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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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4 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Well, I like her being with Wang So, but she belongs to another century and Goreyo is really dangerous. My hope is that he meets her in the future. Since JM was able to travel to the future, why not him as well? Does it sound weird? I mean the real Wang So goes to the future, just like she traveled to the past. I am not fond of reincarnation. I want him to remember her.


Well I like that idea too. It would be like Queen In Hyun's man. But ... Do you think he will survive in the modern world with different sets of form and different people with different mind maps? I'm 50-50 about it. He got the instinct and relentless effort but he's hot headed and has the tendency to commit murder (sorry WS fans. I know he just kill when he thinks it's necessary but I just have to pointed out). 

Can we have a reincarnation with bits and pieces memory? I know 'You look familiar' sounds cheesy, maybe they can come out with a better version. 

Or why don't we try this? WS travel to the future but stuck in the year ahead of HS's time. Not far long, just enough to make him mature in age and adapt in the world without making that girl's life harder. Let's say 10-15 years? 

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OST part 7 Baek Ah Yeon - A Lot Like Love has been on repeat since the moment I purchased it. It's sooo good, the wait was worth it! Go purchase it guys! :blush:

I have not yet watched ep 8 & 9. So I plan to listen to this song on repeat while imagining SoSoo couple happy moments over and over again :D




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25 minutes ago, imposs90 said:

There is something I'm puzzled about. When Soo was talking to Ji Mong and he was asking her, she contained all her thoughts in her mind. She didn't say them out loud and looks like she was questioning herself throughout the first half of the episode. Why wouldn't she do the same when talking to Wook? 

Also I noticed that in one of the versions she has two visions. A first vision is shorter, there is a pause in between and then a second vision is longer. 

I also noticed that Eun's wife was lying before WS slashed Eun with the sword, however he had two arrows in his body. It seemed that WS's laughter was more like a hysterical laughter full of pain to end something.

I may be wrong.

PS: Is there any difference in meaning between you are my person and you belong to me?  


In Korean, when WS first said it when YH was whipping HS,  it's literally "She is my [pronoun used for objects]." Something like "she is my possession," I guess. Changing it to "my person" is way better. 

Now, among lovers, you can say what Wang So first said. At least in 21st century. (Cue the song "Some" by Soyu and Junggigo)

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After watching last episode last night, I really hope Hae Soo not hurt Wang So, please....


I know that there's 2 version, but if we combine the scenes, I really understand why Wang So hardly fallen in love with Hae Soo. Like Lady Oh said, Hae Soo should have responsibility with what he said and did to Wang So

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5 hours ago, littleloony said:

unni you may be correct.....once So gets to know of her fear, that kiss may be his way of trying to get rid of HS's fear......that she is his most beloved so there is nothing she should be afraid of from him and thus not push him away. He already has told her that he belongs to her and that was no lightweight commitment. Btw I have a feeling that if HS continues to be controlled by her fear, then the split between her and Wook could happen because she will end it with him to keep him safe from So.....cause after that kiss I doubt she can doubt that Wang So means to keep her for himself.

@littleloony This is why I think WW will use HS to manipulate anything WS trying doing until she discover her trying to protect him from WS is causing more harm then good..I don't think WW will let HS go unpunished for behavior towards WS.. To him it's like she touching another man, To him she's carressing another which she hasn't done to him..  


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@briseis great observations! thanks for doing the research i was questioning the extent of so's fratricide myself. dude is definitely not goryeo hitler.

i'm going to be so upset if/when eun and soon deok die :( they're so young and so cute. but if that's what happened in history... then there might be no escape for poor eun. if i'm not wrong eun's grandfather had a hand in helping taejo unify the nation of goryeo as well, and eun did mention consulting his grandfather when hae soo was about to be married to the king. so whether or not his grandfather shows up in the series, he is implied to be a pretty powerful man.

did anyone notice that won (9th) gave eun silver for his wedding ;) that pun was cute...

