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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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"Viewers have expressed regret over the hasty way in which the crew made the couple leave the show."

I couldn't agree more with the feelings of those above. No matter how cool I try to stay, the hasty exit of our beloved couple hurts me a lot. Why are they being given this sort of treatment? Yes, the ending is some consolation because they held hands and smile while walking in the busy streets. But honestly, the entire episode is filmed within a hurried frame that spells "No Time" for this couple. WGM needs to see why SiSo fans are hurt. Most importantly, they need to see how much damage they have done to Si Yang and So Yeon in terms of coping with their hurried departure.

Why can't SiSo be given 2 last episodes so that they could show their warmth and care to each other without being hurried? All we want is to have a DIGNIFIED & LOVING exit, not the feeling of being unceremoniously cast aside because of a new idol pair. 2 episodes for SI Yang and So Yeon to have a good time together, savoring their sweet moments. Why not?

Anyway, to heck with WGM. :)

Thanks for pairing them but NO THANKS for parting them so hurriedly and constantly cutting down their screen time! 

Looking at @seesaw_love's hold hands vid at the SMA filled me with so much memories yet sadness. So sad that we can't get to see all those loving and sweet moments. I went back to see their ep 1 and it is so touching how these 2 strangers with differences in not just age but fav baseball teams even managed to end up being such a sweet and awesome couple! They've come a long way and we could walk along with them on their progress and we all got excited and touched over the things they did for each other.

The explosive reactions came especially after Si Yang's awesome birthday events for So Yeon and we saw how he rubbed his fingers while holding her hands too! Lol.... We cried together with them when So Yeon was so touched with all the gifts. We were admiring Si Yang for being such a meticulous and romantic guy. They not just managed to overcome their 7-year gap, they even bring new aspects to a noona-dongseang couple by being so sweet and full of aegyo. Even till thefinal ep, So Yeon was like a small kid and Si Yang could not help laughing at his sweet wife. 

How are they going to do without each other for love and support? They've set such a sweet & loving standard that anything that falls short of it will bring hurt and disappointment with others.

My suggestion for Si Yang and So Yeon is - "Walk Beside Me" always. For better or for worse. In sickness and in good health. 

I will tell myself that they cannot bear to be apart from each other. They're calling each other regularly and arranging to meet up regularly too. Till such a time when they will get married and have beautiful babies and Si Yang will be a wonderful father and husband for sure. So Yeon will be the most beautiful mum and most pampered by her handsome nampyeonim.

It hurts still to think of not seeing them on their dates. But if they're dating, well, I'll buy fried chicken and celebrate with soju here with you gals for sure!     :D

And if berries want, we can organise a trip together to Korea to attend their wedding if our prayers come true.  lol...   :wub:

Can Si Yang and So Yeon please have a fan meet with berries?  We've unfinished words of love for them!

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26 minutes ago, Summer Ryn said:


@eyra So, the actual vote can't vote yet? For the fun vote, not able to vote...i have unfollows all MBC IG after Siso left. :D

we can vote for internal voting now, for actual voting by soompi it's in 21-23 aprill.

Anyway wegotmarried_mbc IG is not official of WGM and MBC IG, it made by fans of WGM. The official one are withmbc IG and mbcentertain Ig. And you don't need to follow to vote


finally done with internal voting :D@LeeK the same with you, I need 3 hours for finally decide of the second question...LOL

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6 minutes ago, jl08 said:


It hurts still to think of not seeing them on their dates. But if they're dating, well, I'll buy fried chicken and celebrate with soju here with you gals for sure!     :D

And if berries want, we can organise a trip together to Korea to attend their wedding if our prayers come true.  lol...   :wub:

Can Si Yang and So Yeon please have a fan meet with berries?  We've unfinished words of love for them!

@jl08  For Sure I will join chingu for the party….Until then….Please keep faith in SISO and prayer for the best for them…and finally the wedding news.

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6 minutes ago, jl08 said:

And if berries want, we can organise a trip together to Korea to attend their wedding if our prayers come true.  lol...   :wub:

Can Si Yang and So Yeon please have a fan meet with berries?  We've unfinished words of love for them!


