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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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50 minutes ago, Lady_Lara said:

Sorry to cut your post! But I don't get! You mean that there's a possibility that HS will became YH?!:blink:


History only mentions the person name but as who she really is we don't actually knows.

The writer can take a liberty to work the story out and basically HS can be anyone of royalty as long as the King himself decides who she is.  Those outside the palace would not really know who HS is right?  Just like emoji that HS draw, that period there is no SNS or FB for outside the palace to know ins and outs of royalty.  Just a possible idea.

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14 hours ago, kaoriharang said:


About the second point, I understand they are using the chinese version as a guide for the storyline. And since I am still a little confuse, Jun ki's character does become the king (historical sense) is that correct?


So there is some history behind how he becomes king? very much like the c-drama?

it is just that in the c drama there was no hint of princes trying to kill other prince right? like how HJH's character and his mother are trying to kill the crown prince?


Yeah, he does eventually become king. I haven't read up on the history though so I don't know exactly how that happens. The drama also said that they are going to be taking creative license with history too, so it should be interesting! Don't know what to expect!


Taejo --> Hyejong (Wang Mu) --> Jeongjong (Wang Yo) --> Gwangjong (Wang So)

 But I think the history behind it is so different from the Chinese, there's no way the major events are going to be the same. So far, small stuff like conversations and interactions (like the snow scene, Soo's conversation with Taejo etc.), but the historical events are going to be completely different. This drama is like Scarlet Heart's darker, moodier cousin and I think that's the charm of adaptation. :) 

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Unfortunately, I think YH will marry So in this drama. Her character description says that she is Queen Daemok and apparently she's worn the queen costume for shooting. I think So will marry her in order to gain power and claim the throne so that ultimately he can save Su.

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the more i watch episode 5, the more i feel the screen time between Wang So and Hae Soo will decrease cause Wang Wook and Hae Soo will develop relationship. Will they get married ? meanwhile i am going gaga with Wang So to watch their lovey dove scene T_________T * heart breaks*

Chakanim, the plot brought me here along with the first OST but please don't make me hit my head too much on the wall because of this two. I know i am so selfish but but but * crying in the corner*

i wish when Hae Soo said i though i didn't see you again -----> it's for Wang So T_______T

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@Adnana I read it on Twitter. I thought it was from the books they released with postcards. LOL  everyone here so tensed thinking about the ending XD chill guysss \^o^/

I don't have that much of knowledge. Can't enlightened you more than this. Let's just enjoy the ride!

33 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

Unfortunately, I think YH will marry So in this drama. Her character description says that she is Queen Daemok and apparently she's worn the queen costume for shooting. I think So will marry her in order to gain power and claim the throne so that ultimately he can save Su.

If we gonna see YH marry So then let's just assume that her character will have a better personality development. Just like what they mentioned in the Vapp live before presscon, to watch YH character change over time.

@qwenli me too, it's too much my heart can't take it XD

This BTS pics is so lit!! Like a photoshoot.



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12 hours ago, ruizaio said:

So yeah, right now, Goryeo is a fledgling kingdom with a weak throne where the legal system isn't fully established yet and other clans felt like they could still do whatever they wanted (hence the bold attack on Prince Jung in episode 4). Another common criticism on SH:R in Korea is about the colorful costumes of the princes (comparing them to Power Rangers or Teletubbies), but the rules about court attire doesn't get established until the reign of King 4 (our beloved So)! 

Sorry to cut your post. That was so insightful. Thank you so much @ruizaio

I laughed at the power rangers and Teletubbies reference. Truth is I didn't find it tasteful either. But the word that popped in my head was colours of the rainbow -the 7brothers.

Which is why it makes Wang So looked looked more dashing in his black and grey tones.


I omos can't recognise him in a more coloured robe as seen in the preview. Lol

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27 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

Unfortunately, I think YH will marry So in this drama. Her character description says that she is Queen Daemok and apparently she's worn the queen costume for shooting. I think So will marry her in order to gain power and claim the throne so that ultimately he can save Su.


Gosh, so these two costumes...