i'm personally glad that jung has a strong enough sense of justice to realise his mother and eldest brother are power hungry and totally nutso. he's been portrayed as baek ah's antithesis in this series so far -- one prince is elegant, book smart, cultured and has good looks and the other is all brawn and not much brains, but they support each other and hang out a lot! good on you jung! i'm so proud of you.

the ending was kinda eh for me. i was hoping it didn't end in a slightly rapey kiss scene but oh well :/

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Currently watching the raw SBS version... I was wondering who did Wang So's make up and thanks SBS, for cutting the part of Hae Soo do the make up on him in International version :angry: I mean that part is important enough. It tells us more that after Wang So asked King to give Hae Soo for him, Hae Soo is doing something for him as a part of her job. In International version, I did not get any glimpse of her doing something for him (instead she is busy persuading Eun which I think, is not that important...) ugh... anyway, does someone have the translation of that make up scene part? I only heard Hae Soo mentioned something about the make-up and told Wang So about it.

(But I'm happy that the International version gave us 2 kiss, even though its rougher that the SBS version. Wang So-ya~~~ your actions do speak louder A LOT lmao.)

By the way, I wonder how people at that time confessing their love? I mean is that always like how So did? They do not directly tell someone like "saranghae" in the modern era? I remember Wook said about "eunae", is that how they confess?

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5 minutes ago, am420 said:

After reading all the comments on here I was nervous to watch the subbed episode but I liked it. I was preemptively mad at Hae Soo yesterday but today I can say that I completely understand why she's fearful. I also don't think that she's as scared of So as her lashing out indicates, I think that she's more scared of herself. In episode 4 (I think) when he asks her why she isn't scared of him she told him that she was more scared of her own feelings and I think that, that's still true today, I think that she was shaken by So yesterday after the makeup scene and now she has to reconcile that with the image of Gwangjong killing his brothers/her friends and she's having a hard time. She really just needs to take a deep breath and remind herself that the things that she doesn't want to happen hasn't happened yet and that Wang So who she knows in real life and Gwangjong who she learned about in middle school seem like people who are worlds apart. 

I do feel so sad for So though her lashing out at him came right on the heels of him finally accepting that his relationship with his mother will never change and he was seeking comfort from the one person who he has been able to talk to and be himself around and Hae Soo was still in disbelief over the premonition of So killing Eun and said some really hurtful stuff. I'm actually looking forward to them being on the beach together because even if it isn't the romantic moment that I envisioned when I saw it in the preview, these two need to talk, sharing their thoughts and feelings is actually what these two do best so they need to get back to that and get everything or mostly everything out in the open because I don't think that she will tell him that she's actually Go Ha Jin and that he will be Gwangjong.

The kiss scene was perfect for the moment it had the right amount desperation and pain on the part of both participants. From Wang So it was I thought that you knew me and I thought that you understood me why are you doing the thing that hurts me the most. From Hae Soo it was I don't know what to do, I'm just so worried/scared and her crying, ugh, it was a good moment. 

One really interesting moment is the moment between Court Lady Oh and Hae Soo where she was warning her to stay away from So. There have been discussions on here about Lady Oh knowing that Wook/Soo was going on but she never said anything about that but the wording or at least the translation was really interesting as was the fact that instead of replying that she would let So know that she couldn't give him her heart Soo responded by asking about changing his life. That fits perfectly into my belief that she does indeed have feelings for him. I also think that it's really sweet that Lady Oh is trying to save Soo from living the same life that she has lived.

At this point in the drama I'm more scared of Wook, I know what So can do and probably will do but Wook is a wildcard he's very calm and controlled on the surface but I can sense the bubbling rage just underneath. How is he going to react when Soo actually chooses So instead of him? I think that Soo's views on Wook will change when he decides to join forces with the 3rd prince who is actively trying to oust the CP (who she has a very friendly relationship with) and some of their scheming will create blowback that will negatively affect So. She'll probably soon see that maybe Gwangjong had a good reason for fratricide. 