:blush:that is such a lovely idea... a spring wedding under the cherry blossoms and Berries all around... 

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35 minutes ago, jl08 said:

I will tell myself that they cannot bear to be apart from each other. They're calling each other regularly and arranging to meet up regularly too. Till such a time when they will get married and have beautiful babies and Si Yang will be a wonderful father and husband for sure. So Yeon will be the most beautiful mum and most pampered by her handsome nampyeonim.

It hurts still to think of not seeing them on their dates. But if they're dating, well, I'll buy fried chicken and celebrate with soju here with you gals for sure!     :D

And if berries want, we can organise a trip together to Korea to attend their wedding if our prayers come true.  lol...   :wub:

Can Si Yang and So Yeon please have a fan meet with berries?  We've unfinished words of love for them!

@jl08 Beside Fried Chicken, may i request you treat us berries bundles of Cup Noodles too??  We berries need to back hugging & Re-charge together if Siso Couple Good News out:D

If SISO Couple have Fan meeting, i will bring along camping packages to that venue but i don't think Siso Couple can go back early, there will be non-stop wordings from all berries.

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Hi Berries,

I have been following this forum since almost day one. I chanced upon this while desperately looking for more news about our seesaw couple. I am not really a korean variety show follower however I am an avid drama follower.  I started to watch WGM as I got to know that So Yeon was signed on, I was curious about her being an “A” list star and wanting to go on a show that I felt was not needed for a star of her stature. After seeing the first episode I was pleasantly surprised that the husband was the sidekick in “Oh My Ghostess”. After the 1st hello in the first episode, the seesaw couple “got” me as described by one of the berries here. My reaction was “is this couple for real?”. I started to read up more on WGM and what usually transpires after couples leave the show. So I figured, so must be acting afterall. But what my brain tells me and what my eyes told me was two different things. I can’t stop watching and believing. I was hooked and eventually addicted to the show..like most of the berries here J.  But the reason why I created a soompi account after the show ended, was simply because I can feel the heartbreak of the berries and I want to say kamsahamnida to the berries here. I feel bad that though the months and on daily basis that I have followed this forum, I have gained so much and have given so little back to the berries here. I look forward not only to the show but to the updates but the funny and craziness (delulu) from berries in this forum. From @seesaw_love to @larus to @jl08 to @thesuitelife547 to @KalyanaV and to many more berries that i can’t begin to mention, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for the constant updates and comfort that you have bought me through the months.

As for our seesaw couple, from my point of view, I must say that the difference between this couple and most others in their last episodes was that their sadness was mostly on the fact that they will not longer be on WGM but there was a lot more hints that they will continue on. For instance, they started to plan on what to call each other after leaving, Si Yang comforted So Yeon after she broke the bear with “How can I leave this cute lady” and lastly, at the end of their session, after the 2 hours they were still walking and holding hand, So Yeon mentioned that they maybe should go, Si Yang jokingly said he was disappointed but So Yeon said “you silly”. Think these are plans and words that are affirming that they know that they will continue to have a relationship.

Let’s hope that in their world of many temptations and choices, they will be able to keep their new-found love for each other. I have faith in them as they have always been mature and considerate to each other. They both, have worked very hard while in WGM to form the relationship that they have today and I firmly believe that they will continue to do so. They also know that they were lucky to find each other and what they have is precious to them. I hope my observations can offer some comfort to our berries here. Good night and I will try to sleep the Monday blue away tonight

My apologies for the long writeup, this is my first post in any forum ever J


Edited by latteswing
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13 hours ago, LeeK said:


@latteswing welcome to the thread.. Dont worry about long posts.. We love to read long post esp. if someone share their stories and opinions related to our beloved couple.. it is really great that our berry tree is growing even after SiSo left WGM.. It is a Proof that our love for SiSo couple, for Kim Soyeon, for Kwak Siyang is beyond WGM.. :)

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Hi berry and many thanks for your consolation to the older berries! Lol...you rock!

Thank you for sharing so positively about SiSo couple. Yes, we do have good vibes from this beautiful couple.   :)

We're sad that our beloved couple is taken out of WGM in this manner but we're happy that they have given each other lots of happiness and given us berries too. They're our role models because of the good learning points from them.