....must be King and Queen's outfits :scream:  No wonder those two costumes look so similar in appearance and detail :cry: now i notice that Hanna's character even wears a tiara in that poster  :scream:

If YeonHwa becomes the queen, it will be the end of the world for me :scream: That evil princess  is even worse than Red Queen Sms, she hates Haesoo and wants to abuse her all the time :bawling:   


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so there are discussions about YH marrying WS?

here my insight about it.. 

i think WS have to marry YH in order him to became a king.. take Haesoo aside first.. he need to expend his power and by marrying YH he will have more power to reign the throne.. it must be done in order to became a king.. i don't think WS love YH or anything but he respect her enough cause she treat him at least better than everyone else.. i think we will have to see this before WS became a king though.. in BBJX 4th prince treat his wife with care and respect its the same here IF YH changed to better person.. cause right now she just a manipulative person with a goal.. 

about Haesoo? even if WS married he the type that will protect Haesoo no matter what.. if what the description of his love to Haesoo its true we don't have to worry about their relationship.. its just Haesoo will hurt to see him getting married with other girl.. seeing how obsessive WS is with Haesoo i don't think he will never let Haesoo go no matter what.. even when he knew she hurting..

its a warning this drama will eat your alive with all the thing that will came.. i'm here to the end and i hope the writer give us justice in term of story.. 

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I'm always amazed at how time travelers adapt so easily to their new location and how the thoughts of how to get back home always seem to be on the back burner. No coffee, no bacon and eggs, no running water. and most of all no shopping malls.  To eat meat you have go and slaughter it then cook it over a spit. Adapting to this is something every modern girl can do.  The thing I found interesting from the start is that they did not make the female lead appear in the past s an unknown entity but as a person who had a life there and a reason for being a part of the royal court,

HS is drawn to WW because he is the most civilized and caring but WS isolation and loneliness will of course win her heart, We know that he will be the next king but that is no reason he can't come to the future with her because his life time has already past and if she had a doppelganger in the past he is sure to have one in the future.I have yet to see  time travel drama without a reason for the transportation and this one will have one as well. 

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1 hour ago, ruizaio said:

Unfortunately, I think YH will marry So in this drama. Her character description says that she is Queen Daemok and apparently she's worn the queen costume for shooting. I think So will marry her in order to gain power and claim the throne so that ultimately he can save Su.


Ouuuuuuuuch. That's going to be a tear jerker isn't it??? Watch it happen just when they realize they really, really love each other. Scenario: Hae Soo realizes she loves So and is going to confess, So realizes he loves Soo just in time to realize that the only way to keep her safe is to marry Mean Princess.

Flash to that scene where she's turning away when he tells her the news and he's grabbing her wrist to get her to stay. 

Cue my unending tears. 

I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW THESE TWO FALL IN LOVE but I am also afraid for that to happen because we all know the rules of Dramaland...no one stays happy in love for long.

Also, for those who have watched the C-drama version...can you please share (under a spoiler cut just to be safe) how the 8th Prince feels about Ruoxi once they decide to break it off? How does he feel about her at the end, or when he realizes she loves the 4th??? Does he love her forever?? Just want to prep myself for the angst that is sure to come...

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44 minutes ago, uuugogirl said:


Gosh, so these two costumes...

....must be King and Queen's outfits :scream:  No wonder those two costumes look so similar in appearance and detail :cry: now i notice that Hanna's character even wears a tiara in that poster  :scream:

Wowww!! I think you are right! Yeonhwa will be the queen. :confused: Oh oh! poor Haesoo. :grimace: Hard times. Yeonhwa looks so evil (such a contrast with the cute personality of the actress (Kang Ha Na).   


Cute drawing she did for IU in a box of cookies. Is the birthday present she gave IU. Bunny Haesoo (servant style) is the one of the drawing. Kang Ha Na always draws bunnies...is so cute. IU uploaded it on instagram. 




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@LyraYoo I think that Haesoo will return to 8th prince, not because of love, only for running away of her suffering caused by Wang So's marriage with Yeonhwa. I have that kind of feeling. Obviously, Wang So will not want that...8th prince will fight back!!! Testosterone fight like the one we saw in the first teaser. This will be interesting. 

