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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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To all recappers and commenters thank you for all your insightful and fun comments, the debates were jang.....I really enjoyed this thread.  This was my first time recapping live...Hope to see you guys in another thread....:grin:  You guys rock:glasses:

BTW ===Viki is 95% subbed 

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54 minutes ago, irilight said:

Our wonderful Viki team is already 80% with subbing!   Smiley

Wow! Viki is superfast today!

1 hour ago, mdj101 said:

EDIT:--- 4:45 PM ---Viki already at 95%?   Awesome!  I've no excuse now for continued delays, have I?      

As of now, it is at 95%. 

I guess they know many are waiting ...hehe (Viki is abnormally faster than the c-vids today, which means I'll not need to translate from c-vids. Everyone, enjoy the engsubbed ep 49. Me? am going there right now :) )


Btw, @mdj101 @irilight I've edited my 'regrets' with this:

- that BJW wasn't recognized for her role as JR (but am glad her performance caught the eye of a biggie agency whom she signed on with. Chugai!)


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" Btw @gerrytan8063 when  you say 'transcript', did you mean in its 'original hangul' form? I fully agree the essence cannot be translated fully. But where can one get that 'transcript', any idea? And yes, will await your translation and k-bits, m/w, I'll translate some from c-subbed-script when it is ready, before viki is done with engsubs.)

Transcript mean just a written version of an original material from another medium e.g. auditory (hearing) from the dialogue, as for you..it may be reading from the chinese text of the chinese sub version

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Hello chingu's. Finally got caught up to Episode 49. Just so I can be ready for the final episode tomorrow. Got caught up to ep 46 after coming back from the holiday but struggled with 47 when DHG was sent to jail. Grrrrr

Still Happy to see we will have a happy ending for our OTP.  I miss WooJoo and Yongi and the doctor are they going to come back at all?

i really enjoyed reading your posts and I hope I run into you all in other threads. I don't know if it's because I marathoned through the first 30 some episodes too quickly or what but I feel like I never quite got in sync with the IHAL story. Like when you get the first button wrong on a shirt like DHG said!  The writer-nim never veered off from keeping our JE pure and gentle either. And DHG had to be punished too much. But hey the writers have all the powers in these matters so I will get over it. ;)

See you all tomorrow.!


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Guest my2centsworth
20 hours ago, trust71 said:

To all chingu LOVERS who come and go  through out the entire (49 and 1  more ep. to go) of this drama....happy to be a part of this journey with you......

We agree and disagree is what we encounter in all our opinion......

We are happy and sad that we are reaching the end of this show....


THANKS TO @irilight in starting this forum.

i found a family with you guys....and learn alot about this wonderful drama.

to all the following CHINGU lovers...nice to meet you all thru this forum...

 @jadecloud  @Lmangla  @deandraluv  @chubbychub1966  @my2centsworth  @lenet  @tambui  @iamtaken  @jyfan88  @UnniSarah  @Jalhanda  @thegoldbug  @tiMadam  @gerrytan8063  @juntan  @myonenonly  @berny  @lover7  @andy78  @Kfan7172  @mdj101  @viktoria  @Kehinde  @isprawl  @ihyw  @roseann10  @DelroyB  @qwenli  @sip-on  @ross27  @dhelovely  @yunra89  @12blbl  @ayselluna  @lauren2b2  @liltash85  @hibiscus23  @airgelaal  @rairamegumi  @imeantan  @drmjs   @maplekist 

@nahoku Activities  @macaronandsakuratea   


This really has been fun for me......Thank you .for allowing me to come .into this wonderful .forum and being a part of all this.    Will see you again in another forum and enjoy everyone's wonderful comments............lol  Best wishes.

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I am saving my last words for later...

I am so happy and excited about the next episode.  To my surprise, the writernim actually gave us the love scene to our delight. She could have chosen to skip it and give us the 'next morning' scene, but she took the time to show us the intrerlude of the 'love scene'.  :phew: It was hot, sexy and sweet at the same time!  Nicely shot, btw.

Like @chubbychub1966and @jadecloud I also love the scene when JE disrobed HG.  HG actually wore her blue satin night robe she wore before?   I also love the scene in ep 50 when JE kissed HG's neck while she was cooking.  Wow!  Perhaps this is not often shown in many k-dramas.

Here is the link to IHAL party:


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9 hours ago, trust71 said:

To all chingu LOVERS who come and go  through out the entire (49 and 1  more ep. to go) of this drama....happy to be a part of this journey with you......

We agree and disagree is what we encounter in all our opinion......

We are happy and sad that we are reaching the end of this show....


THANKS TO @irilight in starting this forum.

i found a family with you guys....and learn alot about this wonderful drama.

to all the following CHINGU lovers...nice to meet you all thru this forum...

 @jadecloud  @Lmangla  @deandraluv  @chubbychub1966  @my2centsworth  @lenet  @tambui  @iamtaken  @jyfan88  @UnniSarah  @Jalhanda  @thegoldbug  @tiMadam  @gerrytan8063  @juntan  @myonenonly  @berny  @lover7  @andy78  @Kfan7172  @mdj101  @viktoria  @Kehinde  @isprawl  @ihyw  @roseann10  @DelroyB  @qwenli  @sip-on  @ross27  @dhelovely  @yunra89  @12blbl  @ayselluna  @lauren2b2  @liltash85  @hibiscus23  @airgelaal  @rairamegumi  @imeantan  @drmjs   @maplekist 

@nahoku Activities  @macaronandsakuratea   


@trust71 thank you for including me on you list.:heart:

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@gerrytan8063 --- All this talk of "transcripts" reminds me of how I made my own "transcripts" ---word by word, stopping Viki until I had written down the entire episode!   I was caught up with Writer Bae's dialogue --- but of course only via the English translations --- always a little different that whatever was REALLY being said in Korean.  The choice of English words can vary so much ---And can never convey the same exact meaning ---That is what I think.  I will always be curious about this!  But I suppose, in the end, the difference can be "worked around" somehow with sincere effort.  Spoken language is not the only language we use to communicate with, Right?