Looking forward to YH and evil queen teaming up even though it will probably be hell for my SoSoo OTP they should make a diabolical pair. But, mostly looking forward to seeing how the OTP moves from this moment where everything looks like it's falling apart to being in a relationship. 



I have not seen the full ep for 9 but i have seen some clips and because of the recp i know roughly what happen. 

Firsly i like to say that i understand why HS is fearful of WS, in her mind maybe she thinks she has changed history by making WS become King. And by making him become King it will result in the death of the 10th and his wife. She does come from a modern era and era where death is not something you see every day and something that happens so easily and readily. So for her to see such vision of death especially for people she has grown to care about i think it makes sense that she ahs this internal panic. 

that being said, i do feel bad for WS when at one of his lowest moments (no thanks to his idiot mother and brother) he reached out for help and somehow HS did a 360 on him by saying she is now scared of him. I cant help but feel a little angry at HS for saying those words (though i understand why she did). I thought the asking for HS to be in his charge may be his own way of protecting her as well (this is my interpretation), true he likes her and now wants her close to him. But also with her under his wing, he can now readily step into any situation to defend her because HS is under his authority, so taking her out of the palace and being around her (maybe it makes more sense and is easier) 

- like in the preview for ep 10, where WS took HS to the beach i think there was nothing wrong with the act itself. 

- on a side note: i am glad that during the dinner that Jung (14th) choose to stand along side WS, intially there was this rift because the mother was in the middle but i think now Jung see his brother more through his eyes and thoughts rather than that of the mother. if anything Jung's ideals dont lie with Yo and the mother. that is nice to see, it shows that WS is gaining more allies, not just JM and the 13th. 


Lady Oh is really a sad case i feel, like she said in the ep she fell in love, thought she could change him but in the end she was let down and worst she is now stuck in a place where if you do learn how to surivie you can easily get killed. I think that connection between her and HS is really to help her learn how to survive in the place. And her asking HS to stay away from WS makes sense, Lady Oh knows things about WS that HS doesnt know (though HS has also seens sides of WS that Lady Oh has never seen before) so the advice makes sense.

And yes, I feel Wook is scarier than WS at times. WS's character (especially his 'evil' or scary side is known to all) but Wook i believe can be equally 'evil', especially if he feels threaten, now the dynamics of the palace has changed. JM and WS are now in the front while Yo has been pushed back. Wook himself has very much remained stagnant with regards to his position, he is still as his sister says fairly powerless in the palace. I want to see the reason why Wook choose to join perhaps Yo against WS-JM, (though i suspect one reason could be because of HS but i am sure there is another reason as well, i hope the drama shows that well)


the next ep preview looks really exciting i think the race for the throne is begining and the players (princes) all have to choose a side. as for HS-WS relationship, i really hope that there is more progress. I am feeling a bit irritated that the progress is slower than i had expected. And i really pray that the drama doesnt follow so strictly to the line of the c-version, if so it would be plain boring. 

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37 minutes ago, ruizaio said:



I think it's safe now to discuss what was supposed to happen with this scene in the synopsis as it seems certain that it has been changed. 

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Apparently, this scene was supposed to happen before So's unmasking. In the synopsis, it wasn't a rain calling ritual, but an occasion with an envoy from China. So, that's another change. At any rate, there is a festival, Wook and Soo were supposed to meet up, So didn't like his own mask and ends up taking Wook's mask to the festival, Soo thinks So is Wook and approaches him, and confesses her feelings for him. This makes So think Soo likes him, and starts to like her in turn.

Of course, the actual drama didn't turn out this way. Many Korean fans are now hoping that this scene will be shown later when So and Soo's feelings are mutual. 


It makes a lot of sense in that version. 


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okay my two cent about how this story will unfold based of what our OTP said...

IU said at first there were understanding between them (i think we pass this point) and later on HS will feel responsible toward WS (my take is when WS drink the poison) its purely a relationship between human not a guy and a girl in HS POV.. and that feeling will transform into a romantic one.. a real and dramatic kind of love....

