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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Thank you @meahri_1 for tagging me! I had to sneakily watch that BTS at office and my heart can't contain the sweetness, adorableness and quirkiness of them!

I was quite taken aback with LJK just swoops in for another kiss after they're laughing as it seems like a practice to him. poor LJE coulnd't stop him because it happened in mere seconds hahaha

Wow! that was such a great artwork @novemberschopin! keep 'em coming dear!

and oh @brielover I'm sorry if your question has been addressed before or if I mistakenly interpreted your question hence the answers wouldnt give you anything :)

My take is that Queen Yoo and YH team up for the poisoning but Queen Yoo didnt expect that the court lady whom would be blamed for is HS thus her surprise look. YH came up with the idea to have HS as the court lady that would bring the tea since she's jealous and hate HS. Maybe the initial plan is to see how WS react on the poisoning scheme since he's the only one who knows about it. I'm speculating that maybe WS was actually about to tell something about poison in CP's teacup. Or he might had thought to have a drink with CP as well. But the scheme seems like went wrong when HS is the one who bring the tea to CP thus he suddenly looked at his mom while Queen Yoo was pretty surprised. Okay, I hope my explanation wont confuse you hahaha

Thank you as always to you @MAROSA_JIN @MoOnLoVeRz @LyraYoo for bringing the latest updates here!

I'm fascinated with the fact that we can move the thread by at least 10 pages EACH DAY! WOW! Well, with this kind of pace, we will reach 1000 in couple of days I'm afraid!

And we're getting more followers for this thread! Warm welcome to all of you!!!


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Note from darksmurfsub.com ... We have finished QCing the English subs for Ep 10, set for the broadcast SBS version.  I'm not fully sure what was different from the international version, but I think scenes of the SNSD singer (the HuBaekje princess in disguise) were cut out in the international version. We have subbed those scenes.  You can download the subs and enjoy, if you have the proper raw video.  We're working on Ep. 11 now.

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54 minutes ago, zi4r said:



@Yeekrfan2 dear, I feel your pain. I've complained about the same before... It's really annoying when my brain keeps harping on about lack of attention-to-detail by the production team while I am trying to get into the mood of the drama. Sigh...



My guess would be that he doesn't want any of the attention diverted away from the matter at hand. He wants the king to focus on what he's saying rather than getting distracted by the scar on his face and having his thoughts drift elsewhere. 

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6 minutes ago, leekyuphii said:

and BTS pics...arrrggggghhhhhh i love it love it especially this one.. JIeun looks so tiny and cute beside "batman"LJK..kyaaaaaaaa yeah he really speaks the truth that he is the energizer in filming location...he keeps having fun (alone) or together with the other acts,and this ahjusshi never lose his energy,always have high spirit...love it...


Sorry to cut your post.  I just want to say that I also really really like this BTS pic .... they look like vampire couple ... Joon Ki shielding Ji Eun from exposing to the sunlight.  

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2 hours ago, solelylurking said:

I sort of don't care about anything else. I just want to know WHEN is HS going to wear pretty clothes again?? Like the on in JK's insta. 

I'm sure Wook is done when he met her in that dress. But HS will be like, "Bye As**ole. Thanks for leaving. This is what you missing!"


11 minutes ago, leekyuphii said:

after last night my mind goes a bit "crazy and wild" because reading convos between @dhia205 @solelylurking and add to @junee22 (sorry girls still cant join, my mind is loading slowly today when read your convos) and this morning LJG IG post make it worse...that sexy back..........*blush* *syasyasya*


count me in!!!!!! we wont see HS wear pretty clothes again in near time..if she doesnt wear pretty clothes soon, then the teasing pic that LJK post wont happen soon too???and that sexy back, i cant see in near time too then???ah LJK really test my patience...okay lets see if this really just teasing or will truly happen later in this drama

love reading so many colorful post and comments today....*okay continue back read*


@solelylurking this is what i got from WW lover? seriously?... yeah go go WW lover ahahha... add the fact that she wearing those beautiful clothes to go on a date, and he witness it all...

@leekyuphii you better be sleep and re-fresh your brain, pretty sure this convo will long go ahaha...

