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[Drama 2016] Signal 시그널


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LJH’s former partner clearly feeling guilty of something, I’m sure CSH feels that. The question is will the guilt finally get the best of him. Will that guilt be enough for him to risk the lives of his family and his own life and start the ball rolling to clear Jae Han’s name and uncover what has transpired in that case. 

Lee Jae Han get buried naked? Where are his clothes? Nitpick nitpick lol

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Guest skeletonworks
19 minutes ago, liddi said:

@skeletonworks My theory is that he was tailed while searching for the body in the asylum by those who wanted to stop him from his ongoing investigations into the Injoo case - in other words, by the time that first transmission happened, he was focused on two cases.

I agree about talking on the phone vs meeting in secret, ranking up there alongside with villains wearing black outfits and baseball caps, which thankfully we are spared. However, in the case of Chief Ahn, it could be that he asked PHY to meet him because he had incriminating evidence which he wanted to pass to him, evidence which may have been taken away by KSB after the stabbing.


Oh... so circa 2001, he was still investigating about the Injoo Gang Rape Case? Wow. So dedicated! Now it makes more sense... because he got himself into trouble with both cases.. so they wanted him dead... So evil! T^T

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49 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

Ok. I thought Detective Lee Jaehan was killed when he was searching for the corpse at the asylum? The case where some nurse kidnap a school girl so that she can buy luxury item. Why suddenly he was killed because of the Injoo case? It doesn't make sense to me... Can anyone enlighten me on this?

One more thing that I'd like to rant. Why do they always have to meet to tell a secret?! Can't they just talk over the phone?!!

Hmmm... At least this series is bearable compared to this screenwriter's other series, Sign.. That one is just.. From beginning to the end, the culprit roamed free... 

LJH was trying to find evidences to prove that KBJ was a corrupted cop. Remember, he was looking at the file Jinyang  Ponzi scheme (the results of the investigation were that there was not enough evidences). All the cases (except the first one) are related to KBJ as he was the one who helped Congressman Jang and the other families. Hence he was sent to replace the Chief in order to find the floppy disk. Then the Injoo gang rape case is another example that KBJ is abusing his position and power to help rich or powerful people.

LJH was killed while he was working on the kidnapping, they used it in order to cover up the corruption as they knew that LJH was investigating them. I also think that LJH might have found evidences that's why he told CHS, she should wait a little and they would talk about it. First, we believe, it is about their relationship, but it could also be that he wanted her not to get involved before, afraid that she might hurt too. 

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5 hours ago, AnhH said:

Hello. I watch episode 12. and would like to ask if anyone know the song at the end when they run the preview for ep 13. It sounds so familiar to me But I can't find out the name of it. 

That is OST Part 5, Happy People (Band version) by Jo Dong Hee, which @Mico Ricco shared in an earlier post:

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Some Thoughts

After watching the subbed version of ep 12, I had to take a moment to digest everything I saw. It was a sad time for the violent crimes and cold squad divisions, one of their own has fallen. Most of them were understandably furious, they all wanted to pin the blame on someone and all eyes were trained on one person - PHY, who was the last person to see ACS alive. What a tragic turn of events for PHY, from being a misfit, he now graduated to being a suspect and much worse, a pariah. 'Seems like it's now all up to CSH, to provide them with proof of PHY's innocence, will she be able to do it?  KBJ conveniently found another scapegoat, it was as if ACS and PHY's meeting at Injoo that night, was tailor made to protect him. 

There are several scenes that struck and moved me to tears. The opening scene when PHY saw the dying ACS. We saw hope quickly replaced by horror as he saw the wounded ACS struggle with his confession which left him stunned yet he was still able to address ACS respectfully as he sought for help. For ACS, after revealing his deep dark secret, death provided him with blessed relief from the burden of guilt he had been carrying all those years. For PHY, it was the first step he needed to solve his brother's case.

