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[Drama 2016] Signal 시그널


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I'd also love to see a 2nd season, @Mico Ricco - provided we get the same leads. Also thank you for the fantastic stills.

I am actually still hoping  that in some miracle LJH is alive at the end. I have been crying buckets in ep. 12-13.

I cannot imagine what kind of a punishment fits the crimes of KBS and Congressman Jung.

Thank you for that combo video of CITT and Signal, @mgicc.

On 3/3/2016 at 4:35 AM, kaqueski said:

@Mico Ricco the vid you posted show the parallel between Signal's and real life's cold case is amazing. I sort of understand why the big channels reject signal now, it can evoke controversies and conspiracy theories regarding these cold cases. Glad tvn picked it up, like the PD has mentioned, his wish is that these cold cases' victims should never be forgotten (and not emphasize or herolized the villains)

Indeed....! Let these victims not be forgotten, and thank you to @Mico Ricco for the video.

@Ginaaaa, @bebebisous33, we have seen a bit about the American justice system in an older film "And Justice for All."  
@Ginaaaa, I also love Leonard Cohen, and his song "Democracy."

Thank you for the info. about "Time Renegade", @Mico Ricco. I hope we get to see it with subs.
Actually, thank you for the amazing videos you post. I esp. love the ones with Cho Jin-Woong.

I am still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he had taken care of child PHY for so long.  I find myself wondering, if the later on, after the transmissions started, LJH connects PHY with that child he knew 15 years ago...  He might, in view of the fact that PHY was the one who initially asked him about the Injoo rape case. I don't think he knew initially, but maybe it clicked later on in his mind.  When PHY tried to convince LJH to drop this case and that it is dangerous for him, that thought occured to me, that maybe LJH realizes who PHY is, and maybe pursuing the case is his way of atonement of sort.

I am so sad that in the end, it did cause his death.   

Ep. 14 now fully subbed on DramaFever.  Smiley



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"He is still alive .... through this radio."

Oy. Every single episode is a roller coaster. Both comedy and tragedy in every one. Thalia and Melponeme.

The latest from Thalia teaches a lesson to women everywhere: Don't profess your undying affection to a man and then immediately break out into your ugly cry!! Show of hands from those who, like me, giggled during that scene.


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1 hour ago, seuswin said:

by the way, how much rating for rep 1988 on their last episode? i hope signal can hit the higher rating on their last episode too.

ps: i keep refreshing subscene & few websitte to watch drama with the subs.. like a crazy..


Reply 88 for me ended in episode 18  and i m not planning to watch the last 2 episodes( 19 and 20) ever ( lol my heart is still bleeding from the ending:cold_sweat:.....but I know the last episode hit  a rate of19 something.

we can not compare the two dramas . its like comparing oranges with apples.

R88 was a family drama and the husband hunting element  plus the family stories brought more viewers.

Signal is a crime drama with a lot more darker theme. A smaller number of viewers are interested to it.

Both dramas are very good for their genre.

As for today s episode I knew it that something happened in the Injoo hospital and Chief section wanted PHY to meet him there.

I can not believe next week will be our last time seeing all characters from the drama.

Meanwhile my question is :

Why I never met in my life a character like Senior Lee Jae Han ?:(

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O.M.G!!!!!!! Just finished watching Ep14. Is it Friday yet?!!! How am I supposed to wait till next week!!! Arghhh...

Please let Sun Woo survive as well as LHJ. I know that by saving someone in the past, another person must die in it's place (balance), but have KBJ & the congressman or his nephew die in the past instead so that the timelines balances it out.

The episodes are just getting more and more tense. CSH finally finds out the truth about the walkie talkie, and it seems she will get to communicate with LHJ. PHY's life is now in danger as it seems the congressman have ordered his men to take care of PHY (like kill him). 

Ugh, why does this drama have to only be 16 episodes?!!!! This is just too good to be that short!!! 

Keeping my fingers crossed that Sun Woo and LHJ survives, and wishing ALL the bad guys gets slide slapped by karma and justice!!! Also, hope LHJ and CSH have a happy ending TOGETHER!!!

Time has never gone by so slow.....