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To have power it was important have allies with political influence, military power and money, like did Charles I of Spain who married his cousin Isabel of Portugal, because his only concern was to be crowned emperor so he got the money he needed from the dowry to marry her (though eventually they fell in love). I have read some of the history of Goryeo but I feel that is quite similar to what happened in Europe, whose history I'm more familiar. 

With MLSHR, as is a work of fiction where they have taken liberties of narrative, they can follow the line that is more achievable to tell the story. I do believe that maybe will be a marriage between Yeonhwa and Wang So, but instead of do it before he ascend the throne, it may be later.


Haesoo will die in the past for this to happen, I think, but will return to the body of who she is in present. Then as their love will never dies, she will meet with a man resemblance to Wang So.


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@Mau_Cherry  Chingu, I too believe he is an experienced lover but has never fallen in love yet. So I don't think he knows how he feels for Hae Soo. He himself said he want someone who will love all him to be content. He doesn't need to marry someone of importance because that means nothing to him. As @bebebisous33 said He hasn't completely fallen for her yet but is attracted to her  teehee-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gifteehee-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif  and he hasn't even realized it yet because Wang So has never had these feelings for anyone. He knows he finds her interesting. Until he lets her in and let's her truly see him then that is when his love for Hae Soo truly  begin.  

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1 hour ago, stargazer187 said:

@MadraRua Lol, I rewatch the 5th episode again... and I can't stop hitting replay button to this scene, and this \^o^/ is so happening!! \^o^/ \^o^/

and after I rewatch, another question comes up my mind... I know this might be a silly question, but even so, I'm so curious to know the answer,

the question is:

~ Since there are 14 princes here in Georyo, and all those princes have different hair styles. For example, Wook, 8th prince, 3rd prince, 2nd prince, *wait, 2nd prince is the one who always along with the 3rd prince or not?* or the 2nd is the one who becomes the crown prince, well... whatever, they have the same bun hair style anyway like Wook, then another hair style is hang loosely which is on prince.... well, Baek Ah.. , nam joo hyuk character's name. this is the right name right? lol... and 4th prince and 14th prince.... but bu but .. this isn't the point that I'd like to highlight... the thing is, are these hairstyle are also the rank symbol of the princes, or these are just done just for the style, fashion in Goeryo time?? is it so?

kekekeke.... sorry for asking this... really... it's just make me so curious... well... another more.. since this story is a fictional history mixed with the real history... Is Goeryo more ancient than Shilla, is Goeryo the root of Joseon in the next generations?

Lol, I love how HS real personality, I mean HGJ, I like when she whines for not seriously learn for mandarin, then how she tried to recall what she got from her history class to represent the right answer for the king... hahaha... this drama is really delivering some good moral message to students at school. And it did it so well, nice! hahaha... "I'm so sorry for cursing you my junior high school teacher for making us memorize all of this, and I'm so thankful for that now, you'll be blessed."  I love this line. \^o^/


There's actually 25 Princes according to Wikipedia. You should check out that article. It explains the founding of Goryeo from three fractured states - Silla , Baekje and Balhae. So it postdates Silla but predates Joseon. As for the hair, a bun at the top denotes his marital status. Those that wear it looser are not married. Or that's my understanding anyway. 

The scene with the King was priceless especially that bow at the end. And yes her schooling really saved the day! Pity she doesn't remember much else.


@KdramaSwimmer Your doing a great job good-job-onion-head-emoticon.gif

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I know we shouldn't compare...but I was watching Bu Bu Jing Xin a bit (haven't finished), and I noticed that Ruoxi seems to know her history better on Qing than Hae Soo on Goryeo. Just a teeny-tiny thought...since I heard that BBJX ends with history not changing despite Ruoxi's involvement, I think it's possible the writer of Moon Lovers made Hae Soo not knowing her history well on purpose. Hae Soo is quite an upright person judging from her asking for the 10th and 4th to apologize for their fault in earlier episodes, an upright person would want to change everything for the better, if they can prevent tragedies, they would do anything for it. If Hae Soo knows her history better, the possibility of her wanting to change the past would be bigger. But this can be a double edged sword though, Hae Soo can still change the past without her knowing it if she doesn't know her history well.

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