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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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I mean I already support Wang So killing anyone he needs to/wants to. I'm 100% team Wang So, support him no matter what. When will HS get with the winning team!! (i.e. me) Also wtf he looks so hot with eyeliner and the royal robes in her flash-forward scene omasdfkjas;df omg!!! *please ignore me while i die of fangirling*

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10 minutes ago, dhia205 said:

another day when i can't focus to my work, tons of email waiting.. phone keep ringing.. bunch of vendor keep coming.. and my brain, keep on hovering to last night ep.. cute-rabbit-emoticon-06.gif?1301940529 

if i were HS.. i'll be the one who grab WS and kiss him immediately cute-rabbit-emoticon-08.gif?1301940529

I was desperately looking for this scene. Since I don't understand what they are talking last night. This scene was epic, it's hard to get over.

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Things to look forward to:

1 Remember the horse on the beach scene with HS and WS in 6 min trailer - I'm guessing, HS is solemn faced because.. as WS asks her that he is ready to leave everything behind if that is what she wants..

She will say yes, or atleast should say yes to that.. and take WS away from the scene to avoid bloodshed..because pretty sure she would have asked the same to Wook and he would have declined..

2. Think we get jealousy tonight and ep 10 should be that poision spoiler.. (and the fact he is ready to die for her.. will flip her from being repulsed/terrified of him now to fall hook line sinker for him...) .. even the precap has it right.. where she is contemplating if she can change things..

I hope we get poision scene today, to avoid agony of resolving an arc over two weeks..

3. A very subtle b'ful thing.. when BA comes to apologize..effectively WS asks him to look straight at him for that is what he would like.. and the only person who did that was HS. but then again which guy would want to appear weak or humiliated in front of his lady love (or women in front of their men)

4, if someone finds sbs version subbed, plz message

5. If someone is good at video cutting etc.. can I request for this: From ep 1-till now.. can you make a video of all the WS and IU scenes only (removing all other scenes?) .. i guess would be a lengthy video .. but you'd be doing a major fan service

6. any suggestions on dark brooding obsessive passionate hero dramas?

7. Don't think HS loves WS at this point in time - 

Yes she cares and is extremely comfortable being with him because they can talk abt everything without any liabilities.. as in case of Wook, she always have to be conscious of not putting him in danger because she does harbour a serious romantic interest in him..

and another reason i say that is because i don't see her wavering at all in front of wook.. with him she instantly becomes happy.. and is so clearly a girl in love

My perspective is that, he is good looking ofc (the series does make it clear if not for the scar he is one of the mos the handsome prince) and has a strong aura.. so when you are up and close to such a b'ful face looking back at you intently.. it will shake you.. but doesn't mean that she loves him.. i don't think there is a flicker of romance right now.. and the poision incident should actually catapult her feelings towards romance..

7. finally the ship sails.. and whoever got cursed by me for surviving on ramyun for a week.. he he.. rejoice.. :P wish all good food for you through the week :)

Outsourcing business done well :) .. ship made in time before i would have blasted the whole kent world and ofcourse director


8. surprisingly i am really really lookign forward to BA's 13th's love story with the refugee princess...however what confuses me is, in one of the intw videos posted here.. NJ mentioned that he didn't get to romance the girl (SB i think..refugee princess basically) as much as jisoo romanced her.. 13th and 14th have overlapping love arcs is it? .. but then some of the scenes allude to SB reciprocating 13th's love..

9. What are the theories on JM? - does he favour WS because he knows all other prince would look for opportunity to claim the throne and ws alone will agree to serve CP? Or does he really want WS to become the king and hence paving path for him?