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Finally....everything is revealed and I hv a little crush over LJH, can I say that...hahaha. The confession scene frm CSH to LJH in the ambulance is cute n funny at the same time, lol, at least she had it out of her chest. Can't wait for nx wk's episode, how will LJH save PSW n what will change. Pls don't let anything bad happen to my 3 fave characters coz I love them so much. The bad guys will not hv a good day nx wk trying to cover up everything again, I bet it will keep me on my seat gripping my hands hoping it will end well for the good guys. Pls don't die LJH....I hope u'll get KBJ to prison. Huhuhu.....another longggg wait again n the final wk, I want more!!

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Tell me this..


if they save the brother and inspector..won't that change everything..and maybe our hero would never become a profiler..and thus none of these cases ever existed..because hero will not have a motive to become a profiler..


doubt if anyone will be saved

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Ep. 14

Article: The hope of 'Signal', Jo Jin Woong is still alive on the other side of the walkie talkie

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+293, -2] So sad to see Jo Jin Woong struggling in the past alone ㅜㅜ

2. [+205, -7] The spot where he was knifed seems like the spot he was bleeding before he died ㅜㅜ

3. [+179, -2] Can we please let Lee Jae Han detective be happy now ㅠㅅㅠ

4. [+20, -3] If Lee Jae Han detective lives, one of the leads is going to disappear ㅜㅜ

5. [+15, -0] Ah.. before he died... that spot with the blood.. ㅜ

Article: 'Signal' can't end like this... should it be split into seasons

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+4,828, -63] It'd be difficult to get a cast like Kim Hye Soo, Jo Jin Woong, and Lee Je Hoon back for another season... If they're not going to extend it into seasons, I hope that all three get back together alive... and be happy

2. [+3,536, -59] I am sad that it's going to be over but I think it'll be alright to leave the drama as something to remember and keep that lingering desire for wanting more

3. [+2,273, -174] It wouldn't be a stretch to call this drama the Korean version of CSI... I really do hope it'd extend into seasons like CI..

4. [+1,811, -150] I need a second season... such a good drama

5. [+1,317, -45] I feel like this drama would hit daebak if it got split into seasons and even had spin offs!

Credit : http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.co.id/2016/03/tv-spoilers-signal-madame-antoine_5.html

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Signal: That Dreaded Sinking Feeling…

Oh man, Signal is doing roller coasters with my emotions. The alternate fate of Soo-hyun’s serial murderer — that was really satisfying, to the point I considered it a “happy ending” of sorts? Like Hae-young says, at least everyone is still alive. And when there’s Life, there’s Hope (and possible Love), so maybe the poor chap who had an abusive childhood will learn that not every warm human contact will end up like the dead puppy in his past.


Read more on The Cat that Watches TV


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I'm so happy that international fans are becoming aware of Jo Jin Woong. He's such a cute goof ball, okay?

Ahhhh last week of Signal. Oh gosh, I don't know what to feel. Please, drama gods! Let the three leads live in the end.

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CSH's confession and bawling away in the ambulance was hilarious to watch. Poor LJH looking so embarrassed and uncomfortable with nowhere to hide.

Epi 13 & 14 are truly heartbreaking for everyone including LJH's father and young PHY.

Thank you PD for inviting these 2 supporting actors who have 100% embraced their characters and made us cried together with them.

Kim Hye Soo, WOW! I'll say, I've never knew or appreciated her acting before as most of her previous characters are serious and 'bossy' type and this drama proven how versatile she is as an actress. I was transfixed with her delivery as CSH, a rookie cop with a crush on LJH. Now I understand why TVN paid TOP dollar for her as CSH. 

JJW, this guy is 100% the 'BIG teddy bear' LJH, so grumpy and lovable at the same time. His amazing acting here reminded me of him  as 'MooHyul' in TWDR.

Next Epi 15 preview looks scary, will PHY suffers with change of event in 2000? 

One thing I must be prepare for next week ending is there will not be a happy ending for everyone as the past will affects the present. I'll look forward to a satisfying ending instead. 




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3 hours ago, Ginaaaa said:

"He is still alive .... through this radio."

Oy. Every single episode is a roller coaster. Both comedy and tragedy in every one. Thalia and Melponeme.

The latest from Thalia teaches a lesson to women everywhere: Don't profess your undying affection to a man and then immediately break out into your ugly cry!! Show of hands from those who, like me, giggled during that scene.


LOL.... yes who would have thought of our present  strict, no-nonsense, serious, kind, tough  team leader CSH was ever a young woman, very much in love and spontaneously bawling and confessing wholeheartedly of her love for her sunbae! What a superb actress! And Jae Han was so embarrassed and had no where to hide!

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