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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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In my opinion just because WW dont want to go all the way with HS and does abandon her to protect himself and his family and ambition, doesnt mean he doesnt love her. Lady Oh knew that, otherwise would not tell him he will regret his decision. 

Like his father , who didnt put Lady Oh first in many of his decisions, beggining with not marrying her and going after the throne and later even turning his eyes away when her , their own child was killed (!!!!), just because he can choose sometimes something else doesnt mean he didnt lover her more than anyother person ... in the same way, WS will, and this is my guess and my prediction, make in the future decisions that will go beyond HS and, even if now he goes after the throne to protect her, later the throne will make him less able to choose her again like nothing else matter ... for him too will be then things that would count more than his love for HS; now, is only his life against his love, but when it will be the throne and the kingdom against his love, he will be "forced" to choose political reasons against his love desires ... like many others kings, personal/affective reasons will succomb under political ones, cause he will choose to be a king more than to be a lover ... like his father, like his half-brother , like his mother, like his sister .... they all choose in the end power and not love ...

just because WW doesnt have the guts to risk his life for HS, I dont think make him a bad and pitfull guy ... is in WS's nature to be able to make such dramatic and radical choices, like the time when he did go all alone to confront tens of monks !!!! he risked his life just for his mother's gratitude !!! (is not like if he didnt do it this his mother could not survive!! :) she is too good in her plans, as we already see  and as they both knew at that time)- he is very familar with danger, life risking situations, confronting authority, crossing the limits, putting his life in danger, even before he came to this palace - so, for men like him taking great risks is not the same as for normal men ; we can admire them, but let's not compare normaly men with them - is like comparing a smart guy with a supergifted one!! when is about own's life risking decisions, WS is much too beyond  WW, even if is not about love ; WS is more risky in everything, compare to WW, not only about HS; 

I dont want to minimise what WS did for HS, just to point that some things are more easy for him to do than are for others; I need more from him to show how great his love for HS is, when I know he risked his life for much less than this!

I dont think WW made empty promises for HS, just that, like some of us, cannot keep it when is about some extraordinary circumstances, even if we did indeed mean it; he never pose like he can do anything, he always put his decisions in the context - like he would ask for her desire or for  king permission; WS acts like there is nothing again his wishes, like reality can conform to his desires - even with HS he is acting like this - (I think is not a coincidence that his mother and HS both of them ask retorically if he thinks he can change their feelings by making such an impressive gesture!!); it doesnt matter she said she likes someone else, it doesnt matter she said she sees him only like her friend, it doesnt matter she reject him, it doesnt matter she was scared in front of him - all these dont matter to him - In my opinion, not because he loves her so much, he really do and probably more than she will, but also because this is his nature and his life story - he always forced reality and keep pushing it for what he wants, he survived by opposing reality and making his way out  ... 

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13 hours ago, MadraRua said:

Vogue shoot Goryeo Style



@KdramaSwimmer  and @LoveSG

Yes that opine was particularly awesome. No bias at all, just straight up what you see is what you get. I loved it too.


You can borrow it anytime especially when you give an analysis like that, Great job 07

Edit: I must reiterate I didn't actually write that opinion, just borrowed it to share with you guys. I wish I could write like that.


It sounds like a logical progression of events to me. I'm optimistic too about the ending. I really hope he gets to the future with his memories intact and we see him seeking her out.


So looks hot in black. I love their costume in this drama. They all look good with their costume and accessories. Never knew fashionista already exist during Goryeo time. hahahaha!!

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54 minutes ago, MiisOh said:

I finish 10GB data rewatching ..all the scene

Crazy me

I busted my mobile data too by surfing this thread every other hour. So dear friends here, please dun quote pix ok.:tears:


@junee22 thks for the reminder of the denials.hs is really hard to get....:tears:

I am curious why WS was in his mask in the day and removed it at night. All very strange costume choices. Unless they filmed these scenes separately....


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@arabela if you read most of the comments from recent preview. We are actually not blaming wook for his empty promises or for his choice to put his family and ambition first, we are over it along time ago. Now we are mad because he can't own up to his own mess but he kept pushing the responsibility to others. he blame wangso for haesoo misfortune and blame yeonhwa (talking about debt) for making him abandon haesoo. His sister already said it, she was ready to die if her plan failed. He should reflect on his own mistake and learn instead of continously denying it. That's what we want :)


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4 hours ago, devotee said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Is this from tonight's episode? I wonder what's going on.  Since WS is wearing the armour, it could be before or after the scene with WW 


They must be exhausted from the heat. Korea had a heatwave this summer. The day I left in early August, temperature hit 35C in Seoul! But it was unusually warm even way back in may/june.

Soo may have rejected So not because she still loves Wook but because she didn't think she loved So enough to deserve him. He'd done so much for her and now he wants to marry her to save her again?? She can't accept this kindness...

Oh forgot what I wanted to shout all day: WOOK, YOU ARE A JERK!!!!

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WangWook is a hypocritical a** when he said what he said to WangSo in the preview.Clearly,he was one of the reasons why HaeSoo is suffering now.Why put the blame solely on WangSo?And how dare he put HaeSoo down like that when he was the one who always looked towards her for happiness and wanted to make sure she only has eyes for him.

The way I see it,The sneer was meant to put WangSo off so that he will reconsider chasing HaeSoo.If successful,WangWook will be at ease knowing that the possibility for HaeSoo to remain by his side is high.However,WangSo being WangSo will not fall for his words.Once he has assessed situations and decides on something,he'll take action.Plus,with his confidence,he'll ensure he gets what he wants in the end.

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For me, Hae Soo and Wang Wook are pretty similar in these aspects:

1. Don't learn of mistakes and are always in denial.

2. Fell in love easily with illusions of each other.

3. Innocent relationship type. Both acted pretty similar in their relationship. 

4. They avoid talking about their problems with each other.

5. Empty promises that are changed the next day.

6. Indecisive and inmature.


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