Why was he picked for rain ceremony.. was it really to take the fall or basically do this mundane task every day in lieu of royalty? Because there is risk if any other prince would have done it and if it rained, they would have asked for throne? whereas WS can be controlled to not ask for it because for some reason he is indebted to CP

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27 minutes ago, lovedrama11 said:

So now we all know the way to a man heart is "Drumroll""through -MAKEUP :) as HS got WS s heart through concealer Lady OH got the Kings the same way ;) now why did I not know this magical way earlier lol . The menace in WS s eyes is really chilling . Can quite understand poor HS s trepidation . But boy does he look hawttt even then . Be still my poor heart . Don't know how much more of LJK s beauty I can take . It should be a punishable offense to be so beautiful literal for a man . And yet he does look as manly as ever ...

on another note can some one pls tell me where I can see the SBS version with subs . On myasiantv the subs are half hidden on the screen . So quite uncomfortable to watch like that 

i prefer download it, so the subs is clearly viewed :)

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1 hour ago, qwenli said:

I admire your determination and curiosity for finding out this. And thanks for giving us these info.

If you can read Korean, perhaps you can surf the korean sites and books for more info.

In the c version, at some time, Ruoxi (the female lead) started to question her  understanding  of history. Even as an audience we started wondering have we always misunderstand the 4th.

I think for Haesoo it may go down the same line, that what she knows from books and being there knowing all the Prince in real life it's different. Probably that's how she will eventually go with her feelings for the 4th. 

@qwenli .... Ruoxi started to question history  once she started getting to know 4th prince, BUt in this version, she already started to get to know him but she is allowing what she see misguide her to which will cause her lots of heartache and misunderstanding. Her misunderstanding is her own fault for not listening to people's advice and not paying attention. She see's only what she wants to see. She has seen how the brothers treat each other and that Wang So has always been by himself. She sees the loneliness in his eyes but because of one vision she wants to run away from him because she is scared. 


One thing all of us chingu's have forgotten in the premonition when Hae Soo saw GwangJO, we see that Wang So does get married  depressed1 onion head  depressed1 onion head and he also look so miserable. Why doesn't she ask herself why does he look so sad? What could have happened for him to be like that. I know these are all things i wish she would ask but our leading lady in Kdrama are not so bright.  They never know their own heart while everyone else can see their true feelings. 





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makes sense that 4th prince asked for hae soo ... he needs a make-up artist ... keke ... after leading the rain ritual and making it rain, he will be more visible to the public and would need someone to cover his scar with every public appearance ... hehe ... 

in all seriousness, i like how the story is progressing ... feeling hae soo here but i am torn between 8th and 4th prince ... i guess i am one of the few who wishes for hae soo to end up with the 8th prince but since i know the story beforehand, it's not going to happen ... i will just swoon over the handsome kang ha neul ... mianhe, i am having a 2nd lead syndrome (not only with this drama but with other dramas too)  anyhow, i do feel the love tension between hs and ws ... wang so has this 'i can't fight this feeling anymore' drama (included lyrics and link to REO speedwagon MV in spoiler) and soon hae soo will realize that 'there is something there that wasn't there before' (just like beauty and the beast) ...

it's a big win for the 4th prince for bringing in the rain ... sure win for everyone else royalty or not.  losers are queen yoo and 3rd prince ... boo ... they must have felt that the crown was already at the tip of their fingers and slipped away ... tsk tsk ... of course as in any saegeuk we will see more dirty tactics from this dynamic duo just to get the crown ...




Song for episode 8 - 

Wang So to Hae Soo - I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore (REO Speedwagon)


Oh, I can't fight this feeling any longer
And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow
What started out this friendship has grown stronger
I only wish I had the strength to let it show

I tell myself that I can't hold out forever
I said there is no reason for my fear
'Cause I feel so secure when we're together
You give my life direction
You make everything so clear

And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window
On a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might

And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever

'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crushing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore

My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you
I've been running around in circles in my mind
And it always seems that I'm following you, girl
'Cause you take me to the places
That alone I'd never find

And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window
On a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might

And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever

'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crashing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore



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39 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

One thing all of us chingu's have forgotten in the premonition when Hae Soo saw GwangJO, we see that Wang So does get married  depressed1 onion head  depressed1 onion head and he also look so miserable. Why doesn't she ask herself why does he look so sad? What could have happened for him to be like that. I know these are all things i wish she would ask but our leading lady in Kdrama are not so bright.  They never know their own heart while everyone else can see their true feelings.


