CP? or did i miss something from the subtitles?



Because since Wang So is Queen Yoo's son, he couldn't reveal that he knew about it. His father would have thought that the poisoning was just an act in order to gain CP's trust. His act would have been seen differently. he needed Wang Wook's help to prove his mother's involvement.

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I have 2 Mid-terms in five hours, but I'm hear on this thread trying to keep up with all the post.

I can't wait till SoSoo couple's lovey-dovey scenes, I will not worry about the ending, rather I will enjoy the journey of this passionate love between the Wolf Prince and his Moon:wub::wub:


Thank you in advance to all recappers, gif-makers, and analyzers, I can't wait to read all of your posts. 

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Waiting eagerly for today s episode :)

3 minutes ago, glacial said:

I'm just imagining everyone here banging their desks and chanting So-Soo ship So-Soo ship So-Soo ship together and then when their ship finally sails in who knows what episode we all stand up and cheer and wave flags and confetti , just like as if someone won the world cup. :D thats just the feeling this thread is giving me! 

Hehe me too 

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7 hours ago, wordsmyth0253 said:

Pre-release Clip! http://program.sbs.co.kr/builder/endPage.do?pgm_id=22000009610&pgm_mnu_id=44104&pgm_build_id=17623&contNo=22000199448



WS: Su-ya. Let's...marry.

HS: Pardon?

WS: If we marry, you can leave this gyo-bang (place for imperial performers where she's now employed as a musuri) and leave the palace. [Let's] do that. 

HS: I can't do that. 

WS: (returning hairpin to her) Let's go together. You're my person, aren't you?

HS: No. I can't marry you [in order] to leave the palace. (turns and sees WW and runs off)

WS: Su-ya!

WW: A prince and a musuri marry..? Don't (use/persuade?) Su under such (false pretenses?)

WS: If I say marriage, it's a marriage.

WW: That child becoming unhappy/unfortunate...is all because of you. Getting caught up in the fight between Empress Yoo and you, she unfairly fell to this place (referring to her drop in rank). You were the start. And even so/that being the case, now you're proposing marriage? I can't forgive you.

WS: You're one to talk (I can't forgive you). I gave you everything you needed to reveal (prove) HS's innocence, but in the end you weren't able to do it, were you? Your incompetence makes my blood boil. 

WW: You!!!!

Hahah...got the translation ...twtw

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17 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

I don't take it personally. Reality means:

- Life is full of pain and bad experiences. Hae Soo always lives it like a dream that turns into a nightmare due to her bad experiences. Remember in the episode 4, her cousin told her that her life in the 21st century was just a nigthmare. We know that it was not true. Now, at the end of the episode 11, she wishes that this was all a dream and she wants to wake up in order to forget. She doesn't want to feel responsible for lady Oh's death. She would like to live like in the paradise where everyone is happy and people love each other. 

- No matter in which century she lives, she will always face problems because  people are not nice in general. She has a too positive opinion about human's nature. (rosa coloured glasses)

- She has also a very false idea what love is. She has this idea that love is a safe place. But actually loving someone means that your partner will hurt you, although he loves you.

There is no safety and guarantee in love and life. 



And about why most of the Eclipses like WS, I think because we relate to him of how sad his life is and how much he suffered. WS was introduce in the negative side and we know that he needs someone to give him light. To teach and show him what being cared is, being love is. While HS was introduced from the bright side. A fully optimistic being. Someone who seems like has the freedom in the world. And since she's the person our WS needs, we want her to go to his side already. But after many episodes, HS bright is diminishing. Since she had shed some light to WS, I hope he won't give her up even after that rejection. I just hope they depend to each other. LET THE SHIP SAIL ALREADY DANG IT! T^T

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11 minutes ago, chickenchopflipflop said:

But one thing does not make sense to me, why did WS give WW evidence to prove HS's innocence? if WW did not deliver, why did WS not act on it himself? I understand that his mother threatened that if he were to report to the CP, she would say that she did it so WS could be king, and sow further discord between him and CP.  So he did not give his mother in to prevent further discord? i have trouble understanding this, if he is not afraid to die to save HS, why is he afraid that more discord will be sown btw him and CP? or did i miss something from the subtitles?