There was also the exchange between Kim Jung Jae and LJH, when the latter found out about his best friend's acceptance of bribe money from KBJ. We saw surprise and disappointment flit across LJH's face as he listened with growing dismay as KJJ struggled to explain why he had to do it. KJJ's story was sad, but what he did, in order to address his needs, was despicable. He knowingly allowed an innocent kid take the fall for some other kid's crime. LJH's tight choke hold conveyed his frustration and his understanding of his friends situation. LJH allowed that misstep to happen, I don't know, maybe because of an overwhelming sense of jeong? It was certainly not in keeping with his character, at least the LJH we knew. We later found out from CSH and KJJ's encounter, that he resigned immediately from the force after the Injoo case, maybe he felt pressured by LJH? 

When the authorities took Park Sun Woo away that night, he just promised PHY that he'll try his best to grant his brother's wish. It was painful to see them get separated because it seemed like all they had was each other. I now understand the root of PHY's deep mistrust of the police force and now, with all the pieces falling in place, why he was willing to die in order for the truth to be revealed. 

CSH's search for her missing sunbae has ended, she finally found his skeletal remains. When in the past, CSH kept her hope alive when every male skeletal remains brought to the forensics lab yielded negative results, her hope was shattered when she realized that her search was deeply related to PHY and ACS' Injoo case. Much worse, towards the end of the episode, she personally confirmed the remains of her sunbae when she saw the metal shoulder plate and when she pulled out LJH's ID tag from the grave. 

Signal pulls out all the stops, we are always given brilliantly executed episodes complemented by superb writing and directing and great performances from an excellent ensemble of actors. Truly, this drama is destined to be a classic, it's in a league of its own. 

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3 minutes ago, drmjs said:


There was also the exchange between Kim Jung Jae and LJH, when the latter found out that his best friend accepted bribe money from KBJ. We saw surprise and disappointment flit across LJH's face as he listened to KJJ struggle to explain why he had to do it. KJJ's story was sad, but what he did, in order to address his needs, was despicable. He knowingly allowed an innocent child take the fall for someone else's crime. LJH's tight choke hold conveyed his overwhelming frustration and understanding of his friends situation. LJH allowed that slip up to happen, I don't know, maybe because of an overwhelming sense of jeong? It was certainly not in keeping with his character, at least the LJH we knew. We later found out from CSH and KJJ's encounter, that he resigned immediately from the force after the Injoo case, maybe he felt pressured by LJH? 


He received a large amount of money to move on with his life with his wife and children, and most likely felt too ashamed to work for the police force again especially towards LJH. 

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So, for 11 episodes I considered the character PHY to be a brilliant geek with all his muscle and brawn in his head. Boy, was I wrong. Not only does he have a brilliant mind, he can hold his own in a bar fight. Sure, one would say he lost the fight, but it took more than one combatants several minutes to knock him down.

Political slimeball Jang owns the cement company, responsible for the bridge collapse, that payrolls the small town of Injoo, correct?

2 hours ago, skeletonworks said:

One more thing that I'd like to rant. Why do they always have to meet to tell a secret?! Can't they just talk over the phone?!!

Paranoia maybe? It was 2015, post Snowden with the world knowing cell phone conversations (not just the metadata), in theory, can be recorded and stored away in some massive info vault buried deep under a massive mountain. ;)

3 hours ago, m3lon4 said:

There was another mistranslated sub, during the flashback when CSH was reminiscing about the moment she "fell" for LJH after he did the coffee lady duty in her stead, she said "Is it because of the cold?" as she touched her burning cheeks. That was such a cute moment, I can't help but squee along with CSH. Take note other drama directors: That, is how you do "the moment you fall in love", subtle but effective, unlike those that used super obvious musical cues *cough* DoTS *cough*.

Thank you for pointing out the correct translations!!!! I often wonder if I'm getting the true intent of the scriptwriter when needing to rely on subtitles. I realize I'm getting the overall story, but it's the subtle nuances that make a story great rather than just good. As for DoTS, I think of it as chocolate. Signal is meat (filet mignon, medium rare). I like both. :D

5 hours ago, flybabyfly said:

Which one do you suppose is applicable to KBJ? His background wasn’t really shown just that he was already on the crooked path even when he was still on the lower rank.

Good question. Is he a psychopath (born) or a sociopath (nurture)? I'm leaning more towards psychopath with this character.

So, we have 4 episodes remaining. I'm torn between wanting this to go on and wanting closure. This is the first Kdrama I've followed from beginning to end as it's aired. It's the first one that hooked me at episode 1 and did not let me go. It is an ardent wish that all those involved in this production are heaped with awards and rewards.