Please, do share your thoughts with us because the more berries join in, the less painful it is to see SiSo exit. More berries unite means more hope for them to get real. Yes, there is hope that SiSo will continue with their communication and one day, let there be good news because they also can't seem to let go of each other after their awesome relationship the past 7 months. They've forged such a sweet bond together that they're gonna miss each other a lot.

I feel that they can continue to date publicly because they're well received by people who gave them lots of love. I'm so glad that they found each other. I'm pretty sure they've invested feelings together and made lots of beautiful memories which are not easy to forget.

So all berries, let's cheer each other up and continue with our post and fanfics, vids, poems, stories, etc....pics too!

@Summer Ryn

My dear berry, yes, I'll treat berries to cup noodles and we'll support each other giving front hugs, back hugs, all sorts of hugs and cry and laugh together till when they get married. :) 

Our gifts will be tons of romantic comics where Si Yang and So Yeon can role play in their own cafe library with lots of kisses and hugs!  :D

I hope more and more berries will post here even with the exit of our couple because we can anticipate good news, can't we? Can we have at least 50 "likes" even? haha.....for SiSo's sake?   ;)


Good to have you back, dear berry! Missing you as well. ! Welcome home! :)

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43 minutes ago, Summer Ryn said:

Good morning, Berries:)

Do you all miss SISO couple ??? YES..I am..They had left wgm but still continue walk beside us here in this soompi thread...their LOVE stories shall resume here ..................forever:blush:

Sorry for quoting pic, but I needed to refer to it.

So Berries, here is my observation.  That shot there when they look lovingly and knowingly at each other in the last epi while walking on the street... it was right after they discussed what to call each other.  He said "You can call me that (yeobo) while you can."  She calls him that again.  Then he answers the same.  Then she says she loves that word.  But another translation I've seen says, "I love 'yeobo.'"  I didn't hear chuwa or sarang, so I'm not familiar with the term she used (sounds like she just added -ah at the end of yeobo, but I don't know).  In any case, do you think it was code for "I love you"?  Because it was right after she said that that he turned to her, smiled, and she smiled back, as shown in the above shot.  My delulu mind working...

Also referring to the other pics...

Was Si Yang's mask on backwards?  Her cat colors are more brilliant than his doggie colors, but that could have just been the way it was made.  She sure loved pretending she was in that show, and her yeobo played right along.

Si Yang imitates Joy and cutely urges his So Yeon to "Make a strike!"  Did you see her jump up and down like a kid excited to eat ice cream or watch a fun show?  What I've noticed about Si Yang is that even if the things she asks him to do are embarrassing, he will do them because he can see it will make her happy.  No, he never yelled across a crowded street professing love for So Yeon, but he didn't need to because he had done that in so many countless ways already. 

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Hi Beries...........it's a new day and I'm missing them.  @latteswing,,..and all the other new berries that I might have miss........welcome here.   Love reading your post @latteswing.  Yes here everyone loves them and adore and it;s easy to pour your heart out here then any where else because we are ONE here.  Out there if we were to talk about them endlessly -  we might be considered weirdo......hahaha but  we just can't help it.


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@kappy I did also notice that while watching closely at the video while they were walking....it looks like Siyang  squeeze or pulled 

Soyeon's hand a bit after she said "she loves that word (yeobo)". Siyang's action was like his secret way of asking her to look at him. thats when she naturally turned and look at him and met each other's eyes affectionately. To me, its their body language and  deep eye contact that kind of implying something going on or expressing intimacy between them that usually people in special or romantic relationship do...i  dont know if its just my imagination or am reading too much ....:)

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..good day berries~!!! the perks of being ahjumma berry.. hehehe.. you can ask favor to a dongsaeng berry and they'll gladly indulge you with love.. hehehe.. @nopem & @ConMaRi girls.. i know you'll going to read this.. delurk girls.. unnie knows you have so much to share.. hehehe.. thanks for coming to my rescue whenever i need something.. mwahhhhhhh!!

.. and @nyzah13 .. thank you berry, berry much~!!! that was so fast.. you made my day complete.. and it will be a shame if i will not share your FMV to our fellow berries.. feel the love berries.. and keep the faith.. :wub:



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