LJG said that through HS WS will feel a maternal instinct (i guess where she take care of him) and slowly the wall that he build for other crumbling down and its turn to love.. when WS did realize its love he will approach HS in a romantic way and became obsessive kind of person.. LJG keep saying WS is obsessive tbh.. lol

i think here we can picture already how they will loved each other and to what extent that they will.. the love feeling between them is come in different place but the depth is the same.. i strongly believe that HS and WS will be together in eps 12.. and we got a truly heartbreaking love story later on....


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12 minutes ago, hallyus said:

Currently watching the raw SBS version... I was wondering who did Wang So's make up and thanks SBS, for cutting the part of Hae Soo do the make up on him in International version :angry: I mean that part is important enough. It tells us more that after Wang So asked King to give Hae Soo for him, Hae Soo is doing something for him as a part of her job. In International version, I did not get any glimpse of her doing something for him (instead she is busy persuading Eun which I think, is not that important...) ugh... anyway, does someone have the translation of that make up scene part? I only heard Hae Soo mentioned something about the make-up and told Wang So about it.

(But I'm happy that the International version gave us 2 kiss, even though its rougher that the SBS version. Wang So-ya~~~ your actions do speak louder A LOT lmao.)

By the way, I wonder how people at that time confessing their love? I mean is that always like how So did? They do not directly tell someone like "saranghae" in the modern era? I remember Wook said about "eunae", is that how they confess?


Hae Soo is explaining how to apply make up so that he can do it himself and even leaves a recipe for the concealer. 

Sarang is a modern word. The sageuk vocabulary for love or affection is EunAe or Yonmo. 

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@Yippeuni Awaken sleeping dragon.. I like that term. But that sleeping dragon still has a lot of things to put together to fully awake. Maybe the scene where he saw SoSoo on a horse will help to trigger it. Tbh I like Wook more like that, dark and dangerous. There's a mystery to him that always there since the beginning for me (from the time in the library with HS) but this scene emphasised it. I want to know what's going on in his mind and wether or not itbis different to what people think. KHN really master his character. 

@briseis I love your theory. HS's knowledge in history indeed is awfully limited and the difference between drama and real history is striking so it's making sense. I wish it truely will roll out like that. 

@violet90 what if it is fun because WS taken away HS from Wook's hand again (hence the heart wrenching screaming) to a village far away from the palace (hence the stolen kiss scene)? \^0^/  If you notice from the long trailer, Wook searching for HS before the scream. 

I'm so far behind and I'm too lazy to go back. Ottoke?? 

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I went to read some comments on drama beans and including some posts here, I am wondering why are people so hung up the "forced" kiss. This is a drama for heavens sake!

If you want a regular run of a mill  I look at you, you look at me, we are so in love then we kiss, then k dramas will be a rude shock to you.:D


For once I feel sorry that the k audience didn't get to watch the longer kiss scene but they added another makeup scene  for them. Hmm, choices, choices...


At this point, it is interesting to me look back at all their interaction during press con n interviews. Also IU doesn't post often on her IG, but the very last one she posted about moonlovers was the poster of her and Lee joon gi. :wub:

I was surprised back then that she didn't choose one about the whole cast or one that includes kang haneul. But after ep 9, I finally understand. So and Soo is the essence of this drama, their love for each other must be very deep.

If any of u remember IU's interview abt the 4th, pls send me the info or link.thks!

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1 hour ago, imposs90 said:


Actually I see them both at the same time ( nr 3. ) ( Dramacool's version and Drama fire version)


Umm... I'm looking at the same versions and I definitely still see the difference. Its the scene where Wang Wook is sitting all alone by candle light talking ou tloud to himself repeating what hae soo said.  In DC (Aka the SBS version) this happens BEFORE dinner and even before wang so and wang yo get new assignments with the king right after the added scene with Eun and his new wife. (47:46 exactly)

In the DF version (aka international) this happens AFTER dinner at 55:59 right after we see Hae Soo leave her room having a panic attack,

I double checked and everything. Maybe you were thinking of a different scene?

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