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1 hour ago, drmjs said:

CSH's search for her missing sunbae has ended, she finally found his skeletal remains. When in the past, CSH kept her hope alive, when every male skeletal remains brought to the forensics lab yielded negative results, her hope was shattered when she realized that her search was deeply related to PHY and ACS' Injoo case. Much worse, towards the end of the episode, she personally confirmed the remains of her sunbae when she saw the metal shoulder plate and when she pulled out LJH's ID tag from the grave. 


Those longing for LJH / CSH reunion definitely hoping for a miracle to happen; which is still possible.:)

CSH got killed in episode 6 but was revived when LJH caught the real burglar in episode 7.


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@drmjs agreeing with you that the entire police department considered PHY as a pariah.

At the moment PHY already much toned down but earlier on he just like shooting off his mouth disregarding seniority, protocol, etc etc

When PHY first joined the cold case team he already got into argument with his team member. :D



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This drama is awesome. It made me raised my standards in kdramas these days. I hope Sokor will make a lot of productions as good as Signal :)

BTW, I teared up at the end of episode 12  :tears:, the moment when CSH saw the identification card of LJH. It was a very sad moment and I have no idea how painful it is to her when she finally saw what she has been looking for for the past 15 years as dead coz deep in her heart, she's been wishing all this time that LJH is alive. It was heartbreaking. I cried with CSH at that moment. :dissapointed_relieved:

Now I have no idea what will happen to LJH, CSH and PHY. But still I'm hoping for the best. To see them together, alive and kicking, hanging-out and drinking soju in the end. :wub:

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They dug and dug frantically and finally they found his skeleton and ended CSH's hope that sunbae Lee Jae Han could somehow be alive. 

Another outstanding episode. I was very very angry with how PSW was made the scapegoat! Whether at that timeline or the present timeline, justice and truth must prevail to clear PHY's brother's name!

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It took me quite a while to collect my thoughts and feelings after this episode ended... one which incidentally, is the longest episode yet. So many warring emotions... yet it was a straightforward enough narrative, without even a single transmission... certainly with no repercussions that we can see so far from their intervention, because there is no intervention to speak of just yet. Two timelines working in parallel... LJH doggedly getting down to the bottom of the Injoo rape case, while PHY and CSH trying to uncover the truth that cost Chief Ahn his life, before time too runs out for PHY, with gathered witness accounts and evidence slowly but surely pointing to him.

It was with great surprise that I found myself feeling mounting frustration and impatience as I watched, and for a while, I could not understand why, since the narrative and pacing continues to deliver on all fronts. Finally I realised that it was the sense of frustrated helplessness as we see firsthand, the widespread conspiracy that reached all levels - the police force, witnesses, including the whistleblower and Kang Hye Seung, even LJH's best friend - and it was clear none of the underdogs stood a chance, not PSW nor LJH. We see through PHY's recollections the terrible aftermath of this cruel setup of one boy who had no one to protect or fight for him, when the entire system conspired against him, and even his father, the person who of all people should be there for him, abandoned him. Now, we finally understand why PHY had such distrust and disdain for law enforcers, seeing that the false witness was instigated by the police themselves, which leads to the question what moved him to join the institution that he had absolutely no reason to trust. Based on the current timeline flashbacks, it is probably to obtain access to investigation and prosecution files of the Injoo case, which as a civilian, he would not have had access to.

The discovery of LJH's remains. I knew the moment they showed up at the abandoned house, what they would find... and even so, nothing prepared me for the heartbreak as we finally see for ourselves through CSH's devastated eyes, the irrefutable truth of LJH's fate. Compound to that the preview, seeing CSH and PHY in full uniform, indicating that they were in attendance for LJH's funeral had me in tears. And PHY's exchange with LJH broke my heart... it being very much evident that their camaraderie has reached the stage where each wanted only for the other to be happy. PHY appears to no longer want LJH to pursue the case which would cost his life, while LJH is determined to see it through, so that the younger PHY will find happiness. I can't even begin to describe the dread I feel... knowing that we are moving surely towards what could only mean LJH's death in the end. 