Most likely because everyone knows Queen Yoo did it but no one has actual proof of it. Stupid example, but it's sort of like how nowadays there are well known criminals (usually in mobs/the mafia) that are never actually arrested (even though they have a reputation) because of a mixture of nasty politics, corruption, and a lack of concrete evidence. The maid that should have delivered the tea instead of Hae Soo would have helped prove Hae Soo's innocence if, like, WOOK HADN'T KILLED HER.

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8 minutes ago, junejungki said:

May I know if your country show this drama on TV?? or you watch from internet?

@junejungki  I watch it from internet- as far as I know  kdramas were never hosted in german tv channels. The same stands  for Greece, my origin country. However, in both countries, since years, there is a devoted public for kdramas, accessing the kdramas via internet. ( Personally, I am rather a newcomer in the kdramaland ( i embarked this strange, magnificent planet with its own rules in story telling not more than a year ago) - but I am totally hooked: a heavy symptom is that I cannot watch nothing else than kdramas, or korean movies. The funny thing is that I do not speak or understand the korean language, however  right now every film in another language  annoys me. Heavy case of addiction : )

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@liddi I have never watched the C-drama therefore I can not compare to it. Nevertheless, I read many times that in the C-drama RX put 8th prince in front of a choice and he chose power over love. Honestly, I prefer this version because we see more Wang Wook's struggle and dilemna. As for Hae Soo, I wouldn't say that she has less choice or no controll over her life. She cuts ties with Wang Wook, she refuses Wang So's proposal... so she is still free to follow her heart and reason.

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5 hours ago, onemella said:

Just asking if anyone knows the S One Tv can do repeat telecast for tonight's episode?

Celebrating my husband's birthday tonight! 

Doubt I can make it back in time to watch live and have to wait till tmr for subs. But I can't wait!  :tears::tears::tears:

Tonight's episode will be repeated the next day at 8am and on Sunday at 12 (Jakarta time). CMMIW :)

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I started the streaming already but it's buffering too much. My connection today is not as good as last week. At that time it's not buffering before Moon Lovers, but then started buffering when ML started. I'm not sure I'm going to watch live. I will just count on the live-cappers in this forum, and watch the eng sub tomorrow.

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52 minutes ago, ChyuuNyuu said:


Why is everyone so swooned by the 4th prince?? To me it sounds like he will stalk HAE SOO until she fall in love with him, without respecting or caring about what she went through. She just got heart wrecked by WOOK! Give her a break: "Wang So keeps telling her that she can try to run away but he will follow her" HOW CREEPY IS THAT? It would be nicer if he would be like: "Hey, I know you've had a hard time but I'm there for you if you need a friend to rely on." But his vibe is more like: "Hey, I love you and I will stalk you until you love me back (Plus kill every other man you love that is not me)." And what do you mean with: "He will keep confronting her with reality, until she can face it". What reality? That he loves her and she can do nothing else than accept it? This is not right.  
And I agree that WOOK did some shitty and weak decisions but he had no choice by choosing his family over SOO (Would HAE SOO be with somebody who killed his family for her? NO.) SO on the other hand had not as much too loose.... I don't want to downgrade this bravery trying to save HAE SOO but still, his dominance towards her and his cruelty towards others is not normal....

Sorry @bebebisou33 =D please don't take it personally.


Well, it will depend on how you define 'normal' in Goryeo. We can't really apply our modern 'normal' on everyone's action in this drama. Everyone seems to be slightly twisted. The palace residents seem to have the tendency to end others' life if they do not serve to their purposes. So kills, Yo kills, Wook kills, The queen and the king do too. It's survival of the fittest. That's why it's such big deal for Hae Soo when she had those visions of So killing his brothers. It's probably never in her values system to have family members literally kill each other for a mere reason, the throne.

Imposing our moral or modern values while watching this would be tiresome. Oddly, I'm drawn to this drama for its consistency to portray characters that fit both the time and context. No matter how uncomfortable the viewers might feel, those characters and their actions are necessary and relevant.

We're enchanted by Wang So for zillion of reasons. I'm for one, swooned by his resilient and strong character. He's a man who fights for what he desires. Perserverance is sexy.

Anyhow, I guess it's my two cents :)

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I have a strong feeling that at least in this ep, we are all going to be frustrated with HS and her choices. I dont see why she constantly pushes So away, but perhaps maybe is because she still has this fantasy of Wook.

And maybe that vision of So being a merciless killer still lingers in her mind.

anyways soon ep 12 will be upon us in about 10 mins!