And her use of imagery was amazing also!  I was really charmed with that "Cicada"!  A world of meanings within that one little noisy little insect!  Min Tae Seok compared himself to an ant ---so tiny, hardly noticeable!  Then there was Woo Joo --- A universe!  How many "ants" in a universe, in a galaxy? And the incidental songs she chose and how ell they related to the characters' lives. She brings them to life in her dramas. 

COMMENT:--- Episode 49 was wonderful!   Would have passed as the final "Happy Ending" for any normal TV drama.  What does Write Bae have planned for Episode 50?  After all the heartache we've all  we have been through together (in drama & in forum), I did not expect more!   She will lift everyone's spirits now, IMHO.   

Until I saw that tender moment when she held little Hana, but spoke to Eun Sol,  "I'll always be by your side" (paraphrased) ---I'd hope for a glimpse of HK & JE with their daughter when she was still alive and they were a happy family.  But that scene was enough for me.   :tears:  Thank you. Writer Bae.    :wub:   Even SR's "ending" is good --- no miracle cure, but at least a sweet young man to be with her.


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25 minutes ago, deandraluv said:

I am saving my last words for later...

I am so happy and excited about the next episode.  To my surprise, the writernim actually gave us the love scene to oir delight. She could have chosen to skip it and give us the 'next morning' scene, but she took the time to show us the intrerlude of the 'love scene'.  :phew: It was hot, sexy and sweet at the same time!  Nicely shot, btw.

Like @chubbychub1966and @jadecloud I love the scene when JE disrobed HG.  HG actually wore her blue satin night robe she wore before?   

Here is the link to IHAL party:


You have an eagle eye ^^ Yes, she did. The image below confirms this.


Cre: DC

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43 minutes ago, tambui said:

You have an eagle eye ^^ Yes, she did. The image below confirms this.


Cre: DC

Same robe bt the slip that she is wearing is different though. The hotel scene's slip was sexier..... She also disrobed JE off his sweater and almost off his white shirt.....:heart:  Or am I seeing things?

Thank you writernim and PDnim!!



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Hmmm!  The 2 boys in the photos (P.704 --- @irilight)  are ...???  Family of cast or production members?   JJH's real son(s)?  (about the right ages) ... But not likely, he is protective of his family's privacy.  Could be one of the 3 Baek boys?

Thank you for the video of the Preview, @Misstwilightfan1416.   and @jyfan88 Thank you for the translation!

So thoughtful of the Writer to lift the audience up before they leave!  It seems so much like the right thing to do in "the theater" --- Wouldn't those ancient Greek drama writers be so proud of her!      



   The Masks of "COMEDY & TRAGEDY" --- Universal symbols of theater even today!

    1)     http://www.ehow.com/about_5033201_meaning-comedy-tragedy-masks.html   



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It's been awhile posting here due to busy schedule in work. Got a very slim time to check updates once in a while.

i am really working forward on the last episode. I am patiently waiting for eng sub. I really like the plot of the story of this drama. Superb acting of lead actors. The talent is within and already been developed due to experience in the industry.

for me, this drama is about what is true love. It is not about having third party in a relationship. At first i thought this drama will imply of falling out of love and falling in love again. As i watched it, i realized it is about true love- patiently understand your partner. The writer did not even highlight the intimacy of being a couple. The couple just talk, hug, and kiss but we feel their love for each other is overflowing. 

Loving and being a better person will win in the end. But loving and thinking of doing bad to someone else will not be a long term end.

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I really can't see MTS graciously. He's one of the most abominable villains I've seen in K-drama land. Yes, what he has undergone for the past one year was definitely torturous, but it wasn't a sufficient recompense for his grievous errors and wrongs of his own commission. Yes, he went to jail, but it was mainly due to Jin Ri's prodding. It was a half-hearted deed. Above all, the gall to even ask Jin Eun the reasonableness of his being turned in. MTS still acts as if he still possesses some semblance of integrity or uprightness in him by not personally confessing to his victims and earnestly seeking out their forgiveness. Anyway, it's finally the last installment of IHAL tonight. The feeling is double-edged, both sad and satisfying. Thanks to all the fantastic IHAL contributors here for making my drama journey meaningful. I seldom join forums unless it involves my main bias or is philosophical like IHAL, but I'm hoping to bump into all of you again, sometime soon. Thanks again and Happy Watching!


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I just finished csub half way, my eyes are all red from :bawling: .  The scene outside the hospital room was so moving.  JE finally realised it was JR who had sent HK to jail.  HK confessed her reason for not appealing as JE would be hurt if he knows of it and it would incriminate JR since it was a fake document. JE was angry she treated him like a fool and made him so pathetic and pitiable by hiding it from him.  HK asked " we are quarrelling again? Just now we quarrelled, now we quarrel,yesterday we quarrelled and today too?"  She would rather die than see him hurt.  She's afraid he will leave her again.   He had concealed from her that he had been a driver and was beaten by the debt collectors in order to pay off her mother's debt. It is not because she doesn't trust him or doesn't want to lean on him.  Her decision was out of her deep love for JE. She asked why she can't do things for him just as he had done for her previously?  HK said JE is not something for her to choose or that she can choose.   Now she loves him more than her own life :bawling: .  He had made her become the way she is.  She said JE may hate her very much now but what is she to do,  she still finds him lovable. She told him to wipe her tears.  It was he who made her cry.  Awww.....................

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