A small observation on altered reality. The resolution of the Hongwon-dong case in 1998 and prevention of KJW's future crimes meant that the entire chain of events pertaining to that case is wiped out in the present timeline. However, it does not change events prior to them... so Chief Ahn hearing the transmission from the walkie-talkie remains intact. We also know from Chief Ahn's dying words, that the transmission can be heard by others. And from the preview, this time, it appears that CSH finally hears it too. In that moment, I both rejoice and mourn with her... even as I think of those who have no hope of hearing the voice of the their loved ones anymore. 

The events of the Injoo gang rape case started in Feb 1999, leading to PSW's arrest and incarceration, culminating in PSW's suicide Feb 18, 2000. Based on the present timeline, the first transmission started Aug 3, 2000, when younger PHY first bumped into LJH at the stairs. At the time, he was already alone, haunted by the memory of his brother's arrest and subsequent suicide. We are coming back full circle to where it all began... and from the looks of it, is there really any hope that LJH will unveil the truth in time, and prevent PSW's wrongful death, or will history repeat itself? What is the purpose of this transmission? Is it to save PSW and by extension PHY, or is it to save LJH? Is it even possible to see both of them alive at the end of it? I am so afraid of the answer.

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26 minutes ago, liddi said:

The events of the Injoo gang rape case started in Feb 1999, leading to PSW's arrest and incarceration, culminating in PSW's suicide Feb 18, 2000. Based on the present timeline, the first transmission started Aug 3, 2000, when younger PHY first bumped into LJH at the stairs. At the time, he was already alone, haunted by the memory of his brother's arrest and subsequent suicide. We are coming back full circle to where it all began... and from the looks of it, is there really any hope that LJH will unveil the truth in time, and prevent PSW's wrongful death, or will history repeat itself? What is the purpose of this transmission? Is it to save PSW and by extension PHY, or is it to save LJH? Is it even possible to see both of them alive at the end of it? I am so afraid of the answer.

Or is the purpose to bring about the downfall of those responsible for all the wrongs? Maybe the transmissions are to bring justice rather than saving lives. What power is behind the transmissions? And is that power sentient with a will, or some mindless force?

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@dash9 it is truly a heart breaking scene :bawling:

We can see that PHY was having a full anticipated suspense look from the moment CSH picked up LJH name tag. 

And a sympathetic PHY looking at CSH when the name tag clearly showed LJH identification definitely mirrored most viewer's mood at that moment.


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9 hours ago, Lawyerh said:

PHY in police uniform? I believe is from Signal scene? 


From the preview we also see CSH will wear her full uniform too..and she's in tears, i wonder if shes being forced to resign or something...


I think they wear uniform for LJH's funeral. 

But I wonder if they can publicly announce their finding of LJH's remains though? They broke into a gangster's house without warrant and found it and they were told to excluded from investigating. I don't know how it's gonna work out but LJH's remains will surely shed new light to the case. 

I'm more curious now who is that "one" so powerful that the police try to cover him. I'm sure we're gonna see him in the present too. KBJ is only a puppet, that congress man Jang and the son we saw in Han Se Kyu's case are probably the final boss. This is someone who's even worse than Han Se Kyu.

On 2/27/2016 at 0:59 PM, bebebisous33 said:

Actually, I am wondering if ACS had even planned to get killed in order to help PHY and his team to uncover the truth about the corruption cases and LJH's missing case. KBJ had told him, if the past is revealed, ACS will be the one with the worst fate as he had been the minion and he will take the whole blame. But since he is dead, this means that his death can be connected to KBJ and KBJ is now the lower in the ranking!

What do you think about it?

@40somethingahjumma @kaqueski @liddi @drmjs I would like to have your opinion...  


I cannot really tell if everything were planned by Ahn Chi Soo. I also wonder why he calls to meet with PHY 2 hours later and not as soon as possible. I wonder if he planned to see that gangster Kim Bum Sung before PHY (without knowing he'd get killed?) Because apparently, no one knows about PHY and ACS's phone records.

KBJ probably thinks that the favor is in his hand after hearing that PHY's presence next to ACS's body, but he doesn't know what ACS told PHY before his death.
So in conclusion, I really believe ACS didn't expect his death. I don't think ACS plan it, it just happens for a worse turn of events... 

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