I cant watch the streaming but i look forward to reading the recaps!

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8 minutes ago, liddi said:

This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion... but anyway...

This drama. I love it... and it has hit the pinnacle (so far) in terms of emotional intensity and narrative flow. However, I cannot help but see the flaws as well, and it is now that I involuntarily start comparing it to BBJX. Wook's betrayal in the rain scene delivers an irrevocable death blow to any illusions viewers might have had in terms of who is better for Soo... yet I feel that we were very much manipulated into jumping ship, so to speak. What I loved about the original is that you will continue to see strong ships for both 4th, 8th and even 14th... exactly because there is no one person who was made to be so obviously unworthy, so that the other may shine even more. Each person loved her, and continued to love her in their own way... and ultimately it was Ruoxi's decisions that decided her path... not the other way round. Here, Soo has little to no control over her life or relationships, sought for or not... and she had to be rejected by Wook in what can only be the most callous way imaginable, so as to make way for her love for So down the road. I am truly moved by So's sacrifices time and again for Soo with no regard to his own safety, but I cannot help but feel strong-armed into doing so through clear machinations, which is beginning to annoy me, because I would have just as easily loved them together without the added necessity of painting his rival in a less than flattering light. Meanwhile, what I am really missing is the brotherhood between 4th and 13th that remained undiluted until their deaths. We see Baek Ah as an ally of both So and Soo (he's the first SoSoo shipper, I'm sure of it!)... but there is nothing that reinforces the strength of his relationship with So nor justify his camaraderie with Soo, the latter of which is merely relegated to a few seconds of flashbacks. When all is said and done, the source material is more than just a love story - it is also a moving depiction of brotherhood, the pursuit of power and domination, the subtle yet lethal political chess play, choices made for good or bad, and consequences borne. So far, I am just seeing the love story being slowly fleshed out, and little else. With only 9 episodes to go and so much ground to cover in terms of the rapidly changing political landscape, Gwangjong's ascent to the throne and what comes after, I cannot help but be anxious that the pacing will be rushed rather than measured. Please don't let it be so.

With the footing we are at now, I truly hope that the next half of the drama alleviates the contrivances and gives us a strong finish. I do not expect nor hope for a happy ending... it may be masochistic on my part, but I think it would not quite be BBJX if it were. All I ask for, is an ending that is bittersweet and heart-searingly memorable, just as BBJX did for me.

On the other hand... can I just gush how much I love the BTSes of MLSHR? Just as the drama itself breaks our hearts, the BTSes are a perfect fodder to all that pain, and never fails to put a goofy smile on my face. The camaraderie is so heartwarming, and it is truly wonderful to see just how much fun they had during the filming, how well they got along, which in turn makes me sad that their hard work is not appreciated as much domestically. Here's hoping their ratings show marked improvement in the 2nd half of the drama... just as it is so well loved internationally.

Last but certainly not least, here's hoping the two versions will continue to be in sync from here on. Please.


I think the production is rather typical of Korean dramas. Koreans have the "palli palli" culture, they will not wait for the story to build itself slowly and subtle so that it is rich with meaning at the end, that is why there is the usual  trope of the male or female lead injuring themselves to fast forward the intensity of the romance etc. In a way, i think MLSHR is already trying to rise above this kind of production and storytelling culture as much as it can. plus korean prime time is very expensive so its impossible for them to dwell too much on details. Which is why i always thought this drama would have been better suited for the weekend drama spot (that usually has 30 -40 episodes.)

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6 minutes ago, fengari said:

@junejungki  I watch it from internet- as far as I know  kdramas were never hosted in german tv channels. The same stands  for Greece, my origin country. However, in both countries, since years, there is a devoted public for kdramas, accessing the kdramas via internet. ( Personally, I am rather a newcomer in the kdramaland ( i embarked this strange, magnificent planet with its own rules in story telling not more than a year ago) - but I am totally hooked: a heavy symptom is that I cannot watch nothing else than kdramas, or korean movies. The funny thing is that I do not speak or understand the korean language, however  right now every film in another language  annoys me. Heavy case of addiction : )

Well, at least we have internet. I am very grateful for that. We can watch latest drama within 24 hours. I have the problem with you. I got addicted to Kdrama movies etc,  I cant lt it go. sigh!!!

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