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2 hours ago, solelylurking said:

I sort of don't care about anything else. I just want to know WHEN is HS going to wear pretty clothes again?? Like the on in JK's insta. 

I'm sure Wook is done when he met her in that dress. But HS will be like, "Bye As**ole. Thanks for leaving. This is what you missing!"

 In LJK IG Haesoo had a full bun hair style .. like park soondok hair style when she already married with Wangeun 

Is she already married with WangSo ???

And she wear a pretty dress to.. 

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11 hours ago, briseis said:

“That girl… she’s alone.”

So is rushing to her while being half-dead, with the poison still runing in his system, because Hae Soo is completely alone and his only thought is to get to her and stay by her side. HE’S BEEN ALONE HIS WHOLE LIFE AND KNOWS HOW TERRIBLE IT IS. HE IS THERE FOR HER, JUST LIKE SHE WAS THERE FOR HIM SO MANY TIMES AND IN SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS. She never let him alone no matter how many times and how hard he pushed her away - be it the time she brought him his meal on that mountain or after he took off his mask at Eun’s birthday.


When he finds her, the sight of the woman he loves lying there on the dirty floor, trembling from pain and exhaustion AND BLEEDING after being tortured, BREAKS HIM. She is imprisoned, trapped behind bars - THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF BEING FREE. So’s always loved trees and watched them bloom and I think Soo must have reminded him of a beautiful butterfly that freely flies wherever it wishes, from one flower to another - that’s why he gave her the hairpin with a butterly sitting on a flower. He knows how hard it must be for her being held captive and he blames himself for not being able to protect her.


SO POIGNANT AND SYMBOLIC! The way he lowers himself on the dirty floor so he would be on the same level as her with his hand holding the bars that keep her separated from him, as if he could make it disappear. 

He sees her at her lowest, just like she saw him many times, and just like she didn’t run away when he was covered in blood he doesn’t run away either when she is covered in hers this time. And when she sees him, she becomes alert and focused as if the realization that he is alive gave her new strength to keep going.



Very well said @briseis!

This is my favorite scene in this episode 11.  Like I've said in my previous post, they both care for one another, deeply than what they thought they were.  They could feel each others pain and willing to endure it for the sake of the other.  Watching them reminds me of what it felt like knowing that you might lose someone you hold very dear. 

As expected, LJK never fails to deliver an acting that requires no words to express what he truly feels... for the viewers to see.   Getting an award won't surprise me. :D  IU did great too as compared to her acting in previous dramas.

HS might still be unaware of her feelings but her immediate reaction when she saw WS in danger tells a lot.  This time her unknown feelings betrayed her.... that even before WW, her supposed to be boyfriend, she couldn't hide how worried she was for WS.  Most often those kinds of feelings we only realized when that person is gone or we are about to lose them.  WW knew something changed within HS and that probably upsets him more which was evident in his conversation with WS. 

Most often it is during hard times that we can find out who are the people that we can count on.  Just like Gold under fire, we find out if they are genuine.  This is going to be a very good start for our WS-HS love birds.  As you all know, I never consider WW a good match for HS.  I have nothing against WW but I never saw him to be a dependable guy .... or perhaps sweet-talker guy is just not appealing to me. :D 

WS is my kind of man.... he is consistent in his pursuit, HS and her heart.  I believe that the PROOF OF DESIRE IS PURSUIT.... and finally his effort payed off and he proved himself to be reliable and dependable.


This thread is as busy as I am..... :D:D:D   I can't read all post but you guys are awesome.... and thanks for keeping me entertained with your fun thoughts and gifs.  I hope that MLSHR will get even more interesting in future episodes.


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14 minutes ago, peipei78 said:

hello eclipse...

anyone know the song title when WangSo visit HaeSoo in prison? 

thanks lot gals



I've been waiting for that OST to be released from the second episode but it still hasn't been released yet :tears:

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8 minutes ago, jetsu said:


Sorry to cut your post.  I just want to say that I also really really like this BTS pic .... they look like vampire couple ... Joon Ki shielding Ji Eun from exposing to the sunlight.  

yeah..wow vampire couple????never thought that kind of name...but pretty good. oooohhhh so sweet he shielding jieun from the sunlight. that batman cloak for sure has so many function...shielding from the rain...shielding from sunlight...and when WS hugs HS with that cloak, kyaaaaaaaaa none know he is hug her (it would be full hug and none can see her because she is so tiny..hahahahaha)

11 minutes ago, dhia205 said:


@solelylurking this is what i got from WW lover? seriously?... yeah go go WW lover ahahha... add the fact that she wearing those beautiful clothes to go on a date, and he witness it all...