WHAAAT?!?!?!  How did I miss that?!?!  In what episode do we see Wang So get married?  I thought Hae Soo's premonition (or vision) showed the death of Taejo (943AD -- Episode 1 starts in 942AD), followed by a royal male floating face down in water, and lastly the King standing but with his face blurred ... where was the vision of Wang So getting married?  (not argumentative -- just want to find and rewatch!!).  Thanks!

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thank you @LyraYoo and @kaiskloset for linking my posts on the front page :) i just wanted to throw this in here before i forget!

haven't had a chance to go through the posts above yet so i apologise if this might be a repeat of what someone else has posted but here are my impressions of episode 8:

i thought it was interesting how the episode kinda compares jimong's attitude towards so (very encouraging) and hae soo's reaction to her realisation that he is gwangjong (shock and awe / abject horror). i think we can all agree at this point that jimong knows way more than he lets on. if jimong was originally from the future then he knows how the past plays out as well. he's been surprisingly very helpful and encouraging towards the 4th prince, trying to help him get the king's favour to stay in the palace and telling him he has to go on with the rain ritual.

i also thought it was kinda hilarious that concealer and bb cream basically save so's ego and lets him carry on. it feels a little too contrived but it's honestly not too unheard of either, which is why i like it. plenty of people today go for plastic surgery to improve the quality of their lives too, we forget that plastic surgery isn't just limited to celebrity rhinoplasties, some children are born with cleft palates and need reconstructive cosmetic surgery too. and yes you do hear of a lot about stigmatised children with cleft palates whose families could not afford the surgery they need. we might think people in the show are being totally superficial about so's scar (it isn't THAT bad), yes it's a convenient plot device. but i kinda think people in history definitely would have reacted the same way to a prince who had a cleft palate for example, the show had to tone things down a little after all (notice how the scar conveniently stops at his eye? his mother could have easily stabbed him in the eye and blinded him too :/ but they decided not to go that far). and yes i do enjoy the plot device where soo and so both have significant scars on their bodies :)

here are some of my personal theories, feel free to debunk or refute them:

i'm going to blame everything on yo and queen yoo at this point. their attempt at trying to seize the throne will lead to a power struggle and the princes taking sides and fighting each other (this almost sounds like captain america: civil war). i think the series is pretty intent in casting 3 and the queen as the the villainous characters. not sure if there's going to be a scene where they get any sympathy or redemption of some sort (you never know!) it's interesting for them to shift what happened in history onto the shoulders of 3 just so they can make an antihero out of 4. but this is also why i enjoy watching sageuk, we need some fantasy in our lives :)

the preview for episode 8 makes me feel like soo gradually accepts so and eventually distances herself from wook because she thinks she can change him. she's fond of all the princes and doesn't want him to kill them (however, at this point she doesn't know exactly which princes he's going to kill). it's kind of a downer because it feels like she's going to try and do something noble for the 'greater good' and personally try to influence so to avoid a bunch of in-fighting. but maybe the preview just wants to give the audience that impression. back in the episode 2( or 3?) preview i was definitely fooled into thinking soo was riding away on a horse with wook to escape a marriage but it turns out she was with so in the actual episode :) 

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For those looking for SBS subbed version, please do a search for "Box asian" -- I don't know if I'm allowed to provide the website or not.  The website should be provided in the search.  Beware that timing of the subs is off -- SBS doesn't show a couple of scenes but the subs for those scenes are shown so the subs lag behind.

Edited: Yikes, I just checked boxasian and they have changed from the SBS version to the international version in the past few hours! 

Edited by merrylass
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