@leekyuphii you better be sleep and re-fresh your brain, pretty sure this convo will long go ahaha...

nice advice!!!! will do that for sure...i use this brain too much nowadays, reading so many interesting theories here that somehow makes my brain overload though i enjoyed it too...wow it would be long go???okay sleep really the best way to prepare my energy too,

9 minutes ago, ossy91 said:

 In LJK IG Haesoo had a full bun hair style .. like park soondok hair style when she already married with Wangeun 

Is she already married with WangSo ???

And she wear a pretty dress to.. 

kyaaaaaaa why i dont notice his bun hair???omo for sure i got distract to his sexy bag (and beautiful face) and i just too excited when see it this morning...need to check it again later with a refresh brain...hahahahahaha, until now, i still doubt she will marry wang so...arrgggghhhhhhhhh....i keep thinking the most obvious one that WS will married with YH...TT.TT

12 minutes ago, Akiddo said:

Even if the King or CP grants the marriage to Wang So - she may not be called the 4th prince's wife but stay as a hand maiden to serve him. Of course he would treat her like his wife and maybe have a private ceremony for heaven and earth to witness their union. Hahahahah...i have watched too many historical romance dramas! :P 

But at this juncture, I cannot imagine how they could carve out a happy ending for So-Soo.

i never thought this kind of scenario in my mind...i keep it would be sad ending in goryeo time between so-soo, but it nice to see this scenario, that private ceremony for heaven and earth to witness their union...ahhhhh so saeguk drama style...especially romance fantasy saeguk.

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3 hours ago, xiao_baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said:

@UnniSarah @SizzlerZ My interpretation of Soo hesitating with Wook's proposal was thinking about So (and she even says the name "Gwangjong" - thus thinking of his more evil side) and his love for her.

But I agree that at that point, she did place her trust in Wook :( 


I agree with you @xiao_baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and to be honest I was also a bit surprised when she hesitated like that. From the previous episodes it was pretty obvious that she had fallen for Wook and she trusted him wholeheartedly so I would've expected her to be taken back but a smiling yes straight after that. I think her hesitation was for 2 reasons:

1) Past with trusting people and betrayals

2) Wang So killing Wook

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31 minutes ago, aniliaz said:

Hi Chingus.. from my post at page 768 until now (5.52pm - Malaysia time ), 23 pages in about 8 hrs .. :blink: takes my whole night to read all your comment and analysis .. hehe :D thank all .. make my day but i kept restrain my self from peek you guys .. hahaha :P Love interaction between IU & LJG, hope there is a fanmeet for international fans . Saranghae chingus :heart:


Hi Chingus... I am from Malaysia too... :wub:

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It's been hours since I watched the kiss scene BTS but I still have this stupid grin on my face :D Thank you for making my day, show. :wub:


About the picture LJG posted, isn't it from the royal bath scene? Because he's topless. :lol: I forgot what IU wore in that episode tho.

Also, @LJG and @IU, quit playing games with my heart and stop being so cute you two!!! :wub: *cries* i'm sorry but they just look soooooo good together i don't understand

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47 minutes ago, jayakris said:

Note from darksmurfsub.com ... We have finished QCing the English subs for Ep 10, set for the broadcast SBS version.  I'm not fully sure what was different from the international version, but I think scenes of the SNSD singer (the HuBaekje princess in disguise) were cut out in the international version. We have subbed those scenes.  You can download the subs and enjoy, if you have the proper raw video.  We're working on Ep. 11 now.

there was also part of a monologue during the HS/WS beach scene that was cut I think she though something along the lines: I shouldn't be afraid I have to stop him smth like that(this isn't accurate 100% as I can't understand Korean 100%)

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